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Whimsy Page 10

by Whimsy [Evernight] (mobi)

  “Your family needs you now more than ever.” Serri’s words echoed her thoughts. “We’ve prepared a chamber for you. And we have a doctor aboard, should you have need of one.”

  She didn’t miss the significance of his words and they sparked her anger at him. He assumed that she had been ravished or maybe even treated poorly. Whatever the case, it wouldn’t have happened if he’d made any attempt at saving her sooner. She wondered why he had bothered coming at all.

  She buried her anger and confusion for the moment. She needed to concentrate on her family. It wasn’t until she was ensconced in the small chamber, hearing the quiet hum of the cruiser’s engines that she realized that she had not left any message for Gaedrian. He would have no idea what had become of her. She worried her bottom lip before she realized that she could simply contact him once she had reached C7.

  Gaedrian returned to his chambers early. He had been at a meeting with his elders. The entire meeting he had had nothing on his mind but his Dessert. He couldn’t wait to hold her in his arms again, to steal her kisses and to explore her brown sugar curves. His disinterest soon became obvious when he could not seem to follow the conversation. They took pity on him and adjourned the meeting. He was very disappointed to enter their chambers and find the room empty.

  He had other duties to occupy his time, but he had hoped to spend some time with Whimsy before dinner. Sighing, he went out to the training grounds to oversee the new palace guard recruits. He saw a much potential in the men. Commander Sharpe noticed him and came over. They spoke for some moments about which men would be given positions within the palace and the few that he deemed unsuitable.

  By the time he left the training grounds, he had only enough time to bath and change for dinner. Once again their chambers were empty. This was odd since it usually took Whimsy some time to prepare for dinner. She complained that the servants slowed her down with their pampering but he suspected that she enjoyed their attentions to some degree. After all, she could simply order them not to come.

  In the dining hall, his mother was already seated. Chaldor had returned home as his father was ill. Dark was in attendance. His mother was one of the few people who were not afraid of the boy. She said his lack of emotional outbursts was refreshing in one so young.

  He frowned. Whimsy was absent. “Where is Gaedriana?”

  “She was not with you?” Editha asked.

  He looked to Dark. “Where did she go today?”

  “She found the library and then she went out to the gardens. She requested that I leave her alone.”

  “It is dark out now. She cannot still be in the gardens,” he said, feeling his heart pound with growing dread. “Use your gift. Where is she?”

  Dark’s pale eyes left his for a several seconds. When they met his again, he said, “She is on a cruiser headed for Colony 7. She is being rescued.”

  Editha expelled an outraged gasp. “How could she? It seems my initial impressions of her were correct. She is an irresponsible little––“

  He gripped the back of his chair until the wood creaked. “Shut up, Mother!” He had no patience for her petty behavior when Whimsy was missing. “She has every reason to hate you yet she has never spoken an ill word to me about you. I can only assume it is out of respect to me. Can you not return the courtesy?”

  She pressed her lips together but nodded. She was not happy and at the moment, he did not care. He turned to Dark. “We have a trip to plan. We leave in the morning.”

  Gaedrian stormed out of the room without waiting for his reply. Had they taken her by force? Whimsy would not have left him voluntarily. She loved him. He knew it. She had yet to admit her love for him the manner he had declared his for her, but he could feel it in the way she touched him and in the manner she gave herself to him so freely.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Serri hesitated at the door to Whimsy’s chamber. He had to play this just so. If there was any misstep, he was done for. Approaching her in secret was something he never would have considered prior to her disappearance. It was inappropriate, but then she was no longer pure. She had no call to object.

  He knocked. She seemed surprised to see him. “Is everything…?”

  “Everything’s fine,” he assured her hurriedly with a quick glance around to be sure the corridor remained empty. “Um, do you think I might speak with you privately for a moment?”

  She frowned but stepped backwards to allow him entry. He closed the door behind him. Because the cruiser was built for speed and not comfort, there was very little space in the chamber. There was only a simple bed and a chair. She perched on the edge of the bed, clearly uncomfortable. Much as she should be, he thought. Considering her indiscretions, he couldn’t fathom how she was able to even look him in the eye.

  “I wish to beg your forgiveness,” he said humbly. Her eyes widened. To hide his smile, he turned away to pace the small room, exaggerating his agitation. “These past few weeks have been torture for me. I have barely been able to live with myself. Leaving you there like that was the height of cowardice.” He threw himself at her feet, gripping her legs. “Please, can you find it in your heart to forgive me for not saving you right away?”

  She pushed him away and stood. Gazing up at her, he realized for the first time how beautiful she was. He’d always accepted their eventual marriage but he’d never thought much of her. She was a certainty and therefore boring. He liked his women petite. It made him feel strong to be with a smaller woman. But Whimsy was the same height as he, with full, dangerous curves.

  “I don’t know, Serri. I really can’t think about this right now. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that True is g-gone.” She bit her lip.

  “Of course,” he said agreeably. He stood and took her hands in his. “I’m here for you if you need me. I truly did not realize the depth of danger you were in. If it would help, you could tell me about it….” She said nothing and he continued, “You mean so much to me. I know now how much I love and adore you.” In the past, she would have probably echoed the empty sentiment. It was what was expected. Now she remained silent. What the hell had happened to her on C21?

  “Might I ask a favor of you?”


  “Please, I couldn’t bear it if anyone else knew about my cowardly behavior. May we keep that a secret between the two of us?” He squeezed her hands.

  “Why did it take so long for you to come for me?”

  This was the tricky part. Either she would believe him or she wouldn’t. “We were unable to establish your location. C21 is a large planet.”

  “Why were you there in the first place?”

  She was asking too many questions. She never had been meek enough for him. He would rectify that once he was her husband. “I was there for trade, darling,” he lied smoothly. Travel to C21 was too far to make trade there profitable. He’d gone there in search of sex and he’d found it.

  “I wasn’t aware that we did any trade that far out.”

  “Only occasionally,” he answered truthfully. But usually, like this last time, he went for the fucking. “It’s fortunate for you that I was there.” He could have bit his tongue. He’d just reminded her that he’d left her to her own resources. Scrambling to recover, he said, “I didn’t want to tell anyone what I had seen until I knew I could find you. Word came from a friend of mine reached me only a short time ago.”

  “You mean I’ve been assumed dead all this time?” At his nod, she covered her mouth with her hand. “Oh, no. Have you contacted my parents with the news that you found me?”

  “Yes. The moment we learned you were on the way, I contacted your father. Your parents will be awaiting your arrival.”

  “Thank you.”

  He took a deep breath. It was integral to his plan that she not speak of his being on that accursed planet. “You’re welcome.” He wet his full lips, a move that had never failed to attract the opposite sex. “And about that other matter?” He smiled gently. “Can
we call it a secret between the two of us?”

  She nodded. “Certainly. It doesn’t matter now.”

  “Thank you.” He enveloped her in a quick hug and kissed her cheek. He longed to kiss her mouth, to lay claim to her. He wondered anew what had happened to her. Did she enjoy it? Was she tortured? He couldn’t tell from her demeanor. She didn’t appear abused but they could have been careful not to mar her beauty.

  He left her feeling only slightly anxious at her withdrawn manner. He reminded himself that she had recently learned of the death of her brother. Still, he wished he could be certain of her.

  “We are not travelling nearly fast enough,” Gaedrian berated his ship’s captain. “Must I remind you that speed is essential to our mission?”

  “No, your majesty. We are travelling as fast as possible. If we push her too much, we risk damaging-”

  “Do not give me excuses! Just do as I ask,” he barked.

  The man nodded sharply and exited his quarters. He gritted his teeth, immediately regretting losing his temper. He closed his door, making a mental note to apologize later.

  “You are being a barrel of laughs,” Dark commented dryly, appearing at his side. He lounged by the doorway.

  “Much like you,” Gaedrian growled.

  “Yes, but people expect it of me.”

  He merely grunted in acknowledgement. He did not care for space travel and avoided it when at all possible. It helped that the behemoth vessel they rode in was swift and steady. It easily held the hundred warriors he had summoned and a number of smaller cruisers. Once they arrived at C7, he and Dark would leave in one of the smaller ships to locate Whimsy and negotiate her return. It had taken a day to gather his resources. A whole day wasted. He had resented every hour of it.

  Negotiate. Demand is more like it. They would give her back or they would die trying to keep her from him. She belonged with him. If negotiations broke down, then his warriors would sweep over the land like a scourge until she was returned.

  “Have you slept?”

  Gaedrian ran a hand through his untidy curls. “No.” He had been unable to sleep without Whimsy in his arms. His body was keyed up with the need of hers. He suspected because he had been under the effects of fate for such a long period that he might still have it in his system.

  However, what he felt for her surpassed simple carnal needs. They had much left to share and learn about each other, but he knew the important aspects of her personality. She was brave, loyal, and honest. She made him laugh. Being in her presence was enough to make him happy. He could not lose her. He would not.

  “I promise you, Gaedrian, we will bring her back.” Midnight blue eyes met silver ones. No more words needed to be exchanged. The promise was made.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Their little cruiser reached C7. They announced their arrival to security before they were allowed to enter the colony’s artificial atmosphere.

  And then they were landing. What remained of her family was there to meet her. Reporters and spectators were held back by barriers. She hung back nervously, unsure of her reception. Her father opened his arms to her. She smiled, tears gathering in her eyes. For now, publically, she would be accepted. Later she might be banished in privacy. Guards helped her those final steps down the landing gear and then she was in the embrace of her family.

  “We’re so glad to have you back,” Veracity sobbed.

  Reporters shouted questions at them as guards led them to the family vehicle. Their spokesperson, Valvi, informed the press that the family requested privacy at this time and they would release a statement later.

  “It’s so very good to have you back,” her mother said, sitting beside her in the back of the car. It was one of the newest models. It could be programmed with the destination and then convey its passengers without a driver. It had no wheels. It hovered above the roadway. However, her father always travelled with a driver who doubled as a security guard. Faith gripped her hand and gave it a squeeze. “I began to despair of ever seeing you again.” Her green eyes filled with tears as she hugged her again.

  Whimsy had forgotten how beautiful her mother was. At fifty, her looks rivaled women half her age. Her skin was the color of milky coffee. In recent years, she’d begun keeping her soft curls cut short. But when she was younger, her hair was as long and Whimsy’s own, reaching the middle of her back.

  Whimsy glanced over her mother’s shoulder at her father. He was as dark as their mother was light with deep brown eyes. She and her sister had skin tones in between the color of their two parents. Their father was still handsome at sixty-four years. His hair was gray at the temples but showed no evidence of thinning. As she watched, her father wiped away a tear.

  “Tell us about your rescue,” Veracity said, practically bouncing in her seat. “Was there a fight?”

  Whimsy smiled at the teen’s excitement. “No. They happened to find me alone in the garden.”

  Veracity frowned. “Then you weren’t held prisoner? We heard that you were captured and sold by the Gogath.” She noticed as her sister shuddered and Whimsy couldn’t help but join her sister with a shiver of her own. “Yes. That was particularly horrible.”

  “Then let’s not discuss it,” her father said smoothly. “There will be plenty of time for that later.” He gave her a meaningful look. There were topics that were not appropriate for young ladies and her abduction and possible disgrace were among them.

  She was not looking forward to the interrogation she would have to endure. It could end in her being banished. Until then, she hoped to spend as much time with her family as possible.

  “It must have been such a great adventure,” Veracity said, plopping down on Whimsy’s bed. Her bedroom was cozy and small. Even Gaedrian’s bathing pool was larger. But then, everything on C21 was bigger. They had an entire planet to spread out. On C7, space was at a premium. She was lucky to have this small bedroom of her own.

  Whimsy had spent the day with her family. Her father had actually taken the day off to be with them. They’d eaten together and sat around reminiscing. They’d mourned True and planned a memorial service for him.

  She didn’t reply to her sister’s comment. Veracity often voiced complaints about the restraints put on them by their society and by their status as royalty. She wanted to be able to travel to more, stay out late, in short, to behave like a hoyden unchecked. Even as a teen, Whimsy had never been overly adventurous. She’d been boring and content to be so. She didn’t mind the rules. Order protected them.

  “Would you like me to braid your hair?” She picked up a thick inky lock of her sister’s hair. It was soft and silky to the touch. Veracity wore her hair long like hers, but she often begged her mother to let her cut it. King Raul vetoed the idea each time.

  Veracity smiled. “Just like old times? Sure, why not. I’ll do yours next.”

  She located her comb and brush and began working her way from the bottom to the top of the lengthy curls. “I missed you all so much,” she said, meaning it. She’d had no idea how much until she was in the arms of her family again. She’d tried not to dwell on them overly much when she thought she’d end up serving Editha forever. It would have only made her a crying pathetic mess. And Gaedrian had commanded a good deal of her attention. She would call him in the morning. She hoped he was not too worried. If the situation were reversed, she would be going out of her mind with worry about now.

  “We were so relieved when Serri received word about your whereabouts.” Veracity sighed. “It must have been so romantic. Handsome Serri coming to your rescue.”

  She wrinkled her nose. Serri had abandoned her. She could never forget that. She might be able to forgive him, but she would always be aware of the flaw in his character. “Yes, well.”

  “Are you terribly worried about tomorrow?”

  “Yes.” She was to be questioned in the morning. After the formal inquisition, she would be examined by a doctor. She’d waive the examination. There was no need. They wou
ld find she had lost her virginity. Her only hope was that she would be able to receive a temporary reprieve from banishment due to the extraordinary circumstances. And it wasn’t as though Gaedrian didn’t intend to marry her. She hoped.

  “Don’t be. Mother will never let Father get away with banishing you.”

  Her fingers working fast, she shook her head. “I don’t know. Father has always told us that the rules are there for everyone. And we must be held as examples to all the people.”

  “But we’ve already lost so much. Myrna, it’s still hard to believe True is gone. I keep expecting him to come striding in bragging about his driving skill.”

  “I know. I wish… If only I’d been here.” She’d parted her sister’s hair down the middle. Two fat braids now rested on each side of Veracity’s face. She looked very lovely and childlike. She sat so that she might have her hair done.

  Veracity bounced up and took the brush. Whimsy closed her eyes and tried to relax. “Well, sister, you look like you were well taken care of. I’ve never seen your hair so shiny.”

  She supposed it was whatever the bathing servants had been using. They’d wanted her to be at her best for their king.

  “Whenever I say anything about your time away, you completely shut down. I can see you weren’t abused. Why won’t you say anything?”

  Whimsy bit her lip. “Father wouldn’t want you to know.”

  “I’m seventeen already!” Veracity yanked the brush through her hair viciously.


  “Sorry. Didn’t mean to do that but you have to admit that it’s ridiculous the way I’m treated like a five year old. I’ve already begun training to become a wife. Trust me; I won’t faint if you tell me.”

  “I don’t know about that,” she muttered thinking of the night she’d met Gaedrian. “Stop nagging and finish my hair. I have to be up in early in the morning.”

  Veracity mumbled under her breath but finished up. She’d braided her hair in the same manner. The ends of her hair rested in her lap. She thanked her sister and kissed her on the cheek as they separated for the night.


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