Fulfilling Torment

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by B. L. Purser

  Fulfilling Torment –

  Book 1 of the Fulfilling Series

  B.L. Purser

  Fulfilling Torment

  Copyright © 2014 B.L. Purser

  All rights reserved. Except for the use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means is forbidden without the express permission of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and settings are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, names, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Excerpt from Fulfilling Rage

  Note from the Author

  Chapter 1

  - Cam

  “Do you think she’ll pull through?”

  The short haired lady hovered above me fading in and out of sight. The smell of antiseptic and blood filled the air and burned my lungs. Every breath became harder and harder to find.

  “I don’t know honey. Do you really think she’d want to?”

  The long haired woman looked down at me with pity in her eyes. Her southern drawl and round face were the last things that I remembered. I wanted to scream at them. I wanted them to know that I could hear what they were saying, but the blackness swallowed me up before I could make a sound.

  I jumped up flinging the covers to the floor with one quick motion. The scream from my throat was still echoing off the walls of the dark room. I pushed the hair from my eyes realizing that one of my reoccurring dreams had yet again resurrected itself. I knew that I would have to do something about that soon enough, but for now, the clock on the night stand reminded me that my day would soon begin.

  I shed the sweat covered t-shirt and shorts and jumped into the scalding shower. The knot in my stomach began to build as I thought about what my day would bring. It was my first day at a new job in a city much bigger than anywhere I had ever been before. New York City was definitely a sight to behold. But, I knew that before I ever arrived. In fact, that is why I had chosen New York. A person could get lost in the throngs of people that called this place their stomping ground, and that was exactly what I needed… to get lost.

  It seemed that things had happened over night. Once I made the decision, everything fell into place. The power of the internet and modern technology allowed me to apply and interview for a position at Bennett International before ever setting foot in New York. Within a week, I was offered the job and within another week I was moved and ready to work. Of course, my plan was not complete yet.

  The quick move hadn’t allowed the time to find an affordable apartment. However, I had prepared for this snafu and had saved enough money to cover living in a hotel for several weeks. I also had a nice nest egg set aside that would allow me to provide a security deposit and first month’s rent on a more permanent residence.

  As I exited the hotel and caught my second New York Taxi, the first having been the one I’d taken from the airport, I prayed that my past would stay just that…my past.

  I gave the driver the address to Bennett International and sat back to brace for the ride. I still hadn’t gotten use to the way people drive in New York. Where I’m from, people drive like they’re sane. Here, they drive like they’re trying to get to a fire or maybe a Black Friday sale; I wasn’t sure which.

  I could have sworn that the first taxi driver had taken out at least three people on bicycles and sideswiped two other vehicles. The life threatening experience made me glad that I would not have to drive in this traffic. In fact, I was looking forward to my daily fitness routine including brisk walks to and from Bennett International. This taxi ride was a luxury that I allowed my feet this one time to ensure I was on time and presentable for my first big day.

  The taxi braked in front of the building, and I jumped out tossing the taxi driver the total fare, a nice tip, and a swift “thank you.”

  I wondered if the crazy look I got in return was from the inability to understand the English Language or southern politeness. Either way, I knew this life was going to be very different from the past. “Bring it on,” were the only words bouncing around in my jumbled mind as I walked through the entrance.

  “You must be Camilla,” a tall, dark haired woman announced from behind the shiny front lobby desk. She narrowed her eyes and took me in from head to toe. Her gaze made me wonder if she had x-ray vision like those cool super heroes that I loved growing up. I wanted to ask her if she saw any broken bones or tumors that I needed to know about.

  “Yes ma’am, but I prefer to be called Cam,” I replied as I tucked my loose hair behind my right ear.I hated that nervous habit.

  She sat up straighter and pursed her lips, and I realized that I’d already said something wrong. My suspicions were confirmed when she blasted me frostily. “I know you are not from here, and the reason you were probably hired is because of your sweet nature and southern charm, but around here a simple yes or no is how you answer a question.”

  Great! Evidentially this was not going to be easy. I tried to smooth the unintended offense with my reply. “I’m truly sorry if I insulted you. I am from the south, and my mom would have slapped me into next week if I’d answered any other way. In the future, I will try to remember proper New York etiquette.”

  The woman’s lips began to twitch before a full blown belly laugh burst through her now gaping mouth.

  “Camilla, you and I are going to get along just fine, and if anyone bothers you, just let me know. My name is Harper Stephens by the way. I am lead runner here at Bennett International. I will be training you. In fact, you and I will be together until you are ready to be independent. Do you know what your position as a runner entails?”

  I released the uneasy breath that I hadn’t realized I was holding during the uncomfortable confrontation. I was certainly not in Georgia anymore.

  “I think so. My understanding is, as a runner, I’ll be stationed in whatever position is needed at the time. I was told that I would be doing mostly clerical work like filing, answering calls and scheduling.”

  Harper motioned me to join her behind the desk as she began her explanation.

  “That’s correct. Mr. Bennett demands that Bennett International runs impeccably. Part of ensuring this is through the use of runners. You will be trained on the complete ins and outs of Bennett International. This will allow you to step into any of the 1,000 clerical positions here at the drop of a hat. If someone dies, calls in sick, has a baby, goes on vacation, gets fired, or can’t perform their duties for whatever reason, a runner steps into the position. Mr. Bennett demands that nothing changes even if personnel does. Therefore, he insists that runners have their shit together. That sweet accent and shy demeanor will give every guy in here a hard-on, but this position is not for the weak, and if you are, you might just need to hop on your horse and head back home.”

  Something in the way Harper worded the last part of her message hit a sore spot with me. I’m not sure if it was her suggestion about my impact on the male anatomy or the assumption that I was weak, but I was certain steam was rising
from my ears as I replied to her undiplomatic innuendo.

  “Ms. Stephens, I may be many things, but weak is not one of them. Don’t let my southern accent and inbred desire to be polite fool you. I will do the job better than any other runner in this company, including you. Furthermore, I will do it without the need to exploit myself sexually. I assure you that the only thing I am seeking in this facility is a job.”

  After the insult I slung Harper’s way, I thought I had surely made my first enemy in New York. Amazingly, my remark seemed only to make me appear more worthy of the position. We spent the remainder of the day traveling from one floor to the next scoping out the locations of all the clerical positions at this Bennett International location. My brain hurt from all of the newfound information, and I hoped that my mouth had not overloaded my ass. Harper took my training extremely seriously. Being a runner is a very prominent job inside of Bennett International, and according to Harper, if you get this kind of opportunity here, you don’t screw it up.

  Bennett International owns or has controlling interests in seemingly everything. Inside Bennett International, there are many different divisions. The divisions that I could remember included a clothing section that deals in producing and manufacturing multiple clothing lines, a food industry section that creates and markets all sorts of kitchen appliances, a furniture division that develops and manufactures high-end furniture, and a real-estate division that owns and manages many hotel chains and apartment complexes. There were at least four other divisions that I couldn’t recollect at the moment. Bennett International has locations all over the United States and abroad. I learned that my position might require that I travel to other B. I. locations. However, travel doesn’t normally ensue until a runner is considered a veteran, and that could take many years.

  Even though the New York location is a rectangular shaped building like most of the skyscrapers composing the New York skyline, the personnel infrastructure seems to work more like a pyramid. The higher you get to the top of the building, the bigger the offices get and the more money the suits make. The top floor is dedicated to Mr. Bennett and is off limits to all employees. Mr. Bennett uses runners for his company but not for himself. He has one secretary, and it’s rumored that she’s a robot. Evidently, he has several “yes men” that do the majority of his bidding.

  As Harper began to describe how our boss operated, I was getting a vile visual picture of him. She explained that Mr. Bennett is a recluse and is rarely seen. He enter and exits the building through his private parking garage. Everything he uses is guarded with officers, security cameras, and fingerprint locking systems. As she continued exposing his oddities, a clear picture of Ebeneezer Scrooge came to mind. Humorously enough, my vision came complete with a cross scowl, wiry grey hair, rickety old demeanor, and a top hat. However, the last thing she stated made me envious. She explained him as an enigma. That sounded somewhat perfect to me.

  After lunch, I began to cut my teeth on Bennett International‘s networking database named Tech-Sys-Cal, appropriately labeled TSC for short. TSC is what allows runners to morph easily into any position. It is an event planner, filing database, and appointment system for all B. I. locations. It is a massive networking database with amazing capabilities, and it seems to require a dedicated doctoral degree to operate. Therefore, module seminars were going to be my life for the next few days, yuck! I was thankful that several years of computer experience had helped me understand and work within many office systems.

  I must admit that it was nice to see my first work day come to an end. I timed my brisk walk back to the hotel so that I’d know how much commute time I needed. Once in my room, I slumped down onto the bed. I wanted nothing more than to fall into a deep sleep, but I knew the nightmares were lurking in wait. The one from this morning was mild in comparison to those that would soon follow. Therefore, I couldn’t allow myself the rest I so desperately needed. It was too dangerous. I had to fulfill my inevitable duty first. If I didn’t, they would eat me alive when I closed my eyes.

  I decided that I couldn’t put it off any longer. It was time to do what had to be done. I slowly lugged myself from the chair and into my second shower of the day. I let the scalding water rinse away the stress knotted in my shoulders, and for a moment I almost let my mind runaway with unsecured thoughts. Thankfully, I caught myself just before it was too late. I had to be more careful about that in the future.

  I stepped out of the shower, towel dried myself, and slipped on the plush bathroom robe. Again, I thought of the sleep I so craved. It seemed to provide the resolve I needed to continue. I meticulously reapplied my make-up making sure that the Smokey eye color I had chosen made my blue eyes pop. I lined my lips and added a neutral shade so that they didn’t compete with my eyes. I’d learned, from internet beauty experts that it’s a major faux pas to accentuate more than one facial feature at a time. I blow dried my shoulder length sandy-blonde hair and methodically straightened it. Sadly enough, I had to lose the fabulously dreamy bathrobe for a bra and panty set with matching garter and thigh highs. I slid a slinky black knee length cocktail dress over my sexy ensemble. One glance in the mirror and, I knew I was ready for what I had to do.

  This was never easy. At one time, I had been a good person. In fact, I would have been appalled to learn that there were people out there that did what I was about to do. Nevertheless, that person was gone; what a joke she had been. This was what I amounted to now, and I had come to accept that several years ago. At times, I even enjoyed it now. With a deep sigh, I gave myself one more critical look in the mirror before leaving the room.

  Chapter 2

  - Aiden

  I hate hotels that feel the need to combine their bars and restaurants into one large area. Yet, here I am waiting on a man that thinks a meal and friendly chit chat will soften me up. Little does he realize; I’m certainly not the chit-chat type. Hell, he should know this about me. What kind of dipshit doesn’t research someone they want to do business with? For that matter, who didn’t know all about the infamous Aiden Bennett? Of course, I’m sure he never thought I would personally attend this meeting. He probably assumed that I would send one of my lawyers. But, this deal was one that I wanted to see to personally.

  At least Henry had secured us a secluded booth that would keep me out of the public debacle of this establishment. Damn, the longer I sat, the more I thought that maybe I should have just sent Jenkins or McKinley to take care of this deal. After all, this is just the preliminary negotiations. In essence, this meeting is just needed to get a few kinks worked out before tomorrow’s big meeting with the lawyers, accountants, and all other parties involved. No, I needed to conduct this meeting myself. Plus, it will allow me to not have to attend tomorrow’s meeting. If there is one thing I hate worse than restaurant/bar establishments, it’s a room full of people looking at me and kissing my ass like they think I’m some Greek god or something. I can do this. An hour max, then I will get the hell out of here and back into my world.

  Finally, the dickhead a.k.a. Henry arrived. The look on his face confirmed my earlier assumption. My attendance had given me the needed advantage. After our fake pleasantries, we ordered our drinks and food. Then, we proceeded with negotiations. They took only 30 minutes, and I was able to get him to agree to all of my requirements. Now, I just had to choke down the mediocre food, and I could go home.

  With those thoughts still lingering in my mind, I caught a glimpse of someone over the right shoulder of my constituent. She had a medium sized frame that was perched on one of the many leather-clad bar stools situated along the bar. Her legs were crossed, and her knee length black cocktail dress rode up just enough to hint at the possibility of those stockings only being thigh high. Although she wasn’t tiny, all of her curves seemed to be in the right places. I stared longer than appropriate as she sipped her alcohol-laced beverage. I don’t know why she intrigued me. Even though she was sexy as hell, she was not my type. My type consisted of no strings attached prof
essional situations that, like everything in my life, I controlled. I shook my head to clear the thoughts of the woman in black and finished my meal.

  After I had bidden goodbye and good riddance to Henry, I made a beeline for the exit. Unfortunately, I had to pass by the bar section and come into closer contact with other patrons. This night could not end soon enough! I was about to pass by the woman in black when she abruptly stood up and turned to depart from her stool. The only problem was that she didn’t notice me until she had smacked square into my chest. Realizing her mistake, she overcorrected and almost went sailing backwards. If I hadn’t grabbed her and pulled her toward me, she would have had a nasty backwards fall into the bar. This created a major problem for me since I still had her pressed tightly against my body. I couldn’t help but notice her enticing scent and the molten heat radiating from her. This mixture made for an aphrodisiac that could compete with the most exquisite oysters in existence.

  I cleared my throat and whispered in her ear, “I am going to release you now. Do you think you can stand without falling?”

  Between labored breaths caused from the ordeal, she responded. “I think so. I am so sorry for being a klutz. Did I hurt you?”

  Wow, her voice was light and airy. As it washed over me like an early morning summer breeze, I couldn’t help but note the delicate southern accent. Amazingly, it completely worked to her advantage. I was disconcerted at this thought. After all, I had always felt southern people were slow paced and ignorant. She seemed to contradict my current southern philosophies.

  I chuckled and responded. “No, you didn’t hurt me.”

  I righted her on her feet as my eyes searched her face to determine if she was okay. Her brilliant blue eyes pierced my gaze and provided the assurance I needed. However, her next remark caught me completely off guard.

  “Actually, I think I’ve had a little too much to drink. You seem like a true gentleman. Would you mind escorting me up to my hotel room? I’m here on business, and I encountered a man earlier that made me uneasy. If I run into him again between here and my room, I would be more at ease if someone were with me.”


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