Fulfilling Torment

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by B. L. Purser

  I realized that I had been quiet for far too long when Drake questioned if I was still on the line. I made a curt reply before slamming the phone back into the receiver.

  “No further investigation is needed. I know everything I fucking need to know.”

  I pulled up the information that Drake had e-mailed me. Basically, it consisted of a negative drug test and what we call a soft background check. We do these checks on all of our potential employees. They focus on verifying legal residency, work ethic, and identification of major offenses. They only go back a few years, because we’ve determined that anything prior to that often lacks validity. Besides, extensive background checks are too costly to do on all employees.

  As I suspected, she is thirty-one years old. Other than the fact that she had moved around quite a bit, everything that I read in her file looked normal.

  Nothing in her file changed my assumption. There was no way in hell she was going to get away with this.

  Chapter 8

  – Cam

  Today, I was stationed at the main front desk of Bennett International. I was responsible for overseeing employee check-in, checking visitor identification against appointments listed in TSC, and notifying other stationed runners and secretaries when a visitor was on their way to them. Communication was obviously extremely important at B.I.

  Since I was still training, Harper was still my wingman. Ordinarily, this would be a busy one person operation, but with both of us together, we had some down time between responsibilities. This created time for chit-chat, and I was insistently trying to avoid Harper’s nagging.

  “Cam you have been here a while now. It is time you find a social circle. I know tons of eligible guys that would give their left nut to go out with you. Let me set you up on a date. You don’t have to go out alone with a guy. My boyfriend and I will go along too. Just think, it would be fun to double!”

  As I rolled my eyes, I tried to explain to her for the hundredth time that I did not have an interest in dating. Hell, I didn’t even have an interest in friendship period. She seemed to think that it was her New York right to stick her nose into my life.

  “Harper, I’m not interested at all. I do not want to date. I do not want to go out, and I don’t give a damn about social circles. I’m here to do my job, and then I go home. That is it! So for the last time, stop annoying me about it. Sometimes people are meant to be loners. I like it the way it is, and that is not going to change.”

  As I finished the tyrant that I had directed at Harper, I looked up to see him standing there. I couldn’t get a damn break. Did I have a sign on me that said fresh meat? I was damn well fed up, and everyone was about to know it.

  “You need to leave now! I am not interested in you, and in case you didn’t know, stalking is against the law. How did you even find me? I didn’t tell you my damn name or anything else about me. I’m calling security, so I advise you to leave the premises immediately. Bennett International has a strict policy when it comes to harassment, and you don’t want to screw with me.”

  As I picked up the phone and dialed, I gave him a death stare that I was hoping would penetrate his cranium and cause his head to explode. His smug grin and obvious disregard for what I had said only succeeded in pissing me off further. What’s more, Harper was no help at all. She just stood there stunned into silence. The one time I actually needed her assistance, she could do nothing but gape at the man standing in front of us and mouth breath. Maybe New York City was not the place for me. I think that everyone who lives here has inhaled way too much exhaust and pollution.

  The last time that we had screwed had been the best I had ever experienced. It had given me the most peaceful rest that I had gotten in the last three years. But I knew that it was over. The reminder of the single tear reinforced that I could never again come in contact with the stranger that had become so familiar. Yet here he was threatening to rip away everything that I had built of my new life.

  As Security Officer Greg, the muscled up henchman looking giant, arrived I turned to explain the situation to him. Before I could get a word out of my mouth, Greg spoke up.

  “Good afternoon Mr. Bennett. Is there a problem?”

  At that moment, time seemed to stand still. My brain couldn’t, or more likely wouldn’t process who Greg was speaking to. I stood there in a daze probably resembling the brainless look that Harper had on her face until his voice suddenly made me snap out of the fog.

  “Yes Greg, escort Ms. Anderson to my office. I would like to have a word with her in private. I am assuming that you can man this station yourself?”

  Aiden glanced at Harper for confirmation, and the only thing that she could do was shake her head in agreement.

  This was it. As Greg and I rode silently up in the elevator, I couldn’t help but feel like I was preparing for my funeral. I had screwed Aiden Bennett. I used him then tossed him away like a disposable water bottle. My boss! My damn boss! As I considered what was about to happen, the only emotion that I could muster up was a relief. Relief that this man would no longer consume my thoughts, relief that I had found out sooner rather than later, and relief that I had not signed a lease yet. It looked like my new location was going to be temporary after all.

  – Aiden

  I stepped into my office and immediately felt the charge that was ever present between the two of us. She was sitting on the couch against the far wall, and I could feel her gaze on me as I crossed the room. I positioned myself behind my desk. I always felt more powerful in this location, and I wanted the significance of who I was to infiltrate her every thought. It was how I conducted business. I was a shark in blood filled water, and she was the unknowing prey that sat in wait for what was to come.

  “I don’t think we have been properly introduced, Camilla Anderson; I am Aiden Bennett. I am the owner and CEO of Bennett International and all of its subsidiaries. I am the owner of this building that you are presently occupying, and amusingly enough, I am your boss. ”

  The brusqueness in my tone left no room for doubt. I was pissed about the situation we were in, and she knew it. The calm, controlling air that I wore when I conducted business exuded from my pores. This act was one that was engrained in every ounce of my being. It was distant, unrelenting, demanding, and pure abhorrence for the human race rolled into one. It was terrifying as hell, and it often made the hardest corporate snakes shiver with anxiety. I expected it to make her turn into a babbling mess at my feet. I knew at any moment she would begin begging to keep her job. At that moment, I knew I would break her, and I wanted that more than anything.

  I admit that I am a screwed up piece of work. I crave fear and control. I desire hatred. After all, those kinds of emotions are the strongest ones that can be housed in the human body. When I get those things from an individual, I know that I have won. I have conquered that person, and one thing is most certain, I always win! Those thoughts kept replaying in my mind as I waited for the waterworks to come. Yet, they never did.

  “I go by Cam, and if you think I am going to apologize or treat you differently just because I now know your name, you’re wrong! Although I need a job, I don’t need the obvious bullshit that comes with this one. I admit I screwed up all the way around with you. However, I do not regret us screwing. Make no mistake it served its purpose well. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to work on finding a new job somewhere far away from New York and the shit that I seemed to have stepped in when I arrived here.”

  She stood to leave like she had control over the situation. I knew I had been wrong about her initially. She had not been after money. The look that she had first given me when she found out who I was kept replaying through my mind. No one was that good of an actress. For some reason, I found this fact very comforting. However, the battle of wills had just begun. She underestimated my shrewdness and tenacity, and that would cost her. I would go to lengths unimaginable to take control of this situation. At that moment, it had turned into a game; a fight for survival. I wond
ered if she understood the magnitude of her choices…Only one of us would come out alive.

  “Sit down Cam. We are not done here, and you will not fucking leave unless I tell you to!”

  My voice bellowed through the room as it took every ounce of control in me to remain seated. I had never been challenged the way this woman challenged me. The bitch was about to learn how far I would go for control.

  “You signed a contract with this company if you recall, and you are legally bound to be here unless I say otherwise. You have no choice in the matter, and you might as well accept that.”

  The look that she provided was priceless.

  “You can’t actually be serious Aiden or Mr. Bennett or whatever the hell I’m supposed to call you? You can’t possibly want me to stay after I spoke to you the way I did in the lobby. I can’t imagine that you tolerate disrespect any more than not getting your way. If nothing else, I know you will make an example of me. You will see to it that all of your other little employees understand the consequences of crossing you. It’s fine; I have no roots here. Fire me and be done with it. I don’t have time to get into a dick measuring contest with you. After all, we both know that I don’t have a dick.”

  My body raged with anger. I had never wanted to hit a female more than I did in that very moment. As sick as the thought was, I wondered if her smart mouth and stubborn insolence had led to those gruesome scars. I hated that I even cared enough to consider it.

  “Cam I said to take a damn seat. You are working on my last damn nerve, and if you want to work anywhere ever again, much less in this city, you will do what I fucking say, and sit the hell down.”

  I almost hated throwing the threats her way, but she was smart enough to realize that what I was saying was true. I had enough money and connections to ensure she never got another job, and I knew that I would do just that if she didn’t yield to my request.

  I could tell this struck a nerve deep down inside of her. A nerve that I was sure was somehow attached to the horrifying scars. She walked over toward one of the two chairs positioned in front of my desk. Just when I thought I had gotten through to her that I was in charge, she surprised me yet again. She stepped past the chairs and leaned over my desk until she was inches from my face. Images of screwing her on my mahogany desk unwillingly flashed through my mind. They quickly subsided however when she vehemently hissed two little words,

  “Fuck you!”

  Chapter 9

  – Cam

  I walked out of Bennett International into the bright afternoon sun. The aching in my brain from the day’s events magnified everything ugly about the city. I was mentally drained, yet the adrenaline rush of what I had just done made me feel like I could run the Boston Marathon. No one was going to tell me what I could and couldn’t do. I had come too far to turn back now. Before leaving Bennett International, I grabbed my gym bag and changed into my workout clothes. I stowed my bag behind the front desk for retrieval later. I had to find a way to shut my brain off for a while and the only way that I could do that at the moment was through exercise.

  With determination pushing my every step, I jogged my way to Central Park. I often chose Central Park as my main running destination. The trees and water comforted me in a way that the asphalt and modern architecture never could. I ran like I was being chased by a terrifying monster threatening to gobble me alive. I guess in a way this description was completely accurate. I took comfort in the sharp breaths that kept me going. The stitch in my side confirmed that I was still alive. I darted by people pushing baby carriages. I shoved through couples enjoying an afternoon stroll. It had all become too much. My past was about to pull me under. No matter how hard I tried, I could not out run it.

  Finally reaching my ultimate destination, I collapsed on one of the many massive rocks positioned under the towering oak trees. The Glade that housed these natural beauties was my favorite place in Central park. As I sat there, I willed my mind to go completely blank. I used every method that my sensei had taught me. I didn’t care if anyone was watching; my survival depended on my ability to do this. Finally, the darkness came, and I was ready.

  My senses came slowly back to me. I was still sitting on a rock in The Glade. As I took in my surroundings, I realized that several hours had passed. I couldn’t remember anything past the darkness. My face was wet with tears, and I was thankful that I didn’t recall shedding them. From where I sat, I could see people passing by on the paved paths. If I had been in Georgia, at least ten people would have checked on me by now, but in New York either people didn’t notice you or they didn’t care. That’s what brought me here in the first place. Now, I had to search to find another job in another location that would have what I needed.

  I hauled my exhausted form off of the rock and began to trudge back to the hotel. I needed a shower and hopefully a good night’s sleep before I began my search. I decided that I would stay at the hotel until I made my move. After all, I had enough money saved up to sustain my lifestyle for a while. Truth be told; I didn’t have to work. I had a substantial amount of money sitting in a bank account in Georgia. However, I didn’t want to lay a hand on a single cent of that money. I guess if I had no other option, I would have to.

  I slid the card into the slot and listened for the click. As I walked through the door, I expected relief to wash over me. After all, this was the closest thing to a home I had. Instead of comfort though, I only felt apprehension. This feeling had nothing to do with the room and everything to do with the dark figure that greeted me from across the room. He was sitting in the very chair that we had screwed in the first night we met. I couldn’t do this now. I was too raw at the moment, and this would give him the upper hand. Without speaking a word, I crossed the room and entered the bathroom. I turned on the shower and waited for the water to warm. I was praying that he would be gone when I emerged, but I knew better.

  I stood in the shower and let the scalding water beat down over my body. No matter how long I stayed there, I couldn’t wash it all away. My fingers and toes had turned into shriveled prunes, and my skin was red and splotchy from the heat of the water. I couldn’t prolong it anymore, and I knew there wasn’t any use to. I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. I toweled my body and hair off and dressed in a tank top and shorts.

  When I emerged from the bathroom, my suspicions were confirmed. He was still seated in the same chair and position as when I first opened the door. If I hadn’t known better, I would have thought he was a statue. The hard lines and angles of his face would make a sculptor’s hand itch with desire. I walked over to where he sat and plopped down in the chair across from him.

  “I’m not even going to ask how you got into my room, but I would like to know what you are doing here.”

  My voice was barely audible, but it was the best I could muster up. He noticed the difference in my demeanor immediately, and I could swear I almost saw his eyes soften.

  – Aiden

  When she walked through the door, I immediately noticed her tear streaked face. I knew that I was the direct cause of those tears. Maybe she hadn’t been crying over me, but what I had done to her led to her current predicament. No matter how much she tried to hide it, I knew that she was breaking. What did shock me however were the feelings of remorse that I was currently experiencing.

  I knew that she had noticed me sitting here even if she gave no acknowledgement. The fact that I was in the exact chair that we had our first encounter in was not a coincidence. I knew she would come to me when she was ready. When I heard the shower turn on, I figured I had a little more time to think about what I wanted to say.

  Now that she was sitting here and facing me, all intelligent wording seemed to have left my brain. Her weak acknowledgement of my presence bothered me almost as much as the hatred that flashed across her face. These were the things that I had originally wanted. For some reason, while I was busy playing the game, the rules seemed to have changed.

  “I want you to co
ntinue working at Bennett International. After reviewing your personnel file, I noticed that your work ethic is impeccable, and that is what my company strives to acheive. You are under contract, and from a business standpoint, I expect you to honor your contract. Bennett International owns several apartment facilities inside of the city. We often house long-term employees that live in other states in these apartments. It’s an attractive incentive when trying to entice high-level employees. Plus, it’s a tax write off. There has been a hold placed on one of the apartments in your name. If you find it satisfactory, I would like for you to move in there immediately. With that having been said, if you refuse to stay, I will dissolve your contract as if it never existed. You will be free to go with no recourse from Bennett International or myself.”

  I stopped and let those words sink in for a moment. When she made no effort to respond, I continued.

  “If you choose to stay, I would like to discuss your extracurricular activities. New York is a dangerous city, and you can’t possibly be considering maintaining your needs in the same fashion that you are currently using. Your body will eventually be found lifeless in a dark alley. Therefore, I have another offer for you to consider. It requires you to know a little background knowledge about me first. If you haven’t already heard, I’m a recluse. I do not desire or crave personal companionship. We seem to have that in common. However, I desire physical release through sexual gratification. We obviously have this in common as well. I have a personal physician that customarily finds and screens women to meet my needs. Although these women have served their purpose in the past, I have never felt the electricity with them that seems to pulse between you and me. Therefore, I propose a completely physical partnership in which we serve as a means to fulfill each other’s needs.” I saw anger flash through her blue orbs, and I quickly continued before she could speak. “I do not expect you to be my mistress, and I am not offering you money for sex. I would not pay you, and I would not own you. The sex would be a prearranged convenience, nothing more nothing less. Furthermore, the apartment is something I sometimes offer employees, so it is not part of this arrangement. It will not hinge on your decision either. It’s yours regardless of your decision.


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