Fulfilling Torment

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Fulfilling Torment Page 12

by B. L. Purser

  Cam looked as if she had seen a ghost. Her eyes were double their usual size and her mouth hung slightly open.

  “Aiden? I didn’t know you would be here. I thought you sent me here to get rid of me. I thought you were tired of dealing with my issues and your issues and… You sent for me? You wanted me here with you? I don’t understand what is going on.”

  Her voice had a higher pitch to it than normal, and it seemed to shake a little. She was obviously very flustered. I had never seen this side of her before. All of the other encounters considered, this was the first time that I had ever sensed her vulnerability.

  It had never occurred to me that she might think that I was sending her away. She must really think that I’m a monster to send her all the way to Cozumel.

  “Cam, you have made some extremely inaccurate assumptions. First of all, if I was as you phrased it,‘tired of dealing with your issues,’ then I would tell you. I would never send you somewhere just to get rid of you. I have two reasons for bringing you here, neither of which I am willing to discuss on this patio. Come, I will show you to your apartment. You can set your bags down, and then we will sort through your delirious notions.”

  Before she could reply, I grabbed the carry-on bag that was sitting next to her and made a beeline to her apartment. Her only option was to follow in my path. I heard her take a deep, ragged breath before she followed suit. She had caught up to me right before we stepped onto the front patio of her apartment. Obviously the scenery had finally registered with her.

  “This is absolutely gorgeous Aiden. B.I. owns this?”

  “Yes. We acquired the property when we first started development here. Since the island is known as a tourist destination and not a corporate location, finding business apartments was not an option. I could have built apartments, but it was actually cheaper to purchase this property. I figured it was the most financially sound decision, and it wouldn’t hurt when recruiting new employees.”

  The property really is breathtaking. Originally, I had looked into gutting it, but I am glad now that I decided to leave it untouched. I removed the key card from my pocket and slid it into the slot on the door. Then, I handed it to Cam. I pushed the door open and motioned for her to take the lead. She slowly stepped past me into the living room. I watched as she took in her surroundings. It seemed that my memories never did her justice, and I reveled in knowing that she was here.

  I stepped into the apartment, slammed the door shut, and threw the bag down beside the couch. I couldn’t keep my hands off of her any longer. I stalked quickly over to where she was standing with her back toward me and spun her around. I studied her surprised look only a second before I crushed her body against mine. The intense attraction washed over me as I breathed in her scent. I ravaged her mouth with my own.

  I didn’t have the willpower to take it slow. It was as if I was having withdrawals, and she was my vice. I pushed her onto the couch and stripped her completely. Without saying a word, I slid the tie from around my neck and secured her wrists with one end of it. I attached the other end to the couch side-table located at her head. This position allowed me to have complete control of her body.

  I hoped that she was as anxious as I was because I didn’t have time for foreplay. It only took me glancing into her now iridescent blue eyes to confirm that she needed this as much as I did. I removed my clothing with record speed and once again approached my bound prey. I bent each of her legs so that she was completely open to me. Still holding onto her knees, I rammed my length into her slick sex. Just as I had hoped, she was also on fire. I slowly withdrew my shaft reveling in the feel of her enveloping me. I found that I didn’t have the patience to continue my torture. The small moans and whimpers that she was making completely did me in, and I picked up the pace three-fold. I forced into her again and again as her cries increased. It only took moments for both of us to find intense release.

  Each time I exploded inside of her, it felt as if I was claiming another piece of her. I wondered to myself how many pieces it would take for my collection to be complete.

  I unbound her wrists, and we quickly cleaned up and redressed. I knew that I needed to explain everything to her because the confusion was still present in her eyes.

  “Cam, have a seat and let’s talk.”

  We both situated ourselves on the plush sofa facing each other.

  “I know I owe you an explanation as to why you are here in Cozumel. First, I feel the need to provide you with some background information.

  “As you may or may not know, I have a very different past than most. If you haven’t learned all the gruesome details yet, a few quick searches will reveal everything. The media seemed to cover every single detail colorfully.” I couldn’t keep the bitterness from my voice. Not wanting her to think I was still angry at her, I took a deep breath and paused a moment. Looking into her anguish-filled eyes, I knew she must have already discovered my skeletons. I was pleased that there was no pity in her eyes but only understanding.

  “Anyway, these events have given me a rather bitter outlook on relationships, emotions, and women in general. I guess this explains why I want sex and nothing more. Furthermore, it gives a good indication as to why I want control, or rather demand to have control. From what I can determine, my anger is stemming from the emotions that I confessed to you after our gym encounter. These emotions have consumed me and fed the rage that has been growing. The best way that I felt I could release this rage was directly at you. After all, I blamed you for creating it in the first place.

  “Cam, I crave your body like a drug. This can be proven by considering how I just attacked you after having only been in your presence for five minutes. I was confusing this craving as feelings, and that scared the hell out of me. However, after rationalizing all of it, I now realize that it is just an intense sexual attraction. I would even be willing to bet that you feel some of this too. I think if we direct these emotions into our sex life, we can make this work. With my newfound understanding, I no longer feel the rage and anger. Therefore, I promise that I will not continue to verbally beat you up. If you allow us to try, you’re guaranteed to see a new side of me.

  “Now, I brought you here because I can use your quick wit and charm to my advantage. I need you to conduct some employee interviews to determine where problems exist within my company.

  “However, I would be lying if I said that was the only reason. My body needs to be connected with yours. If I refuse it, everything turns to shit. Therefore, I couldn’t very well have you over seventeen hundred miles away from me. I hope that you are not angered by my admission, but if you are, I suggest we use that emotion in our favor.”

  With my last remark, I quickly straddled her, looked into her eyes, and smiled wickedly. It felt so damn good to feel the weight of my body pushing her down into the cream-colored leather couch. I brushed the side of her cheek with my hand and waited for a response. I wanted to ravage her entire body with mine yet again, but I knew that would make it impossible for her to express her decision.

  Chapter 20

  – Cam

  The way he was straddling me made it hard for my brain to function. I couldn’t help but suspect that he knew this and had planned it that way. Nothing Aiden Bennett did was a coincidence. His hand slid delicately over my cheek, and his lips beckoned me. This connection made me want to table our conversation in favor of another mind blowing round. However, I knew that I needed to speak my mind prior to giving in to his convincing taunt.

  “Aiden stop trying to distract me. You need to hear what I have to say.”

  He impishly smiled and repositioned himself. He was now sitting right beside me, and I could still feel our heated connection through our touching thighs.

  “Aiden, I don’t want to be a mistress, girlfriend, fiancé, or wife. I am willing to associate with you because you have something I need. If we didn’t have sexual chemistry, I would already be gone. I have no emotional feelings toward you other than what’s
attached to our sexual connection.”

  “With all of this having been said, I still expect to be treated with respect. I realize that what I do may not make me worthy of respect. Nonetheless, I demand it. If you can control the anger and animosity, then I see no problem with continuing our arrangement. However, if you can’t, you better say so now. Don’t toy with me. I have been completely honest about what I need and what I don’t need. This is not a game anymore. I am not someone to conquer. After all, what good would it do you to conquer nothing?”

  The sealing signature on our deal was the crushing connection of our lips. He had not even bothered with a verbal response. Honestly, I don’t think his lust-filled body would allow it. I had not been in Cozumel more than an hour, and he was already ravaging my body yet again. The small period of time that we had been apart had taken its toll on both of us, and it seemed like we were trying to make up for lost time. I had to admit; I gained comfort from feeling him inside of me.

  “Oh my god Aiden, right there! Don’t stop baby. That feels so damn good.”

  He had me bent over the arm of the couch and was slamming into me from behind. Somehow he had a strap connecting my wrists to something beneath the couch. The strap had me completely unable to move my upper body. With his strong hands grasping my hips, I was also unable to move my lower body. The intense pleasurable assault I was under didn’t have me worried about moving anything anyway. I loved the way I could feel his heavy balls slap against my sex each time he pounded into me. I told him as much as he continued his plight.

  His words were heavy and ragged as he spoke. Each word came out at the exact time that he banged into me.

  “Fuck, Cam…I love to hear…you baby…it…drives…me…fucking…nuts.”

  Since we had just had sex a few minutes earlier, I knew we would both last much longer.

  This time was very different though. I could tell that Aiden was using it for more than just his release. The violence in his actions, paired with the intense grip that he had on my hips made me realize what he was doing. I knew the anger and bitterness was being excised from inside of him, and I was more than prepared to help with that.

  “Harder, Aiden, harder! Pound me as hard as you can baby. I want it all! Don’t hold anything back.”

  I guess he took hearing me ask for more as permission. As soon as the words left my mouth, I felt him hit me across my right ass cheek. I wasn’t expecting it, so I cried out in pain. He immediately stopped moving.

  “Cam, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I have never hit anyone like that before.”

  I don’t think he expected the reply that I provided.

  “Aiden, if you stop now, I am going to be royally pissed.”

  In actuality, the pain from the hit mixed with the pleasure from the rest of what Aiden was doing to me was heavenly. In the past, I never understood the premise behind rough sex. I was now starting to have a much better understanding. It seems that the two feelings mix together quite nicely to form something more intense than either alone.

  By this time, Aiden had read my thoughts and was continuing the glorious attack. A few thrusts later, we were right back in the groove of things. I was getting so close.

  “Aiden, baby I’m almost there. Please hit me again!”

  No sooner had he smacked my other cheek, I felt the orgasm detonate and travel through my entire body. The intensity made my body feel like I had just survived a catastrophic event. With or without the bindings, I knew that I would have a great deal of difficulty moving.

  “Aiden, did you come? I was so caught up in things I didn’t even notice.”

  The way he had collapsed on top of me made me feel like he had also found release. However, I was usually hypersensitive to his orgasm. The way he normally burst inside of me made it hard to miss.

  “Honey, I detonated time you asked me to smack you again. I swear your mouth is going to be the death of me. I may have to start gagging you.”

  I hoped he was joking, but I was too tired to even inquire about the remark. Even though his weight on top of me was making it hard to breathe, it felt tragic when he got up and slowly slid out of me.

  Even though I knew he’d just gone to the bathroom to get a warm towel, I couldn’t help but notice that this was the only time the loneliness seemed to get to me. Thankfully, it had not swallowed me up before he returned.

  I felt the warm, plush towel glide over all of my super sensitive areas. It still intrigued me that he felt the need to help clean me up. As soon as he thoroughly finished, he unbound my wrists and slid me down so that now my entire body was stretched across the couch.

  He looked down at me like I was a mouthwatering steak, and I started to get worried. There was no way I would be able to do that again this soon. Maybe he was trying to kill me. At that moment, my only thoughts were death by sex would be the best way to go. I felt the darkness pulling me under, and I couldn’t stop it.

  The last thing I remembered uttering was, “Aiden, I don’t think I can…”

  I’m not sure how long I was out, but the now dark sky told me that it had been at least a few hours. I realized that I was still completely naked. The only thing covering me was a light-weight silk blanket. The feel of it against my sensitive skin was heaven. I slowly stood up and wrapped the blanket around my sore body.

  It didn’t take but a minute to realize that I was alone. I walked over to the table and noticed a note written on a small Bennett International notepad.


  You fell asleep so quickly that I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye. I figured you might be hungry, so you will find the refrigerator abundantly stocked. If you want a fully cooked meal, look in the oven. The car will pick you up at eight o’clock in the morning.

  I can’t put into words how wonderful you made me feel this evening. I look forward to our next encounter. Until then, rest well.

  Ps. I’m truly sorry about the bruises…

  ~ Aiden

  The note almost made me think that he knew about the nightmares. However, that was impossible. I have not revealed that information to anyone. I glanced in the oven and spotted a covered dish. I felt the side of the pan and noticed that it was still warm but not warm enough that I needed an oven mitt. I slid the dish out of the oven and placed it gently on the counter. The heavenly aroma engulfed me as I removed the lid. I didn’t realize that I was this hungry until now. It felt like my stomach was trying to jump from inside of me to gobble up the food quicker.

  I grabbed a plate from the cabinet and loaded it with rosemary chicken, steamed asparagus, and garlic-herb roasted new potatoes. After grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, I settled into one of the four bar stools. It didn’t take me long to gobble down the delicious food. Feeling stuffed and exhausted, I made my way to the bedroom. I was in desperate need of a shower and comfy bed. Although the nap had been refreshing, I knew I needed more rest. I hadn’t slept well since the outburst with Aiden. That combined with traveling and the divine sex had me feeling like I could sleep for a week.

  Once I located my bedroom, I shed the silk blanket and stared into the full length mirror. It didn’t take me long to locate what Aiden had apologized for in his letter. Five perfect fingertip bruises were located on each of my hips. Damn, I knew it had been intense, but I hadn’t realized it was bad enough to leave bruises. No wonder I felt sore all over. Oh well, no permanent harm done. After all, I had encouraged the aggressiveness. I couldn’t be mad at Aiden about bruises that resulted from my encouragement.

  I slowly climbed into the shower. I took comfort from the warm water as it washed over me. I found it interesting to note that the shower was already stocked with the same body wash, shampoo, and conditioner that I always use. The thought worried me a little, but I filed it away for future consideration. Nothing was going to spoil my relaxed state or steal my impending sleep.

  After the shower, I dressed in my normal sleepwear and unpacked my suitcases that had been delive
red from the plane. I picked out what I was going to wear the next day and hung the rest of my clothes in the closet. I brought mainly business attire consisting of enough combinations to allow for two weeks’ worth of outfits. I wanted to be prepared since I didn’t know exactly how long I would be staying. Since I knew I was coming to Cozumel, I couldn’t resist throwing in a couple of swim suits. Maybe I could get a nice tan while I was here.

  After glancing at the time, I knew I needed to get some sleep. There was just one thing that I wanted to do before I climbed into the soft, heavenly bed. I opened the apartment door and glanced quickly around. To my surprise there were no other tenants in sight. This was perfect for what I wanted to do.

  - Aiden

  There were so many thoughts vying for attention in my brain. It was hard to decide what to focus on first.

  Cam knew about my past, yet she had not felt sorry for me. In fact, she seemed to understand what I was dealing with. I wondered if that understanding was connected to her past.

  Previously, her past had not been that enticing to me. That probably stemmed from the deal that had been put in place. Now, however, I wanted to figure her out. I knew that the only way to do that was to know everything about her. I had never been denied access to information before. I only hoped that I could continue to honor that part of our agreement.

  I was still beating myself up about the bruises. I had never left bruises on anyone or anything before. In fact, I am a huge financial supporter in the fight against domestic abuse. Although they are not associated with the Bennett name, I have built and support hundreds of free, non-profit women and children’s shelters across the United States. I never discuss or visit them. In fact, I pay a director of operations to oversee all of them. She sends me detailed monthly reports, and I let her deal with any issues that I see.


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