Just One Chance (Oh Tequila Series Book 1)

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Just One Chance (Oh Tequila Series Book 1) Page 11

by C. A. Harms

  “Yes.” She narrowed her eyes at me. “That pizza. Mushrooms and black olives are mine.” She tried to sound intimidating, but it was impossible to hide her smile. It tugged at the corner of her mouth as she pursed her lips attempting to hide it. “That half is mine.”

  “The whole half?” I asked, looking her over from head to toe. There was no way a tiny girl her size could eat the entire thing. Could she?

  As if Marcus could read the question in my eyes, he began to chuckle from across the table, “She can, she has, and she most definitely will again. Your girl eats like a man, so you better get used to it. The one piece of advice I can give you is never, and I do mean never, get between her and her mushroom and olive pizza.” I looked between him and Morgan, before looking back at him once more. “You could lose a finger, or a nut.” He shrugged and I swallowed hard just as Morgan snorted in laughter.

  “I love my pizza,” she added, trying to regain control after Marcus and his threat on my manly jewels. Or one of them at least.

  “Pete has a thing for Morgan, and when he makes her pizza, he makes it special,” Marcus added, suddenly gaining my full attention. “He puts extra toppings, and I swear the man writes hidden messages with the mushrooms. He is hooked on her something fierce.”

  “Marcus,” Morgan said in warning, only I wanted to know all about this Pete guy.

  “No,” I said, waving my hand in a continue on manner. “Please go on, I’d love to hear all about this Pete character.” I was trying to look unaffected by the thoughts of another guy liking Morgan. I smirked and leaned back in my chair, but my gut was tied in knots.

  “His family owns Porter’s Pizza on Michigan Ave.,” Marcus continued and I watched Morgan for a reaction, looking for any sign that she might have an equal interest in ol’ Petey. “He never charges us full price, never makes us wait for pizza. If I call in and order, it is top priority for Morgan here.”

  It had only been a couple weeks since Morgan gave in to what she was feeling toward me and showed up at my place. Since then she’d allowed me into her world. Which means I’d also been allowed into Toby’s and Marcus’ world too. Marcus was actually a pretty okay guy, and seeing how protective he seemed of Morgan, I found I liked him too. When she wasn’t with me, she had him, and that was reassuring.

  “He has a unibrow,” Morgan announced, breaking through my thoughts. “A huge, overgrown unibrow, of the darkest black hair I have ever seen.”

  Marcus broke out in laughter, and I know I had to have one hell of a perplexed look on my face.

  “A unibrow?” I repeated, and she nodded, her eyes widening just a bit.

  That helped, a little. But I still thought me and a few of the guys should visit Porter’s and harass this Pete guy. I thought it could be a fun way to fill an evening. Maybe I could trick Morgan into coming along just so I could fawn over her in front of him to prove a very important point.

  She is mine.

  Without a second thought, I lifted the pizza I held to my mouth and took a huge bite, just because I could. Morgan’s eyes grew wide, and you would think I just performed some horrendous act. Her eyes narrowed, her nostrils flared, and her lips pressed into a tight line.

  At that moment I swore I could have heard a pin drop. Marcus didn’t speak, I continued to chew, and Morgan watched me as if I were the enemy. “This is some damn good pizza,” I said as I took another bite.

  I closed my eyes and made an over-exaggerated sound expressing my delight as I continued to eat the slice of pizza. I could almost see smoke coming out of her ears. I wanted to laugh at her; she didn't scare me, she intrigued me, even when she was irritated. Whenever she attempted to look mean, I only found her cute. It was actually fucking adorable that she thought she could intimidate me.

  When I reached out for another slice, Morgan moved in fast, placing her hand over mine. Leaning in close, she brought her face close to mine, her eyes staring directly in to mine. “If you touch another piece of my pizza I can assure you, you’ll be going home tonight instead of sharing my bed with me.”

  “Is that so?” I asked, and all she did was offer me a very slow nod.

  Part of me wanted to push back. I wanted to fire her up and then when she was good and pissed, I would toss her up over my shoulder. I assumed she’d be kicking and thrashing as I carried her down the hallway toward her bedroom. I could almost hear her deep, exasperated pants mixed with her irritation when I’d toss her to her bed and move in quick.

  I had a feeling irritated, rage sex would be one hell of a heightened experience with Morgan.

  “That is most definitely so,” she assured me. “Eating my pizza equals banishment.”

  I chuckled.

  “I’m in no way exaggerating, Mr. Stone. You and your special friend down below will no longer be sharing my bed, or any other bed, with me.”

  So it’s like that? I wanted to challenge her, but I wanted her body pressed to mine later tonight more. I gave in. I’d save this battle for another night.

  “I tried warning you,” Marcus said. “You should just consider yourself lucky she didn’t kill you for stealing one piece. But she could still take off a nut later, so I would for sure remain on guard.”

  Ignoring Marcus and his continuous mention of my nuts, I focused on Morgan. Fucking adorable was the only thing I could think of her attempt to frighten me.

  Without another thought, I moved forward before Morgan expected it and pressed a quick kiss against her lips. I could tell I’d caught her off guard as her lips stiffened against my own, but honestly I loved doing that. It wasn’t often I was able to get to her with her guard down. Well, not when other people were around to witness it, anyway.

  When we were alone it was different, she gave me a side of herself I knew she did her best to keep hidden.

  Pulling away from our kiss, my gaze connected with hers and instantly I noticed the lust in her eyes. My chest felt as if it swelled with pride. Knowing that with just one simple kiss I could trigger that kind of reaction reassured me and tamed the insecurity I felt only moments ago.

  Chapter 24

  “Well, look who decided to grace us with his presence.” Red stood from the couch and pretended to bow.

  “That’s right,” I said as I moved past him toward the stairs. “Glad you know who the bitch is and who’s the king.” I chuckled when he lunged at me. His arms circled my waist and suddenly I was tossed up over his shoulder.

  Just then my phone began to ring and I did my best to attempt to grab it. But the position I was in made it impossible. “Dude, put me down.”

  “What? Are you that whipped that if you don’t answer your phone your girl will get pissed?” The guys had given me shit for weeks. They loved hassling me about Morgan, but it never phased me. I’d take all the shit they had to throw my way.

  I watched as Isaac approached Red from behind, almost prowling. I knew I was probably going to be dropped or tossed as a defense mechanism. Either way, I assumed the shit was gonna hurt.

  Before I could say anything, Isaac jerked down Red’s pants, and like I’d assumed, he spun around in a quick reaction, causing me to slip from his hold. I put my hand outward to brace myself for impact, and the entire thing would have worked out just fine had the coffee table not been in the way.

  When the side of my face came into contact with the hard as fuck wood, I swore I saw stars. Instantly I covered my face and rolled to my back. “Motherfu…” My words were muffled by the pressure of my hand against my mouth.

  “Did you lose any teeth?”

  I looked up to see Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Fucking Dumber hovering over me. Corbin held a sandwich in his hand as he chewed obnoxiously. Clayton actually looked semi-concerned.

  “Your girl won’t like the farmer look,” Corbin added before he slapped his brother’s shoulder. “Dude, you remember Murray from back home?” They both started chuckling. “That man only had every other tooth. Don’t know what happened, but he looked fucked up for sure.”r />
  “We could call him Murray,” Clayton added with a laugh. Okay, so I guess he wasn’t concerned.

  I moved off the floor to find Red holding Isaac in a headlock; the craziest part—his pants were still around his ankles. So were his boxers. Bare ass was all we could see. No wait, it wasn’t bare, he looked like Chewbacca.

  “Hairy fuck,” I said, shaking my head and walking toward the bathroom to inspect the damage.

  Flipping on the bathroom light, I lowered my hand and groaned out loud.

  “Well, you aren’t missing any teeth,” Corbin said from the doorway. “But you do look like you have a third eye growing out of your head.”

  I’d thought about arguing with him, but he was right. My cheek was all swollen, and in the center was a cut. A small amount of blood trickled down. The swelling was actually so bad, my eye even appeared bigger.

  “Great,” I said, bracing myself on the vanity as I leaned in closer. “I should have stayed at Morgan’s place.” Even the constant sexual innuendos from Marcus were better than the abuse I got here.

  My phone began ringing again, reminding me that I had missed a call prior to my collision with the table. I stepped back from the sink, reached inside my pocket, and looked down when my phone came into view.

  It was my sister, Cassie.

  “Hi kid,” I said, wincing when I pressed my phone to my ear. Immediately I moved it to the right side. “What’s up?”

  “Bored,” she said. That was it, only one word was all I got.

  Cassie was twelve, the baby of the family. She was hitting that stretch where boys were a little more interesting and all the things she used to enjoy now were childish. I didn’t much care for the liking boys part.

  “Where’s Carter?”

  She sighed, the sound of annoyance. “He’s with Ariana,” she said. “He is always with her. I swear she installed an invisible shock collar on him or something. She snaps her fingers and he runs.”

  Carter just turned sixteen, and just a week ago my dad caught him and his girlfriend naked in our upstairs shower. I spent that entire conversation with my hand covering my smile. There was just something different about him experiencing sex. Hell, I wanted to high five him and buy him the biggest box of condoms I could find. Cassie—I just wanted to find a chastity belt and lock her ass in the basement.

  “She’s his first girlfriend,” I said in explanation.

  “She is a whore,” Cassie added, causing me to choke, “is what she is.” I could almost visualize her rolling her eyes. “I may be young, but I know why he likes her so much. She lets him do just about anything he wants to her. Carter is a sap, he just don’t realize she also lets Mark and Fritz do those things to her too.”

  “What?” I turned around to find Corbin and Clayton still hovering in the doorway, eavesdropping. I waved my hand outward, shooing them away. “Are you telling me that she’s sleeping with three different boys?”

  “Yep,” Cassie replied. “But if you tell Carter that he just gets pissed off.

  “Cas,” I said in warning. I knew that the word pissed was most likely the lightest word in her vulgar vocabulary but I still wasn’t ready for her to be using it.

  “Come and get me,” she tossed back, changing the subject.

  “Cassie, you’re over two hours away.” I leaned back against the sink, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Well then, you better get moving.” Apparently cussing wasn’t the only thing she’d been perfecting. “Stop complaining and just get in your car and drive.”

  “Since when did you get so bossy?” I smiled because her sassy behavior reminded me of a certain blonde I was quite fond of.

  “Since you decided to desert me and run off to college, leaving me with the troubled brother,” she said without hesitation. “Since I’ve been forced to listen to him and his friends talk about things my little innocent ears shouldn’t hear. Before you decided that partying and easy college girls were more important than coming home to visit with your little sister more often. Sine you decided…” She just kept listing crazy shit.

  “Okay, okay,” I interrupted her. “You can stop now.”

  “You asked,” she offered with a laugh.

  “Just so you know, I’ve got a girlfriend,” I told her.

  “Please, don’t tell me you are back with that awful girl that says like every other word.” Cassie sounded annoyed. “I swear I thought she’d knock herself out one day with as much as she whipped her head around. ‘Ya know, it’s like so like, crazy how if I like flip my hair this way and like that way, boys like notice me more.’”

  Leave it to Cassie.

  “No, her name is Morgan,” I corrected her. “She’s nothing like Britney, she actually has a brain. She’s funny and I don’t think I’ve heard her use the word like more than a few times in the entire time I’ve known her.”

  “Okay then. Bring her with you.”

  Instead of responding, I sat silent for a moment, wondering if I could actually find a way to convince Morgan to drive with me to see Cassie.

  “Hello,” Cassie said when I was quiet for too long.

  “Let me see what I can do,” I said before ending the call. I didn't even wait for her to reply.


  “What in the hell happened to you?” Morgan asked when she opened the door to her apartment. She stood in the doorway, wearing only a long t-shirt. The same t-shirt she wore to bed last night.

  How do I know this? Because I was there when she slipped it on over her then naked body. The t-shirt was mine. Seeing her in it once again was gratifying. She looked damn good in it.

  Ignoring the fact that she was looking back at me more with a look of worry as she scanned over my face, I moved in. Hooking her around the waist, cupping her ass, I pulled her body against my own. She gasped when I pressed my now semi-hardened cock against her and shifted my hips slightly.

  “You like my shirt?” I asked her as I kissed her cheek.

  “Maybe.” The breathy whisper assured me that “maybe” was a definite “yes.”

  “It looks better on you.” I pressed another kiss at the corner of her mouth. Another shift of my hips caused her to moan. “Are we alone?” I asked as I backed her into the apartment.

  “Marcus is at work,” she assured me and it was all I needed.

  I kicked the door closed behind me and gripped her ass fully, one palm spanned over each cheek. My girl had one very sweet ass.

  I lifted her and she hopped up, wrapping her legs around my waist. I had come here for a purpose and this surely wasn’t it. But seeing her in my shirt, looking at me concerned, it did something to me. So I wanted to take advantage of us being alone.

  When I lowered her to the kitchen table and pressed my palm to her stomach, pushing her back, her eyes grew wide. Tossing her a smirk, I pushed harder and she slowly lowered her back to the table.

  Her legs still around my waist, I carefully unhooked them and stepped back for a moment, taking her in. Her hair fanned out over the darkened wood top, the t-shirt ridden up, exposing her weak excuse for panties. I loved the fact that Morgan chose to wear sexy little numbers beneath her clothes. It was always a pleasant surprise to find what she had hidden beneath. Each time we were together it was like unwrapping the best fucking present.

  Lifting my hand, I extended my finger and gently trailed the tip over the lacy material. Her back arched and she closed her eyes tightly when I went lower, applying just a small amount of pressure as I skimmed her clit. “Feel good?” I asked and she nodded her head, her eyes still closed tight. “Do you want more?” Another nod, only I needed more.

  “Tell me,” I insisted.

  I could see the determination in her eyes when she opened them and looked up at me. She was trying to find it. Trying to reverse the roles and make me think she was in control.

  Only I couldn't have that. Not now; I was wound too tight to give in.

  “Tell me,” I repeated as I slipped my finger beneath the ed
ge of her panties and felt just how wet she already was. “I just need to hear it, and it’s yours,” I assured her.

  When I saw her resolve slipping, I pushed my finger inside her, just enough to tease. When I pulled back, she whimpered. “More?” I asked, gliding over her clit once again.

  “Yes,” she said in a needy demand. “More.” Her word echoed throughout the apartment.

  Keeping my finger in place, teasing her, I reached inside my pocket and pulled out my wallet. Somehow I maneuvered it around and retrieved the condom I had tucked inside. Placing it between my teeth, I quickly undid my pants and pushed them low enough for my hard cock to spring forward.

  After I tore open the condom and skillfully rolled it on, I pulled her panties to the side, and pressed myself against her. Already her hips were shifting in search of more and I moved closer, giving her just a small tease of what she wanted.

  “Please,” she begged.

  My chest swelled, knowing I was in control.

  She opened her eyes, staring up at me with a desperation I fucking craved. I gripped her hips and with one hard thrust I was deep within her and she was moving, pushing against me with her own hips in search of more.

  Panting filled the air around us. The sound of our bodies slapping together in search of release. My legs tensed when I felt her pussy clench down and I knew she was close.

  Using my thumb, I applied just enough pressure to her clit, creating a circular motion. Within seconds she dug her fingernails into my forearms and her hips pumped faster, matching my own movement. “Yes,” she gasped, her body trembling and shaking against mine.

  Immediately I too was lost as I squeezed her hips tighter and held my pelvis against hers, riding out the wave of pleasure.

  Chapter 25


  Talk about whiplash. I was lying on a kitchen table, a table that, I might add, I shared with my best friend. A table I don’t actually own but where I eat dinner with, again, my best friend, almost nightly. Only now that kitchen table had been converted to a place where my boyfriend decided to rock my world.


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