Encore! (Tudor Saga Book 1)

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Encore! (Tudor Saga Book 1) Page 10

by Jamie Salisbury

  He kindly opened his rehearsal area up for me to work out of, but it had been months since I'd taken on any new clients. But that didn't deter me. I had set out from the time his injury happened in Seattle to chronicle the entire journey. You never know when it might come in handy for some future project. Daniel humored me by allowing me to photograph him in ways I’m sure he'd prefer no one see him and would never have allowed others to photograph.

  One evening, about three weeks into his recovery, I'd had my fill. I was tired of the circus, the hangers-on, and, of course, let's not forget the women. Oh yes, every woman who could gain entrance, it didn't matter whether with another man or boldly on her own, as long as she could get within five feet of Daniel, thought she had a shot at "assisting" in his recovery.

  I was headed back into the apartment one afternoon from the studio; but as I neared the door, I noticed it seemed quieter than usual. Good, perhaps he finally had sense enough to clear everyone out. Then, just as I was shutting the metal door between the buildings, I heard a female voice.

  "Excuse me, and you are?" A very feminine, very European voice asked.

  I spun around to find a raven haired, rail thin model-type lounging where Daniel usually sat. I instantly recognized her as one of the women from Daniel's past.

  "I could ask the same of you. I live here."

  "I'm Gisele. And you must be Daniel's nurse?"

  Gisele, of course you are. God forbid you have a more normal name. I stood my ground trying to think how best to break it to her.

  "Nurse? No, although I suppose I do fit into that category at times. I'm Mary, Daniel's significant other, lover, or however it's referred to now-a-days." I smugly replied. Claws out. Meow! "By the way, where is Daniel?"

  "He had a call to take. He said he'd be back in a minute."

  "Okay." Now get up and leave. Don't make me throw you out or get ugly with you.

  She wasn't budging. In fact, she sat back and appeared to be eyeing me up and down. "Tsk, tsk. Poor Daniel, he must be all work and no play if you're what he's had to resort to."

  Okay, you want to play cat fight? Well I can meet you one for one bitch. "Well, Gisele, I imagine without all those nips and tucks and Botox treatments you've obviously had, you'd send a man screaming in the opposite direction."

  My comments were interrupted by the sound of a man's quiet snicker. Daniel. Standing in the shadows, watching as this all played out.

  "Ah, sweet, I see you've met Gisele."

  "Yes, she's a fascinating creature, Daniel." I didn't have to move an inch; Daniel walked slowly to me and stood—his good arm tightly around my waist. Gisele finally got the point and quickly made a hasty retreat.

  I locked the door behind her and turned to Daniel. "We need to talk."

  He cocked an eyebrow, his sable brown eyes intense as he lay on the sofa, which I secretly referred to as his throne because that was where he spread himself out when company came. "I can tell by your tone, you are not happy about something, sweet."

  "Danny, this has got to stop."

  "What? What are you talking about?"

  "All these people. This non-stop parade of human-kind. It starts first thing in the morning and does not let up, unless you're taking a nap, until late at night."

  "But they mean well."

  "I understand that; but you need to rest in order to heal."

  "What do you want to do? If we move over to your place, they'll simply start coming there. And, if we turn them away, you're going to be blamed."

  "Frankly, I don't care what they think of me; but there is another option."

  "I'm not up to us going out and looking for a place of our own. I thought we decided we'd wait a couple of months and then hire an agent to help us."

  Daniel and I had decided, when we were trying to figure out where would be best for him to recover, that perhaps it was time to move in together. We were together all the time anyway, especially since his tour, and now with his hand.

  "I'm not talking about moving up our schedule. I'm talking about going to visit your parents for a couple of weeks or taking Peter up on his offer and going to his place in Scotland. You need the quiet, Daniel."

  "Where would you rather go?"

  "Oh no, you're not going to put me in that position." I saw that look, again. "But, if I had my druthers about where to lie around and heal, I'd like the south of France right about now."

  "Okay then, we'll go visit my parents. But no more than two weeks, angel mine. I love my mother, but even she can be smothering; and my father is rather intense, you’ll see. You do realize this will quash any romantic plans you may have."

  "Romantic plans? Who could even think of anything so intimate with all the people who have been here?" I laughed. "We could go to Scotland…just you and me, but…"

  "But what? I want to hear more, tease."

  "Your parents need to see you—see that you're okay."

  "Okay then, we'll go visit my parents."

  "Thank you. I’m glad that you will finally relax and rest so you'll heal faster."

  "And perhaps, then, the other will return. I've neglected you something bad I'm afraid, sweet."

  "You're entitled. My goodness, you're entitled. You're recovering from surgery. I'll make sure I get my payback."

  He laughed. "Oh, I'm sure you will."

  "I've also come up with some ideas. Projects to keep you busy while you can't play."

  "I'm listening…"

  "I thought we could go through some of the video footage I've shot of you and piece something together. There's a lot of it, tons of it, actually– enough to put together a couple of video trailers, if nothing else."

  "That would be perfect!"

  "All you have to do is sit with me and go through it all."

  "Did you happen to write down the piece I was playing at the time you shot the video?"

  "But of course I did, Daniel." I said smartly. "If there is one thing I've learned about you, besides the fact that you are an utter perfectionist, it's to keep on my toes and try and to stay two steps ahead of you."

  He threw his head back and laughed. It was good to hear that sound, again. I had worried that without the people and business, he would be bored. I was so glad I had discovered a way to keep his always thinking brain active during this difficult time.

  "So, you think you can keep up do you?" He chuckled.

  "I do have the upper hand, Maestro. And by that I mean I have two hands." I grinned.

  "Naughty girl."

  "Promises, promises," I teased.

  "And make sure we take my violin."


  "I have some ideas. You will play them."

  I sighed, wondering if I had just created a monster rather than creating a distraction. "Daniel, you are supposed to be resting, not working."

  "And I shall. You'll see."


  After some smooth negotiating, I was able to get permission to use my new step-father's private jet. He had gotten us back to London, so I didn't feel bad asking, again. Flying commercial with Daniel with his injured arm would be a nightmare.

  As we disembarked the jet, in the south of France, we were met on the tarmac by both his parents. I immediately took a liking to the couple—in many ways they reminded me of my own parents. Diane, his mother, reminded me of the gentler side of my mother. The one where she wasn't having to oversee three rowdy boys. His father, Thomas, was just as Daniel described him, intense. He was an physician, who asked a lot of questions.

  We settled into Thomas’ sedan for the short ride to their seaside home. Daniel rode up front with his father, while Diane and I shared the back seat. Our conversation consisted mainly of landmarks, history, and our flight. Easy subjects, for now.

  It wasn't until we arrived at their gorgeous home, the home where Daniel grew up, that his father's tone changed. We settled into the guest room before meeting them on the terrace for refreshments.

  "You never told me you grew
up in such a beautiful home and so close to the beach?"

  "Probably because my mind was focused elsewhere," he teased as we descended the stairs.

  His parents were seated at a glass and iron table talking softly between themselves. Diane poured us both a glass of lemonade as we joined them. I started to assist Daniel, but he put his good hand up, meaning he had things under control. I resigned myself to my chair and took a sip of my drink.

  "Do you care to enlighten us as to how you were so reckless and broke your hand?" Thomas inquired. Reckless, huh? Well, I'd give him that one. It was a bit reckless on Daniel's part, but he was defending me…

  "I was fooling around with Mary's brothers, that's all. It was totally my fault it happened."

  "Fooling around or whatever, it was reckless, Daniel. Things could have turned out differently. The break could have been so bad you might never have played again."

  There was a bit of awkward silence before Diane came to the rescue. "Daniel tells me you have three brothers, Mary. All older?" She slid a plate of mouth watering cookies my way. I glanced at her, taking one.

  "Yes. Actually my brother, Amadeus, and I are twins and he loves to brag that he's the older of the two of us. So yeah, I am the youngest."

  "Amadeus. That's an unusual name, especially in America," she continued. Daniel leaned over and took three cookies off the plate and set them in front of him.

  "Yes, it is; and like Daniel recently pointed out to me, his name fits him perfectly."

  "So you are close to all your brothers?" Thomas asked, picking up his glass of lemonade.

  "Not as much as we were when we were kids."

  I looked at Daniel for help. I had no desire to discuss my family dynamics. He had expected the inquisition—from his father, in particular, and quickly shifted the direction of the conversation. Before long, both men decided to go off to his father's workshop. It seemed Thomas had a hobby--building furniture. Daniel patted my shoulder as he and his father left us.

  Diane seemed to relax a bit once the men left. I wasn't sure if she felt like a referee, or what, when her son and husband were around. Daniel was right, the man was intense.

  "He seems to be doing rather well, considering the injury to his hand and not being able to play," she said, lifting her glass to her lips. "He seems happy, too."

  "He brooded quite a bit the first few days after the surgery, but then I think he realized it was out of his control. Once we returned to London, all his friends and business associates began to stop by. Though it kept his mind from thinking about the fact he can't play for a couple of months, it got out of hand. That's when I suggested we come visit you."

  "Daniel has never had a break from playing in his entire life."

  "I know that; which was why I didn't say anything, at first, about the endless stream of company. They kept his mind off it. But, at the same time, he needs to rest. He wasn't getting that at home."

  "You have to put your foot down, Mary."

  "I did. I told him if he'd come here and just rest, I had a project he could assist me with that did not require his playing."

  "You bribed him. Smart woman."

  "We'll see just how smart I am by the end of our visit. He doesn't know how to turn things off and relax. His mind is always on, always thinking."

  "You know him well. He mentioned the two of you had first met at Julliard and caught up, again, this past year. Do you still play?"

  "Yes, we met at Julliard. We had a few classes together and I would see him at rehearsals. I also play piano, so I was focused a little differently than Daniel. I do still play, though not as intensely as Daniel." I giggled. "But I don't think anyone could match Daniel on that, no matter who they were."

  She laughed. "You are right. My son is gifted when it comes to his music, always has been. But tell me, if I may ask, you and Daniel seem very content with each other. That's not the word I'd choose, but I don't wish to come across as the meddling mother. It is obvious to me from all the times he has spoken about you and now, seeing him with you, that he adores you. He seems truly happy in a relationship, finally." Smiling, she continued. "I have to give you credit, Mary, Daniel is not an easy man to tame, and you seem to have done something no other woman has been able to do."

  I know I turned every hue of red and pink on the color wheel. No one had ever complimented me like Diane just had. She was right; Daniel was not an easy man to get to know. Not the deep down, personal Daniel. "Thank you. You do know that your son is quite passionate and determined. When he wants something, he goes to great lengths to get it."

  "He pursued you then?"

  "Relentlessly, but I will give him credit at being a genius at how he did, and still does. I hope that never stops."

  "Then I am right in assuming you're both serious about each other?"

  "Yes, very."

  "Any talk about…"

  "Marriage?" I laughed. "Subtly. That is the best answer I can give. One thing I have learned about Daniel is he always has a plan. Any move he makes on any decision, he's thought it through a thousand times."

  "Good. When the time is right, it will happen."

  "And that is exactly what my Aunt Lucy told me not too long ago."

  "A smart woman, your Aunt Lucy."

  Our week in France flew by. Daniel and I were on our own most of the time, or with his mother. His father still went to work every day, as a good doctor always does.

  It didn't take me long, either, to notice how tense Daniel became sometimes, when his father was around. It was his father who encouraged him to start playing; so I imagined there still was, even after all these years, some part of his father that couldn't let go of that little boy, and who still wanted a part of molding his son's destiny. But now, Daniel was in charge of his future, and his father was at a loss as to how to embrace that.

  The night before we were to leave and head back to London, I turned in early, leaving Daniel alone to spend some time with his parents. Frankly, I needed a break. It had been so long since I'd been around family on a daily basis, I didn't know how to do it anymore.

  I was ready, more than ready, for us to return to our own world, our own life together. He was due to see the new surgeon in London for the first time, next week. Daniel was at the half-way point and hopefully all was mending as it should. Hopefully.

  I must have fallen asleep when something, a noise, woke me up. The bedroom was dark except for the light I had left on in the bathroom, the door all but closed so Daniel wouldn't have to fumble his way around in the dark. I turned over and saw Daniel attempting to undress himself with his one good hand. Not an easy task. I quietly slung my legs over the side of the bed and walked over to the chair where he was sitting.

  "Here, let me help you."

  "I'm sorry, sweet. I didn't mean to wake you. I thought I could get this done without disturbing you."

  "You didn't wake me," I replied. "Now stand. It will make it easier to get you out of your shirt."

  Nodding, he stood and let me take over, helping me where he could. Finally he stood there, lusciously naked, before me. My eyes froze at his massive erection. We had not attempted making love since his accident. Either it was uncomfortable for him or I was terrified I might injure his already hurt hand.

  He took my hand in his good one and sat down, guiding me onto his lap. "I want you, sweet. It has been far too long."

  I took his face with both hands and began to kiss him as passionately as I knew how. He responded eagerly, probing, exploring the depths of my mouth.

  "How can we do this so I don't hurt your hand?" I whispered, our lips still touching.

  "I have an idea, but it entails the bed," he replied.

  I took that as my cue and gently removed myself from his lap. I helped him up, letting him lead me.

  "Bend over the mattress and spread you legs, sweet."

  I nodded with a sly grin and got myself in position to receive him. I was so over-ready for him I could almost feel my body hum in e

  I felt Daniel as he slowly he entered me. He said nothing, but I could tell by the hiss-like sound he was making as he pushed his way inside that he was about to explode. As soon as I had his entire length, he thrust himself in hard, letting me know it was him and that he was taking me.

  It was over too soon. I felt the force of his climax fill me. I found myself clenching the sheets with my teeth in an attempt not to scream from the burst of erotic pleasure that rushed through me. Daniel bent over me, lying there as gingerly as he could, his left hand off to the side of me, his good arm bearing all his weight.

  "That was quite intense, angel mine. You felt so tight around my cock. Like a glove. Now you see why I didn't want you to suck me. I would have never made it inside you without cuming all over you."

  Part of me, however, was still wanting him. I wanted him to put his fingers on me and make my body come again. He stood up and slowly withdrew his still hard cock. I felt a shiver as he left me. "Daniel," I whimpered.

  He playfully slapped my butt as I managed to crawl to the middle of the bed and under the sheets. He followed, sitting up next to me, his eyes watching me. "What do you want, sweet? Do you need for me to touch you some more?"

  "Yes," I whispered. But it was virtually impossible for him to lie next to me and give me what I wanted. We'd tried this dance a dozen times or more already, his injured hand always an intrusion.

  He sat back up and placed his hand over my mound. It was awkward. "Touch yourself here, sweet," he directed, as he gently plunged two fingers inside my already wet pussy. "Make yourself cum while I fuck you with my fingers."

  My fingers found his and I began to touch myself, watching him as he helped me reach my destination. "Daniel," I whimpered once more—he took over as I rocked against him and brought my release.

  Utterly sated now, I snuggled in next to him as best we could manage. "Better, sweet?"


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