Daddy's Demands: Twenty-Five Steamy Daddy Dom Romance Novellas

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Daddy's Demands: Twenty-Five Steamy Daddy Dom Romance Novellas Page 57

by Madison Faye

She stepped back, shaking her head to clear it, trying to focus. “Uh, yeah, I guess I should.” But she didn’t move; arousal still coursed through her body, her pulse raced, and her heart pounded. She took a deep breath. She could do this. Of course she could.

  Smack! She jumped as Caine’s palm connected her with her left buttock, the playful swat imparting a slight sting through her jeans. He winked rakishly, before handing her the lead rope.

  Damn, the man was handsome! As she wedged her left foot into the stirrup and swung herself into the saddle, Tessa couldn’t get him out of her mind.

  Chapter Two

  Caine didn’t know what it was, but there was something about Tessa that attracted him to her. Perhaps it was her innocence. There was a shy sweetness about her that he found endearing. And she was gorgeous. She was totally unlike the girls who usually flung themselves at him, attracted not to him but to who he was, treating him like some kind of trophy. They were fun, sometimes, but Tessa’s genuineness was refreshing and her vulnerability drew out protective instincts in him that he’d long thought buried. More than anything, he wanted to turn her over his knee and give her the guidance and discipline it seemed she so desperately needed. That one playful swat he’d given her just before she mounted her horse had done nothing to quench the desire within him; in fact, it had only fuelled the fire more.

  The impassioned pleading look she’d given him when he’d taken the whip and rope from her and calmed her horse had tugged at his heartstrings. She’d seemed totally alone in the world, so in need of care and protection and he hadn’t been able to help himself. He’d had to step in. And now that he had, he found himself powerless to back away.

  Tessa was a good rider, and it was obvious as he watched her canter Thunder in big circles in the paddock behind the vehicles that she had a strong bond with her horse. She sat easily in the saddle, her body moving naturally in rhythm with the long, loping strides. He knew she was nervous, but she didn’t need to be; she and Thunder would do just fine. Just like the rough-stock events he competed in, success in barrel racing wasn’t just down to ability; part of the challenge was mental. And judging by the flawless way horse and rider moved together, guided by invisible cues, they had the mental part of it down pat.

  His cock hardened again as he thought of the promise he’d made her, about taking down her pants and striping her behind. What would she look like half naked? Gorgeous, he was sure. She’d felt pretty good under his hands before, when he’d explored the outline of her body through her clothes. She was slender, with curves in all the right places, and she’d fitted next to him perfectly, like they’d been made for each other.

  “You’re looking good, baby,” he encouraged, saluting her as she rode past. “I’ll see you at the gate, okay?”

  The smile she gave him went straight to his groin. God, he had it bad. Everyone he passed tipped their hats or nodded in greeting, as he made his way to the gate, but he replied absently, not paying any attention. He couldn’t get his mind off Tessa. Something about her touched him like no other woman ever had before.

  Standing near the arena fence, he watched her ride up and join the small group of women entered in the local barrel race competition, waiting off to the side of the arena gate. Thunder was prancing, his head and tail held high, and Tessa sat easily in the saddle, although he could tell she was nervous. She was biting her lip so hard it had to be painful and her shoulders were tense, stiff. He wanted to massage the kinks out of them, and trace his thumb over her bruised lip. Especially now that she’d donned a cowboy hat and plaited her hair into two pigtails that bounced in front of her shoulders. Right now, with her looking so childlike and sweet, it was all he could do to keep his hands off her.

  Thunder danced on the spot. Instinctively, Caine stepped forward and took hold of his bridle. “Easy, boy,” he crooned, quietening the big horse. The gelding snorted, showing the whites of his eyes, but he stilled, and Tessa visibly relaxed at his presence.

  “You’ll be fine,” he told her. “He’s raring to go; I bet you’ll do great.”

  Although he stood at Thunder’s head, it was impossible for Caine to concentrate on the horse. His eyes kept roving over Tessa’s body, sliding up her slim thighs, lingering on her hips, trailing up the buttons of her shirt that stretched tight across her ample boobs. He wanted to kiss her there, to part the fabric of her shirt and run his tongue over her sweet skin, licking the darkened, tight nipples, sucking them deep into his mouth… He shook his head, forcing himself back to reality. There would be time for that later, maybe. Right now, she had to ride.

  He didn’t usually watch the local barrel racers. Usually, he was up at the bar, chatting up the girls, downing a Speights with the boys, the bottle of liquid courage just what he needed to psych him up for his events. He never got drunk, he only ever had the one drink, just enough to take the edge off his sanity and make him brave. There was no way he could get down onto the back of a raging bull stone-cold sober. But there’d be time for that later. Right now, he wanted to be with Tessa. He didn’t want to let her out of his sight. He was scared that if he did, she would disappear, and she’d made too much of an impression on him to let that happen.

  “Good luck.” Kissing his fingertips, he reached up and pressed them to her lips. A spark shot up his arm at the simple touch; his fingers prickled. Tessa blushed. Damn, she was cute when she blushed! He stepped back, letting them pass, before getting as close to the arena fence as he could.

  They were good. Thunder was in full gallop in a single, powerful stride, and the girl atop him leaned forward in the saddle, urging him forward with her body. Caine’s heart pounded as they rounded the first barrel, and he leaned sideways with her as they skidded around. Thunder was fast. His muscular hindquarters kicked up the dust behind them as he sped for the second barrel, rounded it, and headed for the third. Galloping for home, Tessa’s body was right out of the saddle and she was stretched out across the gelding’s neck, riding him hard, encouraging him on. As the dynamic duo crossed the electronic eye, Caine let out the breath he didn’t realise he’d been holding, whistled, and clapped along with the crowd. He’d only known Tessa for a short time, but her ride had filled him with a sense of pride. And he knew, if she’d let him, he could teach her a few tricks and shave a couple of seconds off their time.

  * * *

  They’d done well, she knew it. The roar of the crowd as they’d galloped down the home stretch still rang in her ears, and Caine’s grin of approval as they’d ridden out of the arena had confirmed it. She’d dismounted into his waiting arms and nearly melted when he’d planted a quick congratulatory kiss on her cheek. All the effort she’d put in, the hours they’d spent training, had paid off. It was a fantastic feeling. This was her dream, the dream she’d shared with her father, and it had just come true.

  And now, with Thunder cooled off, brushed down, unsaddled, and grazing peacefully inside a makeshift tape pen, her core clenched tightly in anticipation of what she knew was to come.

  Would it hurt? Spankings had always fascinated her, but aside from the odd playful swat, she’d never had a boyfriend willing to give her one. Not in the disciplinary way she desired, anyway. She’d never found a man willing to step up and take her in hand, to hold her accountable for her bad choices, and to tame her fierce temper that so easily got out of control. And now here she was, watching the big, powerful cowboy with the scruffy, sandy blond hair curling out from under his hat, put up the ramp on the horse float, making a private spot in which to administer her punishment.

  The butterflies in her tummy were having a field day as Tessa watched Caine move around the outside of the float, checking, fastening, tightening. The sleeves of the red shirt he wore were rolled up to his elbows and the muscles stood out on his brawny forearms. Even from here, several metres away, she could see the hard ridges of muscle flexing with his movements. She could see the raw power in his body. Her breath caught in her throat. What the hell was she getting herself into? />
  She had parked right on the edge of the parking area and there was no one around; they were all either watching the rodeo or warming up their horses. She wasn’t sure about doing this anymore. Chicken! her inner voice mocked. Chicken noises rang inside her head, the cackling of a hen who’d just laid an egg echoed in her ears. Tessa gulped. Her hands shook in trepidation as she forced one foot in front of the other to where Caine waited at the side door of the float. He looked relaxed, a casual half-smile on his face as he held out a hand to her. She took it, uncertain.

  “Breathe,” he reminded her softly. “You’ll be okay. Do you trust me?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she whispered.

  They went into the float together and he shut the door. It felt weird, a bit claustrophobic, to be in such a confined space with him, and her legs turned to jelly.

  She kept hold of his hand as they ducked under the front bar.

  “Bend over this,” he ordered her softly, pressing her back gently to guide her over the padded bar.

  Her heart pounded as she did as she was told, leaning over it exactly the way he’d asked her to, making the bar dig uncomfortably into her belly…

  “Undo your jeans. I want your ass bare.”

  A thrill went through her. This was really happening—Caine Foster, her idol, was about to dominate her, discipline her, bare her.

  “Do you still want to do this, little girl?” His husky voice was low, just loud enough to be heard. “If you want to back out, say so now.”

  Tessa gritted her teeth. “I’m not backing out.”

  “Good girl.”

  Her fingers shook as she fumbled with the button on her jeans and started to slide them slowly down her hips. Behind her, Caine swished the riding crop through the air, practicing, she supposed. The whoosh sent a shiver down her spine.

  “This is a punishment, so it’s going to hurt,” Caine told her quietly. “But you’re going to need to take it quietly, because it’s not going to be good for either of us if someone comes charging in here to rescue you.”

  The reminder that they were basically in public, hidden from view only by the thin fibreglass walls of the horse float, made her tremble. They were on the outer edge of the parking lot and the rodeo was noisy, but if she screamed, she knew she would be heard. She took a deep breath and pushed her jeans and underwear down lower, right to the floor, before stepping out of them, baring herself for Caine.

  “Do you want me to gag you? Or can you be quiet?”

  “I can be quiet,” she whispered. But even as she said the words, she wasn’t entirely sure that she could.

  She jumped as his rough palm rested lightly on her bare skin, cupping her buttocks, the gentle pressure lifting her upward slightly onto her toes.

  “Back over the bar,” he commanded softly. “Spread your legs.” He tapped her inner thighs lightly with his fingers. “Wide apart.”

  Tessa obeyed, stretching her body over the padded bar, spreading her legs wide apart just as Caine had asked, offering herself to him. She knew he could see everything in this position: her dewy pussy, the sticky wetness at the top of her thighs, her swollen, needy clit. That same knowledge that filled her with shame also heightened her arousal.

  Caine squeezed her bottom, his fingers digging into her flesh.

  “Naughty little girls who don’t control their temper need to be punished,” he scolded. “They get their bare bottoms whipped red.”

  A tremble went through her, but she didn’t move.

  “Are you ready for this, little girl?” Caine asked.

  Her tongue was fuzzy and her mouth dry; she couldn’t form any words.

  “I need an answer, little girl. I need to hear a ‘yes, Daddy.’”

  Tessa gulped. “Yes, Daddy,” she whispered.

  “Good girl.”

  She held her breath as Caine slid his hand up her spine to rest between her shoulder blades, holding her down over the bar at the front of the horse float. She’d never paid too much attention to the wooden slatted floor before but now she fixated on a rusted nail, slightly out of line with the others.

  Thwick! She jumped and fought back a shriek as the crop landed with a ferocious burn right across the centre of her bottom. It stung like fire and more than anything, she wanted to reach back and clutch at the sting, to rub it away. But Caine’s restraining hand on her back held her in place and immediately, the crop fell again. And again and again. The little leather tongue at the end landed in a fresh place each time, scorching her entire bottom evenly in a fast staccato pattern that made her dance on her toes.

  “Ow, please!” Tessa moaned, begging, unable to keep the rising panic at bay.

  “Are you learning your lesson, little girl?” Caine’s deep voice rumbled, as the crop fell again.


  “I don’t think you are.” The crop landed fiercely, right at the spot where her bottom met her thighs, several times in quick succession. “The correct answer is ‘yes, Daddy.’”

  Tessa sucked in a breath, biting back a sob, as Caine touched the crop to the very top of her inner thigh, trailing it down the inside of her leg, then back up, slowly. Her skin prickled as the leather slid closer and closer to her pulsing pussy.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she whimpered. “I’m learning, I promise!” She bit back a squeal of arousal as Caine flicked the crop across her swollen, dripping labia, then dipped the very tip of it inside her, teasing her. Sparks zinged through her as he trailed the tip of the crop up and down her slit. The pleasure Caine was giving her now melded with the pain, blending inside her in a whirlwind of emotion. The crazy mix of sensations was almost more than she could bear, as the crop slid upward again to tap against her clit. Her thighs shook.

  “You’re a very naughty girl,” Caine growled, snapping the crop across the fullest part of her bottom again. “Naughty little girls who can’t control their tempers need to be spanked soundly.”

  No! Don’t stop what you were doing! her inner voice yelled as her pussy pulsed with need, left empty, wanting. Instead, she let out a deep moan, born of the mix of longing and pain coursing through her.

  Caine stopped the spanking then, but held the crop against her bottom, the hard shaft pressing across the stinging welts as some kind of warning.

  “Do you feel guilty for losing your temper at your horse?” Caine asked. “Because you should.”

  His voice had taken on a deep, scolding tone now, and although he spoke quietly, the forceful sternness in his lecture sent shivers through her.

  “He was just as nervous as you were,” he growled. “Your role as his handler was to keep calm and keep him calm. It was to reassure him. To tell him everything was going to be okay. To show him, with your body language, that everything was okay. Instead, you let your nerves get the better of you, which affected your horse, and you lost your temper at him. That is not okay, little girl.”

  “I know,” she whispered. Guilt racked her. Caine spoke the truth—she couldn’t argue with his words.

  “We’re not done with this whip yet, little girl. I think you need to feel it a bit more, to learn just how not okay your behaviour was.”

  “No, please!”

  “Yes. You need this. You need the bite of this crop to wash away your guilt.”

  Tessa bit her lip as Caine rubbed the crop up and down her stinging globes.

  “Are you ready?”

  She nodded. “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Good girl.”

  The crop bit into her skin again and again, peppering both buttocks and the tops of her thighs with small, stingy welts. Her legs felt like jelly and her body shook. Caine’s words echoed in her head, compounding her guilt, combining with the sting of the crop, smashing all her senses to smithereens. Tears threatened to fall.

  Tessa rose up on her toes in a futile attempt to avoid the evil crop but Caine’s hand on her back held her in place and the whip continued to meet its mark. Again and again it fell with perfect precision, each biting stroke erasing
a tiny patch of her guilt and bringing her closer and closer to tears. The easy way he curbed her movement as she bucked against him was testament to his strength and she knew that fighting him was pointless. She swallowed back her cries, gritting her teeth, forcing back the rising panic welling up within her as the crop landed again and again, a biting, searing pain on her tender flesh. How much more of this could she take?

  “I’m sorry, Daddy!” she cried, before breaking down completely, the sting of the crop having completely stripped away her protective walls.

  Immediately, the spanking stopped and Caine gathered her up in his arms, pulling her close against his chest, rubbing her back and tangling his fingers in her hair.

  “Shhh, shhh, it’s okay now,” he crooned in her ear.

  She felt him kiss her hair, then her forehead and right then, with her butt on fire and tears streaming down her face, she felt safe and protected. Caine was right—the sting of the crop had chased away her guilt and she was left feeling cleansed and free. It was an amazing feeling, really. Still pressing her face against his broad chest, crying into his shirt while he rubbed her back, comforting her, she smiled.

  “You’re okay, baby girl,” Caine whispered. “It’s over. It’s all over.”

  The spanking might have been over, but the heat in her pussy was not. Her breasts were tight and achy, her lady parts pulsed with longing, the tops of her thighs were slick with her juices. The spanking had hurt, but it had been arousing at the same time, especially when Caine had slid the whip between her legs, teasing her, tormenting her, driving her wild with desire. And now she wanted him. More than she’d ever wanted a man before, she wanted him. She pressed her pelvis against him, the hard bulge in the front of his jeans poking into her, filling her with satisfaction. So he wanted her too, then. Good. That was good.

  Caine stepped back. “Stand up,” he commanded, his voice husky.

  “But I want you,” she protested. “I want to feel…”


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