One Shot [IAD Agency 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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One Shot [IAD Agency 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 12

by Laurie Roma

  “Take him out! Override! T-rex, you take him down,” Adrian yelled in her ear.

  Tara broke out of Mendez’s grasp by driving her arm under his to knock it away. She gasped for air. He backhanded her hard and Tara heard cursing coming from her earpiece. Tara heard Mikayla cry out.

  “We’re coming in!” someone screamed over the comms.

  “Lynx!” Tara yelled. She exploded into action as she heard the men on her team cursing in low, furious voices. Tara reached down and extracted a thin knife out of the lining of her boot. She whipped it out toward one of the guards. Sounds gargled from his throat as the blade lodged deep in his neck.

  She swiped Mendez’s legs out with a quick kick and had him tumbling to the floor beside her. A quick jab to his face had him going out like a light. Tara flipped back onto her feet as Diego rushed her. He hit her hard and they fell over the back of the booth, entangled together.

  Tara let loose with all the rage she had pent up inside of her. She rolled and grappled with the man until she got him in a headlock between her well-muscled thighs. Using the pressure of her legs, she quickly snapped his neck and dropped him.

  Jumping to her feet, Tara was just in time to see Mikayla kick a gun out of the other guard’s dead hand. Adrenaline continued to rush through Tara’s veins. She tried to slow her breathing back to normal as she surveyed the room. “Well, shit. That didn’t go according to plan.”

  “Fuck the plan. You okay in there?” Adrian’s voice sounded in her ear.

  Mikayla unwrapped her necklace from around Carlos’s neck where she had used it as a garrote and looked at it in disgust. “I am now that I don’t have to the let this bastard paw me.” She wiped at her mouth. “I need a fucking shower. Bastard.”

  “I’m coming in,” Rock warned a second before the door opened. Rock carried the unconscious guard that used to be guarding the door into the room and dropped him next to the guard Tara had killed.

  “Mendez is still alive,” Tara told her team.

  “Not for long,” Lucian promised, his voice deadly calm.

  Tara couldn’t stop herself from walking back to the unconscious Mendez to kick him in the ribs. Rock laughed when Tara kicked Mendez once more. “I think he’s out already.”

  Turning, she forced the scowl from her face. “The pig licked me, dammit.”

  She went to retrieve her knife from the dead guard as Rock secured their prisoner’s hands and feet. Mendez groaned. Blood trickled from his eye where Tara had hit him.

  His eyes fluttered open. Zeroing on Tara he spit out, “I’m going to kill you, puta.”

  “You and what army, asshole? I think that will be a little difficult for you,” Tara said flatly.

  Mendez looked past her, finally noticing Rock for the first time. Weariness entered his eyes as he glanced around and saw his dead guards littered across the floor.

  A second later Lucian slipped into the room with another dead guard. He dropped the guard on the floor then did a quick visual over Tara to make sure she wasn’t injured. Stepping over the body of the guard absently, he walked over to where Mikayla waited. Lucian took out a handkerchief and held it out to Mikayla. “Here you go, love.”

  She smiled gratefully, taking it from him. “Thanks, sugar, you know how I hate getting my jewelry dirty.” She wiped the blood off the necklace with white cloth and shot Mendez an evil smile.

  Mikayla held the soiled cloth back out to Lucian but he shook his head. “Keep it, Lynx. You know how difficult it is to get that much blood out.” She shrugged and tossed the handkerchief into the fire pit.

  Mendez’s eyes flickered back to Tara and she was pleased at the fear she saw there.

  “Now we are going to have a little talk…”

  Chapter Ten

  “Haven’t you had enough of clubs tonight?” Slade complained.

  Back at the Palace Hotel, Tara bounced on her feet as she stood in front of Lucian, Adrian, and Slade. Mikayla had run upstairs to drop her things off before meeting them. Rock had lost the draw to write up the report on their op tonight so he headed back to his room to follow up on leads.

  The now-incarcerated Ricardo Mendez had all but sung with info. He was currently being transported to the deepest, darkest cell where he would never again see the light of day. Technically, he didn’t even exist anymore. After a few days, he would wish he didn’t. Besides that, plans were in place to take the Mendez cartel apart piece by piece. Once his empire was destroyed, he would no longer be of use and would really disappear…for good.

  One down, two more terrorists to go.

  The information their prisoner had provided gave them a working timeline. The auction was scheduled to go down on New Year’s Day. The seller, John Gorin, would contact the buyers a few days before the sale with further instructions. IAD would either track down the players beforehand or they would prepare to take them down at the sale. Either way, the New Year was certainly bound to ring in with a bang.

  There was nothing more they could do about it right now, so they might as well enjoy themselves. Overall, tonight had been a good night and Tara was ready to party.

  The women had left the cleanup to the men as Tara followed Mikayla to the low-budget motel where she had stashed her rental. Mikayla had “confiscated” Carlos’s red, shiny sports car with supreme satisfaction. They took a few minutes at the crap motel so Mikayla could change clothes and Tara could redo her makeup for a more normal look. Tara had taken the red covering off the black corset and removed her wig.

  Still high on adrenaline, she knew she needed to do something to release all of her excess energy.

  “Come on, hon, let’s go to Harem and have a drink.”

  Lucian led the way to the dance club located in the Palace Hotel with Tara in the center of the men. Avoiding the line, Lucian hung his arm around her shoulder and walked right up to the front entrance. People in line careened around, trying to see who they were.

  Surrounded by the three men, Tara looked like a VIP. She was amused by the looks they were getting. It looked like she had her own harem. Damn right. She flashed a wink at a group of envious women. The guards, visibly straightened at the door, greeted them, speaking low.

  “Welcome, Mr. Steele. Ms. Toshi. Would your party like a table tonight?”

  With a slow grin Lucian nodded his head. Most of the hotel staff knew to treat the Mac Security team with VIP status, but the security personnel looked at them with heightened awe. Talking into his mic, one of the guards motioned them forward and opened the door, leading them into the club to their table.

  The low table in the middle of a U-shaped couch was sectioned off by gossamer curtains and they settled in. It was dark, but Tara could see bodies grinding to the music. A waitress appeared instantly and shot Tara another envious look. Adrian ordered them a bottle of scotch and the waitress hurried away to get their order.

  Lucian leaned over to stroke his knuckles over the bruise that Tara had tried to hide with the makeup. She gave him a smile, telling him that she was okay. He was the brother of her heart. They had been partners for years and she knew that he worried.

  The waitress reappeared and set the bottle down, giving the men a blatantly suggestive look. Mikayla strolled up to the table, sat down next to Slade, and gave the waitress a hard stare that had her scrambling away in a hurry. Slade laughed heartily as he poured them all a drink.

  Adrian shook his head. “Lynx, you are better than a can of mace. What if I thought she was hot?”

  Mikayla shook her head as she accepted the glass he handed her. “Not your type.”

  “She’s right,” Tara said dismissively.

  “Any trouble getting in?” Adrian asked Mikayla. She shot him an incredulous stare. A woman who looked like Mikayla never had trouble getting in anywhere. He raised his hands in appeasement.

  Lucian raised his glass. “Another night survived, another day alive.”

  “Fuck yeah,” the others said as the glassed clinked off one another and e
ach shot back the heady liquid.

  Slade, Adrian, and Mikayla started talking about Mac and Bella’s upcoming wedding. Tara leaned back on the couch with her drink to avoid joining that particular conversation. Lucian did the same. Turning, he looked at her until she met his gaze. “You knew more than you let on tonight.”

  His simple statement had her back up. “Let it go. So what if I did? I didn’t hold back anything that would have jeopardized the mission.”

  His eyes narrowed. “You could have been hurt.”

  “We all could have. We don’t deal in could haves. Come on, Steele, please let it go.”

  Tara didn’t want to fight with him. He sighed as he gave in and moved to pour himself another drink. Tara looked up to see women converging in masses to their table. A pretty redhead all but threw herself onto Lucian’s lap as she begged him for a dance.

  It never failed. Women were attracted to all of the IAD men. Who wouldn’t be with their ripped bodies and good looks? But for some reason women practically came in their pants when Lucian flashed a smile their way. He was dark and dangerous and smooth as sin. The redhead must have decided that she felt like sinning today since she was doing her best to slither onto Lucian lap.

  This always happened when they went out. Women flocked to the guys like bees to honey and it was usually up to Tara to protect them. But if a man approached Tara while they were out, she was lucky if they left the poor guy alive.

  Tara rolled her eyes and took the opportunity to escape. She stepped up onto the table, grabbing Slade’s hand on the way as she dragged him with her. Throwing a wink back at Lucian, she left him to fend for himself. Although Slade was a badass, Tara knew he was self-conscious about the thick scar on his face and also didn’t like crowds.

  Pulling him to the end of the table as she stood on the top, she was the same height as he was. She flung her arms around him and pulled him close to dance with her. He chuckled in her ear as they moved to the music. A heavy hip-hop beat thumped through the speakers and they both sang along to the lyrics. Tara turned and dropped down till her ass almost hit the tabletop then she slowly rose, brushing back against his body.

  “Christ, T-rex.” Slade groaned. She knew he loved her platonically, but a man would have to be dead not to appreciate Tara’s dance moves.

  All of a sudden a hand gripped Tara’s arm tightly in a strong hold. She whipped her head around and came face to face with Julian King.

  “What the hell are you doing?” his low voice bit out harshly.

  She saw Slade tense and move to intercept but she held her hand out to stop him. Seeing her smile, he relaxed and sat back down next to Mikayla. Julian’s eyes flashed dangerously as Tara met his furious gaze. “Do you know how much I would like to hurt him just because you were rubbing against him? Damn you.”

  Amused, Tara tossed her hair back. “Is that what has you all hot and bothered? Slade loves me like a sister, Julian. We were just dancing.”

  He took a step forward until they were nose to nose. “Oh, I’m hot all right. You don’t even want me to get started right now on why I’m so pissed. I’m just glad you’re alive right now so I can kill you myself. You should have let me know you were back. I was worried.”

  Tara’s heart thumped a wild rhythm. She knew she was an anomaly in his controlled, rigid life. No matter how long it lasted, she was determined to shake up his orderly world.

  High on bloodlust, Tara decided, what the hell, and went with it.

  She jumped up and wound her legs around his waist, arms holding onto his neck. Tara saw the pleasure and heat surge into his eyes. His arms automatically wrapped around her waist, holding her to him. Julian was caught off guard. She loved doing that to him. Tara let out a gusty laugh and leaned in.

  “Kiss me, handsome,” she ordered.

  Julian’s breath caught as her lips crushed down on his. His world narrowed as his mouth slanted over hers with an urgency that matched her own. His hand wound into her hair and holding her in place, not giving her the slightest chance of escape. He reveled in the feel of her. Tongue thrusting deep, Tara shook his control like no one else. She tasted sweet, dark, and dangerous and she made him ache with a need that he had never felt before.

  He wanted more. He wanted everything.

  Panting slightly, eyes heavy with lust, Tara smiled up at him. “Sorry, I’m still a little wired. I always get like this after a mission.”

  Her words brought his world back into focus and he felt anger surge to life once again. “We need to talk.” Setting her down, he grabbed her hand and started to pull her with him out of the club.

  “Tara?” Lucian and Adrian appeared. Their sharp voices questioning and offering protection.

  “No worries, guys, I’m good.”

  Before she could say anything else, Lucian let out a sharp laugh and slung a proprietary arm around Tara’s shoulders. “Naw, buddy, you are way off target with this one. T-rex here will eat you up and spit you out. That’s why we call her T-rex. Stick to the safe, pretty women you got here in Vegas.”

  Tara’s face went blank but she quickly recovered her smile, but not before Julian saw the hurt and embarrassment flash in her eyes. Damn Lucian, did he even realize how his words had wounded her?

  Julian surprised them all as he got in Lucian’s face, pulling Tara gently so she was released from Lucian’s hold. “Don’t talk about her like that. I won’t have anyone disrespecting Tara in my presence, no matter who you are. I won’t tolerate it.” He reached down and linked his hand with Tara’s, giving hers a small squeeze of reassurance. “We’ll talk about this later,” he said to Lucian before turning back to Tara.

  Tara moved forward to pull Julian away this time. There were questions her friends would be asking that she didn’t want to answer yet. Questions she didn’t even know the answers to.

  What the hell was she doing?

  Lucian and Adrian stood where they were as they watched Tara and Julian leave. “What the hell was that?” Lucian asked.

  “That was you being put in your place, idiot. You can’t tell a guy she’s interested in that she uses men,” Mikayla said in disgust.

  “I didn’t!” Lucian exclaimed.

  “Yes, you did, so leave her alone,” Mikayla demanded. “She likes him.”

  “Likes him? What the hell!” Lucian exclaimed. “What the fuck has been going on here?” Lucian’s voice was filled with accusation as he glared at Adrian.

  Adrian’s eyes narrowed. “Boy, don’t use that tone with me.”

  Mikayla let out a huff. “Oh, for Christ’s sake, leave the poor girl alone. Tara could use a good man in her life.”

  “She doesn’t do relationships,” Lucian exclaimed. “I don’t need her fucking around with one of my friends.”

  “This isn’t about you…dick,” Mikayla shot back. “I swear to god, you guys and your attitudes toward us female agents. You can’t piss circles around us and expect for other men to stay away, then act like you did us a favor.”

  “We have every right to look out for your safety.”

  “But you don’t have the right to cock block.”

  “Jesus. This could get ugly if she drops him like she usually does,” Adrian countered.

  “I don’t know,” Mikayla said. “Something about the way she talked about this guy was different. I think there’s something there. You saw the sparks flying between them.”

  None of the men wanted to think about that.

  “It’s gonna get messy if we have to kill him. Mac’s bound to get pissed.” Lucian spoke almost casually.

  Adrian snorted. “Like that would bother us. Besides, he isn’t the one we have to worry about. No, I think Lynx is right. This one’s different.” He had watched the exchange between Julian and Tara. Deep down he had hope that Julian could make her happy. If he didn’t…well, then Adrian would take care of him.

  That was, if he could stop Rock from killing Julian first.

  * * * *

  Julian and Tar
a didn’t speak a word to each other as they rode the elevator up to their floor. Julian grabbed Tara’s wrist and pulled her into his suite. Feeling affable, she didn’t object and just went along for the ride.

  The door slammed shut, telling Tara that he was still pretty pissed. Julian’s suite was beautiful. It was spacious, much larger than her own suite, which was huge, but it wasn’t what she expected. The walls had been painted a dark maroon color, accentuated with Oriental paintings and art pieces. It touched a place deep inside her that he appreciated and respected her culture.

  Tara walked further into the room, slowly moving around the living room as she studied each piece. She ran her hands up and down the sheath of a samurai sword that was placed on a stand. Picking it up, she pulled the blade out of the sheath to admire it.

  The neon lights from the strip flickered through the window, casting the dark room in surreal hues. Julian stood in the entranceway, subconsciously blocking the exit as he watched Tara move with the blade in precise, fluid movements. The lethal dance was beautiful to watch and also terrifying because it reminded him of who she really was.

  Tara turned to see Julian’s hands were braced into fists after she had set the sword back in place. Acknowledging his restraint, Tara couldn’t help the urge to push him. He needed to let some of that rigid control go and live in the moment with her. She sat on one of the couches and watched him. “Nice place you got here. Do you think we can order some food? I worked up quite an appetite tonight.”

  “God dammit!” The words burst out of him like a clap of thunder. “First you avoid me all afternoon, then you get back and I find you partying downstairs like you don’t have a care in the world? What the hell is wrong with you?” He continued, not waiting for her answer as he paced back and forth over the plush carpet. “I did some of my own research on Ricardo Mendez while you were gone. Do you know what that sick fucker does to women? And what the fuck are you wearing?”


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