Obsession: Loving an Alpha Male

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Obsession: Loving an Alpha Male Page 29

by S. K. Lessly

  Nickels jumped slightly at Josh’s tone but recovered and added, “Sorry… so anyone who I found searching for both those names I would purposefully misdirect them and make sure that Summer Dean has no connection to Kenya Frost. Kenya is just someone who disappeared and hasn’t surfaced in five years. Since I was working on the virus, I didn’t get a chance to see who was searching for her. It wasn’t until a week later that I discovered someone else was looking for her, and a whole new identity was created with Summer’s current address but Kenya’s information. I knew for a fact I hadn’t created that identity, so I did some more research, and what I discovered I knew she was set up, and I knew she was in danger. That’s when I called her, but she didn’t answer.”

  “What do you mean set up? And how do you figure the CIA is involved?” Shane asked.

  “Well, let me back track and give you some history. The CIA found out there was a Mexican Cartel who call themselves ‘El Muerte Larga’ or the long death. They have been working their way up big time here in the US. They’ve been smuggling all types of shit through the states into Canada for months. The Cartel has been servicing other factions in the U.S. such as the Italians, Russians, Albanians; you name it, they’ve worked with them. Their services are expensive, but they always deliver. They are known for it.

  The Cartel reached out to the Baxter family, mainly because they are one of the top shipping companies in the world. They ship tens of thousands of items every week. The Cartel’s main guy, Manuel, who is the nephew of Eduardo Munez the head of the Cartel, figured they would use this company to expand their business. They paid handsomely for security and discreteness. What they got was a royal fuck up. The Baxters lost a shipment of guns that were for the Russians.”

  Josh looked at his brother, Malcolm, then asked, “Okay, so Baxter Shipping lost the shipment. What does this have to do with Kenya?”

  Josh actually knew the answer, but he wanted to hear Nickels say it plainly.

  “Okay so here is why this Cartel is so ruthless. When they have a mess up like what Noah Baxter did, there is hell to pay. And when I say pay, I mean pay. The crazy part of all this is the Baxters found the shipment and brought it to the harbor safe and sound. But the Cartel is about teaching lessons. They made the Baxters pay for the amount that they would have lost if the shipment wasn’t found. That was five million dollars.”

  “Holy Shit,” Junior said softly.

  Nickels nodded. “Yeah, holy shit is right. Of course, the Baxters didn’t have the money, so they sent half, and they have to send the rest by tomorrow. If they don’t have the money in their bank account by a 9 pm tomorrow, they plan on executing a family member or loved one of the Baxters.”

  Nickels remained quiet for a moment to allow the information to sink in.

  Then he said, “Now you asked how this has anything to do with Kenya, and why do I think it’s a set up? Well, during this whole time, the CIA has been monitoring the Cartel and knew what the Baxters were doing for them. They went to the family, looking for a little cooperation in exchange for a get out of jail free card for the father and son. All they had to do was get the Cartel to admit to some things on tape.”

  Nickels shook his head and began typing.

  He said, without looking from his keyboard in front of him, “I’m sending you what I have on the Cartel, where their safe houses are in the US and in Mexico.”

  Josh’s brothers and Misty walked over to Junior and stood behind him as he brought up the email.

  Josh though didn’t move.

  He said, “So did the CIA get anything useful?”

  “Small things here and there, this is when I come in. I helped with trying to get the Cartel on something, anything. They were getting their money laundered expertly and were investing in companies with the help of Kenya’s father’s company. So the CIA figured if they caught the Cartel getting their hands dirty, they could take them down. They hoped to get the sale of the shipment or the pickup of the shipment on tape, but all they collected were some Russians that knew nothing.”

  “The Cartel is pissed. The Baxters are clearly talking to the US government, trying to rat them out. The stupid lesson they wanted to teach them is out of the window. Now it’s not about them losing a stupid shipment, it’s about loyalty and trust. That’s a whole different lesson, and the stakes have just been raised. Now they aren’t just going to target your pockets, they are going for family.” Nickels took a deep breath and looked into Josh’s eyes.

  “Unfortunately, there is no one they can get to at the moment. Mrs. Baxter goes nowhere, and they don’t have any other children but Noah, and at first, he had no girlfriends or a wife until recently. This wife of his has been discovered living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania living on the South Side of the city with the last name of Baxter. This was sitting out there ready and waiting for the Cartel to find it, and well, it was only a matter of time before the Cartel got a hold of her.”

  Josh stared at Nickels not really seeing him but letting everything he said register in his mind. The CIA, namely Diane, he was sure, knew about the Baxters for a long time. What he didn’t understand was how did she find out who Kenya really was?

  Josh asked, “How did Diane find out about Kenya?”

  “I think she was told by someone in your camp,” Nickels revealed.

  Josh looked at Junior and then Misty.

  They both blanched and Misty said, “Don’t you dare look over at me. I had nothing to do with it. I didn’t say a word.”

  “Neither did I and you know that,” Junior added.

  And Josh did. Who he wasn’t sure about was Jacks. That’s when something else fell into place in his mind. It was minor at the time, and he never put two and two together but now…

  Josh asked Junior, “Did Jacks get you to run a background check on Kenya?”

  Junior shook his head slowly. “Nope, he didn’t. Probably because he knew I wouldn’t have done it in the first place.”

  Misty shook her head. “Come on, you two. You know Jacks just as well as I do. He wouldn’t have went to the CIA for shit. He hates them.”

  Josh said, “Diane has been trying to get close to me for months. I’ve never given her a second thought, but one day she called Kenya, Pollyanna.”

  Misty folded her arms. “Yeah so…”

  Josh looked at Misty. “Yeah so, Jacks called Kenya the very same thing in my office the day you two met her.”

  Misty rolled her eyes. “Josh, that doesn’t prove anything but how stupid they both are in name calling. Diane is a conniving bitch, I know. She’s used to getting what she wants. She wanted you, so I can see her being involved in this. But Jacks? He had nothing to gain.”

  Josh shook his head. “Yeah, well if that was the case, why did Diane and Jacks together pay me a visit when I was out with Kenya last week? You said it yourself. Diane is used to getting what she wants. Who’s to say she didn’t use Jacks in order to get what she wants? Look, I hear what you’re saying… I just have a feeling there’s more at play here.”

  Misty shook her head, but she didn’t reply. She wanted to say something else, but looking in Josh’s eyes told her it would be useless. Getting Josh to change his mind on something he completely believed is like fitting a square peg in a round hole… you might figure out a way to improvise, but it’ll be messy.

  Nickels chimed in, “Well, I did see that someone else from your team was looking into Kenya and not Summer. I detoured them multiple times and didn’t let them find out anything. The CIA started digging, and I kept them at bay too, but I think that virus allowed them to place that identity background without me knowing. I do know she got some information from Kenya’s grandfather, so she could’ve just pieced information from various sources, but I’m not sure. But however they learned it, they used it to their advantage. They learned she was the very Kenya Frost that was missing for five years, the daughter of Virgil Frost and the girlfriend of one Noah Baxter. Then they created the false marriage license and
fed it to the Cartel, hoping they would catch them in the act of kidnapping.”

  “Yeah well, if that’s the case, they fucked up royally,” Misty added.

  “Yes and they know it. They’ve since left Pittsburgh and went back to DC. They are trying to figure out a way to find Kenya, but they are coming up empty. They have asked for my help, but I refused to help them. But I can help you. I don’t know where they have taken her, but I know for a fact they will be calling Noah for the rest of their money tomorrow. If you can get there, maybe get the Cartel to talk more, and I can triangulate where they are. Maybe we have a shot at getting her back.”

  Malcolm stood from the couch and looked at his brother. “That sounds like a plan to me. We can reach out to the family and let them know we are here to help, and hopefully they will let us.”

  Josh nodded and looked at Nickels. There was something else he needed to know before they moved.

  He asked, “Did you know exactly what Noah was doing to Kenya?”

  Nickels’ expression on his face grew dark. “Yes, she told me about him keeping her hostage basically.”

  Josh’s eyes narrowed… he knew more than that, he could taste it.

  He moved closer to the screen. “Tell me what else you know. Tell me what I need to know before I leave this apartment.”

  Nickels sighed, unsure if he should share everything he knew with everyone in the room… Josh, sensing that, said, “The people in this room are the only people I trust to know this information. You can say what you need to say.”

  Nickels sighed again. “Okay yes, Kenya told me everything that happened to her, how Noah use to strangle her until she passed out… getting off on the shit while she struggled to breathe. Through monitoring Noah, I found he streamed most of his attacks on Kenya to this secret site that sick fucks go to watch. The first night he did it, he put a bid out there to sell her to the highest bidder, adding she was as pure as the fallen snow. He promised to break her, and every night when he would strangle her or put a bag over her head, he aired it.”

  “What the fuck?” Josh heard behind him, but he didn’t move.

  Nickels added, “He did this for a full week. Kenya thought it was only a couple of days, but it was a whole fucking week. I since shut the feed down, and any site he tries to get up and running, I shut it down causing any and every one at play a vicious virus that I know they can’t wipe clean. I’ve also added a few programs that give me complete access to any and everything I could want and need, and believe me, these people are heavy hitters. Some of these people are overseas and worth billions.”

  This was what Josh wanted.

  He asked, “So you know who the players are that watched the feed, and the ones that actually placed their bids?”

  Nickels smiled. “What do you think?”

  Josh simply nodded, making plans in his head on what he would do with that information. He smiled inwardly… he would be busy for the next few months, and he was really looking forward to it. The fuel of vengeance coupled with his rage was really setting the stage for something messy, and he couldn’t wait.

  With an added burst of incentive, Josh said, “Okay, make sure you give me that information and keep me posted on the movements of the Baxters, Frosts, and the CIA, namely Diane. I want to know what the hell they’re up to. If you need help, give what you have to Junior, and he can do some surveillance too. I need all eyes on this one. I don’t want to miss a window of opportunity. Also, if they can’t come up with the money, Junior, I need five million ready for me in an off shore back account. Give the specifics to Nickels so you both can keep track of the money. When and if I need to use it to pay the ransom, I need to know the moment it’s been transferred and where it went.”

  Both Nickels and Junior nodded.

  Josh looked at Misty. “We need flights out ASAP.”

  Shane smiled. “There’s no need for that, little bro. We have the jet waiting and fueled at the airport. All you have to say is when, and we can leave.”

  Josh nodded again and thought of something else.

  “We are going to need more bodies on this. Malcolm, Ivan is in town and was very close with Kenya. Give him a call and see if he wants to tag along. He can meet us at the airport.”

  Malcolm nodded and took out his phone.

  Josh looked at Misty. “Call Stan, see if he wants in or not.”

  “Okay and what about Jacks?” Misty added.

  “He made is choice. I don’t want anyone around me I can’t trust, and right now I can’t trust him.”

  “Josh,” Shane admonished.

  “No, fuck that Shane… I told him she was cool. I told him to stay out of my shit. I don’t know how the agency found out about Kenya. All I know is he should have respected what I said. I just can’t deal with him and this shit right now, so he stays out of it.”

  Josh walked back to his bedroom to grab his jacket and service weapon along with a few clips. His vest was in the truck, and he wasn’t sure if he would need it, but he’d take it nonetheless.

  The next few hours would be crucial. He just hoped he would be able to find her in time. Or God help them if he doesn’t.

  Chapter 20


  Kenya and Josh were on the Mt Washington look out platform admiring the city view at dusk. They just finished cleaning her apartment and decided to head up here before they went back to his place. Josh had his arms wrapped around Kenya, and she rested her head against his chest. They stayed like that, silent, taking in the sights, both in their own worlds. It was a great night where the temperature was still warm at night with a slight breeze that required a light jacket to keep them warm.

  “Can I ask you a question that you promise to give me a truthful answer?” Kenya asked him.

  Josh squeezed her body to him. “Of course, what is it?”

  “Tell me about Emily? I take it she is the one you were close to falling for but for some reason didn’t.”

  Josh didn’t answer her right away. He was floored that she actually knew about Emily but figured Jacks had something to do with it.

  “Josh…” she said softly.

  He took a deep breath. “Emily was an operative like I was. We were in the same unit actually and found ourselves together on many assignments. She was a remarkable woman with skills that astounded me even to this day. She was smart, computer savvy; she could not only diffuse any bomb, but make them as well.. She could shoot anything with a barrel and could take the baddest strongest man down all by herself.”

  Kenya scoffed, “Sounds like Wonder Woman to me…”

  Josh chuckled. “I would have to agree with you on that.”

  Josh got quiet again remembering all the times he and Emily would find themselves in fucked up situations, fighting side by side then after all of the violence and death that they still found time to tangle their body parts to each other in fits of unwavering passion.

  Josh shook his head and squeezed Kenya tighter to him.

  “We were working a very sensitive case, and we were very close to apprehending a very dangerous killer. The problem we were having was actually capturing him. Misty and Jacks were growing suspicious that someone in our camp was leaking information, but I didn’t want to believe that someone would betray me like that.”

  Josh turned Kenya around to face him. He took her hand and moved it under his jacket to his bare stomach up to a scar he knew existed just below his pectoral muscle.

  “So finally we seemed to have a break in the case. Emily told me she found out through some of her contacts where this guy would be, and she and I set out to find our killer on our own. She told me we needed to move fast, so I followed her lead. What she didn’t know is that I fed the info to Junior, letting him know where we would be and to get word to Misty and Jacks. Needless to say, Sweets, it was a trap.” Kenya gasped and Josh nodded. “So it seems we did have a traitor in our mix, and it was Emily. And to add insult to injury…” he rubbed her hand against his scar, “She tri
ed to kill me.”

  Kenya’s eyes grew wide. “Really?”

  Josh nodded. “Yup… She shot me there, missing my heart but left me there to bleed out. She didn’t know I had reinforcements coming, and they came just in time.”

  “I’m sorry, Josh.”

  Kenya moved her hand from his scar to his back and caressed him.

  “I never saw her treachery coming. I was making plans to live happily ever after with her, but instead I started planning her funeral.”

  “You killed her?” she asked.

  Josh leaned into her and kissed her lightly on her lips.

  He said softly, “Not yet.”

  They both grew quiet, letting the tension and uneasiness from what he just said disseminate.

  Kenya was the first to break the silence. “So are you done with the idea of getting married and having kids?”

  Josh squeezed her tighter to him and smiled. “Is that a proposal?”

  Kenya pinched his back. “No, I’m being serious.”

  “So am I,” Josh replied, and Kenya grew silent. Josh took a deep breath. “Yes, I want to get married. I want to have it all, Sweets, the big house, the beautiful wife and kids. I want to take little Jay–Jay to baseball practice…”

  Kenya laughed. “Jay–Jay…”

  “Yeah, Joshua Junior… I also want to take little Isabella to ballet classes and Tae Kwon Do classes because my daughter will be able to kick some ass when she gets older.”

  Kenya laughed again. “You’re crazy. Do you know that?”

  “Why do you say that because I know what I want?” Josh placed one of his hands against her cheek. He asked, “Do you think I’m crazy for wanting you to be the mother of my kids?”

  Kenya’s eyes grew the size of saucers. “Really?”

  “Yes, really. Do you want to get married and have kids with me?”

  Kenya thought about what he said but only for a quick minute.

  “Are you proposing to me?” she replied softly.

  “Not yet.”

  “Then I’ll wait to answer you when you do.”


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