Harper's Little Spitfire

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Harper's Little Spitfire Page 8

by Angel Steel

  Kneeling on the floor, he lifted his hand and slid a piece of hair out of her face. She mumbled something in her sleep and shifted closer to his touch. All he wanted to do at this point was crawl into the bed with her and wrap himself around her, breathing her in. She was his ray of sunshine. There was nothing more in this world he wanted more than her. She was his everything. They all had to prove to her that she belonged to them all, and no one else, and if Mac ever pulled his head out of his ass, he was finally going to admit he needed her as badly as they all did.



  Sage rolled over in her bed and was whacked in the face by something hard. “Ouch,” she hissed. Sitting up, she noticed a body beside her, a leg sticking out with pink material around it. Throwing the blanket off, more pink material stared at her; she realised that Lilly was sound asleep in her bed beside her. Giggling despite her pounding head, she threw her legs over the edge as she stood up, and her foot connected with a body on the floor.

  “What the hell?” Sage yelled.

  Bri shot up out of her make-shift bed as Lilly fell to the floor behind her. Sage couldn’t help but laugh as Lilly groaned, obviously in pain. Falling back against her bed, she held her stomach as she laughed.

  Bri’s head popped up at the side. “What’s so funny?” she croaked.

  “Lilly fell off the bed.”

  Bri gripped the side of the bed and lifted herself up, climbing on and leaning over the other side as she looked down at the floor. “Get up, you lazy bitch. It didn’t hurt that much.”

  “Fuck you, Bri. I think I broke a finger,” Lilly mumbled.

  “Do you want a tissue, princess, to wipe away those fake-ass tears?” Lilly pulled her off as Bri spoke, resulting in Bri falling right on top of her.

  “Fuck, you’re heavy. Get off me, you heffalump, before you push me through the floor boards!” Lilly yelled.

  Bri jumped up and hopped back onto the bed as Lilly followed behind her. They all lay staring at the walls when Kaidence walked in.

  “You know, you all look like a bunch of lesbians sitting there half-naked. Damn it, I missed out on all the action,” Kaidence laughed as she dropped onto the bed.

  “You wish,” Lilly replied, throwing a pillow into her face.

  “Oh, now you started it,” Sage laughed. Kaidence jumped off the bed in retaliation. Stepping out of the way, pillows flew across the room, only just missing Sage, as Kaidence tackled Lilly into the bed. Laughter boomed in the room as Sage shook her head. “I’m going for a shower. If you all ruin my room, you’re all fixing it.”

  In a flash, all three of them jumped off the bed and raced out of her room. “Yeah, and you all say you’re my true friends, leaving me here to clean up your bloody mess.”

  Turning back towards the bathroom, leaving the door ajar and stripping her sleep clothes, Sage jumped into the shower and enjoyed the heat from the water. Her body was aching. How it was this sore was beyond her. Some of the soreness she could explain, but the others would have to be from sleeping in the same bed as Lilly. God, that girl moved way too much in her sleep. If she had known she was sleeping in the same bed as Lilly, she would have hog-tied her in one place so she could have had a peaceful, pain-free sleep.

  Stepping out of the shower, Sage pulled a towel off the hanger and walked into her room. Since she had nowhere to go today, she pulled out her PJ bottoms and a singlet, not worrying about underwear or a bra. She towel-dried her hair and pulled it up in a messy ponytail.

  Leaving her room the way it was when the girls left, she made her way downstairs. She heard the girls talking as she approached the kitchen. When she pushed through the swinging door, she froze on the spot.

  Caleb, Zeb and Logan all stood against the kitchen sink, wearing only ripped jeans and nothing else. What were they doing here? She didn’t remember them being here last night after the girls arrived. Glancing over at Kaidence, Kaidence immediately ducked her head. Damn it, why did she have to ring them? They had no right being here.

  Not looking at any of the boys, because if she did they’d distract her by looking all kinds of sexy and she’d forgive them for actually being here, she held her head high and stomped over to the coffee machine. Pulling the milk out of the fridge, she felt their eyes follow her, but she never turned to face them. They could look all they wanted; Sage wasn’t in the mood to deal with them.

  Once her coffee was done, she walked past them all and headed out into the lounge room. Slouching onto the couch, she didn’t turn when someone followed her in. She knew it would be one of the boys. Sage sat there not looking up as Logan stood right in front of her.

  “Spitfire, you going to talk to me?” Logan asked.

  Shaking her head, she closed her eyes, holding her face in her hands.

  His hand touched her knees, sending shockwaves through her system, but she never uncovered her eyes. Her legs were pushed open, as he slid his body between them; his breath lingered near her ear; his body warmth surrounding her as he lifted her chin up.

  “Spitfire, what’s going through your head?” he asked in concern.

  Her eyes travelled over him as he knelt in front of her. His eyes darkened as hers lingered over his mouth. Moving down over his chest, for the first time she saw what he actually looked like without a shirt on. Both his nipples were pierced, one with a ring, the other with a barbell. Sliding down lower, he had the finest blondest hair covering his chest. She didn’t know her own hand was moving until she saw it trace over his tight abs.

  Running her finger over every individual muscle of his six-pack, his breath hitched as her finger slid lower. His skin was soft and tanned against her own pale white skin. She never went past his belly button; her finger lingered there, unsure where to go.

  His hand came up and covered hers. Their eyes locked as he knelt there, unsure of what to do himself. Pulling her hand back, she honestly thought she would act like this with Mac, not him. Mac was the scary one out of all the four of them, plus she was scared to touch Logan in such a way. Sitting back from him, he sat back on his feet, waiting for something from her.

  She didn’t know what to say to him; she had never been this quiet around him before. His hand touched her ankle, making her jump from his touch. Pulling his hand back, he rubbed his neck as he looked towards the kitchen. “Do you need anything?”

  Her mouth didn’t form any words. She was like a freaking zombie around him. Shaking his head, he stood from where he was, and walked back into the kitchen. Fuck! Sage felt like a complete loser. She needed to snap out of whatever was going on with her. Yes, she had feelings for Logan, but why was she acting like a bloody school girl? Even they would never hesitate to jump him, but something was different; she just couldn’t explain it. She saw it in his eyes, in his body language. It was right there in her fucking face.

  But she wasn’t going to think what she was hoping, not after how Mac treated her. She couldn’t take it if Logan or the other two boys did the same to her. One she could handle the damage from, but all four of them? It would be the end of her existence.

  Bri and Lilly both came in after a while. Sage was simply sitting on the couch, staring out the window, caught up in her sadness.

  “Sweets, we’re both heading out to work. Do you need anything before we go?” Lilly asked, as she stood to the side of her.

  Shaking her head no, she didn’t look at her friends. There was nothing she needed. What she wanted most blew up in her face.

  “Okay. Well, we’ll stop by later and check on you. If you need us, text or ring.” Sage nodded once. They stood there for a couple of seconds longer, then both of them walked out her door. Minutes later, she heard Bri’s car start, and then drive off in the distance.

  She hated the way she was treating her friends; they had been so wonderful the previous night, but there was only so much they could do. She needed to do the rest on her own.

  As she went over everything in her head, she didn’t notice that all three
boys were standing to the side of her. Turning to face them, still shirtless, Caleb sat to her left, as Zeb lifted her feet and sat to her right and placed her feet onto his lap. Logan again kneeled in front of her.

  Zeb’s hands massaged up and down her legs as Caleb held her hand in his, rubbing over her fingers. Logan placed his hand on her stomach, making her freeze in a combination of confusion and desire at having three of them so close to her, touching her. “Relax, spitfire,” Caleb whispered into her ear. Logan’s hand moved the slightest bit south as Zeb dropped one of her legs to the floor and Zeb’s hand slid higher up her thigh. Sage’s breathing hitched as Logan’s hand rested on the band of her shorts. What was going on?

  “Do you have plans for the weekend, spitfire?” Caleb asked as she watched Logan’s hand push beneath her shorts. Was she seriously supposed to concentrate on what he said? Logan’s hand stilled. So did Zeb’s.

  Looking up at Logan, he raised an eyebrow towards her.

  “Um, not that I know of,” she whimpered, the tension in her body almost unbearable.

  “Good girl. We were thinking of heading out to the family ranch. Would you like to come along?” The way he said come had her core clenching, wanting exactly that right now.

  Nodding was all she could manage. Caleb’s hand slid up the side of her body, tracing over the side of her breast, while Zeb’s hand rubbed the bottom of her shorts. Logan’s slipped further under her shorts. He groaned when he realised she wasn’t wearing any underwear. His fingers skimmed over her sensitive clit, and Zeb’s fingers brushed over her opening. Her body bowed off the couch, just from the smallest touch from them all.

  Zeb shifted forward, gripping her foot in his lap as he pushed it against his jeans, feeling the hard erection behind them. Moaning, Caleb lifted her up enough so that he could move behind her; once settled, Caleb ground his own hardness into her lower back. Sweet Jesus! Hardness overload!

  “Need a proper answer, spitfire,” Caleb groaned out as she wiggled against him.

  Logan’s fingers applied the smallest amount of pressure on her clit, causing her to gasp.

  “Finally answer, sweetheart,” Logan hissed.

  “Yes, yes, yes.” As soon as the last yes left her mouth, Zeb’s finger entered, while Caleb tweaked both her nipples, and Logan pinched her clit. She screamed out as they attacked her body with pleasure. Hands and fingers moving where she wanted them, her foot glided over Zeb’s cock, having him push back against her and moaning. Sliding one of her hands behind her, she stroked Caleb’s erection through his jeans, resulting in him biting her neck. Her body was going up in flames. Her other hand reached for Logan, and as soon as she touched his chest and found his nipple ring, she tugged on it, feeling his body shiver from the sensation.

  Her hand slid lower, going straight for his jeans. His other hand joined hers as they both unzipped him, and pushed his jeans down so she could have better access to him. As soon as his jeans were down, his large and very erect cock sprang free. Wrapping her hand around him, his breath froze in his lungs as she started to glide her petite hand over him.

  Caleb opened his own jeans, wrapped his hand around hers and stroked himself using her hand as well. Logan’s hips pumped into hers as her hand tightened and slid faster over him. Breathing heavily, Logan pulled out of her hand and looked at Zeb, then turned back to her.

  “I think it’s time I get to taste this sweet pussy of yours.” Zeb moved her leg out further and stood, leaving her wide open.

  Logan crawled over to her open legs, blushing, and devoured her with one look. “I have waited a long time to taste you, spitfire,” Logan mumbled. Then his lips were on her, nipping, sucking, sliding his fingers into her wet heat as Zeb stood next to her, fisting his cock. Her mouth watered as she watched him jerk off while he watched her being eaten alive.

  Grabbing his leg, she pulled him forward. “I want you in my mouth.” She gasped as Logan’s fingers entered her in one single thrust. He moaned around her clit as her insides gripped him.

  Zeb grinned down at her as he shifted his jeans down lower. Jesus, holy Christ! They were all huge. Her eyes landed on the shiny metal that was glistening down his erection. Damn, he was pierced. Three barbells sat halfway down his length about an inch apart. As his hand slid over himself, he pulled on each one of the bars and his body shook from the sensation.

  Holding himself in his hand, he rubbed the tip over her lips, moaning when her tongue touched him.

  “Open sweetheart,” he groaned.

  Her mouth fell open as wide as it could, watching as Zeb’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as soon as he pushed into her mouth and her lips closed around him. She moaned around his length as Logan continued to fuck her with his fingers. His teeth gripped her clit, flicking his tongue over it, sending more of her juices covering his fingers.

  Caleb and her hand moved faster over him; she felt the first tell-tale sign he was close to coming. Her hips lifted and ground against Logan’s mouth as he took himself in hand. Having these three absolutely gorgeous guys’ mouths and hands all over her body was driving her crazy. Her orgasm was approaching fast, faster than it had ever had.

  “I’m close,” she moaned, breaking for air from Zeb’s cock and licking his pre-cum.

  Logan growled as the vibrations from it went straight to her core, clenching around his fingers, gripping him as tight as she could. Her hand slid faster along Caleb’s erection, making him buck behind her. Her teeth grazed along Zeb’s cock, pulling each barbell with her teeth as he held her head in his hand.

  “Hope you guys are ready,” Caleb ground out. Altogether, they moved as one, faster and faster, deeper and deeper. She screamed around Zeb’s cock as Logan slammed a third finger inside of her, sending her over the edge. Her orgasm continued as he kept sliding his fingers in and out of her. Zeb’s body pulled taut as the first jet of cum hit the back of her throat. Sage swallowed and gripped the head of him, as he pumped a couple more times, and fell away from her. Caleb moved from behind, but still had her in a sitting position; and slid his cock into Sage’s mouth. Sucking greedily, her hand shot up and gripped his balls, rolling them in her palm.

  “Fuck, you have a dirty mouth, spitfire,” Caleb moaned out.

  Grinning, she tightened her lips and pulled him forward, sending him deeper down her throat. She swallowed once, then twice, and held him there as his hands tightened in her hair and he exploded into her mouth. “Fuck!” he yelled.

  Logan’s head came up from between her legs. He sat back against the arm of the chair as his fist pumped over his erection. His fingers slipped in and out of her. Her back arched off the couch as another wave of orgasm shot through her. Logan leaned over her, his fist ferociously gliding over his cock as he shouted her name, his cum spurting over her belly. She shivered at its hotness; his finger rubbed it all over her stomach as far as it would go, marking her as his, as theirs.

  Logan sat there as both Caleb and Zeb stood, still holding their semi-erect cocks in hand, breathing heavily. Her breathing was shallow as Logan removed himself from the couch and fixed his jeans, before he walked into the kitchen. Her eyes followed him as he rounded the corner. What did he need from the kitchen? Was he hungry? Thirsty maybe?

  Caleb pulled his jeans up and placed her leg back on the couch as he stared down at her. Zeb did the same with his jeans and sat down on the extra seat in the lounge room. No one said anything. She started to feel a little embarrassed.

  Gripping her shirt, she started to pull it down when Logan walked back in carrying a towel. Stopping at her side, he gripped her hands and held her shirt away from her body as he wiped over her stomach with a wet part from the towel. As the coolness hit her skin, her body shivered. Her senses were all over the place.

  When he finished, he fixed up her shirt and helped her up in a sitting position. Throwing the towel over his shoulder, he pulled her up from the couch and into his arms.

  His warmth seeped into her. Loving the feeling of having him
wrapped around her, as if he was keeping her safe from all harm, not allowing anything to touch her unless it went through him, Sage sighed contently. His hand stroked over her back and her arms wrapped around his waist.

  “You might want to go up and have a shower,” he mumbled against the top of her head. Blushing, knowing why he said that, she removed herself from him and left the three of them in her lounge room.

  As she walked up the stairs, her mind went a million miles. How in the world did that just happen? She had dreamed about this moment, or a version of it, for so long that she was left dazed. Her body had been thoroughly loved. They had loved her body the way she would have hoped; it was different to what she imagined.

  She was not complaining, not even close. Grinning as she stepped into her bathroom, her fingers traced over every part of her where they had touched her. Her breasts were sensitive and hard from Caleb’s hands. Her clit, Jesus, she couldn’t even touch down there; just the slightest touch now would send her over the edge, even after the two orgasms they gave her, and her pussy, God, she still felt Zeb and Logan’s fingers sliding in and out of her. The way she had gripped them, the way they both had curled their fingers hitting her G-spot. She had tried to find it herself, but she never came close to finding that tiny bundle of joy. The boys knew exactly where to find it, sending her body into unknown places she thought she would never be.

  Sliding under the warm water, Sage leaned against the tiled wall as the water ran down her back and over her ass. Her skin tingled from their caresses; her senses were all over the place, as were her thoughts. She had no idea how the amazing events from a few moments ago had happened. Sage had loved every moment of it, but now had no idea how to handle the situation. She was unsure how to take what had just happened. Placing her head under the water, she washed her face and the rest of her body. Turning the water off, she stepped out and wrapped a towel around her body. She did not get dressed straight away; rather, Sage sat on her bed, and pulled the blanket up to cover her.


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