Bad Rep (Southern Ink Book 1)

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Bad Rep (Southern Ink Book 1) Page 2

by S. N. Garza

  “Now, I can either call the cops or tomorrow when you get out of school, you come here and clean up this display. You wanna draw, you can learn how to draw in school. If you don’t come by tomorrow, Mr. Morgan,” Whoa he knew my name? “Then I will call the cops. I’ll have the cleaning supplies you’ll need. Also, I’m sure it’s your paint job all over town so maybe you should clean those up, as well.”

  “Wait. You’re not going to call the cops right now?”

  “No. Sometimes, it’s the second chances that change a person. Sometimes not. Time will tell. If you’re here, no cops. If you’re not here, I’ll call them. Simple as that.”

  That took me by surprise. Most people just called the cops and I was taken down to the jail house to get processed and taken to get admitted to High Point Academy, basically juvie. It was a school for all the trouble makers, truants and petty crimes kids like me.

  I knew better. Of course I did. But spray painting and getting out of the rickety shack I called a home was worth it if I got caught. Sometimes I did petty shit because High Point Academy, well, you stayed there until your dues were paid and then you got back out. Anywhere was better than home. My father was a drunk and my mother, well, she skipped down when she realized my father wasn’t going to change. Of course though, she left me here, to be raised by him. If I was lucky, I was out of the house most of the time. He got nasty when he drank and the only way I could lash out was by doing stupid shit.

  When I got out of HPA, he whelped on me. But the week, sometimes two, was so worth the beating I get. Bruises healed within days. And of course no one called CPS. Why would they? People around here did not interfere with other people's business. Especially when you grow up where I lived. We were the stains in this town. The poor chumps who barely made it. It wasn’t as if I’d ever get out of this town. Guys like me stayed dirt poor. Losers.

  We both needed our outlets. I was his as spray painting was mine.

  “I’ll be here.” I said. Knowing I didn’t want to go to jail again. God knows what Dad will do. It’s not like he’d bail me out of jail if I went. I’d probably stay there until I was released.

  “Good. Get on home. Aren’t your parents worried about ya, boy?”

  “Ha.” I shrugged my shoulders and got the other two cans I brought with me and put them back in my backpack. I sure as hell wasn’t going to leave them here. I might need them some other time.

  I had begun walking down the alley to take the shortcut through the nice neighborhood when I heard a heavy sigh behind me.

  “Come on, then. I plan on being here the rest of the night. Waiting for a shipment to come in. You can sleep on the couch.”

  “Nah, that’s alright.”

  “No, sir.” His voice hard and unapologetic.

  “No, sir. Thank you though.”

  “Are you going to sleep when you get home? Don’t you have school tomorrow?”

  “Yes, I have school.”

  What was this guy getting at? I told him I’d be here tomorrow after school. What else did he want from me?

  “Name’s Johnny Myers. I own Southern Ink. If the reason why you left is at home then you are welcome to crash here. No judgement. Come on, now.”

  I thought about it for a minute and then figured, what the hell? I sure as hell didn’t want to go home. It had been a particularly bad night. Dad had stumbled upon a photo of him and mom and they had looked happy. Then he saw me, and I knew I looked just like her. And he wanted to crowd me and slap me around. I rushed to my room, grabbed my backpack and left through the bedroom window. I had stolen a lock and chain from the local hardware store—don’t worry, no one saw me—for my bedroom and my dad never tried breaking down the door.

  There had been only so much bullshit I could take from him and then I had to escape that shit.

  Johnny had led me through the backdoor, locking up behind me before I followed him into a break room. The couch in there wasn’t big enough for me, but at least I could curl up and pass out for a few hours. I went to sit on the couch and somehow, sitting on that couch felt better than anything I’ve ever had the pleasure to sit on. And that was saying a lot. Johnny left the room and was back with a bottled water, a thick blanket and a granola bar.

  “Eat and drink if you need to, here’s a blanket. Get comfortable and rest. I’ll wake you up in time to get going and to school.”

  “Why are you doing this? Sir?”

  “Because I see something in you boy I hadn’t seen in a long time.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Maybe someday you’ll figure it out by yourself. Now, get some rest.”

  When I heard those fucktards outside, I planned on ignoring them so I could take a quick smoke break. I didn't want to deal with their bullshit but when I heard a female whimper, something about that made me become instantly alert and I took off like a jet. There was a girl lying face down in the dirt and although I should have stopped and helped her first, there was no way I was a going to let Geoffrey Romoth and his cretins get away with bullying a girl. That just didn't sit right with me.

  I caught up to them easily, grabbing one by the back of the shirt and yanking him backward and to the side until he slammed against a building wall. I didn't have time for him. My goal was Geoffrey. The ring leader. I did the same to the next guy. God, they were fucking pathetic.

  And they called themselves football players. Romoth shouldn't have looked back, because when he did there was a falter in his steps when he ran straight into a pot hole. As he went down I tackled him hard, pinning him to his back with my legs.

  Grabbing him by the scruff of his neck, I brought him close.

  “Bullying a little girl? Didn't anyone ever each you manners?”

  I laid a punch to his face and he tried bucking me off him, but I outweighed him by at least twenty pounds.

  “Stupid lesbo was asking for it.”

  “No girl asks to be raped and beaten, you sick little prick. Go near her again and I'll make you regret being fucking born. Worthless creep.”

  I shoved him back and got up.

  “Don't even think about trying to come after me, Romoth. You and your boys are no match for me.”

  “We’ll see about that.”

  I ignored him and hurried back around the corner to see the girl huddled into herself. It took a few minutes for her to calm down—girl had a fighting side to her, why that made me interested, I didn’t know but with a little coercion, she let me take her inside SoIn. When I picked her up, she was surprisingly light for a girl who looked like she had some meat on her bones. She wasn't a big girl but carrying her I definitely felt the soft curves underneath my hands.

  Her shirt had been ripped and she had the beginnings of a shiner. She was clutching her stomach as I sat her down.

  Her name was Penelope Handleman. Such a pretty name for a pretty girl.

  I went to the back of the shop where we held the merchandise. I grabbed a Southern Ink logo shirt for her to change into when Johnny asked if I was done with my smoke break. Hell, I hadn't even thought about taking a drag after going after those idiots. I sure as hell hope they don't try to press charges against me.

  I shook my head, not paying attention to see if he was following as I swiftly turned back into the hallway. I had a one track mind. Something about that girl, lying on the dirty, wet ground and beaten, cracked something inside my chest. I didn’t respond and that made him turn around, eyes raised with suspicion as he took in my appearance.

  “What’s going on, Deke?”

  I said nothing as I walked into the break room and let him see for himself if he was going to investigate.

  Of course he did, no response wasn't enough to satisfy Johnny and I heard heavy, hard steps behind me.

  “The hell is going on, boy?”

  He cursed low as he caught sight of Penelope.

  “The fu—heck happened, son?”

  His deep, gravelly voice made her flinch and I couldn't help but react the way I d
id. I stood in front of her so she didn't have to see the rising anger in Johnny’s eyes. Not directed at her of course, but he felt the way I did. Her appearance, ripped shirt, wet, dirty hair and abrasions, cuts and bruises made me want to find Romoth again and bash his skull in.

  “Boy, I'd never hurt a little girl and you know it.”

  “It's okay. I'm Penelope Handleman. You can call me Penny. I tripped out back and stumbled. Deke here just offered to help me out. Just let me know how much the shirt is and I'll get out of y'alls hair.”

  I looked at her like she was insane. Did she really think that was going to fly?

  “Fucking hell. You fell, Penelope—?


  I pinned her with my death stare but that didn't stop her from pinning me with one of her own. Her hazel eyes burned with green, brown and blue swirls.

  “Penelope, that is not what happened.”

  “Says you.” Damn, she was stubborn. She looked past me and when I turned, Johnny wasn’t even looking at her but at me. His eyebrows were raised sky high and he looked like he was about to smile. I pinned him with a death stare, but he just rolled his eyes. “If you don't mind, I'll pay for the shirt and go home. My parents are probably worried.”

  I looked over my shoulder to see her stand but her arm was still clutched to her stomach.

  “What's wrong with your stomach?”

  I could see tears glistening in her eyes and I knew she was past her limit. How I knew? No fucking idea, but I felt it deep down in my gut. What the hell was wrong with me?

  Her blouse slipped and revealed the delicate flesh of her collarbone and the top swell of her breast.

  She just shook her head, denying any help.

  I turned back to Johnny to find him gone. Hoping he was taking care of my next appointment, I walked past Penelope and grabbed the first aid kit in the cabinet. I returned to her, and sat on the coffee table across from her. She huddled into herself even further, keeping her distance.

  “Penelope. He’s gone. Why didn’t you say what happened?”

  “It’s none of your concern. Thank you for helping me. I’ll pay for the shirt, but I need to get home.”

  “Sweetheart, your brow is bleeding and you look like you’re growing a shiner. The corner of your mouth is cut. What else did that asshole do to you? What’s wrong with your belly, Penelope?”

  “He punched it.” It came out as a small whimper.

  I wanted to pull her close and tell her no one would ever hurt her again.

  My hands fisted in the shirt I had over my lap. Fucking Romoth. My hands automatically went to her hair, which was damp and straggly from being pushed down into the wet pavement. I brushed it back and went to open the first aid.

  “I’ll clean the worst of it before you change. You don’t want to get the shirt bloodied.”

  She nodded and I swear the tears in her eyes were bubbling once again.

  “Cry if you have to, Penelope. He scared you, didn’t he?”

  She nodded, keeping her head down. I put the crook of my finger under her chin and lifted it until I could see her beautiful multicolored eyes.

  “Trust me, babygirl. He won’t ever be messing with you again.”

  One lone tear fell and it was like someone had taken over my body. I leaned in and kissed away the tear on her cheek. Other than the widening of her eyes and a small gasp, she didn’t say anything. What the hell was going on with me? I was never kind or gentle. With this girl—this stranger—I was turning into a pussy. Not her fault, but I wanted to take care of her. I was going crazy.

  I got to work on her brow; she hissed in pain as I cleaned the cut there and at her lip. Rage settled through me, a burning desire to go find those shitheads and really pound into them.

  “Thank you.” Her voice was small, meek and shaky.

  “What for, sweetheart?”

  “For saving me. And for not telling your boss.”

  “I’m sorry it happened to you. I’m glad I was there. And I’ll tell him.”


  “Penelope, I beat them up. If they press charges, I want Johnny to know ahead of time.”

  More tears formed. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Deke. I hope they don’t. But if they do, I have no intention of keeping it to myself. Maybe I should take some pictures. Just in case.”

  “You don’t have to. I knew what I was doing.”

  Hell, I’d do it again in a heartbeat.

  Her hand reached out and settled on my arm. “It’s the right thing to do. I hate that I have to see them in school, but I’m not the type of girl to just let—OH NO! My backpack!”

  She tried standing, but wobbled instead.

  “No, Penelope. Just sit tight. Here.” Passing her the shirt, I stood up, doing my best not to intimidate her, but not wanting her to panic about her belongings. “You’re looking a little bit better. Now that you’re cleaned up, switch into the shirt and I’ll go out back for your things, okay?”

  “Thank you.”

  I took a little chunk of her hair, twirled it around my finger and winked before drawing back and leaving.

  This day had started out so ordinary. But there was just something about her that just clicked right in my brain. This girl brought out a side of me I didn’t know existed.

  Chapter 3


  The bad boy in town was being nice to me. He rescued me. I was in one of his classes at school. Algebra. I sat in one corner in the back of the classroom as he sat in the other. He’s always last to enter and first to leave.

  Of course he never noticed me. I was a freshman. He was repeating his senior year for skipping too much last year. Although he had a reputation before I ever saw him. He was a ‘miscreant’, my mother said. A ‘good for nothing’, my father said. Maybe he was just misunderstood.

  It took me a good minute or two to stand up, my body ached something fierce now that I was able to settle down my nerves. I unbuttoned my top, and since my bra was just as damaged and damp, I took it off too. I was slipping the surprisingly soft shirt over my head when I heard a choking sound.

  I popped the collar down over my head quickly to see Deke standing there, his mouth wide open and his eyes wide like saucers as they zeroed in on my chest.

  “SORRY!” I quickly turned and hurried the shirt down over my naked breasts. “Stupid.” I whispered to myself. More tears bubbled in my eyes. “Stupid. Stupid.” I was scared out of my wits to turn around. I shoved the shirt down and refused to turn around. Embarrassment flooded my veins and I was horrified.

  Naturally he had to come in at that exact moment. I was half freaking naked and he saw all my chub. And my big boobs. I felt the red flush of embarrassment burn over my skin and tears began freefalling from my eyes. Why was I being such a watering pot?

  “I’m so sorry, Penelope. I should have knocked. It was my fault. I’m so sorry, babygirl. I didn’t see…much.”

  Ugh. He was being super nice and a gentleman. A harsh laugh ripped from my mouth. Sure he didn’t see much. My gigantic boobs were totally out on display. Sometimes I wish they were small, so no one would make fun of me or make sick jokes behind my back. I didn’t think I was fat. Not really. I was a size ten. My mother had hips, and boobs. Although I think mine were bigger than hers, I wore big enough clothes that no one really noticed. At least not my parents.

  I heard his heavy steps as he walked towards me. I tried to make myself smaller but that was not happening. Deke was taller than me, a whole head and then some above my whole five foot two.

  “Yeah, didn’t really convince you, did it, my little brawler? But I promise I didn’t mean to do that. It was disrespectful and like I said I should have knocked. However, that little laugh right there, makes me think you have an issue with your body.”

  “Uh, hello. I’m a girl. I’m not exactly little and you’re the only person who has ever seen my…my…” I gestured to my boobs, which of course jiggled back and forth as I moved. I rushed to cross m
y arms and I peeked up Deke to see his expression. He was looking at my face with those warm grey eyes of his. “What?

  “Yes. I’m sorry. I did see. They’re gorgeous. I mean you’re gorgeous.”

  I couldn’t control the roll of my eyes. “Thanks. I think I’m better now, Deke. Thank you.”

  “I mean it. Don’t take it the wrong way. I’m not hitting on you.”

  That seemed to make me feel worse. So I wasn’t even attractive? Not that I should even care about that but the only guy that was ‘attracted’ to me was Jimmy. Geoffrey’s little brother. And I didn’t even want his attention.

  I mean, of course Deke wasn’t hitting on me. He wasn’t who I’d thought I’d go for. He was older, he was seriously good looking with his jet black hair and grey eyes that seem to notice way too much. Rippling, corded muscles that could lift me like I was nothing. He’s probably had tons of girls. While me, the little ugly duckling could only grab the attention of an acne infested, unhygienic, greasy boy who thought of only being with me for one thing.

  He had been a friend once. But it was like my body grew over night and then he started asking me out and wanting things. I mean, hello! We were only kids for one. And two, when he ‘grew’ overnight, it was like he became this ogre. I remained friends with him because I didn’t want to hurt him.

  When I rebuffed him, that friendship faded into nothing and since the beginning of this year all I’ve had was Netflix and my flute. Hardly any real company.

  “Penelope? I didn’t mean to offend you. You’re what? Thirteen? Fourteen?”

  I glared daggers at him. Really?

  “I am fifteen, almost sixteen. We share Algebra class together for goodness sakes!”

  “Wow. I—wow. Well, I’ll be nineteen in January. Still too old for you.”

  But he looked at me differently than before. An awareness glowed in his eyes I couldn’t describe.

  “I didn’t say anything.”

  “Alright, little brawler.”

  “Stop calling me that. I didn’t do anything. I tried fighting you, remember? I couldn’t even—I tried but he…”


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