Were Blood

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Were Blood Page 4

by Lia Slater

  These upcoming days promised to be the longest of his life, he was sure. He’d have to remember that the Were was at her most vulnerable. He would keep his hands to himself. He had to. The truth of the matter was he shouldn’t have taken her blood in the first place. But the threat of the High Council wasn’t something he could ignore. Not now, not when he had Kerene to look after.

  Worth stopped mid-stride as he felt Blanca moving nearer. He closed his eyes and she appeared in his mind. She stepped out of his front door and walked slowly toward the barn, her assessing gaze taking in her surroundings. Even in men’s clothes she was a beauty. Her light brown hair had mostly dried and the long, wild locks blew in the hot breeze and swept across her face. She’d tied his shirt into a knot at her hips. A smile curved his lips as he noticed the pants. A rope held them up at the waist and she’d rolled the pant legs several times, yet they still brushed the dirt as she walked.

  He’d have to talk to Kerene soon about borrowing some clothes. His niece spent most of her time with the horses but today she worked the orange grove, harvesting the oranges alongside the temporary workers. He’d been surprised she wanted to help until he found out she’d taken a liking to one of the men, a scrawny human who called himself a poet. The man appeared to be harmless so Worth stayed his distance and allowed his niece to have her little crush. But he kept a keen eye on where the relationship was going. Kerene’s parents had passed away when she was only twelve years old, making Worth her guardian and only relative. He took his responsibility seriously.

  And now he had another woman to worry about. He turned to face Blanca just as she padded into the shadows of the barn. Hands on hips, she stared up at him with those orange-as-the-sunset eyes.

  “I’m here. Now what?” She lowered her bold gaze to his groin, bit into her bottom lip, and slowly made her way back up again. The woman was asking for it. And damn it if he didn’t want to give her everything she was asking for.

  Before he could calm himself enough to respond with something half-intelligent, she continued. “Why do you have horses anyway?” She glanced beyond him to the stalls that held the mares. “You’re a Vamp. You can probably run faster on foot than they can run at full speed.”

  “I like them,” he said simply, not wanting to explain. Marta had asked him the same question over and over again. The debate had been yet another reason for friction in their marriage.

  “Oh.” Blanca shrugged. “Like a pet. I get it. I used to have a dog when I was human. Before the Were Plague. He didn’t like me as much as a wolf so he ran away from home. I searched everywhere for him.” She sighed and rubbed her naked big toe into the dirt. “Two months later I found out he’d made a new home with a human family on the other side of town.”

  “I’m sorry.” Worth squandered the urge to reach out and draw her into his arms. There was something very endearing about her when she wasn’t cursing like a pirate.

  She shrugged again. “It was a long time ago. Do the horses care that you’re a bloodsucker?”

  “They got used to me. If they realize you’re not a threat, they’ll get used to you too.”

  “That’s not going to happen. I won’t be here that long.” She sounded sure of herself.

  “Because your pack will come for you?”

  She pierced him with her vibrant eyes again. “Yes. I know they will. I’d do the same for any of them.”

  “You have a lot of faith in them. Why did they allow you to be captured?” Worth would’ve protected her better than that.

  “It wasn’t their fault. Three Vamps caught me and this witch off guard and overpowered us.”

  “A witch?”

  “Yeah. We were in a hurry, running through the Paqualette forest. I was bringing the witch to help heal Kaige’s mistress.”

  “Who is Kaige?” Worth couldn’t help but ask.

  “The second-in-command of my pack. And my good friend. He’ll be particularly angry when he comes here and finds out you’ve been keeping me as a blood slave. You might want to consider that.” Her gaze slipped down his body again and Worth didn’t miss the pink flush of her cheeks. Was she wondering how he matched up to this Kaige fellow? Had he been a lover of hers? He’d heard that Weres shared their bodies freely until they mated for life. And Blanca was a gorgeous creature. Surely she’d had more than her share of lovers. But somehow that fact didn’t sit well with Worth.

  She shook her head, seeming to chuck that thought process from her mind. “Anyway,” she continued, “I would’ve noticed their scent but, like I said, I was in a hurry. They jumped me. The witch used her witchcraft on one of them but we were outnumbered. They threw her to the ground and knocked her out, then hauled me across the border.”

  “How’d you end up with Orleff?”

  “I guess they didn’t think I was worth the trouble. They shackled me up in that guy’s cave and left in a hurry.”

  “So they took you from your homeland? You weren’t trespassing onto Okantalor?” Worth wondered who the three Vampires were and what their motivation had been.

  “No, I wasn’t trespassing. And I’m sure King Mace and Queen Nayla will consider my abduction an act of war.” She lifted her chin proudly.

  “I have no doubt. Your country has changed immensely in the past two years. A war between the two countries is inevitable.” Weres were now flourishing in Paqualette, the population growing abundant. And the Okantalor High Council loathed that the once-human Queen was now a Were. The alliance they’d once shared was now null and it seemed Worth had unintentionally placed himself directly in the center of the conflict by taking on this Were. Hell.

  “How do you feel about that?” She took a step forward, close enough to reach out and touch him if she so dared. His usually slow-beating heart picked up its pace at just the thought of feeling her hands on his body.

  “I have no grief with the Weres or with your country. And I don’t look forward to battling in a war I don’t believe in.” Why he was telling her this he wasn’t sure. He found that he wanted to explain further but clamped his mouth shut. If the Were found out too much, they’d both be asking for trouble.

  “Then let me go, Worth.” Her hand landed on his chest. “I’ll find my way home and call off my pack.”

  “It wouldn’t do any good. You know as well as I that the Okantalor High Council won’t allow Weres to colonize so close to our country. If your abduction doesn’t start a war then something else will.”

  All hope fell from her face. She fisted her hand and lightly jabbed her finger into his chest. “And you fear your High Council, don’t you? That’s why you keep me, isn’t it? You’re just a coward. A puppet.”

  Worth grabbed her hand, felt how small it was in his, and quickly tempered down his rising anger. “I don’t fear anything. Not your wrath, not the High Council and certainly not your precious pack. If I were frightened then you wouldn’t be here right now. You’d be in Lord Kerdy’s dungeon, waiting to be drained and savagely raped by him and his mentally disturbed brother. They kill off their slaves when they’re bored with them, you know.”

  He lifted her chin when she tried to look away. His hand held her still so his words would soak in. “Listen to me, wildflower, because I won’t repeat myself. I’m your only option. I told you I’d let you go if or when your pack comes for you and I stand by my word. But I will not allow you to run off by yourself only to end up dead or as another Vamp’s blood slave. You’ve been through all this before and you know damn well that I’m your best bet. Yes, I took your blood but it’s for your own good. Do you understand?”

  Her thick lashes hovered over her eyes. A smirk formed on her rosy lips. “And here I’d thought you were a man of few words. Boy, was I wrong.” She was obviously trying to remain strong, using her sarcastic humor as a defense, but Worth could hear the slight tremble in her tone. He blew out a breath, releasing some of his tension. He hadn’t meant to upset her, only startle a little sense into her stubborn mindset.

nca reached up and peeled his grip from her chin. It wasn’t until then that he realized he was also holding her by her waist, crushing her against his body. Her soft breasts mashed against his chest. Her lower belly melded along his hardening cock. He couldn’t think, couldn’t move as her natural sweet scent mixed with the scent of his piney soap and wafted up to his nose.

  Her next moves stunned him further into speechlessness. She smoothed his hand against her cheek and held it there in a tender embrace. Her other hand drifted up his arm, his neck and combed into his hair.

  She lifted her lashes and stared up at him, a sugary grin tipping her lips. “So why did you call me wildflower? That’s, uh, a bit unusual.”

  Of course that would be the one thing she grabbed from all he’d said. The term had slipped from his mouth. Oddly, he’d never been one to use a pet name before meeting Blanca, certainly not for Marta, or for the wife he’d had when he was human, which seemed like a different lifetime now. The memory of losing her had been stitched up and locked away somewhere in the back of his brain. And he didn’t dare bring it out now with another woman in his arms, holding on to him as if he were a lover. Nurturing and eager for more.

  “That’s what you remind me of,” he murmured, his mind hazy, his tongue loose. “Wild and beautiful.” His words barely caught up with his brain and he wanted to kick himself for sounding so idiotic. So weak for her.

  Too weak. He needed to gain some control before he did something they both regretted. He simply couldn’t take advantage of her. He’d be just like every other Vamp on the High Council if he let that happen. With all the willpower he could gather, he released her and took a step back.

  He looked away from the disappointment covering her face and strode over to the stalls. “But you probably hear that all the time from the males in your pack.”

  She didn’t reply. Her silence was enough of an answer.

  “You don’t have any boots,” he pointed out, hoping to break the tension. “It’s not a good idea for you to be outside.”

  “I’ll live. What do you need me to do?”

  He ignored her acidic tone and went into Tobias’ empty stall. The plan to have Blanca clean out the stall slammed to a halt. In all honesty, he’d never get any work done with her so near but he used the next best excuse. “I can’t ask you to do anything without shoes to protect your feet. I don’t want you hurt.”

  “Hurt?” She snorted. “I’m a warrior. Working outside in the elements is what I do. Besides I owe you my labor for your horse, remember? And I don’t want to be in your debt when I leave here.”

  “Just go inside,” he mumbled, irritated with the entire situation. He picked up a pitchfork and stabbed it into the soiled hay. “I’ll get shoes from Kerene and you can start tomorrow. Believe me, I promise to give you plenty of work then.”

  * * * * *

  Blanca finished sweeping the webs from the corners of the ceiling, hauling in water from the well, washing the floors, making the bed, tidying the book shelves and emptying the ashes from the stove. She then began searching for something to cook for dinner.

  The day had been never-ending, cooped up inside and waiting for Worth to return. She wasn’t used to, or good at, domestic tasks but it was all she could do to keep her mind off of how much she ached for his touch. When she should be thinking of a way to escape, she could only fantasize about being naked and underneath his lean muscled body. Or on top of. Any position, really, as long as he was inside of her quenching the overwhelming need to be fucked.

  If he made a move tonight, she wouldn’t push him away. Not this time. Her cravings far exceeded any conflict she might have in her head.

  She dipped a ladle into the bucket of water she’d lugged in from the well just out back and poured the cool liquid into a pot to boil. He would come home soon. She’d watched him ride away on one of his horses earlier that afternoon and her mental connection to him had faded somewhat but now it seemed to be growing stronger by the minute.

  Her silly stomach did a little flip at the idea of being in his presence again, in his strong arms. Was it pathetic that she continued to crave him? Their blood bond seemed to grow stronger rather than weaker as time passed. It was unusual, but what wasn’t odd about her experience with Worth? She couldn’t remember ever feeling this way about her prior blood masters. Yes, she’d desired them with her body but, at the same time, her mind was repulsed. Not the case with Worth. Not yet anyway.

  That morning in the barn he hadn’t pursued her. In fact, he’d nearly grimaced at her touch, which made her wonder if he found her unattractive. Did the bond repulse him? He’d called her beautiful. Heck, he’d called her a wildflower. But was he merely being nice? She had, after all, melded herself into his arms, taking advantage of his temporary anger. He’d been scolding her and she’d turned it into foreplay.

  How completely pathetic.

  But tonight would be different. She promised herself that she’d be stronger. And she would not, under any circumstances, beg for sex. Or make the first move.

  She simply couldn’t. He was the enemy, after all. Her captor, for pity’s sake.

  The sun was setting and the ginger glow of near dusk streamed into the tiny house, along with the powerful sense that he was close. No doubt he’d stayed away all day just to be out of her presence.

  With her Were hyper senses she heard him riding up to the barn. He spoke to a woman, maybe his niece, said his goodbyes then began striding to the house, his boots scuffing along the dirt path.

  Though her heart pounded, she feigned indifference, busying herself by attempting to light a fire on the stove. Her hand shook so much it made the simple task difficult. How the hell would she get through the night?

  “I see you’ve decided against the pants.” His deep voice warmed the room as he closed the door, reminding her that she was, yet again, half-naked in his presence.

  “It was hot in here.” She turned from the stove to see him shuck his hat onto the table.

  And sucked in a deep breath at the sight of his red, blistered skin.

  “Worth,” she said in a low whisper, pained to see him so scalded. He had to be in agony. “Oh no. What did you do?”

  Her pulse raced as her mind set into motion what she needed to do to soothe him. Water. Burns needed cold water. Quickly, she tore her shirt over her head and dunked it into the bucket she’d hauled in. Not bothering to wring the cloth out, she rushed over to where Worth now sat at the bench table.

  “Blanca, what are you doing?” he asked and immediately winced as she dropped the soaking shirt on his head.

  “It’s all right,” she soothed and began searching for more cloth. “You’ll be all right.”

  She stalked the room, then finally grabbed the cloth she’d used to dry the dishes. After dipping that into the water she ran to him and saw that he’d pulled the wet shirt from his head and was now peeling his own shirt from his body. He dropped them both to the floor in a wet slosh, revealing his burned chest and shoulders, blackened in some spots.

  “Blanca, I’m fine. Wet, but fine.” His words were clouded by her panic.

  She went to him and spread the new cloth over his shoulders, which seemed to be healing by the second but still, they looked sore. “What were you thinking, Worth?” She turned to go find more but he grabbed her hips and held her still.

  “Blanca.” His voice was strained. Was he still in pain? “Blanca, I’m healing. Look at me. Remember, I heal quickly.”

  The heavy thudding in her chest slowed as she met his eyes, searched his face. The redness was fading to a golden tone. The blisters and scorched areas disappeared. Relief flooded through her as she took in the gorgeous man, unscarred and healthy.

  “You were blistered,” she said, stupidly, and cupped his cheeks. “Charred, really.”

  “I’m sorry.” His large hands circled her hips. “I didn’t know it would scare you. Or that you’d care. Nothing seems to get to you…” His gaze lowered to her bare breasts.r />
  She held her breath as he stared. Her nipples beaded under his attention. Her breasts felt swollen and heavy.

  “Blanca, I…” He met her eyes again. “I’m sorry.”

  Blanca nodded. It was all she could do. She didn’t know why she’d cared that he’d been burnt. Nothing made sense. Certainly not the way her heart tugged as she stood between his parted legs. She felt safe there. He was a large man, brawnier than any Were in her pack. He could take her blood, injure her or even end her life but she knew deep down he wouldn’t.

  And now that she was in his arms, she couldn’t seem to step away. His nose flared and his lips pressed tight. The hold his hands had on her hips strengthened and his fingers curved into her flesh as he gripped her seemingly without thought.

  Whether it was by her own will or by the lure of his hands, she lifted her knees one at a time and straddled his lap. A groan rumbled low in his throat and his grip slid to her ass. He gently squeezed her flesh and drew her bottom up his lap, pressing her against the erection stiffening behind his pants.

  “Yes.” She breathed out the word, overjoyed to be the center of his attention, to feel his hands on her.

  She ran her fingers along the solid muscle of his abdomen, in and along the ridges, her eyes feasting on the gorgeous sight of him. Then up further to his chest, she cupped his muscled pectorals, let her thumbs brush his hardened nipples. Up further to his broad shoulders. The width and rigid sinew left her breathless. The effort of his hard work showed in every inch of him. And he did work hard. Working his acres, his horses, his orange groves. Even in the blaring sun while his skin scorched from the violent rays. She loved when a man wasn’t afraid of hard labor and she couldn’t help but feel a deep respect for him. Respect and longing. Low in her belly.

  With hands that shook with lust, she raked her fingers along his neck and into his damp hair. They both breathed unevenly, their lips just a few centimeters from touching. But she could tell that he held back. His restrained power was obvious in how he tensed his muscles and centered his gaze on her lips.


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