Owned by Pirates

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Owned by Pirates Page 13

by Haley Travis

Everyone turned in shock at my exclamation. I had raised my voice to them. At first I was as shocked as they were, until they all grinned. It looked like each man was practically bursting with glee.

  I took a breath, then continued more calmly. “First we ask the question, what message do we want to say with a new flag? It’s how far off ships introduce themselves. What do we want strangers to think of us?”

  I looked up at the Captain. “What does this ship represent above all else?”

  “Traveling,” he said. The group nodded in agreement.

  “What do travelers need besides a good ship?” I asked.

  “The north star,” Larry said.

  “The sea,” O’Doule added.

  I jumped up to grab a few sheets of paper and a pencil where I’d been trying to write down recipes to teach McGee. Flipping it to the back, I drew out a rectangle for the flag, with a star by the top right, and two wavy lines under it.

  “The sea and the star,” the Captain said thoughtfully. “Wishing on a star is lucky.”

  “Aye, that’s how we have good fortune,” Larry agreed. “The Fortune’s Favor, the North star and the sea. That sums up our whole lives.”

  I felt the Captain’s hand stroking the back of my hair, and turned to him. “And a flag designed by lucky number seven,” he said proudly.

  “That’s just the first idea,” I said quickly. “We can all think on it for a spell.”

  “We’re headed to Leelard Island soon,” O’Doule said. “There’s a shop there that sells sail fabric. They’d have material for a flag.”

  I sipped from my mug mostly to hide my little grin, but I was becoming more accustomed to the taste of this odd warming drink.

  The Captain must have caught a whiff from my mug, as he grabbed it and took a sip. “You’re drinking rum?”

  “With water, Captain,” McGee said quickly. “Just a drop for the wee lass.”

  For half a second, I wondered if he would be disappointed with me. But the Captain grinned widely. “Finish your drink, my lass, and let’s get you to bed.”

  ~ Chapter 22 ~ The Captain ~

  * Purchase *

  “That was a hell of a chance you took, lass,” I said gently as we walked to our quarters. “The thought of you being caught by the guard… I just can’t even think it.”

  “Larry and Davy were outside, you were inside, and there was just one guard. The men all said that there was no way anyone would hurt a crying woman.”

  I chuckled as I opened the door for her. “You yelled so loudly in that jail I didn’t even realize it was you at first.”

  “Forgive me, sir, I know it’s improper…”

  I closed the door behind us, grabbing her around the waist as I kissed her swiftly. “Lass, I am so proud of your performance. I just wish you hadn’t had to do it.” I cupped her sweet face in my hand. “The thought of you in pain or discomfort rattles me, lass.”

  “It’s sweet how you worry about me.”

  I looked at her in surprise. Then I ran my rough thumb along her soft cheek. “Of course, darling girl. I’ll always worry about you.”

  “Always is a long time,” she smiled gently.

  I looked at her sharply. “What do you mean?”

  “Oh, nothing, sir,” she shook my head. “I just sometimes wonder… I mean, things seem to ebb and flow out here. Nobody ever mentions any time more than a few months out.”

  I felt stricken. “I would never... sweet girl, you must know what I need you forever?”

  She bit her lip, staring down at her hands.

  “Please,” he said, taking her hand in his. “Speak plainly, girl. What troubles you?”

  Flora went to sit on the bed, patting the spot beside her, and I sat close. The wee thing looked so serious that it was making me nearly jumpy. She dug in the hidden pocket of her skirt, fishing out the purse of coins, and placing it in my hand.

  “Lass, I have no need for your money.”

  “I’m paying you back for buying me.” Flora looked up into my eyes with fierce determination. “Sir, I don’t wish to be owned.”

  It felt like my blood was leaving my skin, everything growing cold. “Lass, you... you’re not wishing to leave?”

  “No!” she exclaimed, giving me a quick kiss that shared enough heat that I was reassured somewhat. “My life is here with you on the Fortune, and I’ve never been happier.”

  I set the money on my lap and held her hand. “What’s all this then?”

  “I’m yours because I want to be, not because I must. I want to be your girl, not your property. Er, if that’s alright with you, sir.”

  Her smile was as soft and warm as a sunrise. “My sweet girl. Delicate as a rose petal, sharp as a needle, but tough as fine steel.” I hefted the sack in my hand, then stood up and turned to the wall behind us. Sliding my thumb under a piece of wood, I popped out a hidden panel, stowing the sack within and replacing the plank.

  Turning back to Flora, I sat close again, wrapping an arm around her. “Let’s save that bit of gold and spend it together someday.”

  She grinned sweetly. “That’s a fine idea.”

  “My lass, I never thought of you as an acquisition. I paid your father so that he wouldn’t sell you to a scoundrel. The thought of what other men might’ve done to you... I just had to keep you safe.”

  “I swear, I’ve never felt like you had a hold on me. And I’m plenty grateful for all you’ve done. But if I’m going to be a woman of the world and the sea, I want to be my own woman as well as yours. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, my love.”

  Flora’s eyes grew huge. I realized I may not have used that word before. I’d hoped that I’d been showing her my feelings all along, but I was scarcely an expert with women. Perhaps they needed to hear things more clearly.

  She reached up to stroke my brow, running her thumb around my eye, down my cheekbone, to my bottom lip. My tongue darted out to touch it, and she giggled.

  “And now, as your equal and not your possession, I have a demand.”

  “Anything, my fine lass.”

  “Anything? You promise?” She looked up at me with more determination than I’d ever seen from her.

  “Aye, ye have my best word.”

  Standing up, her fingers trembled as she unbuttoned the cuffs of her fine new dress and began to slide it off.

  “I don’t think I’ve told you how bewitching you look in that bright blue,” I said gently. “When I first saw you in the jail, it took a moment for me to breathe.”

  The blush that washed over her cheeks caught my attention. Then she slipped the dress off, then her knickers, standing in front of me absolutely naked.

  Flora was perfectly still, delicate at a flower at dawn. My eyes raked over her fair skin, her sweet womanly curves. Indeed, she’d changed a bit over the past few months. Her thighs were more shapely from running around the ship and the beaches. Her hips were curvier from solid meals. Her breasts were round and soft, and in my hands before I could think, pulling her against me.

  “Lassie, I cannot believe what a fine woman you are. You truly take my breath away.”

  She was obviously enjoying my touch, as I caressed her skin, circling her nipples until they were delicious little points. I leaned in to suck one, the sound of her tiny gasp making me smile against her.

  “Mmm, please… sir… I need to say something.”

  I sat up straight, placing my hands around her waist. “I’m listening.”

  “It’s just that... well, sir…”

  I could feel her nearly shaking. “Lass, you can say anything to me. Take your time.”

  “You purchased me, but never used me for what I had assumed in the beginning I was intended for. Which is fine. Your ship, your rules. If you don’t want me in that way, that’s for you to decide. But I just can’t help but wonder why you haven’t taken me completely.”

  I interrupted by pulling her into a soft, wet kiss. My hands gently caressed her lower back, then shi
fted lower to cup her behind almost roughly. My lips traveled south, kissing down her chin, her throat, down to nip the top of her breast until she gave a tiny squeal.

  “Lassie,” I said, in a voice thick with lust, “Don’t ye think for one moment that I don’t want you the way you’re thinking.”

  “What are you waiting for?” she whispered.

  “I already have everything I want. You, my little treasure.”

  “You don’t think I’m ready?” She seemed so determined. I loved how fiery the once timid lass was becoming.

  I scooped her up, sitting her in my lap, still wandering my hands all over. “I suppose it’s time for us to have a talk.” She nodded nervously.

  I reached out to tuck the loose strands of hair behind her ear. “My sweet girl. You’re so tiny, so fragile. The thought of hurting you hurts me terribly, do you understand?”

  She nodded. “Yes. You always take such good care of me. But why don’t you want... that?”

  I rocked her gently. “I do. Very much. But if we were to do that, it would hurt you.”


  “It always hurts the girl the first time.” I sighed heavily, shaking my head. “Did your mother not explain this to you?”

  “She said to let the man do what he needed to, and don’t bother fighting,” she shrugged.

  “Hell’s teeth,” I muttered. Taking a deep breath, I thought for a few moments before speaking. “Lassie, your lady parts have never been opened by a man. So things will be very tight. But you’re so tiny, and I’m so big, that it would be, shall we say, uncomfortable for you. The first time will likely hurt.”

  She blushed brightly, but forced herself to continue. “I, um, have heard of the maidenhead. But wouldn’t it get better after a few times?”

  I shook my head sadly. “I don’t know. And I don’t know if that’s a chance I’d want to take with you, little one.”

  “What if…” she hesitated, her cheeks turning nearly crimson, but I nodded for her to continue. “What if it’s a chance that I want to take?” she asked. “You said that out here on the sea, there are no rules. If I want to do something, I should do it. Right?”

  I was so proud of her for being brave, even when she was embarrassed. And even when she disagreed with me. I grinned, giving a little chuckle. “S’pose I did say that.”

  “Well, I want to try.” Her eyes were determined, but I could see the twinge of nervousness deep within.

  “Tell you what, lass, I’ll think about it.”

  Her fingers began unbuttoning my shirt. Then I felt her soft hands on my chest. I wasn’t sure why that always stirred my blood. Watching her be so bold was arousing in a way that I couldn’t make sense of.

  Standing up, I laid her on the bed, shucking my clothes to snuggle under the blankets with her.

  “We’ve had a busy day, and you’ve likely had a fright. If we were responsible people, we’d go straight to sleep,” I teased.

  “Good thing we’re actually pirates,” she said, her eyes flashing in the dim light. She grabbed my face with both hands and kissed me so hard my heart raced in my chest. Flora pressed her forehead to mine. “I demand that you take me.”

  I’d never wanted a woman this desperately in my life. I’d never needed anything as much as I needed to plunge inside her. For her to give me an order like this was the most arousing thing a man could ever hear.

  ~ Chapter 23 ~ Flora ~

  * Please *

  I’d never demanded anything in my entire life. Since he was the Captain, I knew that he could laugh it off if he really wanted to. But I needed him to feel how serious I was.

  Having him laying over me felt so right, as my legs spread, pulling him against me. His arousal was hard as steel, nudging against my skin. I felt so open, so ready. I needed to feel him completely. I’d been craving him for weeks now. It was time.

  We kissed with such fire that it felt like he lost himself for a moment, his hand gripping my hip as he began to press against me. Then he stopped.

  “I can’t hurt you lass. I just can’t. After seeing how every man in your life has brought you pain, I cannot do it.” He looked at me in absolute anguish.

  I felt my lips press together as I thought intently for a second. “What if you weren’t the one to do it?”

  He eyed me suspiciously. “What on earth do you mean?”

  “Well, what if... um,” I blushed, wishing once again that the Captain would just ravish me completely instead of this awkwardness.

  “What if I were the one doing all of the moving, so that it was completely my fault if anything hurt for a moment?” I suddenly blurted.

  “Hmm,” the Captain contemplated. “I’ve always said that you’re a clever lass.” He rolled us so that I was on top of him.

  Instantly I felt my juices flowing as my hips moved of their own accord. Sliding myself along his length, I saw his eyes blaze.

  Reaching down, I stroked his thick shaft, loving the feeling of his body trembling from my touch. The tingling charge between us was nearly too much.

  My body took over, as my desire told me exactly what to do. Straddling his hips with my knees wide, I rubbed his tip around my opening. Watching his eyes locked on to where we were about to join sent a thrill up my spine. His hands gripped my behind tightly as his gaze wandered from my breasts to my open thighs.

  Leaning slightly forward, I pressed the head into my flesh, rocking, wiggling as he began to slip inside.

  “Gently, sweetheart,” he murmured, a worried but keen look in his eyes. “We have all night. Go slowly.”

  Having him watch me as I pushed my body onto his length was savagely erotic. My hands fanned across his chest as I rocked my hips, moving down a tiny bit more.

  His eyes fell closed for a second, and I couldn’t believe how close I felt to him at this moment. Then I tried to work him deeper, but didn’t have the strength. Or the angle. I was afraid of bending him in a painful direction.

  Taking a slow breath, I moved his shaft in and out again, then quickly tried to drive deeper. I felt tears of frustration brewing, blinking them quickly away.

  “See, lassie? I’m sorry, but I’m too big for you.”

  I gripped his face between my palms, staring into those mysteriously dark eyes. “I need you on top of me, now. I need you to try for me, now.”

  His grin met my lips as he kissed me, his hands stroking my skin with such a soft touch. He rolled me onto my back, lying beside me. Still kissing me deeply, his hand slid down my stomach, between my legs.

  The feeling of his finger inside me made my entire body feel warm, as if I were melting beneath him. Then he slowly thrust two fingers all the way in and out of my passage until I felt like I was dripping wet.

  I reached down to stroke him. I could feel the change in his kiss the second my hand wrapped around his flesh, smoothly running up and down his length.

  A gasp overtook me as a third finger stretched me. It was a little too much, but it felt too good. Like desserts that were honestly a bit too sweet but one could never stop eating them.

  Our hands both moved faster, and I could finally feel a shift deep within him. As the Captain settled over me, still kissing me, I felt a wave of sultry calm overtake me.

  He dragged the head of his member through my crease over and over, until I was quivering, nearly whimpering.

  “Please,” I begged shamelessly. “Captain, I need you.”

  A low growl from the back of his throat told me how much he needed me as well. I felt his shoulders tighten under my hands as he began pressing inside me slowly.

  “Mmm, yes,” I moaned. The feeling of him filling me was so perfect. He slid as deeply as he could without applying any pressure, then stopped, taking tiny, gentle strokes.

  “Please, sir, I...”

  He stopped, pulling out immediately. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No. I need...”

  “Anything, darling.”

  Every part of me was filled with the mos
t urgent desire. My eyes were wide with desperation. “I need you to treat me like a possession now. Please... take me... I beg you.”

  I wrapped my legs around his hips like a strong vine. Finally the Captain could not restrain himself any longer. “Lassie, ye must tell me if it hurts too much.”

  “You could never hurt me, Captain,” I murmured into his ear. Grasping his shoulders, he began to truly plunge inside my snug, eager passage.


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