Werewolves of New York: Eli (Werewolves of... Book 2)

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Werewolves of New York: Eli (Werewolves of... Book 2) Page 10

by Faleena Hopkins

  Michelle's voice in the background changed as she reminded her new husband, "Tell him about tonight."

  Nathaniel paused, torn between both conversations. "Do you have dinner plans?"

  He could hear hesitancy in his friend's tone, so he said with caution, "No, why?"

  "Michelle wants to go to Gotham, hasn’t been before. She wants you to come."

  "Just me?" Eli asked with surprise. "What's going on?"

  "No, not just you. D and D, too."

  Eli relaxed. "So why the tone? It sounded like you didn't want to ask me."

  Nathaniel paused again. "No. I wanted to ask you. That's why I did."

  Eli frowned. "Okaaaaaay? Well, yeah, I'll want to eat after we buy all my new stuff." He laughed, eager for something to occupy his mind with. "Let's do this!"

  "Text me where we're starting.” He hung up.

  Tossing the phone on the couch that would soon no longer be there, Eli clapped his hands once and headed for his jacket. "Where to begin, where to begin..." Then he remembered the text and like a gnat buzzing around his head, he couldn’t ignore his desire to go check once more. He rushed back for the phone, picked it and saw no response from Rose. "What the fuck!" He threw the phone and shattered the screen. “Oh no…”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Even though Danny had offered to pick her up in a cab, Rose turned him down knowing full well that if this went badly, she didn't want him knowing where she slept at night. He seemed completely sane, but can’t be too careful…

  He was waiting in the bar for her when she arrived at Gotham in her blue, V-neck dress that fell to the middle of her thighs and flowed when she walked. It looked like it might rain later, so she'd broken out last season's trench coat, black to match her shoes. As she arrived in front of him, she slipped it off her shoulders and he gave her the once over.

  "You look beautiful."

  She smiled and threw the coat over her arm, glancing to find him in a forest green sweater and black slacks. It was a little too future-husband-y for her. She would have preferred a suit. "What are you drinking?"

  "Oh, water.”

  She blinked at him, not sure what to do. "Well, let's go to our table."

  He offered his arm and she took it, pleased to feel strong muscles tightening. He smelled good, too. Not as sexy as Eli had, more subtle. "Did you build your empire?"

  She laughed as they walked to the hostess stand. "I researched other law practices all day to find out what I liked and didn't like about their sites. That took longer than I thought it would."

  An Asian brunette with long straight hair glanced up from a floor chart and nodded as he gave his name. "Right this way," she smiled, leading them into the romantically lit dining room. Danny motioned for Rose to go first. She knew he was probably checking her out and for the first time ever, she didn’t sway her hips knowing that. It was occurring to her she didn’t really want to be here, but with Eli having chosen not to go out with her, she needed to get her mind off of him. Only Danny seemed like a decent guy, and she was starting to feel like a jerk for using him.

  “Here you are,” the hostess said, removing two of the settings and leaving two behind.

  Danny held her chair for her. "Thank you." She offered him a distracted smile.

  He grinned as he sat down. "My mom taught me to always treat a lady like a queen." The impression of his mother included an accent that made him all the more charming, her thoughts of Eli swept aside momentarily.

  "I thought you must be Irish! Is she first generation American?"

  "Second. Light accent still there, just enough to make me want to call her more just to listen to her voice." The crinkles by his eyes appeared as his blue eyes danced. She’d guess him to be thirty-two or three, but those smile lines were here to stay. That only meant one thing, he was a naturally happy person and Rose couldn’t help but like that.

  She picked up the wine list, glancing to him. "I think I'll order a glass."

  He motioned for her to go ahead. “Please. I want you to have whatever you want.”

  He called over their server and ordered her Pinot Grigio for her, and asked for a large sparkling water as well, with two glasses. As the man left, Danny turned back to her and said, “I’m glad you came out tonight.”

  She smiled. “Me too.”

  “What’d you find out about the websites? What didn’t you like?”

  Sliding her cloth napkin onto her lap, “Well, there are a lot of really boring sites that don’t seem modern, like they were thrown up there without a care a decade ago.”

  He chuckled, “I bet.”

  “I did get a new laptop though. I have to get a tablet still, but I don’t know what to get, gigabytes and all that stuff boggles my mind. I’m going to research them first.”

  “You want me to explain them?”

  She thought about it and grinned. “No. I think I want to finally learn, since I’m on my own now. I’m hungry. Do you want to order an appetizer?”

  He picked up the menu. “Sure. Let’s see what they have.”

  Admiring the white columns and large flower arrangements while she played with her napkin, her glance made its way to the door. What she saw there made her mouth go dry. She swallowed, not able to believe her eyes.

  She heard him saying, "Oh, they have calamari.”

  Eli, Nathaniel, Dontae, and Darik, all in expensive suits, stood by the hostess stand like they owned the place and everyone in it. Her eyes locked with her Judas best friend who was staring right at her.

  "Motherfucker," Rose muttered.

  Danny looked up. "What?"

  Rose flew back to him and shook her nervous head. "Did I say that out loud? I'm sorry. I just remembered I didn't lock my front door."

  His eyebrows flew up. "Do you live in a small building?"

  "No. It's a high rise."

  He concluded, "Oh, well, then the likelihood of someone trying your door over the next two hours..."

  "Right. Yeah, I'm sure no one will. It’s just, that’s why I swore like a trucker. Sorry." She glanced to her menu. "So, do you know what you're having?"

  "There's no rush," he smiled. “And you forget I work with men all day. I’ve had to hold back four swear words since you got here.”

  She nodded, unable to laugh, sweat beading between her breasts. Wishing they weren't so prominently displayed with this table, she decided the only thing to do was what any smart woman would, look like she was having the time of her life. She straightened up her spine, picked up her menu, put on her most winning smile and said, "Ooooo, you're right. They do have calamari. I love that, let's get it."

  He grinned. "Yeah? Great. I'll tell him when he comes back." His smile became more intimate and he held his arm toward her, laying it on the white linen tablecloth with his palm up, waiting. "You really look beautiful tonight."

  She smiled and felt her veins flex with anxiety as she put her hand on his. "That's very sweet. Thank you."

  Danny's face changed and he looked up. She could feel the presence of someone walking to them. Heat raced up her right side as the person got closer. She didn't have to look to know it wasn't the waiter. She withdrew her hand like a shot and turned to see Eli looming above her with fiery amber eyes. He looked so much taller and foreboding standing over her like that. His suit was impeccable, but he looked like he was about to shatter it, his muscles tense and ready to fight. His fists were white and he wouldn't look at Danny. "Rose."

  "Eli," she answered, her voice cold.

  "You didn't answer my text."

  "And is it any wonder?"

  They glared at each other, forgetting there was anyone else in the room.

  She watched his jaw tick four times before he growled, "Nice dress."

  "Thank you."

  "Would you like to join us?" He jerked his chin toward the booth his friends stood by. Rose glanced to them quickly, then back to him without moving her head. Only Michelle was sitting down and from the look on her face s
he’d been told to.

  "You can see I'm on a date."

  He exhaled slowly through his nose and she heard his knuckles crack. She glanced to them.

  "Eli. Calm down," she said carefully.

  He stared at her and said through gritted teeth, "I'm trying."

  She rose up just as the waiter returned with her white wine, glancing between the three faces with curiosity.

  "I'm sorry, Danny." She met his eyes. "I can't do this."

  "I get it," he muttered, holding up his hands.

  She grabbed her coat and purse. "I'm so sorry," she mumbled, rushing past Eli and toward the hostess stand. She shot a look to Michelle and caught her friend’s horror as Rose mouthed What the hell? Chelle tried to get out of the booth, but Nathaniel held out his hand to stop her. That's how Rose knew that Eli was right behind her. She broke into a run, bursting through the front door and out onto East 12th Street. The Greenwich Village sidewalk was full of people grouped in two's, three's and four's all out for a great Saturday night. She ducked and weaved through the crowd with him on her heels.

  Catching up quickly, he rushed in front of her and ran backwards. "Rose, stop!"

  She tried to get around him, but he zigzagged with her, interpreting her every move. "Eli! Leave me alone!" Gasping for air, she bent over. "My heart's going to explode."

  "I know! I can hear it. You have to slow down!"

  With her coat and purse in her arms, her hands over her slamming heart, she blinked at him. "What do you mean, you can hear it? What the fuck are you?"

  He swore at himself under his breath. "I meant I can tell! Of course it is! You're upset. That's what I meant."

  Her blue eyes narrowed on him and she shook her head, struggling for breath. "More lies.“

  “Look, I didn't know you were going to be there. It took me by surprise. I'm sorry for what I just did. I couldn't stop myself. Fuck!” he shouted, spinning in a circle and coming back to her, saying with great control. “Rose, when I saw you holding that guy’s hand! I lost it. I fucking lost it. I'm just glad you ran out of there when you did, or..."

  "Or what! Or what, Eli? I would have had a good time with a man who actually wants to date me? Or wanted to. Past tense. He sure as hell doesn't want to see me again."

  Eli's jaw ticked. "I'm sorry." He grabbed her face and stared into her eyes, saying in a thick low voice that was so earnest and eager for her to understand, it shocked her. "I want to explain. Believe me, when I look at you I want nothing more than to explain why I've been acting like such an idiot. I want to wipe that frown off your face forever...and tell you things I've never told anyone...I want to, Rose! But I just can't."

  "Yes, you can."

  Eli released her and looked up. Rose turned around and saw the whole group standing behind her. Michelle had a look on her face Rose couldn't read. Darik and Dontae who she barely knew, looked gravely at her like a decision had been made. It was Nathaniel who had spoken, and his green eyes were saying all kinds of things to Eli that only they could understand. "You can tell her."

  She looked at Eli and watched his face change like a huge weight was at once lifted and dropped on him at the same time. "She's not ready.”

  "She can handle it," Michelle told him.

  "I can handle what?" Rose demanded. She pointed at her best friend. "I knew you'd been keeping something from me. Is this it?" Michelle's face had never been more somber. It was a little frightening and it quieted Rose’s anger. "Can I handle it, Chelle?"

  Michelle nodded and looked at Eli. "She can. You can trust her. I'd trust her with my life. Even if she rejects you, she'll never tell anyone."

  Rose whipped around. Eli’s soulful brown eyes were flitting around. “You’re sure, guys?” Rose looked to see his three friends nod as if they were a single entity. He held his hand out. "Walk with me?"

  Rose nodded and slipped her hand into his, frustrated at how good it felt for his fingers to entwine with hers again. "I can't believe I’m even talking to you after what you pulled the other night."

  Just like two nights ago, they didn't talk as the buildings passed by. His presence beside her felt protective. Wherever they walked people moved out of their way. Glancing to his profile she saw him lost in his thoughts. She squeezed his hand and walked closer to him, holding onto his arm. He glanced down and offered her a distant smile. "You want to put on your coat?"

  She shook her head. "You're keeping me warm. Your body is..."

  "I run hot," he murmured, smiling as though at an inside joke. Stopping, he faced her, then glanced around to make sure no one could hear. "Rose, what if I told you that you are right, that I'm not human?"

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Eli waited for her to say something and saw thoughts flying through her mind, evidenced by her changing expressions. He let his wolf out a little, this time purposefully allowing his eyes to glow brightly. Her breath hitched as she gazed at them.

  "What are you?" she whispered.

  "I'm someone who can't stop thinking about you."

  He pulled her along and walked for another block, feeling her cling to him, as they paid no attention to their surroundings. He stopped and pulled her close without warning, leaning down to kiss her. She responded as his mouth searched for permission to tell her everything, moving with her like they were made for each other. Crushing her to him in a desperate embrace he wondered at how good she felt, at how much being with her relieved that itch haunting him since he’d seen her last. Their kiss escalated and he let her go, gasping for air. His wolf wanted more and he wanted it badly, but Eli had images of wedding rings in his head. "Fuck!"

  Rose stared at him, scanning his expression to read what was going on. "Don't you dare," she whispered. "Don't you dare do this to me again, Eli!"

  He grabbed her hand and led her up the street again, swearing aloud at the tornado of emotions ripping him in two. Back there in the restaurant he was going to tear that guy to shreds. When they'd arrived, he hadn't seen Rose at first. But then he smelled her! He fucking smelled her scent by the hostess desk and, searching the room, saw her smiling and flirting with some bastard in a green sweater. A green sweater! Really? The guy had future husband written all over him and Eli went nuts. Nathaniel had told him to calm down. Dontae had growled, "Don't tell me we've lost another one," and Darik asked the hostess, "Can we have a table far away from that one over there?" Michelle whispered, "Oh my God, I'm sorry. I just had to try. Is he going to fight the guy?" Nathaniel assured her, "Eli can control himself."

  That's when he'd advanced on the table, with those words at his back.

  Walking up the street with her hand squished in his, he began talking to himself like a lunatic who's trying to figure out how to avoid the Apocalypse. "Eli can control himself. See, that's the thing. I can. Except when it comes to you." He was walking so fast, she was jogging to keep up, and she kept quiet, listening as he worked it out. "When it comes to you, my eyes are glowing when I don’t know it. I can't stop smelling those damn panties you left behind. I was going to shred that guy. I could taste it. I could taste his blood and I was gonna do it if you hadn't run out. When we were at that speakeasy all I wanted to do was pay them to shut it down so I could be alone with you. I have never been as haunted by a woman as I am by you." He turned and grabbed her face, making her cheeks go chipmunk. "I don't want to get married! Do you understand! I don't want to put a ring on your finger and fuck you as my wife. Do you hear me!" She started to cry. "I don't want to fall in love with you but my wolf knows that’s where I'm going. But I don't want it! Do you hear me, Rose?" He crushed his lips to hers, her tears wetting his cheeks as he embraced her and kissed her deeply. He worked rough kisses to her ear and down her neck, repeating her name over and over with gasping breaths.

  She pulled away and forced him to look at her. She was blushing and her blue eyes were liquid with fresh tears. All the anger and resistance was gone from her as she said, gently, “Hey, hey, hey. Listen. Slow down. Who said anything
about getting married? I just met you! I’m not Michelle. How about we go on a date first?”

  “Where do you want to go? I’m hungry. How about you?”

  She blinked and chuckled lightly, laying her hands on his hips. “Now? You’re going to Bogart my date with Danny?”

  His wolf thrashed violently at the sound of his name. “Don’t bring him up again. Not tonight.”

  She nodded. “I was making a joke, but I can see it’s not a joking matter. How about I never bring him up? Is that better?” He nodded and she smiled. “I’m hungry, too.” Off his look, she laughed like an innocent girl. “For food.”

  He threw his head back on a laugh and grabbed her hand again. “Then let’s get dinner. I could eat Florida right now.”

  The city moved steadily by them, though neither was aware of it. After a few blocks, he asked, “You like Indian?” glancing down to hear her answer.

  “Mmhmm. Eli?”


  “What did you mean when you said your wolf is…” she bit her lip and stopped.

  “I’ve never told anyone this before, so I don’t know how to say it.”

  She tugged on his hand for him to stop walking. “What if I guess it? Don’t laugh at me if I’m wrong, okay?”

  He didn’t return her nervous smile. “I promise not to laugh.”

  “Are you an angel?”

  He laughed. She hit him on the chest, stifling a grin that was half-amused, half-angry. “You promised!”

  He couldn’t stop smiling. “I am no angel.” He burst out laughing again and she hit again, harder this time. “You can’t hurt me, woman.” She smacked his chest a third and final time and he grabbed her hand and held it, leaning down until he was an inch from her lips. He could feel the heat of her breath, could smell the sweetness of it, her natural breath turning him on. “I’m your soulmate,” he teased, though there was truth behind the words. They both felt it.


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