Blindsided (Bound For Hell MC Series Book 3)

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Blindsided (Bound For Hell MC Series Book 3) Page 14

by Needa Warrant

  “Maybe…I gotta speak to her before I can tell ya. She’s here willingly?” Mad Jack wasn’t about to go near her if she was here against her will.

  Zero looked at him with a hard stare. “She’s our Vice Presidents’ daughter, bro. He’s looking for a decent ol’ man for her and one that will strengthen ties between our clubs. Its good business, ya know? Her mother had class and she was raised right until her mama died. Whiskey didn’t let anybody touch her. He loved his wife and her dying fucked him up. Margo is insanely jealous of the daughter. She’s crazy and it’s causing too many problems. That bitch could hurt the girl and that would break his heart. Hell, Deidra could be a virgin for all I know.”

  Mad Jack understood all right and he liked the way this girl held herself. She didn’t look like white trash or a whore. He nodded to Zero and walked over to the girl.

  Deidra looked at the biker who stood before her. He was good looking and cleaner than most of them. His hair was a dark blonde and he smiled at her.

  “Name’s Mad Jack, you’re Deidra, huh? You want out of your house?”

  She nodded yes. “I have to be out of that house before that crazy Margo ends up killing me. It isn’t like I can even defend myself since she’s pregnant. I figure New Jersey is as good as any place to make a new life. I don’t know what my dad sees in that bitch. I guess he’s hoping to have a son. I wanted to go to college, but she said no and talked my dad out of it. My mother wanted me to go to college and so did I. My dad said I’d do better to get away from her so here I am.”

  Something in Jack cracked at hearing that. She was Irish or at least her name was. She was young and she needed help. He couldn’t just walk away and leave this poor girl to some of his brothers. Not all of them would be decent to this girl and his mother would help her. So would his sisters—Kima, Jo and Shelly.

  “Look, I wasn’t looking for an ol’ lady, but I saw you and I wanna help you. I live with my parents most of the time and they have a nice house on the water. You want to be my ol’ lady or whatever to get yourself out of this mess?”

  The smile she gave him lit up her face and she placed her hand in his. “Thank you so much! At least you’re foxy looking and smell good. Let me tell Zero I’ve decided.”

  Mad Jack thought about that. She decided? He thought he was the one deciding to pick her…but she was already talking to Zero who nodded at him and walked over to Darko. After a few minutes Deidra came back and told him they wanted to speak to him. He walked over to his president and Zero.

  “Jack, you want that chick? She’s Whiskey’s daughter and you better be sure you’re serious if you take her. It would be good for the club.” Darko knew Mad Jack would make sure she had a good place to live and it’d settle his boy down. “You gotta talk to Whiskey and get his okay. The chick is on the phone with him now and you can’t fuck this up, bro. Go see what he says.”

  “I said I wanted her, Darko. You want me to go tell her daddy that?” Mad Jack was getting pissed. Who let some cunt ol’ lady get rid of his daughter anyway, he thought. At least he’d make sure she had a chance with him.

  “Well, Zero—I’ll vouch for my boy here. He’s one of my best money makers, can fight and his parents are rich. Will that fit Whiskey’s expectations?” Darko was glad it was Mad Jack that had stepped up. He figured Whiskey had expected him to take her and he had Dusty for now.

  “Yeah, I’m sure it will. We’d all better go talk to him. I see Deidra is waving at us. Be good for the clubs. Whiskey is a righteous brother. You treat his daughter well and he won’t forget that.” Zero was satisfied with Mad Jack and what Darko had told him.

  They headed over to the phone and it was decided that Mad Jack had himself an ol’ lady and Nefarious had a tighter allegiance with Satan’s Attitude MC.

  Darko wanted to get Deidra out of there before the meeting and his boys were taking all of girls out now too so he told Mad Jack to take her home. This meeting was no place for women. “Mad Jack, take her to Kima or your parent’s house and get your ass right back here.”

  Mad Jack decided to take her to Kima’s house. It’d give him time to think of what he was going to tell his parents and Kima would be nice to the girl. He tied her duffle bag to his sissy bar. She put the helmet on that he handed her and waited until the bike was revving before she got on behind him. Kima and his parents were going to be shocked, but Mad Jack had seen something in this chick that he never saw in any other. He wasn’t quite sure what it exactly was, but he had to help her.

  Once they pulled up to Kima’s house, she got off while Jack explained his sister had just had a baby so the house might be a mess. He told her Kima was really nice and that he’d be back for her after the meeting as he untied her duffle bag from the sissy bar. Deidra nodded and went to the door with him. He rang the bell and Kima came to the door looking tired as hell.

  “Kima, I need a favor from you. This is Deidra, my kinda new ol’ lady from Maryland. I’ll explain it later. I gotta go, can you keep her for me?”

  “Kind of new ol’ lady, Jack? What are you up to now? Never mind—come on in, Deidra. You can explain what my crazy brother is up to now. Go on, Jack—she’ll be fine.”

  They watched Mad Jack roar away before the two women walked into the house, Deidra carrying her duffle bag as though everything she had in the world was in it. Kima was wondering what her crazy brother was up to now while Deidra was thinking at least this biker was hot and his sister was nice.

  Mad Jack got back to the meeting in time to see that Hammer, Tramp and Zero were standing behind a long table. Everyone had quieted down and it was unusual for three clubs to hold a meeting together. The Filthy Fiends were becoming a big problem and they were hitting each of the motorcycle clubs present and their support clubs.

  Tramp talked first, “We didn’t want to have an out and out war with the Filthy Fiends and we asked if they wanted to be present, but none would come. As of now anyone in my club sees a Fiend, it is open season. Just get the patch and hand it to your chapter president.”

  Zero spoke next, “We never had much trouble with the Fiends in the past, but we’ve seen them going in our states, trying to lure bros to their club and we lost a few prospects to them. Fucking scumbags, Satan’s Attitude will not support any club that supports the Fiends.”

  Hammer looked out at the huge assembly of bikers and took a chug of his beer. “Nerfarious isn’t taking this shit from these jerk offs. I say we hunt them down and not rest until we decimate the entire Filthy Fiend nation!”

  Tramp spoke again, “We know Skunk is running New Jersey and he isn’t the brightest bulb in the box, either. So how the hell is he hitting our clubs? I wanna know where the hell he is and I want to know where every Fiend lives. They go down!”

  Zero watched the bikers before him. He was here to report to his national president how far Nefarious and Bound for Hell were willing to take this war. From what he could tell these bikers were dead serious. “I speak for the Satan’s Attitude nation. We’re behind our brothers here and will join you in this war against the Filthy Fiends.’ He moved back to let Hammer speak.

  “We gave the Filthy Fiends a chance to come here tonight and try to call a truce. They chose their path and now we’ve got ours. Watch your backs and find those bastards.”

  The three men watched as their members all roared their approval. War it was. None of them had wanted this, but it had come down to surviving.

  Hunter leaned against the wall with Thorn by his side. He’d been through biker wars when he was younger. He had liked it when his club was more about partying and having a good time. He worried about his brothers and knew that some would die or go to jail. He hoped it wouldn’t be his son. The future didn’t look so bright right now.

  “Thorn, I’m going to head home. Watch yourself tonight. Fucking war, fucking Fiends, this is bad. This shit sucks and I’m glad I’m not gonna be around for it.” He spoke low so only his son heard him. “I hope they don’t hit the Lodge or E
lena’s farm. Lowlife piece of shit bastards. Nailz should have ended Skunk over Jo when he could have. If it gets bad and I’m gone, shut the Lodge down to guests. We can’t insure their safety. I’m tired and you’ll wanna stay and party.”

  “Actually dad I don’t. I have no reason to stay here. I’d rather go home and call Tears. I miss her and at least we can talk on the phone. I don’t need some whore coming on to me once they get here. Did you see Jack take that chick outta here? What the fuck was that about?”

  Hunter grinned, “From what I overheard, Mad Jack just got himself a Satan’s Attitude ol’ lady—some vice president’s daughter. Jack always had a soft side. I wonder what the hell he’s gonna do with her? Hell, maybe he’ll settle down now.” He laughed a bit at the thought of Jack settling down with an ol’ lady, but it might be good for him.

  Thorn burst out laughing. “Fucking Jack—he isn’t the settling down type.”

  As the two men walked out of the clubhouse meeting that now was a free-for-all party, Hunter thought to himself Jack might be wiser than Thorn even thought.

  Thrash also left early. He knew Darko’s boys wanted to leave and he didn’t blame them. The thought of Elena and the baby was always on his mind and Thrash didn’t want them alone. It was too soon to ask her if he could move in, but with his sister living there it gave him more of a reason to be around. This shit with the Filthy Fiends was really bad and he knew she had the right to know about it all. Elena had gone through biker wars before with Hunter. This time he thought it was going to be much different. He didn’t want to scare her, but maybe that was exactly what she needed.

  Elena was sitting on the porch in a loose red night gown. She had heard his bike coming and had just given the baby a bottle. She looked at Thrash expectedly, waiting for him to tell her what was wrong.

  Thrash slung his helmet down and grabbed a chain off the porch. Once his bike was secure he walked over and sat next to her.

  “War with the Filthy Fiends, Elena. Satan’s Attitude came up from the southern states, they’re joining us. I don’t know where this will go, but it isn’t good.”

  Elena stared off into the darkness, “Maybe it’d be better if you and Jersey weren’t here? They’d leave us alone possibly?”

  “Jersey won’t leave Joy now, you know that. Is it fair to even ask them that? That Stinky has been on the farm too with other Fiends. It’s a bit late to try and pretend you have no affiliation with either clubs. You hire the dancers for Dirty Deeds, that is enough right there and you’re not a stupid chick, Elena. So don’t play games with me.” Thrash was annoyed.

  “No I’m not stupid, but you don’t know every fucking thing about me either, Thrash. Hunter may have thought he did, but I have a past and I’m not afraid to protect myself, my baby or my farm! I left a pillow and a sheet on the couch for you.” She was angry and walked into the house leaving Thrash to sit alone on the porch.

  Thrash looked around the farm and started to think how it could be made more secure. He didn’t want to tell Elena that the Filthy Fiends might strike out and kill her beloved horses. He’d have to talk to Jersey and see what he thought. He was tired and the couch seemed like a good place to be. He locked the door and shut off the porch light.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Hunter woke up the next day to a beautiful sunrise. He sat with his coffee on the deck looking at the water and the Lodge grounds. He really loved this place and hoped it would stay in the family. He grinned as he thought about the trip he was making over to Elena’s farm. He had boxes of boots from baby sizes to young girl’s sizes. He had bought a bunch of cowboy hats for Rhiannon too and a very expensive pony saddle. His baby girl wouldn’t go without and he’d made sure of it. He decided today after he saw Elena and the baby that it was a fine day to check his lobster traps. He went inside for some more coffee and woke up Thorn, asking him to gas up the lobster boat—the Lena—and make sure it was ready to go when he got back. Thorn mumbled the boat would be ready to go. Hunter shook his head, drank his coffee and loaded up his truck bed with the saddle and lots of boxes. He drove over to Elena’s figuring she was up having breakfast. She never slept in.

  Thrash was still asleep on the couch when Elena got up and she sent a glare his way. He had made her so angry last night that she resented him staying overnight. She made a bottle and took Rhiannon out on the porch to feed her when she spotted Hunter’s trunk coming down the lane. That was a shocker and she hoped Thrash would sleep through Hunter’s visit. She watched him pull up close to the house and get out of his truck. He had on a blue bandana tied over his head and his brown hair was pulled into a ponytail. Hunter looked thinner than he usually did and a bit tired. He smiled at her like he had so many times before. Her half pirate biker—he must be going out on one of the boats, she thought spotting the rubber boots he was wearing. Her stomach clenched and she tried to smile at him.

  “Morning, Elena. I got some stuff I wanted to give you for Rhiannon. I saw a tack shop was going out of business and I might have bought the baby enough boots and cowboy hats to last her a couple of years. I got a good deal on a pony saddle, too.” He stood there smiling at her and she wanted to cry.

  “Hello, Hunter. It’s good to see you. Would you like to hold Rhiannon while I take a look at what you’ve bought?” Elena tried to keep her voice clear and steady.

  Hunter held out his arms for the baby and Elena placed Rhiannon in them before she headed for the truck. She could hear Hunter whispering to their child.

  Elena climbed into the truck and opened a box that held turquoise and black baby cowboy boots. They were adorable. Another box had boots a few sizes larger and there were more boxes with boots, too. Other boxes held hats and the pony saddle! It was beautiful with ornate scrolling tooled into the leather.

  “Hunt, how much did you spend? Rhiannon is set for years! You didn’t have to do this.” Elena was amazed at the amount of gifts he had brought.

  “Well, you know me—I love to be thrifty so I figured I’d buy it while I could. Ya like the stuff? Do you think Rhiannon will like it?” Hunter had a hint of laughter in his voice.

  “Of course I do, but it is so much! You must have spent a lot of money.” Elena was baffled. Hunter didn’t spend money like this, ever.

  The screen door opened and Thrash came on to the porch all sleepy eyed. His eyes opened wider seeing Hunter standing there holding the baby.

  “Morning, brother. I just stopped by on my way to check my lobster traps. I brought some things for the baby. Want to give me a hand unloading the truck?” Hunter’s voice was even and he grinned at Thrash.

  “Yeah, sure. Elena come here and take the baby so we can get the truck unloaded. Where do you want all this stuff?” Thrash sounded normal enough, but Elena was worried he might get overprotective over her.

  Elena walked over to get Rhiannon and smiled at Hunter. He smiled back at her just like the old days.

  “I guess on the porch. I’ll have to make room in the baby’s closet for all of the boxes. The saddle can go out to the tack room if you don’t mind, Thrash.”

  The boxes piled up on the porch and Elena sat on the glider in shock. Finally they were done and Thrash was carrying the pony saddle to the barn.

  Elena stood up with the baby in her arms as Hunter came to say good bye.

  He leaned in to kiss her lips lightly. “I’ll always love you, Elena. You are the love of my life. I love our daughter, too. Remember that.” He brushed his lips over Rhiannon’s head.

  As he walked away Elena called out to him. “Hunter, what happened to us?

  She was walking to catch up to him and he waited. “Elena, life happens. I gotta go check my lobster traps. I’ll stop over tomorrow with some lobsters for dinner for you.”

  Elena looked at him, her heart breaking. “It’s a beautiful day to be out on the water. I love you too, Hunt.”

  “I know you do, but it’s better if you don’t, though. It sure is a beautiful day and I’ll be over tomorrow
. Gotta go—Thorn is gassing up the Lena for me. Take care of yourself, honey.” He got in his truck and pulled away.

  Thrash came out of the barn, walked on to the porch and looked at all of the boxes.

  “What the hell is all this stuff for? Hunter trying to get you back?” He sounded annoyed.

  Elena didn’t know what to say and it took her a moment to think of an answer.

  “I really don’t know and he doesn’t want me back! He said a tack shop was going out of business so he bought his daughter presents! He said he was going out on the water to check his traps and bringing us lobsters tomorrow for dinner. I think he explained himself to you just fine.” She was snapping at Thrash and couldn’t help herself.

  Thrash looked at the boxes. “I bet he’s trying to get you back. Did you make any coffee?”

  Elena got annoyed again. “No, he isn’t and you can make the damn coffee for yourself.” She stared at the lane wishing Hunter would come back, but knew he wouldn’t.

  As Hunter pulled up to the marina area of the Lodge he looked around at everything his family had created here. He’d tried to improve on it and he hoped Thorn would do that, too. They had a good business here and he was proud he’d been a part of making it better. He saw his son, shirtless and tan, hair in a braid tossing gear into his lobster boat, the Lena. Tears was standing there watching him with a sad smile on her face. Damn, he thought. She hasn’t had much time lately with Thorn. He could easily check the lobster traps himself and let them have some time together. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t done it hundreds of times alone. Young lovers deserved to have time together and he wasn’t going out all day, just for a few hours. He walked toward them in a great mood. He didn’t feel too badly today. Maybe seeing Elena and Rhiannon was good medicine for him. She sure was a beautiful baby and holding her made his day. He noticed the overprotective look in Thrash’s eyes, too. He liked that. Elena would be fine with Thrash—if she gave him a chance.


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