Forced Exodus (Pandemic Book Two)

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Forced Exodus (Pandemic Book Two) Page 9

by Christine Kersey

  Giving Matt a sideways look, Derrick subtly gestured with his head for them to move to the left. Matt took a step in that direction and Derrick followed. This caught the attention of Baldy and the other guard, who looked away from the irate customer.

  “Where’re you going?” Baldy shouted.

  Everyone—except the irate customer—looked their way.

  Holding the cans of food, Derrick held his hands up to show he meant no harm. At that moment, the irate customer shot the clerk in the head. The woman behind the irate customer screamed as the clerk slumped forward, his head hitting the table. Both guards and Errand Boy drew their weapons and began shooting at the man. He fell to the ground. The woman behind him screamed and screamed until her screams were silenced by several gunshots. Her bag of goods fell to the ground and cans of food tumbled across the sidewalk.

  These guys were ruthless. Yeah, they’d shot back at the man who’d killed their clerk, but then they’d killed the woman. Not able to stand there and do nothing, Derrick dropped his cans of food and pulled his Glock from his holster. He aimed at the first guard, hitting him in chest. Matt drew his weapon as well and shot the other guard. Derrick shifted his aim to Errand Boy, who was now pointing his gun at Derrick. They both fired. A burning sensation tore across Derrick’s neck, but Errand Boy collapsed to the ground.

  The smell of gun powder hung in the air. A high-pitched ringing sounded in Derrick’s ears. Ignoring the sound and keeping his eyes on the men who were down, he carefully made his way to the table. He and Matt checked the men for a pulse. He looked at Matt and shook his head. Matt did the same.

  They were all dead.

  “The people inside,” Matt said with a look toward the glass doors.

  Nodding, Derrick pressed his back to the wall beside the entrance, then looked at Matt, who nodded once. Matt pushed the door inward while at the same time Derrick leapt into the open doorway, leading with his gun. “Everyone down!”

  “Don’t shoot!” a woman shouted. “We’re not armed!”

  With his gaze scanning the darkened interior, Derrick sized it up. A man wearing a white pharmacist’s smock and a woman wearing a pale blue smock had their hands high in the air. No one else was in sight.

  “Are you alone?” Derrick asked.

  “Yes,” the man said. His forehead creased. “What happened?”

  Derrick motioned with his head toward the front of the store. “They’re dead.”

  Relief washed across the man’s face and his hands started to droop. Then his gaze went to the gun in Derrick’s hand, which was still pointed at him. Fresh fear claimed his expression as his hands went back up. “What do you want?”

  These people didn’t seem to be a threat. Derrick lowered his weapon. “Put your hands down.”

  The man’s shoulders sagged as he lowered his arms. The woman followed suit.

  Derrick glanced toward Matt, who was clearing the space. He came back a moment later with a nod. Derrick holstered his Glock, then looked from the woman to the man. “What was going on here?”

  Exhaling audibly, the woman shook her head. “Those men wouldn’t let us leave.”

  The pharmacist nodded. “They said we worked for them now and if we tried to leave, they’d kill us.” He paused a beat. “Who are you?”

  “I’m Derrick and this is Matt.”

  The pharmacist nodded. “I’m Todd and this is Jenny.” Todd looked between Derrick and Matt. “Why are you here?”

  Derrick explained about Jeff and Doc.

  Todd smiled. “Old Doc sent you, huh?” He laughed and shook his head.

  Derrick didn’t want to hang around any longer than necessary. “Yeah. Can you help us?”

  “I can do more than that.” Todd grinned. “If you’ll help, we can bring the remaining meds to Doc.”

  That sounded like a good idea to Derrick. He glanced toward the dead men outside. “Should we be expecting any other members of their group to show up?”

  Todd shook his head. “It was just the four of them.”

  “Good.” He turned to Matt. “Wait here while I get the truck.”

  Matt agreed and Derrick turned to leave.

  “Hold on,” Jenny said.

  Derrick swiveled back around. “What?”

  She touched her neck. “Your neck’s bleeding.”

  He’d forgotten about that. The adrenaline had masked the sting. “Doc can take a look at it.”

  She smiled. “Right.”

  At that, he strode out of the pharmacy to get his truck.

  Chapter 22


  The sound of Derrick’s truck was music to Jessica’s ears. From the moment they’d left, she’d been a nervous wreck. After all they’d been through that day, not knowing what was happening had been torture.

  The kids stood with her under the branches of a large tree in Doc’s yard. Chris and his family were nearby.

  “Who’s in the truck with them?” Dylan asked.

  Jessica stared at the people in the back seat. A man and a woman. What was going on?

  Derrick turned off the truck and Matt hopped out, a smile on his face as he came straight to Jessica. That was a good sign.

  The man and woman, one wearing a white smock the other a blue smock, climbed out of the back seat.

  “Who’s that?” Jessica murmured when Matt gathered her in a hug.

  Laughing as he released her, he said, “We brought a lot more than the antibiotics that Jeff needs.”


  He quickly told them what had happened. Imagining the shootout ending with Matt or Derrick getting shot sent a cascade of terror winding its way through her. Then she saw the blood dripping from Derrick’s neck.

  “Are you okay?” she asked him.

  He touched his neck with a frown. “I’ll be fine.” He pointed to his truck. “Let’s get this stuff unloaded.”

  Everyone pitched in and in short order they had all the supplies stowed in a room in Doc’s house, including the food, water, and other items that had been on the long table in front of the pharmacy.

  “This is wonderful,” Doc said as he looked over what they’d brought. “So wonderful.”

  The woman who’d come with them—she’d said her name was Jenny—stepped forward. “Doc, can you take a look at Derrick’s neck?”

  Doc turned to Derrick. “Yes. Come with me.”

  Derrick frowned again, but he followed Doc into his exam room. Jeff had been moved to one of the bedrooms and was resting on a mattress. Jessica went to talk to Emily, who hadn’t left Jeff’s side.

  “Derrick and Matt got the antibiotics,” she said with a smile as she pulled an empty chair next to Emily and sat down.

  “I know,” Emily said, her face bright. “I saw all the stuff you guys brought in. Doc started Jeff on a course the moment the antibiotics arrived.”


  “Did they have much trouble getting it?”

  Jessica tilted her head. “A bit.” Then she repeated Matt’s story.

  Emily shook her head. “That’s so crazy. And terrifying. I’m glad everyone’s okay.” She frowned. “Well, everyone in our group and the pharmacist and tech.”

  Jessica agreed. All the death and killing they’d seen was awful. Why did people have to do such terrible things?

  She voiced her thoughts.

  Emily looked at Jeff, who was sleeping peacefully, then back at Jessica. “I know. It’s insane how people behave when law and order is gone. I guess everyone’s true nature comes out. For better or worse.”

  What was her true nature? She’d shot that woman at the rest stop. Yes, it had only been in the foot, but still. She’d shot her.

  Emily must have read her thoughts. “You had no choice, Jessica. You were protecting your daughter.”

  True as that was, she was still having a hard time with it. She faced Emily. “What about us? I mean, the rest of our group.” She glanced at Jeff. “Jeff and Derrick. And…and Matt. They’ve kille
d people.”

  Emily shook her head, her expression sure. “Nope. That doesn’t work for me. They weren’t the aggressors. They weren’t looking for trouble.” She held up her hand and pointed to one finger. “Men were burning your house down.” She touched another finger. “Those people shot at you. People you were trying to help.” She touched a third finger and a fourth. “That man barreled onto the freeway and shot at Derrick. Those men at the rest stop shot first.” Dropping her hands into her lap, she shook her head. “And from what you just told me, those men at the pharmacy were holding people hostage and extorting other people for medicine that wasn’t theirs.”

  Hearing it all laid out like that assuaged Jessica’s guilt to a great degree. “You’re right.” She smiled. “Thank you.”

  Jeff opened his eyes and looked at Emily. “Hey, baby.”

  “Hey. How are you feeling?”

  Slowly, he pushed himself into a sitting position. “Better.” He smiled at Jessica. “Is everyone waiting on me?”

  “You and Derrick.”

  “What happened to Derrick?”

  Jessica repeated the story again.

  Jeff shook his head. “I should’ve been there.”

  Emily rolled her eyes. “They were getting the meds for you, goofball.”

  Jeff chuckled.

  Jessica stood. “I’m going to check on Derrick.”

  Nodding, Jeff said. “Great. We can get going as soon as he’s good to go.”

  Jessica looked at Emily to see if she would object, but she seemed just as eager to get going as Jeff was. Jessica nodded. “Will do.”

  She left the room and went to the exam room. Derrick was sitting on the table, all alone, a gauze bandage on his neck.

  “How’re you doing?”

  He smirked. “I’ll be fine. It’s just a flesh wound.”

  “Where’s Doc?”

  Now Derrick laughed. “Went to get me some antibiotics.”

  Grinning, Jessica said, “Good thing you brought back extra.”

  He laughed. “How’s Jeff doing?”

  “Okay, I guess. He wants to leave as soon as possible.”

  Derrick nodded. “Yeah. We should hit the road. Todd and Jenny said no one else was involved in the pharmacy thing, but you never know.”

  She shook her head. “We just leave a trail of enemies in our wake, don’t we?”

  One side of his mouth quirked up. “Not all enemies.”

  She pictured Doc and how happy he’d been to receive the supplies. Not to mention Todd and Jenny being freed. Yeah, not everyone was bad news.

  “Would you tell everyone to get ready to go?” Derrick asked.

  “Sure.” She went outside and let the rest of the group know that both Derrick and Jeff wanted to head out as soon as possible.

  Chapter 23


  Once they were back on I-80 heading west, Chris breathed a sigh of relief. Waiting for Derrick and Matt to come back from the pharmacy had been difficult. He would have preferred to go with them, but leaving Amy and the boys unprotected wasn’t something he was willing to do. Not when their group was traveling and didn’t know the people in the area. Too risky. On the positive side, the break had been nice for the kids. Jacob and Aaron had been able to stretch their legs and work off some of their boundless energy.

  “I like Jessica,” Amy said from the passenger seat.

  “Yeah. She and Matt are good people.”

  Sagebrush stretched off into the distance all around them. Occasionally a car or truck drove past heading the other direction. Every time a vehicle approached, Chris braced himself for something bad to happen, but nothing did. He tried to relax, but it was difficult. Not when danger could be around the next bend.

  “Believe it or not,” Amy said, “I’m glad you convinced me that we should leave our house and go to California.”

  Chris looked at her in surprise. “Really?”

  She smiled. “Yes, really.”

  “What made you change your mind? The shootout at the rest stop or the tale of Derrick and Matt’s trip to the pharmacy?”

  That earned him a laugh. “Both and neither.”

  Baffled, he shifted his gaze to her. “What?”

  “All the scary things that happened today underscored to me what people are willing to do when they’re desperate. With all those gang members moving into our neighborhood, it wouldn’t have been safe to stay there.” She paused. “I know it’s dangerous out here, but once we reach Emily’s aunt and uncle’s farm, we’ll be safe. Right?”

  Chris wanted to reassure her that once they reached their destination all would be well, but he had no clue if that was true, no idea what they would find when they got there. Regardless, after everything that had happened in their old neighborhood, it wouldn’t be any safer there than being on the road. They’d had no choice but to leave.

  “Yeah,” he finally said with a smile he hoped was reassuring. What else could he say? Besides, he didn’t want to douse Amy’s hope. They all needed hope. It’s what kept them going.

  The walkie sitting on the dashboard squawked and Derrick’s voice came over the line. “Something’s going on up ahead on the right shoulder. Show caution. Over.”

  Chris picked up the walkie. “Copy.” He looked at Amy.

  The optimism she’d shown seconds before melted from her face. Eyes tight with worry, she asked, “Can you see anything?”

  The entire group was traveling in the right lane, well under the speed limit to avoid hitting any obstacles that were sometimes in the road. Chris and Amy were the last car in the caravan. One by one, the three vehicles in front of them moved to the left lane, clearing Chris’s view of what was up ahead.

  A small car was parked on the shoulder. Standing beside it were a man and a woman having what appeared to be an argument. The man held a little girl who couldn’t have been more than two-years-old. She was crying hysterically, her arms reaching for the woman. The woman’s back was to Chris, but her shoulders shook and her arms were outstretched like she wanted the child.

  The man glanced at the approaching caravan and, without warning, set the little girl down. He pointed her toward the road and gently pushed her. The little girl began to toddle forward, right into the path of the caravan. The woman moved as if to get the girl, but the man grabbed her by the arm, stopping her.

  Their caravan slowed dramatically, obviously to avoid hitting the little girl. Though Derrick, Matt, and Emily had pulled into the left lane, Chris straddled the line dividing the two lanes so his view of what was happening wouldn’t be obstructed.

  Inching forward, Derrick’s truck drew closer, although he was still about forty feet away from the child. Chris watched with mounting horror as the little girl blithely strolled into Derrick’s path.

  “Look out!” Amy shouted as if Derrick could hear her.

  Chris slammed on his brakes. Good thing, because Derrick had slammed on his, causing a chain reaction of brakes being pressed. Emily nearly crashed into the RV in front of her. She probably hadn’t been able to see what was going on. Fortunately, she’d kept a decent distance behind the RV.

  Chris shifted his gaze to the couple. The man still held the woman by the arm. Clearly outraged, the woman lifted her free arm and slapped the man across the face. He released her arm, but then he slammed his fist into her gut. She doubled over and fell to the asphalt.

  This guy was too much. First sending a baby into the road when a truck was coming, and then hitting the woman. If there was one thing Chris wouldn’t tolerate, it was a man hitting a woman. He shut off the engine and opened his door.

  “Where are you going?” Amy asked, her voice laced with fear.

  Chris turned to her with a grimace. “I have to do something. That guy has to be stopped.”

  Her forehead creased. “But what if he’s dangerous?”

  He looked toward the couple. The woman was still on the ground while the man stood with his hands on his hips, staring at her with a m
urderous glare. That’s when Chris saw Derrick and Matt running toward them. Chris glanced at Amy one last time before jumping out of the truck and hurrying to the join the conflict, reaching it moments after Derrick and Matt. Jessica had also gotten out, picking up the little girl.

  “What’s going on here?” Derrick asked.

  Matt knelt on the asphalt beside the woman.

  The man—six feet tall and muscular—held his elbows wide from his body with his chest thrust out. “Mind your own business.”

  Chris had seen enough. He stepped toward the man. “No can do. Hitting a woman is not acceptable.”

  The man turned his gaze on Chris. “Says who?” A grin split his face as he looked at each of them in turn. “You three?”

  “Stop it, Alex,” the woman said, then she tried to stand. Matt put an arm around her to help her up.

  Alex shoved Matt, hard. “Don’t touch her!”

  Matt fell backwards with a grunt, nearly hitting his head on the asphalt.

  Without hesitation, Chris plowed in to Alex. The guy was built like a tree trunk. Maybe this hadn’t been such a good idea. They crashed to the ground. Chris landed on top of Alex, who bellowed like an angry bull whose territory had been invaded.

  Chris got in a few punches, but this guy was strong, and when he slammed a fist into Chris’s kidney, Chris fell back. He needed a moment to recover, but the guy didn’t give him one, ramming into Chris.

  A little help?

  Chris caught Derrick’s eye, and a moment later Derrick joined the fray. Between the two of them they managed to subdue Alex, pinning him face down against the rough asphalt. Derrick held Alex’s arms behind his back at an awkward angle, keeping him immobilized.

  “Alex!” the woman cried as she rushed to his side and tried to push Derrick off of him. “Don’t hurt him!” The woman was tiny—couldn’t have been much over five feet tall and maybe a hundred pounds. Her efforts had no effect.

  Ignoring her, Chris patted Alex down to make sure he wasn’t armed. Just a pocket knife, which Chris tucked in his own pocket.


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