Forced Exodus (Pandemic Book Two)

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Forced Exodus (Pandemic Book Two) Page 14

by Christine Kersey


  He smiled. “Excellent.” Randy pocketed Jeff’s keys, then walked over to Derrick. “And you’re the lead truck?” When Derrick nodded, his face set in grim determination, Randy dropped the last set of keys on the ground in front of him. Wearing a self-satisfied grin, Randy turned to face all of them. “Your tax has been paid. You may leave.”

  Confused, Matt got to his feet. “I need my keys.”

  Laughter burst from Randy’s mouth. “Keys to what? That truck and RV belong to me now.” He tilted his head. “That paid the tax. Well, part of it.”

  A buzzing began in Matt’s head as his fury began to boil over. It felt as if steam was actually escaping out of his ears. His hands curled into fists.

  “Matt,” Jessica said in a warning voice.

  Derrick stepped forward, effectively blocking Matt from approaching Randy. “What do you mean it paid part of it?”

  Randy shrugged. “The other truck and trailer paid the rest.”

  “What?” Jeff roared, then he rushed toward Randy.

  Two of Randy’s men stepped in Jeff’s path as Randy stumbled backward. Jeff barreled through the men, but when a bullet hit the ground by Jeff’s feet, he stopped.

  “I’d prefer not to shoot you,” Randy said, “but I will if I have to.”

  “Leave it, Jeff,” Emily said beside him, her voice urgent.

  “Listen to your wife,” Randy said with a sneer.

  Matt almost expected Jeff to say she was his girlfriend, not his wife, but Jeff just glared at Randy, his face a mask of rage.

  “Now,” Randy said, his voice calm, “get in your remaining vehicles and leave before we get mean.”

  “Wait,” Jessica said.

  Matt turned to her with a look of surprise. What was she doing? It was time to go.

  Randy turned to Jessica with a look of annoyance. “What?”

  “Can we at least get some of our things? Clothes and personal items? Please…Emperor Randy?”

  The use of his fake name seemed to delight him. He smiled at her as he took a step toward her, which alarmed Matt. He stepped in front of her. The smile vanished from Randy’s lips. “Move.”

  Matt didn’t budge until a pair of hands roughly yanked him away.

  “Now,” Randy said to Jessica, “why don’t you and I go into your RV and you can get a few things.” He narrowed his eyes at Matt. “You stay here.”

  Matt didn’t know how much more of this he could take, but two of Randy’s men had their guns trained on him. Jeff and Derrick had a pair of men on them as well. Chris stood with his family along with Paisley and Serena. With two women and three small children to keep safe, there wasn’t much he could do. Matt glanced at Dylan and the girls. Dylan met his gaze. Anger burned in his eyes. Matt gave an imperceptible shake of his head.

  Randy grabbed Jessica’s arm and began walking toward the RV.

  Matt couldn’t stop himself. “Wait!”

  Everyone turned and looked at him, including Randy, who released Jessica’s arm and strode back to Matt. “What is it now?”

  The thought of this evil low-life being alone with his wife made Matt’s gut churn. “Let me get the things from the RV.”

  Randy stared at him, which was when Matt noticed how empty his eyes looked. Like he had no soul.

  A smile spread across Randy’s face. “I have a better idea.” He shifted his gaze to Brooke and Kayla. He studied them for several seconds before turning back to Matt. “How about we make a trade? You get to keep your rig and I…” His smile grew. “I get to keep one of your daughters.”

  It was as if Matt had been slammed in the gut by a two by four. “No!”

  One of Randy’s eyebrows cocked. “Maybe I’ll keep the rig and both of the girls.” He licked his lips as he slowly nodded.

  Adrenaline flooded Matt’s veins. His hands curled into fists as pounding filled his ears. Now that the fuse of his rage had been lit, he couldn’t have stopped himself if he’d wanted to. His face must have broadcast his intent, because before he could follow through on his heart’s deepest desire, Randy pulled a gun out of his waistband and pressed it to Matt’s skull.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I was you.” His voice was low and deadly and his eyes glittered with malice.

  Matt felt no fear for himself. Not a single drop. His thoughts were completely focused on his family. He would die for them. No question. With his jaw clenched so hard it began to ache, and with his eyes boring into Randy’s, he said, “If you or your men touch either one of my daughters, I will rip your head off.”

  Randy’s eyebrows shot up and his eyes widened like he was stunned Matt had the guts to say that. “I don’t think you’re in much of a position to make demands.” He glanced at the gun pressed to Matt’s forehead. “In case you hadn’t noticed, I could blow your head off with a twitch of my finger.” Unexpectedly, Randy smiled and pulled the gun away from Matt’s head, tucking it in his waistband. “Just to show you that I’m an Emperor who cares about his people, I’ll let you live. And…” his smile widened, “I won’t take your girls. But you’d better adjust that attitude.”

  Relief crashed over Matt, but he managed to keep his expression neutral.

  Randy turned his back on Matt, but Randy’s men were still right there, their guns trained on him.

  Randy strode back to Jessica, who looked like she wasn’t sure if she wanted to kill Matt or kiss him. Then, without another word, Randy walked past her and to the RV, stopping beside the door.

  Chapter 35


  Swallowing over the giant knot in her throat, Jessica stared at Matt. The way he’d confronted this maniac, clearly he’d lost his mind for a minute there. But she loved him all the more for doing it. He’d proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he would fiercely protect his family. And really, if that monster hurt any of her children, she would be happy to kill the man herself.

  “Woman!” Randy shouted.

  Startled, Jessica spun around and looked at him. He was standing beside the door to the RV, waiting for her. The way he’d called her by her gender only emphasized the disdain he had for women. And the threat to take one of her daughters? He was despicable.

  She didn’t want to go in the RV with him now. She had been stupid to call attention to herself and prolong this ordeal.

  She pushed a smile onto her lips. “Never mind. I…I don’t need anything after all.”

  Randy tilted his head. “Come here.” His voice was soft and menacing. “Now.”

  Oh no, oh no, oh no. She shifted her gaze to Matt, who looked like he wanted to kill every last one of these guys.

  As much as she wanted Matt to do something, she also knew that if he stepped up, Randy would hurt him, maybe even kill him. Watching the man at the border slam Matt’s face into the hood of the truck had been horrifying. The thought of anything else happening to him made her stomach churn.

  No. She’d brought this on herself and she would have to see it through.

  With her heart thumping painfully, she forced herself to walk toward Randy, stopping several feet away.

  He handed her the key. “Open it.”

  What was he going to do when they were alone?

  Dizzy with fear, she unlocked the door to the RV and pulled down the steps. On shaky legs, she climbed the steps—one, two, three—and stepped inside.

  The familiarity of the interior served to calm her. She and Matt and the kids had made so many good memories in here over the years, but this would be the last time she would step foot inside. All because this monster was taking it from them. Stealing it. He had no right.

  He climbed in behind her. “Nice place.”

  The stink of him surrounded her—body odor and bad breath—making her want to retch.

  She wanted to turn around and shove him out the door. Maybe he’d fall on his head and crack open his skull. Spill his brains all over the pavement. The thought brought a smile to her lips.

  “Never been insid
e one of these before,” he said.

  Great. He’d probably break everything.

  Thankful her fear had been replaced with anger, she pressed the buttons to open the slide-outs so that she could get the items she wanted, aware that Randy was watching her every move. To learn how to use the RV or for other reasons, she didn’t know and didn’t want to know.

  First, she took a photo album out of a cabinet and set it on the counter. Then, she went into the bedroom and found the necklace her mother had given her, clasping it around her neck. Next, she gathered some of her and Matt’s clothes—she didn’t have a suitcase to put them in as they always took the clothes directly from their closets at home and hung them in the RV closet, so she stuffed them in paper bags from the pantry. Then, when Randy was busy exploring, she slipped several envelopes of freeze-dried food into the bags as well. Finally, she grabbed the kids’ suitcases and wheeled them to the door.

  Randy followed her. Barely able to stand the sight of him, she forced herself to meet his stare. “That’s it.”

  He grinned in that way that made her wish she had the skills to wipe the smile off of his face.

  Beyond grateful that he hadn’t touched her, she carried everything outside and set it all on the ground. When everything was outside, Randy came down the stairs and held out his hand. She stared at his hand before taking the RV keys out of her pocket and placing them in his palm.

  These were Matt’s keys. She still had her own set in her purse, but she kept that information to herself.

  He grinned. “Thank you.”

  She didn’t reply.

  He waved her away like she was a pesky insect. “Get back in line.”

  Burning with anger, she hurried over to Matt, who folded her into his arms. She sagged against him as tears welled up.

  Randy went back inside the RV and pulled the slide-outs back in before coming out, closing the door, and folding up the stairs. He walked past them, then looked at his crew before making a twirling motion with his finger. At that, they all got in their cars, with one man getting in Jeff’s truck and another getting in their truck.

  Bristling at seeing strangers—criminals—acting like the truck and RV was theirs, Jessica felt her whole body tense. She knew Jeff and Emily had to feel exactly the same, and when she looked at Jeff, she saw his hands clenching and unclenching, and his lips pulled back, baring his teeth.

  Despite how Jessica and her group felt, Randy and his men drove away, leaving Jessica and her family and friends standing in the parking lot in a helpless rage.

  “I’m gonna kill that SOB,” Jeff muttered.

  Jessica had no doubt he meant it.

  “Okay,” Derrick said, “gather round.”

  Glad he was once again taking the lead, and with her hand clasped in Matt’s, Jessica stepped closer to Derrick.

  He looked at each of them in turn. “I know how angry you are. I feel exactly the same way. But we’re almost to the farm. It’s literally, like, ten miles away. Let’s just get there.” He glanced at Emily. “We have no idea what we’ll find. So, for now, let’s focus on that.” Derrick looked at Jessica and Matt. “Let’s put your stuff in the back of my truck.” He smiled grimly. “Then we’ll cram everyone into my truck and just get there. Okay?”

  Heads nodded all around.

  “You know,” Chris said, “that idiot never searched my SUV.” A smile grew on his face. “We have that whole bucket of confiscated guns in there.”

  “Nice,” Derrick said as his eyes lit up. “I’d forgotten about that.”

  Having a bucket of guns was great, but it didn’t exactly make up for losing her home on wheels.

  Then she remembered what she’d managed to take. Smiling at the small victory, she said, “I took some freeze-dried food.”

  Everyone looked at her with surprise, but Matt didn’t look impressed. Instead, he looked angry. “That was a big risk. What if he’d caught you?”

  Annoyed that he hadn’t praised her courage, when she considered the seriousness of what could have happened, her shoulders slumped. “You’re right. It was dumb.”

  He smiled softly. “No. It was very brave.” Then he kissed her.

  The feeling of triumph returned. “Thank you.”

  Her mood brighter, she helped get everything loaded into the bed of Derrick’s truck, then the kids and Cleo climbed inside the cab while Jessica, Matt, Jeff, and Emily got in the bed. There was room for one in Chris’s SUV, but the four of them decided to all sit together in the bed of Derrick’s truck.

  Once they were all settled, they drove out of the parking lot.

  Chapter 36


  Every time he pictured Randy driving off with everything he and his family had left in the world—except the few items Jessica had managed to salvage—Matt found it hard to think of anything but his anger. Then he looked at Jessica, who smiled softly at him. He twisted around and saw his three children sitting safely inside Derrick’s truck.

  Warmth and calm spread over him. Yes, he’d lost his truck and RV, which infuriated him, but in reality he had everything that was truly important to him. His family, who he loved more than life itself. That was all that mattered.

  Slipping his hand into Jessica’s, when she gently squeezed his hand, he squeezed back.

  They rode in silence until Emily shouted, “There it is.”

  They turned down an unpaved road that led to a moderately-sized house. It wasn’t as large as their house had been in Utah. Still, it looked roomy enough. Anyway, it wasn’t like they had anywhere else to go. They would make do. Assuming Emily’s aunt and uncle even took them in.

  As they drew closer, Matt scanned the surrounding area. It wasn’t exactly the idyllic image he’d envisioned, but it was still nice. There was a sizable garden off to the side of the house and a huge pasture with several cows milling about. A wide river flowed a distance behind the house. A source of water. Perfect.

  The moment they stopped in front of the house, Emily climbed out of the bed of the truck and raced to the front door.

  “Em!” Jeff called out. “Hold up. You don’t know if it’s safe.”

  Her hand poised to knock, she stopped at looked at him, then dropped her hand to her side.

  Matt noted that there was no red X painted on the door, so that was a good sign. And it didn’t smell like rotting corpses. Another good sign. But what if someone had taken over their farm, killing her aunt and uncle in the process? What if they weren’t there at all?

  Jeff hopped out of the bed of the truck, as did Matt and Jessica. Derrick joined them as they faced the porch. If they knocked on that door and her aunt and uncle didn’t answer…

  Had they come all this way, gone through all that turmoil, lost everything, for nothing?

  Uncertainty was thick in the air.

  The front door swung open and a couple stood in the doorway. They looked like they were in their late fifties. Covering her mouth with one hand, the woman stared at Emily. “Is it really you?”

  “Hello, Aunt Sarah.”

  Sarah threw her arms around Emily and they clung to each other for an extended hug.

  Emily turned to her uncle. “Uncle Frank. It’s so good to see you.” A wide smile broke across his face as he hugged her too.

  So, they were there. A smile slowly grew on Matt’s mouth.

  By then, everyone was out of both the truck and the SUV, although they hung back.

  Frank looked over Emily’s shoulder at the assembled group, his forehead creasing with concern. “Who are all these people?”

  Jeff joined Emily on the porch.

  “You know Jeff, of course.”

  Frank shook Jeff’s hand before Sarah drew him in for a hug. “So good to see you,” Sarah said with a warm smile.

  “These people,” Emily said, sweeping her hand out to encompass their entire group, “are basically my family.”

  Frank’s eyebrows shot up. “Oh?”

  Emily laughed. “Yes. We’ve trav
elled together all the way from Utah.” She sighed deeply. “It’s been a rough trip. But we made it.” She turned and looked at the group before facing her aunt and uncle. “I kind of promised them that you would, well, that you would let them stay.”

  Frank’s eyebrows rose even higher. “You did, did you?”

  “I’m sorry. We had nowhere else to go.”

  Frank’s eyebrows settled into their normal position as he slowly studied each member of their group.

  Matt was certain her uncle must be overwhelmed. There were eight adults, three teenagers, three little children, and one dog. That was a lot of mouths to feed.

  Derrick stepped forward. “Mr. Miller, I’m Derrick Weathers.”

  Frank shook his hand. “Call me Frank.”

  Derrick nodded. “We understand if you need time to decide if we should be allowed to stay, but I can promise you that we will carry our weight. We will tackle any job that you assign us. And if you do decide to let us stay, we will be forever grateful.” He paused. “On the other hand, if you decide to turn us away, we’ll understand and we won’t hold it against you.”

  “Frank,” Jeff said. “These people have had our backs on so many occasions. They’re like family to Emily and me. They truly are.”

  Frank looked from Jeff to Emily to the assembled group and then to his wife, who tentatively smiled.

  “I’m not promising anything, but we could use a few extra hands around here,” Frank said, his voice gruff. “There’s lots to do.” He paused. “I know we can count on Jeff for security. Are any of you capable in that regard?”

  Matt held back a chuckle.

  “They are, Frank,” Jeff said.

  A small smile tugged at Frank’s lips, then he sobered. “Our food stores are getting low. What do you have?”

  “We have some,” Jeff said. “But we had a whole lot more before, well, before the rest was taken.” He exhaled loudly. “Just a few miles from here, as a matter of fact.”

  Frank’s eyes widened. “Don’t tell me. It was those Emperors, wasn’t it?”


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