Welcome to the Underworld (A Welcome to the Underworld Novel, Book 1)

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Welcome to the Underworld (A Welcome to the Underworld Novel, Book 1) Page 21

by Template, Con

  "It’s not her," he finished with pained conviction.

  His words were simple, but it was enough to hit a nerve within her.

  "Not her," Yoori repeated, furrowing her brows.

  Not her...not h –

  Realization paralyzed her.

  Eyes enlarging, she divided her focus between the gun and each of their faces.

  That was when all the puzzle pieces aligned.

  Soo Jin.

  The girl that Ji Hoon had mistaken her to be in the warehouse…Ji Hoon's one-night stand.

  She looked at Jae Won and Kang Min, her heart beating a little faster than she'd like it to. Apparently Ji Hoon's one-night stand was also a gang leader. Jae Won and Kang Min's gang leader to be exact. Annoyance brewed within her. She didn't know who this Soo Jin was, but she was getting pretty annoyed with everyone mistaking her to be this girl.

  "I'm not your boss," she declared in a resolved voice.

  She was curious though. She would love to meet the girl who everyone was confusing her with. Where did this mystery girl go?

  Kang Min remained quiet, his face unfazed by her answer. Jae Won, however, had a less than graceful reaction.

  "Are you fucking serious?" he roared, causing her to jump in fright.

  Attempting to steady her rapid breathing, she merely stared at him. What was she supposed to say to that? “Yeah, you crazy person with a gold gun. I am fucking serious?”

  Yeah, she reasoned, her mouth glued shut. It was definitely better to not say anything.

  "Fuck!" He looked at her and then looked at Kang Min. Comprehension finally dawned on him. "Fuck, it's true. Boss would never let anyone slap her around like that."

  Yoori frowned. Though she was pleased that the kid finally came to his senses, she was also offended. What was wrong with him? It wasn’t like she voluntarily ran up to Woo and told him to slap her.

  "I told you," Kang Min stated, every word spoken with deepening bitterness.

  While Jae Won rolled his eyes at Kang Min's remark, Yoori's eyes sharpened like daggers once she processed what they said.

  "Slap around?" She looked at Kang Min and then returned her gaze to Jae Won. She finally realized an important fact. "The slaps happened early on," she began slowly. "Were you watching the entire thing before you decided it was due time to help me?"

  The boys grew stiff.


  Kang Min regarded her uncomfortably. He wore an apologetic smile. "I wanted to help you before the bastard even had a chance to touch you, but" —He glared hatefully at Jae Won— "this idiot here wanted to see if you were truly who he thought you were."

  Yoori scoffed, momentarily forgetting that her first priority was to make a quit exit. Priorities aside, she was pissed. Who the hell stood around and watched as a guy beat a girl? Well, Jin Ae and apparently Yoori's two "saviors."

  Jae Won's distressed eyes latched onto her. "You were supposed to slice his throat," he said dejectedly. His eyes focused on the dried blood on the side of her lips. She sensed that he was beginning to realize that slicing someone’s throat wasn’t something Yoori was capable of. He groaned. "This shit is crazy."

  No shit, Yoori thought. This day was getting stranger and stranger.

  Kang Min glared at Jae Won. "Idiot," he mumbled, showing an uncharacteristically immature side.

  Jae Won turned and pointed a threatening finger at Kang Min. "Do you want to fucking die? At least I ran my ass out there before the knife slashed her face. What the hell were you doing? Coming out at the end and pointing that stupid little gun of yours?"

  "It worked, didn't it? They ran their asses out."

  Her blood boiled while she watched them bicker like 10-year-olds. She was already infuriated with them for standing by and allowing some asshole to assault her. Now they had the gall to choose this time to bicker like idiots? Were these two serious?

  "Chicken shit," Jae Won said venomously, his right fist rolling up into a ball.

  "Dumb shit," Kang Min retorted, his chest rising up without fear.

  Yoori groaned inwardly. They really were this immature. She resisted the urge to pound her head against the wall. Why did she suddenly feel like a mother?

  "That's it,” Jae Won continued angrily, taking a dangerous step forward. “I'm going to fucking teach you some respect.”

  "Don't hurt your brain cells while you're at it," Kang Min yelled, taking a step forward as well.

  "Why you little – "

  "SHUT UP!" Yoori bellowed, her irritation at the bickering couple reaching an all-time high. As soon as the deafening words poured from her mouth, she covered her lips in horror.

  Why was she yelling at them? They had guns! Did she have a death wish?

  Startled by the thunderous scream that emitted from Yoori's petite frame, the two gang members jumped in shock. Both fell silent at once.

  Yoori gulped uneasily at the unexpected spotlight thrust onto her. She was also taken aback at the newfound authoritative tone she took with them. She nervously tucked her bangs behind her ears. Yelling at them was probably not the best tactic – regardless of how annoying they were being. She concealed a small smile. Even though it was slightly amusing to see them obey her command the way they did. Her small smile wilted when the pain within her body worsened, reminding Yoori that she still needed to make her exit before her body completely gave out on her.

  "Well," she began, her voice trembling. "I'm glad we've come to the conclusion that I'm not your boss. Thank you for saving my life and all, but I’ve got to go now.”

  Her right foot leading the way, Yoori began to stagger her way back toward her apartment, silently hoping that they wouldn’t object to her leaving.

  Her prayer was not answered.

  "Wait, wait, wait!" Jae Won and Kang Min yelled concurrently, trailing after her like shadows. Each seized her hand and stopped her in her tracks.

  "It doesn't matter who you are,” Jae Won reasoned, anchoring her from her exit. “It's not safe for you to be alone.”

  She groaned, managing to free her hands from each of their grips. She twirled around and faced them. She clapped her hands together and looked at them pleadingly. "This has been a really fucked up day and you two are not making it better. Please just leave me alone."

  "Yoori, boss will kill me if he finds out that I've let you out of my sight," Kang Min added desperately.

  Yoori didn't know if it was even remotely possible to be happy and extremely angry at the same time. The mere mention of Tae Hyun did an impressive job of easing her mind while simultaneously pissing her off. She hadn't forgotten about the tidbit of information Ji Hoon shared about her quick-tempered boss. The faint happiness was overshadowed by the anger wallowing within her. To think she thought there was some good in the guy. To think she thought he was like any other human being...

  She scowled at Kang Min for even bringing up the existence of Tae Hyun.

  "Do you hear how pathetic you sound?" commented Jae Won. He glared at Kang Min, visibly displeased with the obedience Kang Min displayed for Tae Hyun.

  "Not as pathetic as you when he gets here and pummels your face in," Kang Min replied heatedly.

  She gasped and pointed at them. It was all starting to make sense. From the sound of Kang Min's voice, he made it seem like Tae Hyun knew that they were already here.

  "He knows that you’re both here together...with me?"

  Kang Min froze to look at Jae Won, worried. Jae Won, in response, gave him the “just-tell-her” look.

  Slowly, Kang Min bounced his head in confirmation.

  Her eyes grew wider. "He knows everything?"

  Kang Min smiled nervously. "Well, he knows we're here. But he doesn't know about the gold gun and this imbecile calling you ‘boss.’"

  "Hey," Jae Won voiced sharply, slicing Kang Min with a death glare.

  "So he's coming?" she inquired quickly, wanting to keep them on topic.

  Kang Min nodded. "He should actually be here soon." Another
nervous look canvassed his face. "Which brings me to what I wanted to ask of you. We'd appreciate if you kept what happened after the assault from Jin Ae's gang...you know...between us."

  She gawked at him. If she recalled correctly, he had requested that once before already (not that she kept her end of the deal for that request).

  "Why should I?" she challenged, growing comfortable around them now.

  Kang Min smiled perceptively. "Well, we did save your life and all. Surely you won't throw your rescuers under a bus?"

  Jae Won nodded, concurring with Kang Min's line of reasoning. "He has a good point."

  Yeah, but you watched a good round of beating before your asses came out, she thought grudgingly.

  Regardless, it was true. They did save her and for that, she couldn't throw them under a bus. Or in this case, throw them under Tae Hyun's merciless temper.

  She held her gaze on them.

  Maybe it was because she was too pissed at Tae Hyun to even be remotely loyal to him and inform him that he may have traitors in his midst. Maybe it was because the pain in her body was clouding her judgment. Maybe it was because she already felt safe around them. Or maybe it was because she had already begun to form a bond with these two gang members, but against better rationale, the innate part of her trusted that they had her best interest at heart. It was a big leap of faith (which could conversely be seen as stupidity) on her part, but she trusted them – wholly.

  Before verbally agreeing though, she wanted to fully confirm some things. "Tae Hyun knows I'm here?"

  Kang Min nodded. "He called me and told me to get to your apartment right away."

  Yoori flicked her attention to Jae Won. "And he knows that you're here?"

  Jae Won nodded. "I switched sides today."

  "And you were ordered to come here for me?"

  "Well, I would’ve come regardless, but yeah, those were his orders."

  "But you switched sides for me?"

  Jae Won nodded.

  "But you know I'm not her," she continued.

  Jae Won nodded, disappointment forming on his face again.

  "So why are you still here for me?"

  "To watch over you."

  She wasn't satisfied with his answer. "What if your boss comes back? Won't that be a conflict of interest?"

  "It – "

  Jae Won never completed his sentence. The sound of a slamming car door in the near distance stole their unwavering attention. Yoori didn't turn. She could tell by how Jae Won and Kang Min stiffened up that there was only one possibility of who the person coming into their midst may be.

  They studied her, their eyes urging her to give them a sign that she was ready to accept the requested favor.

  She nodded as a gesture of her agreement. "But we will continue this conversation," she whispered. She was looking at both of them, but her attention was focused more on Jae Won. She sensed she'd find out the most information from him.

  Jae Won nodded briefly before turning his full attention to the new guest that was about to accompany them.

  Yoori sighed. Now that one conversation had been set aside, another complicated one was about to begin.

  "Boss," Kang Min respectfully greeted over her shoulder.

  The anticipation was a ruthless one for Yoori. All anger and frustration aside, she was surprised that she actually missed him. It had only been a couple of hours since she last saw Tae Hyun but it felt longer to her.

  Taking a step to the side, Jae Won and Kang Min made room for the long awaited King.

  Yoori's breathing became shallow when she felt him brush past her, the familiarity of his cologne making its way through her nostrils. Lowering her head to avoid eye contact, she felt herself stiffen up with his near presence.

  In a funny way, she was filled with mixed emotions. She was upset by what she learned about him – she didn't really want to look at the guy. At the same time, she yearned for the familiarity of his company. In light of all the crazy things happening, it was astonishing that Tae Hyun had become her constant in this new world.

  "Hey sprinter," he said coolly, his tall figure towering over her. Though his voice was calm, Yoori could tell that he was quelling the urge to scream at her.

  She could feel his eyes on her.

  No longer wanting to delay the inevitable rounds of screams that were her fate, Yoori gradually lifted her face and allowed her eyes to meet his.

  She paused upon seeing him after what felt like so long. He still looked the same. He wore the same black hoodie and white drawstring pants from earlier in the morning. His soft brown eyes still spoke of annoyance for her and her unwarranted getaways. Even that tightening of the jaw, the one he appeared to always give out when he was unsure of what to start lecturing her on, was the same. Everything about him was the same. Everything was the same…except she knew better now.

  To her, Kwon Tae Hyun was no longer that questionable gang leader hiding the fact that he may have a heart. No. She had resided to the fact that he was actually a cold-hearted person – the very same cold-hearted gang leader he had always portrayed himself to be. A person with a heart would never kill his own brother. A person with a heart would never do anything that disgusting. And for this, she would treat him as he should be treated: less than human.

  Her gaze on him sharpened. As difficult as it may be, she planned to be careful around him now. If she had to work with him, then so be it. That in no way, shape, or form meant she had to be friendly with the guy.

  Knowing fairly well that if this silence continued, then their inevitable argument would worsen, she decided it was best to give her defense about her untimely "escape" from the warehouse. Better to do it now than give Tae Hyun the chance to berate her.

  "Look I – " She was prepared to explain why she left the way she did when she observed that his anger had since dissolved into concern. He had just taken stock of the full features of her face.

  She looked at him awkwardly, her eyes questioning why he was assessing her in that manner. His face was a mixture of concern and anger. Why was he looking at her like she had been ran over by a car – oh. It was then that she realized how screwed up her face must’ve been after the assault. Two puffy red cheeks from the slaps and a dried up bloody mouth do merit this type of attention.

  With no preface for his actions, Tae Hyun reached for her hand and pulled her toward him. It felt like déjà vu with what occurred with Ji Hoon. She yelped in surprise when she felt their bodies collide. She looked at Tae Hyun, her face growing red. His eyes roamed over her face.

  Against her better command, her body, as opposed to fighting to be out of his grasp – the way that she did with Ji Hoon – instead grew comfortable within Tae Hyun’s hold. Lost in a slight trance, she momentarily forgot about the hostility she was supposed to harbor for him.

  Tae Hyun, Tae Hyun, Tae Hyun.

  Tae Hyun always had a tendency to make her forget what was going on in the world around her. He always had a tendency to make her lose all rationale. What was it about this guy and his ability to do all this to her?

  With his left hand resting on the back of her waist, he brought up his right hand and positioned it closer to her mouth. His finger merely grazed the tip of her bloody lip before he contracted his hand in hesitation – as if afraid the slight touch would hurt her. His breathing grew heavier while he examined each bruise. After counting all the maladies that were present on her face, his eyes teemed with indignation.

  Holding her close, Tae Hyun turned to Kang Min and Jae Won. He looked like he was ready to burn an entire city.

  "Who touched her?" he finally spoke out, his voice deep and dangerous.

  They answered immediately. "Woo."

  After being reminded of the boys' presence, Yoori slipped out of her trance. She stared at the profile of Tae Hyun's furious face with renewed displeasure. Why was he trying to act like he had a heart?

  Unaware of Yoori’s glare, Tae Hyun’s eyes grew wide after hearing their answer. "
Jin Ae's Woo?"

  Kang Min and Jae Won nodded.

  If it was even possible, his face grew angrier. Turning to Kang Min, he said, "Send out the word. I want those responsible on their knees in front of my doorstep before the week is over."

  "But what about Ju – "

  "I'll deal with Ju Won. Do as I say."

  Kang Min nodded, satisfied with the order.

  Tae Hyun's attention returned to Yoori. The fire relinquishing from his eyes, he said, "You just had to take off, didn't you?"

  "I wasn't feeling well," she replied, dimly hoping the answer would appease the impending argument.

  "Well do you feel a lot better now?"

  Yoori bit her lower lip, unable to answer his patronizing question. The truth was he should have slapped her instead. It would’ve stung less than his sarcasm.

  "I got my punishment, didn't I?" she snapped back, releasing herself from his grasp and breaking eye contact. It was difficult to look at him with Ji Hoon's blasphemous words lingering in her mind.

  He toned down the censure. "I'll take care of them," he reassured, misinterpreting her cold treatment for him as anger from getting assaulted.

  She kept quiet and turned around.

  Tae Hyun didn't know. He didn't know that Yoori despised him more than she ever should. She despised him because he was a disappointment to her. She despised him because she had such high hopes for him as a person. But now, with the truth present in her mind, she hated him for not being the better person she thought he could be.

  The late afternoon wind gushed past them, ferociously hitting Yoori's bare arms. It not only caused her to shiver, but it also broke her out of her reverie.

  "Choi Yoori," she heard Tae Hyun's voice call out from behind her.

  She kept her back turned to him and pretended to not hear him.

  His footsteps were so light that she didn't even hear him approach her. He gently spun her around to face him.

  She was annoyed. She was ready to blow up at him when she realized his intention for spinning her around. Tae Hyun had removed his black hoodie and was offering it to her. His hands parting the bottom fold of the black hoodie, he waited patiently to help her put it on.


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