Riley's Redemption (A Moon's Glow Novel)

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Riley's Redemption (A Moon's Glow Novel) Page 23

by Christina Smith

  Again, Sebastian shrugged. “I don’t know much about it. Before he was turned he was a medical researcher. He has a lab and he spends all of his time in it. But I do know that he cured himself.”

  “You guys don’t actually believe him do you?” Joe looked around our group, anger and frustration showing on his face. “He is a vampire, he can’t be trusted.”

  Sebastian’s face darkened, the red veins returning to his eyes. “I assure you, what I said is true.” His jaw tightened as he stared at Joe. “Just because I drink blood to survive, doesn’t make me a liar.”

  “It makes you a murderer,” Joe snapped back.

  I sucked in a breath, knowing his remark could be his last. I had only known Sebastian for a few hours, but I could already tell that he could be deadly if necessary.

  I was watching Sebastian to see how he would react, but he disappeared right before my eyes. He suddenly reappeared behind Joe. “No!” I yelled, knowing my friend was in danger.

  Sebastian grabbed Joe by the back of the neck and threw him into the air like he was tossing a ball. Joe slammed into an old oak tree with a thud, the tree shuddered and the leaves shook. When he landed onto the ground he was a russet wolf. He stood on all fours baring his sharp teeth, letting out a menacing growl that echoed into the night sky. In a flash, he dove into the air at the vampire.

  Sebastian leapt up to meet him. They flew at each other, falling onto the ground. Snarls and growls rang out as they struggled on the thick grass below them. Their fight seemed to go on forever, with Joe snarling so loudly it echoed in my ears.

  Since we were focussed on the fight in front of us no one noticed Lauren take off her clothes until she dove into the air, her fur sprouting all over her body within seconds.

  Nate jumped in front of her and caught her just before she landed in front of the fighting men. She snapped at his arms and when his grip still remained tight, she went for his throat. I rushed forward to try and help, but Adrian grabbed my arm. “It’s okay, Nate has her.”

  And he did, I don’t know how he avoided her teeth, but he had her down on the ground with his hands around her neck. She was snapping at him, but she couldn’t reach his arms. I should have been upset with her for attacking my husband, but I knew that at that moment all her wolf could focus on was helping her mate. “Calm down, Lauren. I won’t let you be harmed.” Nate’s voice was deep and commanding. The wolf relaxed and laid her head down on the grass. Nate let up on his grip and she dove around him racing toward the two fighting men. Adrian joined Nate rushing after her. They caught her just as Joe went for Sebastian’s throat. They all froze, including Lauren.

  I sucked in a panicked breath. If Joe succeeded in killing the vampire, we would never know anything more about the cure. I shouldn’t have been worried though. Sebastian moved out of the way and reached out, grabbing Joe’s fur, tossing him into the air again. A yelp escaped the wolf as he landed on a rock. This time he stayed down. “Have respect when you speak to me wolf-boy or the next time will be your last.” Sebastian had no marks on his face or arms after the fight he had just taken part of, he didn’t even appear winded.

  Sebastian sauntered back to stand in front of us while Nate let Lauren go. When she reached Joe’s still form she changed back to human and leaned over to make sure he was okay. Sadie grabbed Lauren’s clothes and brought them over to her.

  “Does anyone else have a problem with me?” Sebastian asked, as I watched behind him. Lauren quickly put her clothes back on and Sadie returned to Adrian’s side. Sebastian’s voice sounded calm, but his hand shook. As I gazed at it, he put it behind him. He could act as tough as he wanted, but I knew he was affected by what had just occurred.

  Besides the low threatening rumble that erupted from Adrian’s chest, the rest of us just stood silently as Nate stepped forward. “Was that necessary?” he asked sternly, nodding his head in Joe’s direction.

  Sebastian lifted a shoulder lazily. “I think so.”

  “He’s okay,” Lauren called out, glaring daggers at the vampire in front of us. Joe stood up on all fours and whimpered as he licked a cut on his hind leg that was dripping blood.

  “See, all is well.” Sebastian looked in my direction and winked. “Are you sure you don’t want to come with me Meg?” he asked with a sly grin as if he didn’t just attack a friend of mine.

  “Um… yes. I’m sure.” Despite his recent actions, I couldn’t help but feel that he wasn’t as evil as he pretended to be. Besides, it wouldn’t have happened if Joe hadn’t pushed him. What was he thinking, pissing off a vampire like that? “But when you’re in this neck of the woods and don’t want to hurt anyone,” I added meaningfully, glancing at Joe in his wolf form. “Look me up.”

  Sebastian smiled, his whole face lighting up. “I just might take you up on that.” He paused, glancing from me to Sadie. “Tell Miles he is safe from me. I no longer have the urge for revenge. Everyone responsible for Aiden’s death has paid the price.” With that, he turned away from us and disappeared. Not literally, he just moved so fast we couldn’t see him. He reappeared next to his car and opened the door. “Besides,” he began. “He saved my life.” That was all he said before bending down to enter the car. Sadie and I exchanged confused glances.

  “Wait!” Nate called out, walking toward him. “How can I find Isaiah?” Sebastian froze and stood back up.

  I moved toward Nate and slipped my hand in his. His warmth grounded me. The whole day had been crazy, as if it had happened to someone else, but just being back with my mate made me feel so much better. I could conquer the world with him by my side.

  Sebastian glanced at me and then Nate. He puffed out a breath, as if making a decision. Then he leaned in the car for a few moments before handing Nate a piece of paper. “I haven’t spoken to him in years, but he has two places; a house and a cabin.” He handed Nate the paper and climbed in. “Until we meet again, Megan,” he called over his shoulder as he spun away, gravel flicking out from under his tires as we stared, speechless at the back of the vehicle.

  Adrian and Sadie joined us, all of them gazing at the paper in Nate’s hand.

  “Is there really a cure?” Sadie asked breathlessly.

  “That’s what he said,” I answered, just as shocked and stunned as she was. For some reason, I couldn’t look away from the paper. They were just a bunch of words, but they held so much meaning.

  “How could you have brought a vampire here Nate? What were you thinking?” Joe’s hard voice brought us all out of our daze. He was back in human form and wearing Lauren’s hoodie. They had moved to his car and he was opening his trunk to pull out his extra clothes.

  “I didn’t think he’d come here.”

  “That’s the problem Nate, you didn’t think!” Joe bellowed. “You put all of us in danger including the one person you claim to love the most, for your own selfish reasons. He took your mate and you don’t even look like you care.”

  “That’s enough!” I interrupted. I knew Nate felt guilty for what happened to me earlier. I had seen it in his face as I was taken from the shelter and I could hear it in his voice when I called from the restaurant; but all of that guilt disappeared the minute we heard about the cure. I was safe, back with my husband and there was a chance for him to make it up to me for everything.

  Joe stared at Nate, ignoring me.

  Nate’s face was hard, but his eyes were clouding with guilt. “I just wanted to talk to him, I had no idea he would come here.” Nate replied, as we began walking to his vehicle. “But you shouldn’t have pushed him.”

  Joe’s eyes locked with Nate’s for a quick second as if he was going to argue, but instead, he only nodded slightly. “We should go before he comes back.”

  As we approached Nate’s car, he handed the paper to me. I folded it up carefully and placed it into the pocket of my jeans, tapping the material to make sure it was still there. Nothing was as important as the contents of that paper. If there was even a chance to be human again, we had
to take this seriously.

  Adrian and Sadie lingered behind us. I watched them as Adrian reached up and tucked a strand of dark hair behind Sadie’s ear. “I’m glad you’re safe,” he said softly.” I was so absorbed in my two friend’s interaction, that I didn’t notice Lauren and Joe get in his car until they were driving away.

  “Meg, I think they need some privacy,” Nate suggested.

  “Oh right,” I mumbled, closing the distance between us. Nate had been holding the passenger side door open, waiting for me. I slipped inside, still watching my friends. They were holding hands now and walking toward us.

  Once we were all loaded, Nate started the car and drove away. I gazed out at the scenery thinking about my first run-in with a vampire. Although, at times I was scared out of my mind and he definitely had a frightening streak, I couldn’t help think that he had a good side just waiting for the right person to bring it out in him.

  I felt the warmth of Nate’s hand on my thigh and turned to face him. He was smiling. Despite, his need to find Isaiah there was no way he could have predicted this outcome. It was an unexpected twist that could alter the rest of our lives. Maybe it was these thoughts that prompted me to pull the paper out again, but as Nate drove us home and Adrian and Sadie murmured in the backseat, I read and reread the address.

  The news of the cure was more than we could have hoped for when Nate began his search and I couldn’t help but feel that our lives were about to change. How, I wasn’t sure, but I knew that Nate could not let this go. This was his chance to make it up to me for what he had done. This was his chance to become the man he once was.

  He was not meant for this life.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Loose Ends

  For the third time in the last few months, Nate and I prepared for a trip. This time the trip could change our life. It had been two days since Sebastian had dropped his bombshell on us and we felt obligated to find out more about it. We hadn’t really talked about the possibility of being human again. Instead we focussed on finding the man for informational purposes. We hadn’t discussed it with our friends either, except to tell them about our trip and to ask if they wanted to join us. Sadie and Adrian were all for it, but Joe had only agreed to save us from ourselves. He didn’t trust Sebastian and was worried that we were walking into some kind of trap. He said that for all we knew, we could be walking into a hungry vampire hive. Lauren was on the fence about the trip as well, but I think only because she felt torn between Joe and Nate. Just when they were beginning to get along again, there was tension between them. I understood her apprehension because I felt it as well. I just wanted everything to be the way it used to be. I was finally in a good place, where I was happy and content and okay with who I was. I wanted the same feeling of peace for all of my friends.

  The morning we were to set to begin our journey, I called my mom and Mona to let them know we were going on a trip. I told them where, but obviously not why. Mona wished me farewell and made a few jokes; while my mom told me to make sure I had plenty of outfits. That was how she showed her love, which was fine now that I knew how she truly felt.

  Nate and I went to our perspective workplaces to check in before our departure. Julia had come to terms with my upcoming absence since it was becoming a regular occurrence. I had hired temps for me and Sadie so they wouldn’t be shorthanded. We couldn’t afford to be with the new wing and additional residents.

  “I’m so sorry I have to leave again, Julia,” I said again, as I stood at the door of the shelter. Briefcase in hand, I was ready to leave.

  “Don’t be, we’re covered here. I can’t possibly be annoyed at you after everything you’ve done for the shelter.”

  The smile that tugged at my lips could not be stopped. I was proud of what I had accomplished here and wondered how my life would have turned out if I hadn’t been involved with that fire over a year ago. So much good had happened from something so horrible. “Fun Day was awesome wasn’t it?” I asked. The shelter was abuzz with chatter about how much everyone had enjoyed themselves. It was exactly what the residents needed. Despite my disappearance, which Nate had explained away by making the excuse that I was sick, the day had otherwise gone smoothly. We had decided to make it an annual event.

  “It was. But now we’re back to business and I have to get some orders out. Have a good trip, wherever you’re going.”

  I was a little vague when I told her about the trip, only expressing that it was unavoidable. I gave her a quick hug and was on my way.

  The drive home went quickly. It was midmorning and most people were either at work or out and about, enjoying the sunny, summer weather.

  At the last stop sign before home I waited for a group of preschoolers, all holding on to a rope, with an adult at each end. They must have been heading to the nearby park. A little girl in the middle, with long blond curly locks had me thinking of the future. Would I be able to have children with Nate and give him his own blond-haired daughter? Or was it out of the question, as long as I was a werewolf. I had asked Nate that question a few months after he proposed and he couldn’t answer me. No werewolf he knew had ever gotten pregnant. And he had never asked Stephen, the leader of the nearby pack, if it was possible. There was never a need to.

  I could tell the conversation upset him. It was another reason for him to feel guilty for turning me into a werewolf and since I had fully forgiven him, I dropped the discussion and hadn’t brought it up again. I hated the sadness and guilt in his eyes and would do anything to take it away. So since then I pushed the thoughts away. But now, with our upcoming trip, I couldn’t help but wonder if it would be possible. Would this Isaiah be able to cure us like he had himself or would he turn us away? Just because he had the cure didn’t mean he was willing to share.

  As I pulled into the tiny laneway that would lead to the cottage, I spotted Joe’s silver car driving towards me. I moved to the side to let him by. “I think Nate is at the store,” I explained when I rolled the window down. The air was dense with humidity, so I was taking advantage of the car’s air-conditioner.

  After doing the same thing, he leaned out his open window. “I know. I stopped by, but when I saw he was gone, I went to talk to Adrian. I was thinking of adding on to the pool house.” He and Lauren were still staying there and now that school was out, they were planning to make their stay permanent. Lauren would be returning to school in September, but she would visit often.

  “I’ll bet Lauren will be happy with that. She said things were kind of cramped.”

  He nodded. “It is. How many clothes does one person need?” he asked with obvious love in his eyes for the girl he mocked.

  I laughed. She was the least materialistic girl that I knew, but she did have a lot of clothes. I lifted my foot off of the break slowly, my car moving forward a hair. “I’ll see you later?”

  He saluted me, his face hardening as he rolled up the window. Obviously he wasn’t at all happy about our upcoming trip. I frowned as I drove the rest of the way to the cottage. Since we were renting an SUV with six seats to accommodate everyone, I predicted it was going to be a long trip.

  When I returned home, I packed. I didn’t know what to take or how much. Everything about this trip was unknown; there wasn’t really a way to be prepared. I packed pants, sweaters as well as shorts and t-shirts. Hiking boots and sandals were the last items I tossed in. There I thought, that should cover the weather; but without knowing what to expect when we arrived, that was all I could do.

  When Nate arrived a half hour later, he rushed into the room to pack his own suitcase.

  “It’s gone!” Nate roared from the bedroom a few minutes later.

  I was leaning back on the sofa flicking through a magazine as I waited for him. We were supposed to meet the rest of our group at the main house soon.

  I sat up straight and tossed the magazine onto the coffee table. It landed on the surface with a splat.

  Nate barrelled out of the room pulling his suitcase
behind him, his facial features hard, his eyes yellow and wild. “Did you take Isaiah’s addresses out of my pocket?” I had given him the paper back the night we returned from our incident with Sebastian.

  I frowned, standing up and shoving my hands in the pocket of my jean shorts. “No. I haven’t seen it since I gave it back to you.”

  “I left it in the pants I was wearing. But I just looked and it’s gone.” His face shadowed with both anger and frustration, as he ran his hand roughly through his blond tousled hair. “How could I have been so careless?” His fist hardened and swung out as if to hit the wall, but stopped himself. “I can’t believe I lost the last chance I had to make up for what I did to you.” His voice was sad and filled with sorrow.

  The misery in his tone tore at my heart. I moved toward him and enveloped him in my arms, breathing in his leather and pine scent. “Stop torturing yourself over that. I have forgiven you.”

  He pulled away and gazed into my eyes. His were back to their natural color. “I’m tired of you forgiving me. Of putting you in situations that make you have to. I just want to be the man that you see in me.”

  I reached up and brushed his hair from his forehead. “You are that man.”

  “No, I’m not. That man wouldn’t have lost the address or allowed a vampire to kidnap you. That man wouldn’t have bitten you in the first place.”

  I gazed back at him matching his intensity. And then I grinned. “Who cares if you lost the address?”

  His brows pinched in the center, confusion flashing over his features. “I do. Didn’t you hear a word I said?”

  I nodded. “Yes, you want to make it up to me for biting me and be the man I see in you; blah, blah, blah.”

  His eyes hardened. “I can’t believe you’re trivializing this, like it’s no big deal.”

  “It is no big deal,” I reassured him, leaning forward and placing my lips on his. When I tried to kiss him, his lips refused to move against mine. “I’ll just write it out again.” I said the words against his mouth, gazing into his eyes. I watched as what I said sunk in.


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