Saved by the Alpha

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Saved by the Alpha Page 9

by Jessica Snow

  "I apologize, Mel. I didn't think that Morrigan would be so stupid as to say anything directly to you. I am surprised she would be so bold."

  "Well she did, and besides hitting me harder than Mike Tyson, she says some crazy shit about me stealing her from you? What the hell is going on?" Melanie kicked her shoes off, but still stormed around the bedchamber, pacing angrily back and forth. "And don't you dare try to delay. I want to know the whole story right now."

  Keith looked at his Mate for a moment, then closed his eyes, his shoulders slumping as he went over to the bed and sat down heavily.

  "You're right, I was wrong. I should have told you. As I said before, sometimes Clan politics is.... complicated at best. Most of the time, we get along, if only because it benefits all parties. One of the ways we do this is by pledging Mate status to members of different Clans. Usually, these pledges are born of true love. At the Alpha level, however, they are as political a union as anything seen in 18th century Europe. Especially when it comes to rankings of Mates."

  "So werewolf Alphas are polygamous?"

  "Not necessarily, no," Keith replied. "In the older days it was quite common, with First Mate taking the role of Alpha, and the other mates being of lesser rank. In my family's case, my Father had a Second Mate, but it was a political union only. They never had children, and she left our house to live on her own with her true love years before my Father retired."

  Melanie shook her head, blinking at the possible ramifications. Multiple wives, rankings of Mates, political marriages, it was all so fucking weird. Finally, she hit upon the important question.

  "So you were engaged to that red-headed psycho out there?" Melanie asked, her anger still high, but at least stopping her pacing. Keith shook his head.

  "No, although as children we were put at the stage prior to engagement. Our Fathers agreed to our joining when I was still only twelve years old, and Morrigan was just born. It was supposed to be an advantageous union for both Clans. Clan Lockwood would gain a powerful business ally, with lands and market access in areas of the world we had never even thought possible. For Clan Thornblood, it was a step up the power ladder. They're a proud Clan, with plenty of Old World contacts, but here in the New World, they have been second tier at best. They've been resentful of that situation for a long time, but never outwardly hostile to us."

  "So what happened?"

  Keith looked up and smiled at Mel. "I saved a beautiful woman from being shot in an alleyway. I didn't intend to fall in love with her, but I did, with all my heart. She became my First Mate, and not Morrigan Thornblood. Morrigan has apparently taken it as a grave insult."

  Mel gave him an ironic look. "Apparently?" she asked, sticking her fingers into her mouth and bringing them out, the tips bright with blood. "I'd say that's a bit of an understatement."

  Keith stood up from the bed, taking Mel's blood covered fingers in his hand, sniffing it sadly, before reaching his tongue out to lick it away. "I would rather spill a gallon of my blood than to see you bleed at all," he said sorrowfully, looking in her eyes. "I love you, and only you, Melanie."

  Mel could feel her heart melt at the tender look in her Mate's eyes and the honesty that traveled along their bond. Reaching up, she pulled his head down, kissing him softly. "And I love you, Keith. I'm sorry if I caused you any trouble with this Gathering."

  "No, you are my Mate, and I failed you," he said, his thumb brushing against her lips. Mel could feel her heart start to speed up and her body respond to the closeness of his, it had been too long since they had found time for intimacy. "Will you forgive me?"

  "Only if you do one thing," she said, her voice husky with desire. She closed her lips over his thumb, sucking it gently into her mouth and causing Keith's eyes to darken with desire.

  "What's that?"

  Mel reached up and slid the zipper of her dress down, revealing her swollen breasts, heavy with the beginnings of milk. She stepped out, standing before him in just her panties. "Make love to me, my Mate."

  Instead of replying, Keith wrapped his arms around her waist carefully, lifting her the few inches needed to pull her lips to his. Careful to avoid squeezing too hard, he kissed her lingeringly, gently sweeping his tongue against hers, his right hand going down to cup her hips and hold her to him. She wrapped her legs around him, her legs thrilling at the feeling of his rock hard muscular torso under her legs, strong and stable.

  For Keith, the soft warmth of her body, still beautiful even after adding the pregnancy weight, aroused him in ways he could barely describe, inflaming his protective instincts. Breaking the kiss, he smiled and looked down with a smirk on his lips. "I think I like you pregnant," he chuckled, his eyes fixed on her bust.

  Mel laughed, her hands coming around to start unbuttoning his shirt. "Good to know that whether lycanthrope or human, men love big boobs."

  "Just yours, my love," he replied, carrying Melanie over to the bed and carefully laying her on the soft mattress.

  Melanie's response was cut short as Keith's lips found her left breast, his long tongue teasing her expertly, taking her nipple into his mouth and teasing it until it was an aching nub. She clutched at his hair, desperate for more, when she felt his fingers tracing up her thigh, sending shivers straight to her moistening pussy.

  "Oh yes," she breathed, letting her knees part as he brought his hand higher, only to barely brush over the lace covered mound before coming higher. Melanie growled in frustration. "Tease."

  "Only for a while, my love," Keith whispered, bringing his head up to kiss her again. "Besides, I will not be going back to the party, we have all night."

  Thrilled at the attention from her Mate, Melanie abandoned herself to the lovemaking, letting her lips roam over his, her hands trying their best to remove his clothing. It was difficult as their bodies were so close together, she could never find the angle she wanted to get the buttons loose. Finally, in frustration she grabbed at the opening she had created and yanked, popping three buttons off and bouncing one off her belly. Keith laughed, sitting back and removing the ruined shirt. "You're getting more wolf-like all the time."

  "If you don't get those damn pants off, you're going to have to buy a new tuxedo instead of just a new shirt," she replied. "Maybe it's your son's influence on me, but I feel a bit more lupine."

  Keith's desirous gaze grew as he stood up and slipped off his pants, standing before her in all his nude glory. Even after almost six months of Mated life, Melanie was constantly blown away by just how sexy her Mate was. His fine hair almost glowed in the soft light of the room, giving his muscular body an ethereal aura, and she felt awed again. Reaching down, she slipped her now soaked panties off, laying before him nude, the soft swell of her belly joining the swells of her rising and falling chest.

  "God you're beautiful," she muttered, rolling to her knees and crawling across the bed to him. She slipped her hand around his proudly jutting cock, stroking the velvety steel shaft tenderly, pleased as his eyes slipped closed at the sensation.

  "I don't think I've ever been called beautiful before," Keith whispered, his tongue coming out to lick his lips. "Not exactly what most people call an Alpha male."

  "True, but they only know the hard side of you. Very few know the tender, sensitive, amazing gentle side that goes along with the steely strength," she replied, highlighting each of her words with a squeeze and stroke of his penis. Thrilled as she saw the first drops of precome emerge from the tip, and she leaned forward, licking up the sweet offerings like nectar. Swirling her tongue around, she sucked him slowly, enjoying the erotic torture written on his features as she took him in with agonizing slowness before licking her way back up, only to repeat the process over and over.

  Suddenly Melanie gasped around Keith's cock as she felt his strong fingers reach between her legs, stroking and massaging her wet folds as he slipped a finger inside her, his strokes in and out matching the pace of her sucks and licks until she was gasping and urging him to go faster. Speeding up her pac
e, she felt him respond, adding a second finger to his ministrations, filling her over and over again until she pulled him out of her mouth in order to bury her face in the edge of the mattress and groan. Keith immediately stepped behind her, his fingers joined by his thumb on her clit, flicking over the sensitive nub until Mel buried her face in the mattress again, her body shivering as an orgasm swept through her.

  Keith paused his hands, knowing she was always overly tender immediately following a climax, giving her time to recover. Mel took a deep breath, and looked over her shoulder, lust still smoldering in her eyes.

  "Are you going to sit back there all night, or are you going to Mate me?" she husked, spreading her knees further and presenting herself to him. She felt her heart quicken again as Keith growled softly, taking his hips in his strong hands to steady himself, the tapering tip of his cock aligning itself with her warm tunnel.

  "How's this?" he asked, fierceness and tenderness battling in his voice as he thrust inside her, possessive but still holding himself back enough to not cause injury to her or the baby. Mel could only moan in response as he filled her in one sure, smooth stroke until she felt the now familiar and always wonderful sensation of his soft body hair tickling the back of her hips and thighs.

  Keith began his thrusts, his body strong and powerful above hers, and Mel could feel herself swept away in the lust-filled situation. She felt both strong and weak at the same time, proud that her body could reduce this intelligent, well-spoken man behind her into the growling, barely coherent being behind her. He filled her over and over again with his delicious cock, rubbing her body in all the right places, his thick shaft rubbing over her g-spot with every movement of his powerful, masculine body.

  At the same time, she knew he could do whatever he wanted to her, and she couldn't stop him in any way, creating a heady mix of emotions and desires that left her soon on the edge of another orgasm. Thankfully for her, she felt Keith's breathing quicken, as soft grunts joined his thrusts, and she felt his cock swelling inside her. Squeezing her walls with all she had left, she felt her second orgasm crash over her, huge and mind-blowing, obliterating her conscious thoughts as her body quivered and her head quaked against the mattress. She felt herself reach an even higher plane as Keith's howl of his own climax tore from his throat, and she could feel his warm come fill her insides, claiming her again, forever, as his Mate.

  Chapter 17

  The next day, after a warm shower and a luxurious breakfast, Melanie emerged from the bedroom to find Valeria waiting for her in the outer sitting room, dressed in what could best be described as business casual clothing, a chic pair of slacks and a blouse. Melanie had dressed the same, knowing today was the first official day of Gathering business. "Did you have a restful evening?" she asked, a twinkle in her eye.

  Mel could feel her cheeks redden. "I guess you heard?"

  Valeria laughed. "Melanie, he's a werewolf. The entire main house could hear. But don't be ashamed, I'm sure Keith and Kimberly both grew up listening to their Father and myself doing the same thing."

  Mel shook her head, her cheeks still red. "That may be something I'm going to have to get used to. I don't know if anyone's ever told you, but normal human children don't normally grow up with the sounds of their parent's lovemaking interrupting their sleep."

  "I suppose not. My apologies, since I've retired I've become much more a blabbermouth. Maybe I'm going a bit senile?"

  Melanie laughed. "I doubt it. So, what's this morning's agenda?"

  "Today is the first formal meeting of the Gathering. As you can probably guess, the incident last night is on everyone's lips, although thankfully Morrigan kept herself out of my listening range for the rest of the party. But from what I heard, her tongue kept wagging all night. Keith is going to have quite a headache dealing with all this."

  "Valeria, if I may ask, what role did you have in this arrangement prior to Keith meeting me?"

  Valeria's mouth quirked, and she shook her head in a bit of embarrassment. "I am ashamed to say I was a willing participant. I only saw the advantages for our Clan and forgot that love was what brought Bardulf and me together. I am happy to find that my plans were undermined and that Keith found love regardless. I'm prouder to have you as my daughter in blood than if Keith had married the noblest princess from the purest lycanthrope lines."

  Melanie blinked away tears and hugged the surprised elder werewolf, who returned the hug after a few seconds. "You raised two wonderful children, Valeria," she whispered in the matron's ear, "and I am proud to have you as my mother in blood."

  Stepping back, Melanie checked her cheeks carefully to make sure her light makeup wasn't running. While as a pregnant woman she may not have needed to dress with the formality of the other attendees of this meeting, that was no reason to show up looking like a streaky raccoon. "Now, shall we?"

  Mel and Valeria quickly made their way to the main dining hall, which had been re-arranged into a large meeting room. The forty Alphas, representing the twenty Clans in attendance, were seated in a roughly decagonal shape, four at each of the ten tables. Keith and Kimberly sat at the head table, next to an older white haired Alpha and his wife, who as most senior would serve as moderator of the meeting. The white haired Alpha had just finished his opening remarks when Melanie and Valeria entered the hall, finding a seat along the wall. Keith saw her enter and gestured for her to join him at the head table, in an empty seat next to his. Mel stood up and made her way over, to the angry grumblings of a few of the seated Alphas.

  "What is this outrage?" she heard one of them whisper, as she swallowed her nerves to sit next to her Mate.

  "Members of the Council, before we begin, I have asked my First Mate to take her place next to me at my table," Keith said, interrupting the mutterings. "Yes, Melanie is human. Yes, Kimberly still serves as Clan Lockwood's Alpha Female. That isn't going to change. But last night, my Clan and I were gravely insulted by Morrigan Thornblood's treatment of my First Mate. I demand an apology from Clan Thornblood."

  "You shall have none from me or my Clan," the Thornblood Alpha replied, his red hair unbound and flowing around his shoulders today. "You broke your word with my Clan, and as such, neither you nor your woman are worthy of our respect."

  "Nioclas Thornblood, your words both sadden and anger me," Keith replied, his fingers tensely gripping the table. "For two generations, our Clans have gotten along if not as friends, then at least peacefully. I sent my apologies when our pact was broken and swore at that time that I would do everything within my power as Alpha of Clan Lockwood to maintain good relations between us. Yet your daughter's actions last night and your actions here now force my hand. If you will not recognize the status of Melanie Richter Lockwood as my First Mate, and First Mate of Clan Lockwood, then I must declare a Blood Insult, and demand you face me, or leave in dishonor."

  The entire crowd grew quiet as all eyes swung to Nioclas, whose own face trembled in fury. Standing, he pushed back his heavy oaken chair to stare at Keith. "Trial by combat it is. Where?"

  "Outside on the lawn," Keith said, pushing back his own chair. The entire room broke into what Melanie could only describe as quiet pandemonium, as all the assembled parties made their way towards the door. Melanie, desperately confused, tried to use her mental link to speak to Keith, but he wouldn't answer. Finally, she found she could get through to Kimberly, asking her what was going on.

  "Keith has declared Blood Insult," Kim sent back, her words electric in her mind. "Nioclas has chosen to answer the Insult via trial by combat. Keith and Nioclas will fight outside on the lawn until there is a settling of the Insult."

  "Isn't that dangerous?" Melanie thought back, fear tingeing her thoughts. Kimberly's grim face and link back made her even more worried.

  "It is. There is an old saying amongst our kind. 'When two Alphas fight, one will be injured. The other will be dead.'"

  "You cannot let this happen!" Melanie thought back, only to see Kimberly shake her head.

  "I cannot interfere, as my place as Alpha Female does not permit it. But do not worry, the rules have changed from the old times. There is a chance that nobody will be killed today."

  Kimberly shut off her mental link, and Melanie could only follow the crowd out to the back lawn, which servants had quickly cleared of all furniture and impediments. All but the two Alphas stayed at the top of the steps, watching as the two men walked towards the grass, the white-haired Alpha between them. Finding the middle of the area, the old Alpha turned. "We have a declared Blood Insult, and a demanded trial by combat. Keith Waldwyck, as the Insulted, you may at this time declare which rule set you will use for this trial."

  "Modern rules. Bare hands, no wolf form," Keith replied, stripping off his shirt to reveal his muscular upper body. Nioclas Thornblood did the same, and the two stared at each other across the few meters separating them.

  "As you wish. Nioclas Thornblood, as the challenged, you have the right to declare a champion to fight in your stead, as long as they are not a member of Clan Lockwood. Is there any you wish to stand in your place?"


  The old Alpha nodded. "Then.... you may begin."

  The fight was vicious, from Melanie's point of view. With almost blinding speed and breathtaking power, the two Alphas clashed in the middle of the lawn, punching and kicking. Niolcas was a powerful fighter, Melanie saw, with at least three inches and forty or fifty pounds on Keith, who was younger and more agile. Also, she could see Keith was more restrained, using skill and technique rather than raw power and rage on his opponent. Whereas Nioclas would swing in huge, sweeping punches and kicks, Keith kept to the teachings she had seen him practicing of martial arts, keeping his strokes short and compact, traveling in direct lines from his shoulders to his target and back, never giving Nioclas a large enough opening to take advantage of.

  "Look at them go," one of the Alphas, a female that Melanie hadn't met the night before, remarked. She was speaking to her neighbor, another woman who Melanie didn't think was an Alpha, but was either the child or bodyguard of one of the minor Clans.


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