Saved by the Alpha

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Saved by the Alpha Page 17

by Jessica Snow

  Sitting there in the darkness, her thoughts turned to her baby. She could feel him (she was sure by now that it was a boy) inside her, his mind developing. At first, the Link had been passive, with most of it being urges she had felt, like for rarer cuts of meat, or wanting to walk outside during the full moon. That last one had caused Keith some worry, in case any of the less disciplined members of the Lockwood clan saw her, but the roof of the Tower had been perfect for her, and none of the Lycans ever bothered her there.

  Now, though, she could sense feelings and even rudimentary thoughts from within the growing life inside her. Hey little one, it's okay, she thought, rubbing her stomach which seemed to be growing larger by the day. Mommy is here, and she's going to keep you safe, I promise.

  She could feel an image come to her mind, one of strength and power. She could see in her mind the amber flash of eyes, and she knew what the baby wanted. Yes, my love. Daddy will come for us. Aunt Kim too. Until then, you just hang on, okay. Mommy will protect you.

  A wave of love swept over her, and she smiled in the darkness. I love you too, little one. Now, let's get some sleep.

  She could feel the baby roll over in her belly, contented with her words. Using the edge of her bed for support, she got up off the floor and lay back down on the bed. Closing her eyes, she let herself drift off to sleep, waiting for the sun to rise again.

  The next morning, she was woken up by the now familiar sound of the deadbolt on her cell being drawn back. John, or that’s what he calls himself, walked in, carrying her breakfast tray which he set on her table. "Good morning Melanie," he said. "I know you must be hungry, so I asked the kitchen to up it to a half pound of bacon today. Your pup must be ravenous."

  "My child, not my pup," Melanie replied. She sat up, getting out of bed and putting on her shoes and socks. She didn't want this man to see her in any position of weakness if she could help it. "You know, for a guy with a degree in psychology, you certainly are a bit dense when it comes to not insulting me. Or did you not think that comparing my child to a dog would be taken as an insult?"

  John smirked and stepped back. "I don't always have to be a psychologist, you know. Besides, who says this isn't some reverse psychology ploy of mine to get you to fall madly in love with me and run away to raise our child on the beach of Cabo San Lucas?"

  Melanie glowered at him, her eyes so intense even the Silver Hunter had to step back. "You even joke about that again, and I will have your testicles for lunch," Melanie growled, getting off the bed and stepping towards him. “When afternoon exercise time comes today, make sure you’re not the one letting me out into the yard."

  "You know, you really should be at least a little more respectful of me," John replied, leaning against the door frame. "After all, I’m the one who saved your life once already."

  "What do you mean?" Melanie asked, her eyes narrowed and her fingers trembling.

  John shook his head in mock disbelief. "You remember the member of my Order who wore the sunglasses in the helicopter?"

  "Yeah, I remember him. He tried to shoot my Mate in the head. Scary looking fucker, in my opinion."

  "He is a scary man," John confirmed. "He's also the half-brother of Brandon Yankowitz, your old lieutenant. After you killed him, he swore that you would die. In the original plan, you were going to, too. However, when Morrigan Thornblood confirmed the rumors that you were pregnant, I was able to convince the Archbishop to go with my plan. It was hastily put together, which somewhat explains the crudity of your accommodations. Thankfully for you, I've had this plan for quite a while. We just didn't think we'd ever have the opportunity to actually capture a live Alpha-level child."

  "I see," Melanie said. "But you didn't really save me, did you? Just a stay of execution I bet. So I can expect to have an appointment with Mr. Sunglasses soon?”

  "Perhaps, but who knows what the future holds? Only the Lord himself," John replied. "Eat up, you have to keep yourself strong for your baby."

  He left, leaving the door open behind him. She knew that she would be able to wander a small set of a half dozen rooms for the next few hours if she wished, although there was little to do other than read the books in the library. Still, it was better than nothing.

  "First things first, though," she said, looking at the pile of eggs, toast, and bacon. Simple, but hearty enough. "Time to eat."

  Chapter 30

  "We're going to shift our search priority south," Keith said, surprising Kimberly. She had been working on her tablet in the living room, seeing what she could find about the purchase order for the Bradley fighting vehicle that had attacked the Manor. The Hunters had used US military equipment, which was not something she had expected. She was hoping that by tracking the materials, she could find a clue to Melanie's whereabouts.

  "Any particular reason why?" Kimberly asked. "Not that it's a bad idea. None of the Clans in Canada or the United States have found anything."

  "Two reasons," Keith replied. He vaulted the couch and plopped down on the leather surface, his voice bristling with excitement. "First off, because of what you just said. Akiko Thornblood confirmed the same to me last night, that her network has found nothing as well. But more importantly, while I was sleeping last night, I swore that I heard Melanie over our Link."

  Kimberly set her tablet aside, turning to look at her brother. "Are you sure?"

  "As sure as I can be about something that happened while I was asleep," Keith said, shrugging, but losing none of his excitement. "But when I woke up this morning I had the strongest feeling that we needed to shift our attention to the south. Mexico maybe. I woke up with the sense of not quite desert, but also not quite seaside."

  "That's still a lot of territory. What other sense impressions did you get?"

  Keith thought back before answering. "Slightly warm, but cool at night. Dry right now, but there was an impression of green vegetation, like it just wasn't the rainy season. It was night time too, close to our time zone, but a bit earlier."

  Kimberly nodded and picked up her tablet. She typed in the information and pulled up a map. "Okay. Let me get in touch with some of the Mexican Families. They don't normally attend the Gatherings, but maybe one of them knows. Based off of what you said, I'll start with the Guadalajara Familia. They're in Mexico's temperate zone, and maybe they can help us."

  Keith nodded. "Okay. But let me take over the communications issues, then. You have something else you need to do, remember?"

  Kimberly nodded, handing her tablet to her brother. She had been up early that morning, thinking about the promised shopping trip, and she had to admit the idea was more fun than she originally thought it would be. "Yes, I do. Any place, in particular, you want me to take Edward, or can I just go off my memory of where you like to shop?"

  Keith leaned over and gave his sister a kiss on the top of her head. "You go wherever you feel, sis. If something big happens, I'll call you."

  "By the way, I got a message this morning," Kimberly said as she got up. "The Airwolf should be fixed by tomorrow if you want it," Kimberly said, getting up. "I am betting that you would like some of the toys."

  "We'll see what happens. Now go spend some of our money, why don't you? It's not like we can't afford it.”

  Kimberly rolled her eyes and went to the back of the penthouse, where she heard thunderous clanking coming from the workout room. Entering, she was shocked and impressed to see Edward, wearing a borrowed pair of Keith's basketball shorts that were stretched almost ridiculously tight over his massive thighs, curling three hundred pounds. "Excuse me, Edward?"

  He turned around, his thick muscles rolling as he turned, and Kim's pulse quickened a notch or two. Regardless of if it was arranged or not, he was handsome, she thought, with blue flecked gray eyes, and an intelligence in his gaze that contrasted with the thickset nature of his body. "Sorry, was I making too much noise? I'll try and be more careful."

  "No, it wasn't that," Kimberly replied, smiling. "Although I wouldn't let Keith
see you doing that, he might get a bit jealous. You know how Alpha Males are. Actually, I was coming to ask if you were ready to go get some new clothes? I doubt those shorts are as comfortable as they could be."

  Edward grinned and slapped his rock hard thigh. "Yeah, they do bind in the hips a bit. Okay, let me change into the stuff I was wearing yesterday, and we can get going. So are we driving, or do you have a chauffeured car or something?"

  Kimberly chuckled and shook her head. "What are you talking about? This is the big city, you're going to go around like a city boy. We're walking and taking the subway."

  Two hours later, walking into the third shop they had been to so far, Edward truly felt like a fish out of water. His feet ached from all the hard concrete he had been walking on, and the natives continually stared at him like they thought he should have been leading a blue ox around instead of having Kimberly with him. Looking around this newest shop, he leaned over to Kimberly, pulling his one shopping bag out of the way. "There's nothing but suits and stuff in here."

  "That's why we're here," Kim said with a little smile. "While your Canadian tuxedo might work for around the apartment, if you want to be accepted within the Lockwoods, you’re going to have to wear something approaching a business suit. Now, this shop is very popular with many of us, and Keith is a diamond patron. He actually gets all of his business suits here. Trust me, it's not going to be as bad as you fear."

  "Well, considering that I think I'd rather get a case of Ebola than have a suit fitted, I hope you're right," Edward replied with a tolerant groan. "Okay, what do we do?"

  "Hold on," Kimberly replied. "Tyler, you back there?"

  "Of course, dear lady," a tailor said, coming from the back of the shop. He was shorter than Kimberly, barely coming up to her chin, but his personality was huge and full of energy. "It is such a pleasure to see you again, Miss Kimberly! You look absolutely stunning as normal."

  Kim exchanged air kisses with the man, then turned to Edward. "Ty, I'd like you to meet Edward Stormstout. He's going to be your client today, and I was hoping you could fit him for two suits, maybe three?"

  "Oh my, this is an impressive challenge!" Tyler exclaimed. He held out his hand to Edward, who shook it very carefully. He was pretty sure he could tear the man's arm off if he wasn't careful. "I've worked with quite a few big men before, but you are a certifiable giant. Never fear, I think I know just what you might like. Tell me, what sort of suits do you normally wear?"

  "Ah, denim and flannel," Edward replied uncertainly. "And t-shirts for exercise and comfort. I've never had a suit before."

  Ty laughed and clapped his hands once. "Perfect! That means I don't have any preconceived notions of what you think about certain cuts to work around. Now, just relax, most of this is going to be taking measurements only. Honestly, you're going to feel more like you're getting a checkup by your doctor than trying on clothes."

  "Please tell me I at least get to keep my t-shirt and boxers on," Edward replied, blushing slightly. “Nudity in front of strangers isn't my thing."

  "The fittings aren't that precise," Kimberly said with a chuckle. "You can leave your jeans on if you want. Although just the boxers wouldn't be too bad either."

  Edward looked at Kimberly, obviously catching the meaning. She had been slightly flirtatious all day, and he relished the praise. The little voice in his mind that had started up last night kept crowing that it had been right, and there was a chance. Finally, he smiled a bit, then turned back to Tyler. "Still, I think I'll leave the jeans on if you don't mind. I tend to put on a few pounds in fall, and can use the extra space."

  Tyler nodded happily, directing Edward over to a stool. He then disappeared into his back area, searching for something. "Sorry, but I needed to get the bigger tape measure," Ty commented when he came back. "I don't normally deal with such a large man. Please, hold your arms out straight, like a T."

  As Tyler went around, making measurements and the occasional educated hum, Edward and Kimberly talked. "So, I had a question about your lifting today," Kimberly asked while Edward held his arms out. "Why were you doing just bicep curls? You don't strike me as a beach muscle type of guy."

  Edward chuckled and shook his head. "No, I was just letting off some stress and getting loose for the day. I normally exercise very differently, but I've kind of learned to be wary until I know if it will be safe or not."

  "Oh really? Just how much do you deadlift anyway?" Kimberly asked. After seeing Edward glance at Tyler, she shook her head. "It's okay, he's a Lockwood member, first generation in fact. Ty, who was it that turned you?"

  "You know who, Lady Lockwood," Ty replied, falling into traditional Lycan forms of address without losing his light tone. "Viola and I are very happy together. I thank you and Lord Lockwood for granting permission to my Mate for the gift. Edward, arms to your front please."

  "I see," Edward replied, adjusting his arms. "Well, normally I start with a thousand pounds, but when I push myself I've gone all the way up to three thousand. So I don't push myself on any normal set of equipment. I'd break even normal powerlifting bars, which are rated to only fifteen hundred pounds, and the cages can be less. Besides, I don't think your brother wants me putting holes in the floor when I set something down."

  Kimberly laughed and shook her head. "No, but remind me about that later. We'll make sure to get you what you need to allow you to do whatever you prefer."

  "I'll keep that in mind. You might need to get a warehouse, though, just to store all the stuff. By the way, what's your max?"

  "Not as much, I top out at just over eight hundred pounds in human form. I don't think I've ever tested myself in my other form. I use speed more than just raw power."

  "Oh? How fast are we talking here? Usain Bolt fast or car fast?"

  Kim smiled and shook her head. "Try I once for grins beat the Northern Lights Express for two miles going by the manor about ten years ago when I was in wolf form. I can't give you an exact miles per hour, but they normally hit speeds of the eighty to ninety range in unpopulated areas. In mostly human form I'm slower, but can keep up with a car when I try."

  Edward's look of admiration stirred something within her, and Kimberly smiled. "Maybe sometimes we can go for a jog?"

  “For you, it’d be more like a walk, I top out much lower than that," Edward replied. "I'm practically pedestrian compared to you, but I’d love to.”

  Kimberly smiled, then glanced at Tyler, who was giving the two of them very understanding and excited looks. "Okay Ty, enough with the looks, get your measurements done."

  "Of course, Lady Lockwood. Edward, arms down please, and spread your legs just a few inches. I'm going to get your inseam now, so don't worry about where my hand goes. Thank you."

  Edward adjusted and sought another question to distract him from the tape measure next to his balls. "You said mostly human form. You have that degree of control over your change?"

  "Only those of us who are born Lycans have that control, and at least among the Lockwoods, only Keith and I have such a high degree that we can look more or less human while still engaging most of our wolf form power. What about you?"

  "Sorry, it's kind of an all or nothing thing for me. Either I'm like this, or I'm in my other form. Two position switch only. That's consistent for all of the Aklark."

  "True, but then again, considering what you've shown me so far, you seem to tap into a remarkable amount of your strength and power even in human form." Kimberly sat back and laughed as Tyler tried to stretch his tape measure over Edward's chest, only to be frustrated again.

  "I'm going to need to get one of those carpenter's tapes if you come back often, Edward," Tyler said. Finally, he looked over at Kimberly. "Lady Lockwood, could I have your assistance?"

  "Of course, Ty. What can I help you with?"

  "Take that marker on the rim of the windowsill, it's dry erase and will wipe off with just a wet wipe. Yes. Now, can you please mark here at my finger? Thank you."

  Using the
mark, Ty stretched his measure as far as he could, then stopped. "Okay, now here."

  Using the combined marks, he was able to get an accurate measurement, whistling as he looked up at Edward. "I'm impressed, Edward. Biggest chest I've ever measured for a suit that wasn't for a morbidly obese man. Seventy-three inches. Not quite the world record, but damn close."

  Edward chuckled. "Who has the world record?"

  "Angus MacAskill, who died about a hundred and fifty years ago," Kimberly replied. "What most people don't know is that he was actually a Lycan, from a cousin Clan of ours. Eighty-inch chest, according to the Guinness records. He might have even put you to shame in strength. It's a bit of Clan trivia we like to be proud of."

  "Amazing," Edward said, shaking his head. "But I'll have to disagree with Guinness. I'm nowhere near the largest of the Aklark. Some of my cousins make me seem small."

  Tyler’s jaw dropped, and he looked at Kimberly. "Lady Lockwood, if that’s true, I'm going to need to charge more for suits to them. I don't have enough gabardine as it is!"

  After the shop was finished, Kimberly led Edward out of the shop. Out on the street, Edward took her hand, stopping her. "Kim, just a moment."

  "What is it, Edward?" she said, enjoying the feel of her hand in his. She was slightly disappointed when he let go.

  "If he is one of your Clan, aren't you worried that the news will get out that you and I are, well, you know?"

  Kimberly shook her head and gave him another smile. "No. This a good way to release the news, he's a chatterbox, but a good natured one. I'm sure that by this evening most of the Lockwoods will be talking about the gentle giant who is now seeing the Lady Lockwood. I'm the Alpha Female, and there is nothing that can challenge that unless I give up the title. Since Melanie and I both agree that she is to be Keith's First Mate while I remain Alpha, and you have no problems with my duties, there is nothing my Clan can complain about. As for the inter-Clan politics, well, we'll handle that like we always do. Besides, I suspect Clan Kenai has already put the news on the wire anyway, so we'll just deal with it as it comes."


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