Saved by the Alpha

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Saved by the Alpha Page 19

by Jessica Snow

  "Come on, Eznho," Edward replied. "I've asked you not to call me that for years now."

  "Hey, it was karmic, don't blame me," the giant said, before clapping Edward on the shoulder with a blow that would have broken most other men's shoulder blades before turning his attention to Akiko. "You must be Lady Thornblood, yes? I am Eznho Firewalker, leader of this squad. I look forward to battling next to you."

  "I am Akiko Thornblood," she replied, looking back over her shoulder as her men unloaded the cargo plane. "Me and my Clan look forward to seeing the kinbushi blood flow as well. But I’m a bit confused. I was told your People are pacifists now. And nice clothes, are you planning on going to the Golden Corral afterward?"

  "Even pacifists have their protectors," Eznho replied, chuckling at the insult. "For those of the People who are not of the temperament for it, there is a place for us. This is half of the Rapid Response Force. Our clothes are immaterial, we will fight in our true form. Honiahaka was a childhood friend of mine."

  "What does that mean? I thought your name was Edward," Akiko commented, looking at Edward. "Was I wrong?"

  "No, you aren't. Among the Aklark, we are granted two names at birth, one for the rest of the world, one used among the People. As we get older, we can choose which we prefer, if not both. I tend to use Edward." He shifted from side to side, obviously uncomfortable with the subject matter being discussed.

  "Why? What does Honiahaka mean?"

  Edward blushed and looked down at the ground. He knew that if he didn't tell her, Eznho would. "It means Little Wolf," Edward said. "My father wanted to give a gift to Clan Kenai, so he gave me that name."

  Before Akiko could reply, the sound of a helicopter came to all of their ears, and they turned to see a black helicopter come howling in from the north. Eznho blinked, surprised. "They really have one? The Kenai had told us to expect it, but seeing it up close now....."

  "Yes, they do. The Lockwood Twins have always been known for their unique sense of humor and point of view," Thornblood replied to the giant as the helicopter circled and then settled down. She turned her attention to Edward, who was almost hopping from side to side in nervous energy. "You’re going to have a very interesting betrothal, Edward."

  The rotors slowed, and Keith and Kimberly climbed out, taking off their black helmets. They came over to the assembled group, Keith doing a momentary double take at the group of Bears before offering his hand. "Thank you all. Lady Thornblood, Edward, everyone. I am impressed."

  "Just wait until the fight starts," Thornblood replied. "And I told you before, call me Akiko. This is not politics, this is family and friendship."

  "I will try. It takes me a while to remember all the time. Edward, you look more comfortable than last time," Keith said. "At least, you didn't have to be pulled out of the back of the plane I hope."

  "Not at all. Keith, when you said you had a Bell 220, I had heard the rumors, and I thought perhaps you had something like it, but that is beyond my expectations," he said, looking at the modified black attack helicopter. "Does the Wolf have teeth?"

  "Damn right, and I'll be using them," Kimberly said.

  "Have you gotten more on your Link since you have gotten down here?" Akiko asked, as the group headed towards the back of the cargo plane, where the Thornblood warriors had set up their crate of weapons after unloading their contents. A collection of printouts had been spread out on the top, weighted down with spare clips of ammunition to prevent them blowing away in the breeze.

  "I have, starting about two hours ago. But I think Melanie is sleeping, all I'm getting is the familiar feeling of her presence. It's close, though, I can track it down now precisely. When she wakes up, we can communicate properly," Keith said. "Kim, you can feel her too, right?"

  "Yes, but only a hint of it. I'd need to have her awake and focusing on getting more," Kimberly said.

  "Either way, she's here," Keith said, tapping the satellite photo of the former insane asylum that she was held at. "The Familia Guadalajara has provided information, but won’t grant troops to the assault, they said. Either way, the intelligence they have given us is essential. There are roughly fifty Hunters there, most of them security forces. The little they've been seen, they are carrying heavy assault rifles for the most part, although there are probably machine gun points as well. The silberjagger are depending on stealth more than power to keep the facility, which should help us."

  "So what's the plan?" Eznho said, looking over the imagery. "If you want your Mate out safely, we can't just go in there kicking ass and taking names. My guys don't exactly do precision operations."

  "And you won't," Keith replied. "We're going to have a two stage attack. The first stage is me and Edward, with Kim giving us aerial recon. Edward is going to act as a distraction, while I infiltrate the building and get inside. Once I've found Melanie, I send a signal, and then you guys can unleash hell. We make our way out in the chaos, and then we hightail it for the airfield. Depending on the response of the local law enforcement or if they have any surprises for us, we can do a hot liftoff."

  "What do you need me to do?" Edward said, looking at Keith. "Whatrver you need, I'll be there."

  Keith smiled and patted Edward on his shoulder. "I know. Although this might be a bit of an embarrassment, I apologize. Sometimes, though, deception is as important as strength."

  Edward gave him a curious look. "What do you mean?"

  Chapter 33

  Melanie woke up from her afternoon nap in the library seeing that the sun had almost totally disappeared from the sky. She was curled up in the only comfortable chair there, a copy of Shardik in her lap. The old fantasy novel was a favorite of hers from her teenage years, and was light enough she didn't have to think too much. Besides, it was better than most of the crap in the library, which seemed to consist of peaceful, calming books for people who obviously didn't need any more stimulation than necessary.

  Damn, I missed the sunset, she grumbled, stretching out her legs. The view through the narrow window was the only one she got when she was inside, and not being able to watch the sky turn a riot of colors was regrettable. It was one of the few things about her capture that made each day worthwhile, even though she couldn't see the sun itself actually go down.

  Melanie, can you hear me?

  She sat up from her seat, galvanized at the words that came into her mind. Keith? Is it really you?

  Yes, my love. I'm about four miles from your location. Can you tell me anything about where you are?

  Melanie looked around. I'm in the library of the building, near one of the windows. There are two guards on the inside, one of them is sitting at a desk next to the main door that leads to the rest of the facility. I can't see the other one, he's most likely getting my dinner.

  Can you tell me which wing you are in? The building has four wings, and each of them is separate from the others. I need to get into the right space.

  I'm not sure, but the window I can see looks out to the southwest. It's parallel to my little exercise yard, which is pretty high security. Does that help?

  Yes, I have aerial photos of the facility. You might hear a helicopter overhead soon, that'll be Kim doing recon for me. Next is going to be a distraction. That'll be Edward. Be ready to move then. Are you well?

  Melanie grinned and looked out the window. Yeah, I can move. I've got my shoes on, I'm dressed and ready to kick some ass. Who's Edward?

  Don't worry, I've got the ass kicking part covered. Let's get you out first, and I'll tell you about Edward.

  Melanie rolled her neck and got up, nervous energy filling her. The guard at the desk saw her and looked up. "What do you need?"

  "Gotta pee," she replied. "You know how we pregnant women are."

  "All right, just don't disappear in there," he said. "Five minutes, and I'm coming in, panties down or not."

  "Don't worry, I'll be done by then."

  Hey, Keith?

  Yes, my love?

  I'm heading to the toile
t now. Think you can find me there?

  Of course.

  Good. I love you.

  I love you too.

  Oh, and one other thing, just to let you know.

  What is it?

  It's a boy.

  Melanie felt the rush of emotion over her link, and could feel another thread of emotion creep in, and knew Kimberly knew as well. We're going to have fun with that. See you soon, Sister.

  Damn right.

  Melanie found that once in the toilet she did feel the urge, so she quickly took care of her business. Just as she was washing her hands, she heard the faint sound of chopper blades above her and knew that the plan was in motion. Peeking her head out of the bathroom, she heard the radio on the guard's desk crackle, but couldn't hear much of what was said, other than "giant bear doing tricks."

  Suddenly, the doors to the wing crashed open, and Keith burst through in full werewolf form, snarling and enraged. In a single sweep of his massive paw, he tore the guard in two, before looking around, growling menacingly. Melanie stepped out of the bathroom, her feet carrying her across the room to her Mate, leaping towards him as she cried his name. Keith turned, catching her in the air and holding her in his massive arms tenderly. "Come on, let's go," he growled, stroking her hair carefully, making sure his claws didn't scratch her at all. "But I need your help."


  "There's a radio beacon clipped to the belt around my waist. But I can't push the button with my claws. I'd prefer to have them ready if need be."

  Melanie found the belt and beacon, pushing it. "You don't normally wear clothes in wolf form. You told me it gives you a rash, and you feel ridiculous in them."

  "It was needed this time. Now follow me. If things go properly, there shouldn't be anyone inside in two minutes."

  The first thumping roar of a rocket impacting another part of the building sent trembles through Melanie's feet as she walked quickly behind Keith, who kept his eyes sweeping side to side and his nose twitching. Reaching a stairwell, he checked carefully before leading her up. "Wait on this side of the door," he growled. "There are probably men on the roof."

  As they approached, the sound of machine gun fire and animal roars came to her ears, but some of them sounded strange, not at all like the wolf growls and howls she had expected. She stopped where Keith said while he went back onto the roof. Looking through the glass, she watched in shock as she saw him fighting alongside what a massive grizzly bear, both of them slaughtering armed guards left and right. Within less than a minute, the roof was clear, and she heard Keith in her head. You're clear. Come on out.

  Melanie reached for the door, only to be stopped as someone grabbed her wrist. Turning, she saw John, bleeding from a scalp wound, grinning maniacally and holding a serrated knife from the kitchen in his hand. "Oh no, you're not getting away," he said, going to stab her. "If you won't give me your child, I can at least make sure we won't deal with it either."

  Melanie twisted to the side, the knife missing her stomach by less than an inch as she pivoted, freeing her wrist, while at the same time her other hand came around, deflecting John's thrust upwards. With her now freed wrist, she chopped the inside of his elbow, bending the arm as her deflection continued, the knife blade turning in a tight circle to stab him in the chest. John looked stunned for a second, like he didn't understand what was going on, staggering back a step. Melanie kicked him once in the stomach, sending him tumbling down the stairs behind him, crashing to the landing below. "Fuck you," she spat, turning and going out onto the roof.

  "What happened?" Keith asked as he saw the blood that covered her shirt. "Are you okay?"

  "I am. He isn't. Get me the hell out of here."

  "Okay. Hold onto my neck," Keith said, picking her up. He ran to the edge of the roof, leaping into the night sky, easily clearing the perimeter fence before landing lightly on his back paws.

  "By the way, this is Edward," he said, tossing his snout towards the gigantic bear who landed with a much heavier thud on the dirt next to them. "We'll do formal introductions later."

  Kim? Keith thought, letting Melanie listen in.

  You have her?

  I'm here, Sister.

  Good. I'm getting everyone clear.

  Melanie watched as wolves, bears, and armed men peeled back from the facility. A few were limping, and two were being carried by compatriots. Keith picked up Melanie and ran, stopping on a hillock a mile away. We're clear.

  Understood. Thornblood and the Aklark as well. Watch this.

  The helicopter was barely visible to Melanie, even in the just past full moon, a ghostly black shape against the slightly less dark sky that glimmered when the moon hit it at the right angle. The streaks of rocket fire and machine gun fire that rattled out of the weapons pinpointed Kim's location, as she let loose with every bit of destruction at her fingertips. The building where Melanie had been held was torn apart by explosion after explosion, capped by a massive blast that tore through the very wing she had been kept, fire blooming into the night sky before Kimberly circled once, then flew off in a ghostly whine of turbines. The heat seared against her face, and she felt cleansed by it.

  "Come on, let's get the hell out of here."

  Chapter 34

  The air felt chilly to Melanie as she stepped out onto the lawn of the Manor, but she thought it must have been the change in latitude. Spring was coming soon, she could see the hints of green in the trees surrounding the property.

  While the Manor building itself had been repaired, the wounds to the grounds themselves were still too raw to have healed. The woods were still torn and splintered, with the torn trunks and gashed ground still visible. It would be a while for the scars to heal in the earth, and longer for them to heal in the minds and souls of the affected.

  "Can you show me?" she asked Keith, who nodded and led her over. She saw the burial mound, which was awaiting the granite and obsidian memorial stone that Keith had already ordered.

  Getting down on her knees, she scooped up a handful of dirt, rubbing it between her palms. She was tempted to pray for the souls of those who had fought and died but didn't. Considering that she had been captured and held by a group that had operated under the auspices of the largest church in the world, she wasn't sure if that was a God she wanted to offer any prayers to. Instead, she thought about each of the Lycans buried there and promised them that she would live as good a life as possible to honor their sacrifice. After reflecting for a moment, she went to the smaller grave, separated from the others, and knelt again.

  "Valeria," she said, touching the still raw dirt, which hadn't had time to have any grass grow yet. It was too cold to have sod implanted as well, and she was glad they hadn't used fake Astroturf, it would have cheapened the whole thing.

  She thought of the wise, kind woman she had known for only a few days, and tried to remember the good times and not the horror of her death. She found it remarkably easy, probably because of the memories she shared with Keith and Kimberly, and the intense love they had for their Mother. "I wish we had more time to know one another. Thank you, and I will never forget you. Don't worry, though, your Clan is in good hands. I'll watch over Keith and Kimberly, just like they're watching over me. If there is a place up there you can see us from, I hope you're smiling."

  Standing up carefully, she brushed off her knees, turning to see Keith and Kimberly waiting for her. She came over and hugged her family, gaining reassurance from the physical closeness. She inhaled deeply, smelling the scent of her Clan, and felt at least a temporary measure of peace. "Come on, let's get inside," Kimberly said. "It's still too cold for you to be outside without heavy clothes on."

  "Worrywart," Melanie said with a chuckle, squeezing Kim's narrow waist before stepping back. "Actually, I had a favor to ask of you."

  "What's that?"

  Melanie ran her fingers through her hair, which had started to go back to her natural blonde at her roots, she had been in captivity for so long. "I need my Clan color
s. Think you can help me out?"

  Kimberly smiled and nodded. "Of course. Before the ceremony."

  Melanie nodded. "Keith, can I have some private time with Kimberly?"

  "Of course. I'm sure Akiko could use some help with getting her people situated. And of course there's Ben Stormstout, he'll be arriving soon." Keith jogged ahead, going inside the Manor while Kim and Melanie watched him go.

  "You guys did a lot of maneuvering to get me back," Melanie said. "Not that I'm ungrateful, but it's going to take a lot of time to get used to all of the changes. But besides all of that, there's a dead Thornblood and a dead Aklark to add to the list."

  "We would have torn the world apart to get you back," Kimberly said. Despite her earlier claim that Melanie should have worn heavier clothes, she turned and walked along one of the gravel pathways that led around the Manor, Melanie following in her leather jacket and jeans. "Don't ever doubt that. Actually, considering who I'm getting for a father in law, you can be damn sure never to doubt it."

  Melanie had listened on the helicopter ride back as Keith and Kimberly had brought her up to date, including their impressions of Ben Stormstout. "I'm not. Just.... an alliance with Bears, which I didn't even know existed, and you being betrothed? Kim, I was just getting used to you being single and Lycan, now you're going to be betrothed and maybe even Mated soon? Not that Edward isn't a nice guy, I mean I've only had a few minutes to talk to him, but considering what you guys have told me, he seems like a good man."

  "I think he is," Kimberly said. "I'm more concerned about you. What if Akiko expects Keith to make her his Second Mate?"

  "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," Melanie replied. "I had a chance to talk with her a bit as her men unloaded the plane when we got back from Mexico, she spent a lot of time asking my forgiveness. She has a very deep streak of contrition in her."


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