Naked Delirium

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Naked Delirium Page 10

by Sommer Marsden

  Even though he saw what she was about to do, he wasn’t prepared for the exquisite feel of her mouth around his engorged cock. Hot and wet, she sucked the tip of him between her lips and swirled her tongue around the sensitive crown. He gasped and fisted his hands in her hair, prepared for her to take her mouth away or to inflict pain — anything but continue the intensity of her act. But she did continue. With her body stretched out on the floor and braced on her elbows, she took the length of him into her throat. He looked down upon her naked form, the way her buttocks tightened and undulated as if she wished he were inside her. She looked like a supplicant before a deity and that enflamed him beyond all measure. He could feel himself swelling in her mouth and longed to bury himself inside her body.

  “Lay back,” he said. “I want to be inside you.”

  She shifted about on the unyielding floor until her back was pressed to the tiles and her spread legs were before him. She arched her hips up lewdly, presenting her bare and glistening sex for his approval.

  “Is this what you dream of, Adam?” she purred. “Is this the source of your desire.”

  He cupped her mound in his large hand and squeezed until she moaned. He pulled his hand away, his palm shiny with her wetness. His nostrils flared with the scent of her, raw earth and warm blood and the histories of them both entwined forever in her essence. He raised his hand to his mouth and licked his palm. She moaned as if his mouth had touched her flesh.

  “You taste like honeyed nectar,” he said, a primal growl humming in this throat. “The lure of one most deadly.”

  “You have nothing to fear from me.” She reached toward him, her outstretched arms ready to embrace him, to bring him down to cover her body, to fill her at long last. “I would never harm you.”

  He hesitated. “Not me, no. But…”

  “Not her, either,” she hissed. “Never!”

  “The babe, then.”

  She inhaled long and slow, as if choosing her words carefully. “No harm will come to the unborn.”

  Adam laughed, his erection bobbing before him, eager for Lilith’s warm wetness even while his mind cautioned him against it. “You choose your words like a modern day attorney, Lilith. So careful, so…precise.”

  “I’ve found it’s best for my own safety to be so,” she said.

  As if her safety was ever at question. Lilith feared nothing on earth — and the maker was surprisingly gentle, given her predilections. Adam had pondered the whys of it before, but no answer revealed itself. And now, he was curious about Lilith’s machinations. Curious, but not enough to forego the bounty before him. He wanted her. He had tasted heaven and earth and everything in between and nothing could match the sweetness Lilith possessed. Divine poison.

  “You have nothing to fear from me,” he said, finding his own voice to be soft and appeasing. “You are my very soul.”

  Now where had that come from? He stroked his cock in time to her fingers at play between her spread thighs. He had only to stretch himself atop her and fill her void to satisfy the need in both of them.

  “Come to me, Adam,” she beckoned with glistening fingers. “Taste me again. Fill me. Fuck me.”

  Adam lowered himself over her angular body, pressing his hardness against her wet cleft. He bit back a strangled groan. Nothing had ever been so sweet as this moment.

  “Oh Adam,” she purred, her arms drawing him down into her embrace. She pulled her legs up, opening herself to him, wrapping her powerful thighs around his hips. “Now. I need you now.”

  Her urgency was contagious, spreading through him like a toxin. He arched up over her, poised at the very gates of hell, and looked into her emerald eyes. “You are mine, Lilith. Mine.”

  “Yes,” she cried, arching her hips to meet his downward thrust.


  They both startled at the proclamation, heads turning in unison to stare at the only one on earth who could pull them from their passion. Adam winced at the exquisite torture of freeing himself from Lilith’s receptive body and sat back on his knees, his arousal still strong despite his shame.

  “Eve,” he said to the shadowy figure standing at the foot of the stairs. “I’m sorry.”

  Eve, his partner, his wife and presumably the mother of his child, walked toward them slowly. The short hem of her lavender nightgown undulating as she moved, accentuating her femininity, her delicacy. He was ashamed for having let down his guard with Lilith. He should have been protecting Eve.

  Instead of reacting with fury, she stretched a hand out and smiled. Her expression held a hint of sadness, or perhaps it was disappointment.

  “Don’t be,” she said. “I knew Lilith would come.”

  Lilith still lay prone on the hard floor, her body lewdly displayed. Adam looked everywhere but directly at her, for fear his need for her would not overcome his commitment to Eve.

  Looking up at her eternal enemy, Lilith said coldly, “How did you know, little one?”

  If the nickname — given to Eve because she was not only smaller than Lilith but also younger — bothered her, Eve hid it well. “Because I am with child, of course.”

  “And you didn’t tell me,” Adam said, grasping at anything he could to even the unbalance of secrets between them.

  Eve chuckled, rubbing her thumb over his knuckles in a soothing way. “You would have known, dearest, if you had been paying attention.”

  “She is right,” Lilith said, rising to stand next to Eve. “You should have known.”

  Eve dropped his hand and took Lilith’s. “You knew, didn’t you, my beloved?”

  Adam was taken aback by the affectionate familiarity. What was going on?

  Lilith smiled a secret smile as she entwined her fingers with Eve’s. “Of course, darling. We are bound, two vines entangled for all time.”

  “Yes,” Eve said. “Come, the bed is more comfortable.”

  Adam watched them go up the stairs — Lilith as nude as she had been when they had been interrupted — and wondered what had just happened. He shook his head, feeling as if his consciousness was fogged. Had Lilith afflicted him with some dark magic?

  “Are you coming, dearest?” Eve called from the top of the stairs.

  Lilith added her voice to the query. “Yes, darling. Do join us. I think much will be revealed before morning’s first light.”

  Feeling suddenly helpless — an unfamiliar and uneasy sensation — Adam had no choice but to stand and follow them up the stairs, as naked as the day the maker breathed life into him.



  Lilith had lied to Adam. There had been no magic to keep Eve asleep. She had fully expected the other woman to awaken and join them. Though her body still craved to be filled by Adam, she needed Eve’s restorative touch even more. But Eve’s…dominance, for lack of a better word, had caught her off guard. Was this some newfound maternal power? If so, where had it been all these millennia? Wary, Lilith let Eve lead her to the bedroom. Aroused, she took full advantage of the invitation once they crossed the threshold.

  “Kiss me, love,” she said softly, cupping the back of Eve’s head in her hands and tangling her fingers in the flaxen curls.

  Eve offered her soft, luscious lips to Lilith. Their kiss was met by the sharp intake of Adam’s breath as he joined them. She walked Eve backward to the bed, never breaking contact with the other woman. She wanted Adam to see how much they desired each other. She would make sure he remembered her always, wanted her with him always, by loving Eve in a way he never could.

  She coaxed Eve to sit on the edge of the bed and she sat beside her, letting her hands wander over Eve’s softer, fuller curves. She had chosen a body much like the one Lilith remembered her having, though she’d never been permitted this kind of intimacy before. Again she wondered what Eve was about — while she’d fully anticipated their lovemaking, she
had not expected it to be offered to her. A more sentimental creature might cry at Eve’s gesture. Lilith was not sentimental, but she was grateful and that was a rare and special thing indeed.

  So few things were ever offered to Lilith — she had to take what she wanted. Always. Fighting for what should have been rightfully hers, fighting for her place in the world. Punishing those who would resist or deny her, showing as little mercy for her victims as they would show her if they had her power. It was what she knew. And what she was good at. But this, this gentle and easy acceptance of her touch, the way Eve touched her back, running her soft hands along her thigh, upward to her wetness, it was almost too much for her to bear. She pushed her emotions aside and focused on the physicality of their togetherness. Eve would reveal herself in due time. Of that she had no doubt. Adam may not know either of them as well as he thought, but they knew each other.

  They kissed and stroked each other, their desire as taboo as that infernal fruit Eve had eaten so long ago. Lilith thought about Eve’s mouth on her wet sex and she trembled in her arms. Eve was her weakness. Her heaven. Her hell. Her forbidden fruit. Ripe in her fertility. Succulent in her confidence. Juicy in her desire.

  At long last, Eve moved away from her embrace. “You are a green-eyed temptress,” she said softly, tangling her fingers in Lilith’s long black hair. “I would swear there was a fire burning in the fireplace, I can feel the heat and smell the sulfur, but I know it is only you and your magic.”

  “You’re wrong. There is no magic here.” Lilith pulled Eve’s hand to her chest, placing it over her pounding heart. “There is a fire, darling. Feel it?”

  Eve cupped the small mounds of Lilith’s breasts in her hands, gently squeezing as she rubbed her thumbs over Lilith’s stiff nipples. When Lilith moaned low in her throat, Eve plucked at the hardened tips until they ached sweetly.

  “I feel your passion for me,” Eve said. “I could feel it even when you were downstairs. I dreamed of it and when I awoke, I knew you were here.”

  Adam made a sound in his throat, as if realizing Lilith’s betrayal. It shouldn’t have surprised him, she thought absently as she cupped Eve’s full, rounded breasts in her hands, noticing the way her nipples puckered deliciously under her touch. She imagined how much fuller they would become in the coming months and moaned. Even in her nightdress, Eve was so clearly pregnant, as luscious in her maternal state as an orchard of fruit on the day of harvest. How could Adam not have known? How, indeed?

  Eve distracted Lilith from her thoughts by sliding her fingers along Lilith’s slit, teasing her thighs open with the promise of more. Lilith moaned again. Adam shifted beside them on the bed, his impatience as palpable as her own. She dared not look at him. He would see how lost she was, how…fragile. He could conquer her now, vanquish her not only from the house but from their existences forever. No, she couldn’t let that happen. She could not lose him…or Eve.

  “My sweet Lilith,” Eve whispered, lowering her mouth to Lilith’s sensitive breast. She teased first one peaked nipple, then the other, until they shone dark and wet from her attentions.

  Unshed tears pricked Lilith’s eyes. No one had ever called her sweet. She wasn’t sweet. She was a demon. Scourge of the earth. Cast from the garden for her stubbornness, her refusal to obey Adam, for daring to question her role as his subservient mate. She had fought for her very existence and been relegated to the dark of night, casting her magic on helpless men, stealing the children of other women because she could never have her own. Never.

  Until now, a mischievous voice whispered as her hand curled around Eve’s hip. Whimpering, she clutched Eve’s head to her chest, pressing her aching breasts to the other woman’s soft and willing mouth. She tumbled back on the bed and moaned as the satisfying weight of Eve’s body pressed between her thighs.

  Lilith gasped as Eve sat back on her knees cupped her own satin-covered breasts in her soft hands and suckled her rigid nipples through the lavender fabric. Wetness pooled low and hot between Lilith’s legs. Watching this lewd display of one so pure was almost too much for her to bear. It appealed to her dark and lascivious nature, just as Eve must have known. She spread her thighs wider, arching her back to press her swollen sex against the curve of Eve’s belly. She needed release. She longed for it with every fiber of her long, tortured existence.

  Eve looked at her with heavy-lidded eyes. “You’re hot for it, aren’t you? So hot, I can smell you.”

  “I can smell you, too,” Lilith said, laughing with abandon. Fire singed her skin. Not the fires of hell, but the fires of long denied lust. “Show me, Eve. I want to see you. You haunt my dreams.”

  Eve fingered the hem of her short gown. “At long last, Lilith? Not the real thing, but perhaps a good enough replica?”

  “Yes. Oh please, yes,” Lilith said, wondering if Adam could hear the tremor in her voice. Wondering if he was also as lost in their passion as she was.

  “As you wish.” Eve bared herself to Lilith, lifting her simple gown to reveal that shadowy, secret place between her plump thighs.

  “Come closer, darling. Straddle me properly.”

  Eve did as she was bid, straddling Lilith’s chest until her sweet, glistening cunt was within reach. Lilith ran a fingertip gently between the damp cleft and was rewarded with a gasp and a trickle of wetness. With utmost care, she slid two fingers into Eve’s tight, slick sheath, then pulled them free. She sucked Eve’s juices from her fingertips, moaning softly at the heavenly taste of the woman she had always desired, always loved. A woman in love.

  “More! Please, more,” Eve begged, jerking her hips toward Lilith’s hungry mouth.

  It was Lilith’s turn to feel the rush of feminine power. It was different with Eve than with Adam; Eve was a conquest worthy of her. A treasure long desired and at last within her grasp. Hers to possess for now, if not forever. Did Adam even know what was going on? She thought to look at him, but feared her expression would betray her. Best he think she was the wicked seductress plying his woman with dark magic in order to ravish her. He would realise the truth soon enough.

  Lilith had only to raise her head in order to taste those musky sweet juices from the source of all humanity. Eve cradled her neck for support as Lilith tongued her pussy, licking the engorged clit before dipping inside to taste her nectar. Over and over, she swirled her tongue around that small button of ultimate pleasure before sucking and nibbling the plump lips that protected it.

  Eve bucked and moaned against her mouth, the sleeves of her gown dropping off her shoulders to reveal her plump breasts. Her head was thrown back in ecstasy, her rounded belly quivering with her passion as she dug her fingers into her own thighs. Her cries echoed off the walls, the only sound in the bedroom besides their gasping breaths. Eve held Lilith’s head tight between her spread thighs as she convulsed in orgasm, screaming out her release with all the pent up desire her human body contained.

  Gulping for air, Eve collapsed forward, the struggle to remain upright too great, as Lilith’s mouth anointed her pussy with tender kisses. Lilith could feel how she trembled in the aftermath of her release and gently pulled Eve’s damp body down on top of her. For one so resistant to prostrating herself for a lover, Lilith found herself doing it again and again this night. What had come over her? She only knew that something had called her to this house, to these two creatures whose very existence made her blood hum with longing.

  She held Eve tenderly, accepting her full weight on top of her, suddenly and painfully conscious of Adam watching her. Lilith turned her head to look at him, her gaze shifting from his eyes to his mouth to his jutting erection.

  “It wasn’t me you came for,” he said at last, his shrewd stare taking in Lilith’s wanton position and relaxed countenance. “You came for Eve.”

  His voice was soft, but there was a harshness to the tone that made her wince in the aftermath of something so pure as to be foreign to her
. She knew she couldn’t afford to show her weakness to him — or to Eve, for that matter. Not until she knew Eve’s intent. Lilith was the only thing in creation that Adam feared besides their maker, and it was her unholy role to keep the eternal balance in check.

  She stretched her mouth into an unnatural smirk, feeling as though her lips were raw and swollen from the kisses Eve had rained upon them. “I want you both,” she said. “I told you that, darling.”

  “You won’t get what you came for,” he said. “I only want Eve. And our child. You shall not have what you want, now or ever, Lilith.”

  Lilith longed to shriek her fury, but Eve leaned up over her and kissed her hard, swallowing her scream. Gone was the gentleness between them of a few moments ago. Eve, sweet and delicate Eve, was trying to control her and pull her from the depths of her deadly anger. Though she returned Eve’s passionate kiss, she stared defiantly at Adam’s petulant face.

  “Don’t give him the satisfaction,” Eve whispered against her wet mouth. “I want you. I love you. You will be mine. Ours. I promise.”

  Lilith felt the truth of her words, but could not look way from Adam, feeling both angry and betrayed by him. He was supposed to be hers, she thought, fury racing through her veins. But she could not hate Eve for filling her place. In some ways, she pitied the other woman the loss of her freedom.

  Her turbulent thoughts fled as she felt Eve’s teeth nip her shoulder gently, then harder, until her body trembled with both exquisite pain and a strange, faraway longing. Why had they never been together like this? Why had it taken so long for her to realise the truth? For all of eternity she had hated Eve and pursued Adam, even though she had been the one to reject him first. What she had wanted — equality — could not be had on the maker’s terms. What Eve now offered was not only equality, but to share Adam. But would Adam be shared? He seemed troubled to be sharing Eve.


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