Trust Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy

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Trust Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy Page 2

by K E Osborn

  To: Sarah Carlisle

  From: Jenifer Taylor

  Subject: Mr. Drop-Dead-Sexy Milk Stealer!

  Hey Sez,

  Imagine my surprise this morning to see that manly eye candy in our kitchen stealing all the milk! I had no breakfast because of him and then I had a minor car accident and spilled my coffee on my new white blouse, so I look great! Don’t worry I’m fine, no need to panic. Some dick rear-ended me; I was in a 3-car pile up OMG!!!

  Anyway tell him to get out of bed and go buy me more milk by the time I get home!

  Luv me xoxo

  P.S. Is he any good???

  I giggle to myself as I imagine her reaction to the car crash. She’ll be all panicked, and then when she reads about the coffee spilling, she’ll be in hysterics, as my friends always see the funny side of my misfortune. I get back to my work, answer the phone a few more times, and look up at the clock. Only twenty minutes have passed since the last time I looked. I huff to myself and continue to get on with my work until lunchtime. I hear the repair shop alarm ring at its usual time of twelve thirty. The guys will be in the lunchroom soon. I better get in there before they make their usual mess, which somehow I always end up cleaning. Luckily I get to the fridge before the guys do. I pull out a sandwich and a can of Sunkist, all provided by the company. Every day they provide lunch for their twelve employees. Before I can shut the fridge door, I feel a slap on my ass.


  All the guys crack up.

  “Same joke every day, Tim. Get some new material,” I say, louder than my usual voice.

  The guys all look stunned, as I usually laugh it off with them, but my bad mood strikes again. I shake my head as the guys start to talk among themselves. I go back to my desk.

  I nibble on my sandwich as I check my Inbox. “Twelve new emails, yay,” I say sarcastically as I start to open them one by one. Most are junk emails, coupons and daily horoscopes. I hit delete one after the other, and then I notice a reply from Sarah.

  To: Jenifer Taylor

  From: Sarah Carlisle

  Subject: MY Mr. Drop-Dead-Sexy Milk Stealer!

  Hey Jen Pen!

  OMG u were in an accident? R u sure you’re okay? If u have a sore neck or something u can always claim worker’s comp lol! I luv that new white blouse, is it completely ruined? (by the way, trust u to spill coffee on yourself) anyway that’s enough about u lets talk about me.

  So Mr. Drop-Dead-Sexy Milk Stealer (awesome name by the way) his actual name is Chris, and oh man he’s soooooo gorgeous I don’t know how I landed this one Jeni! He’s so sexy, nice, sexy, caring, very sexy, considerate, and extremely sexy, he can cook oh and did I forget to say, amazingly sexy! He made me breakfast in bed, even though it was at like eleven fifty its still breakfast right? I think this one is a keeper, I really do, gaaaa I’m so excited, Sarah and Chris sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!!

  And to your P.S. Is he any good? I think 4 orgasms in one session is a pretty good answer don’t u!

  Oh yeah Chris says sorry about this morning and he loves his new nickname! Hope work is going well. What time will u be home?

  Luv your BFF

  P.S. Chris just left to go and get some milk for u and more condoms for us, thought u would like to know that lol!

  I was given the nickname Jen Pen by Sarah in the third grade when I had a fascination with pens. I also had an unfortunate fascination with shoving things up my nose. I was in the emergency ward at the hospital for a few hours, and the nice doctor was able to pull the pen out without any difficulties. It was really shoved up there, and my gorgeous mother was too scared to pull it out in case I’d punctured a blood vessel or something, which of course I hadn’t. But you know how over protective single mothers can be of their only child.

  To: Sarah Carlisle

  From: Jenifer Taylor


  Hey Sez,

  First things first. Don’t forget you can’t write stuff about “climactic events” in case my emails are monitored or “protective measures” for that matter! I love this job and don’t want to get fired! (That’s a suck up in case you’re reading this, Mel) lol

  So from what I can gather, you think he’s only average looking then. Oh and I can’t believe you told him about my nickname for him, you cow! Now he’s gonna think I’m a weirdo!

  Work’s going well. I snapped at the guys before when they did the ritualistic slap on the ass at lunchtime. I’m in a crappy mood today ever since this morning. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed I think!

  Anyway I’m going to actually do some work now. Have a “fun” afternoon. Don’t forget to get some studying in (said in a motherly voice.) Should be home about five-ish hopefully. That’s if I don’t have any accidents or coffee spillages on the way home.

  Luv me xoxo

  I hit send on the computer, and then I check the rest of the emails. I glance back up to the clock, one forty-five. I start to grin as time flies by, and my sexy “jock” type will be here soon.

  Chapter 2

  I sit at my desk and look at the clock again, two p.m.

  “Hmm.” He’s late. He’s probably not even going to show up. He hasn’t even got the decency to call and cancel. What a jerk!

  I run through some paperwork when I hear someone clear his throat to get my attention. I look up angrily to see the man who crashed into me this morning. It’s the idiot who exacerbated my bad day.

  “Jeni, I presume?” he asks with a quirky smile on his face, which is unexpectedly attractive.

  I sit in silence as I stare at him with my mouth slightly open in surprise.

  He speaks again. “I’m sorry about this morning. I see you managed to get that stain mostly out of your top. I’d like to pay for some new clothes and the damages to your car, if you’ll let me.”

  I squirm in my seat as the attractiveness of this man is suddenly apparent. How did I not notice his gorgeousness this morning? He’s, quite frankly, one of the most attractive guys I’ve ever seen. In spite of his outrageously good looks and cheerful persona, I start to get angry with him all over again.

  “No, you don’t need to pay for new clothes or for my car. My manager has told me that they will fix it for me and then charge the insurance company. So, like I said this morning, I don’t want or need your charity, thanks.”

  He looks at me in surprise. “That’s no way to talk to a customer.” Again with a mischievous grin.

  “Urgh.” I want to slap him in his smart-ass, gorgeous face.

  “Sorry,” I say with extreme sarcasm. “Can I have the details of your car please, Mr. O’Connell?”

  “If you won’t let me buy you some new clothes or fix your car, how about lunch then?”

  There’s that grin again. I quickly gather myself together and reply hastily.

  “It’s after two, Mr. O’Connell. I’ve had lunch, thanks.” I’m feeling quite pleased with myself as I stand up. “Now, if you wouldn’t mind, the details of your car?”

  He looks at me puzzled.

  “I didn’t mean today. I meant tomorrow or the next day or the weekend. Whenever you’re free?”

  With that, his gorgeous smile crosses his face again, and I begin to melt. Is it hot in here? I can feel my cheeks burning. I look down, pretending to sort out paperwork on my desk so he can’t see the redness spreading across my face.

  “I don’t think I can do lunch. I’m pretty busy you know.”

  He looks like he’s thinking hard about what to say next, and he tilts his head slightly.

  “Dinner then?”

  I let out a little laugh but quickly gather myself together.

  “I could use the details of your car, Mr. O’Connell.”

  He grins again.

  “Jeez, you’re a tough one to crack, Jeni.”

  I try not to smile.

  “Okay, how about this? If you give me the pleasure of having dinner with you on Friday night, I’ll give you the deta
ils of my car.” He looks very pleased with himself, grinning from ear to ear.

  I sigh, considering his deal.

  “Oh, um, I don’t know. I mean you’re a customer. Surely there is some sort of rule about customers and employees dating.”

  He laughs; the sound is delightful to my ears.

  “I won’t tell if you don’t.”

  I stand there in shock, contemplating what to say next. I mean could this amazingly handsome man want to take me out to dinner? Really? I’m not anything like the type of girl I’d imagine he would be into. I try to think of some witty comeback, but before I know what’s happening, I sputter, “Fine! Friday for dinner, if it’ll get you to cooperate. Please tell me the details of your car.”

  I take a deep breath and wait for him to reply.

  “Great, Friday it is. I have your details from this morning. I’ll call you with the restaurant and time.”

  I sit back down on my chair in a dazed shock.

  “Is that okay with you?”

  I shake my head with disbelief.

  “Sure, why not?” is all I can mange.

  His smile reappears as though he has overcome a huge obstacle and triumphed. He looks nothing like how I imagined him from his voice over the telephone this morning. I find myself staring at his perfect smile. He’s quite tall, muscular in physique, with dark brown, almost black, hair. He has chiseled features and is so handsome. My guess would be he’s in his late twenties, and he’s much better looking than Sarah’s Mr. Drop-Dead-Sexy Milk Stealer. He’s pretty much the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome, and he’s interested in me? This is strange; something can’t be right.

  As I pull myself together and stop staring, I remember that work needs to be done.

  “So, Mr. O’Connell, the details of your car please?” I ask abruptly.

  “Do you need to write it down?”

  I look at him in disgust. “I’ve worked here for a while. I think I can remember a simple thing like what make and model car you have, Mr. O’Connell.”

  He looks at me teasingly. “I’m sure you can, Miss Taylor.”

  I’m taken aback at him calling me by my surname. Then I remember he would’ve gotten it from the details I gave him this morning.

  “Again, can I please have your details?” I ask impatiently.

  “Please call me Aiden.” He grins mischievously.

  I’m getting very frustrated.

  “Fine, Aiden, your details please?” I find myself raising my voice. My mood swings back like a cyclone, and now Aiden O’Connell is copping the full brunt of its ferocity.

  He huffs, and a frown appears on his face.

  “It’s an Aston Martin V12 Vantage, Manual.”

  My jaw drops.

  “That’s a pretty stunning car. Why are you bringing it here for repairs and not to the dealership you bought it from?”

  There’s an awkward silence for a few seconds, and then breaking the tension, he clears his throat.

  “I bought the car in another state. I didn’t want to risk driving it all the way there. I saw your sign on the main road, and it looked reputable. So I thought, why not?” He looks pleased with himself.

  I didn’t want to question the fact that there are actual Aston Martin dealers in this state, so I left it.

  “Thank you.” I point over to the red leather two-seater sofa in the corner of the room.

  “Please take a seat over there. I’ll be right back.” I start to walk off to give the details of the vehicle to Bob.

  “Such a professional,” Aiden announces with a smirk on his face.

  “Urgh.” Now I really want to punch him in his stupid-ass, gorgeous face.

  “Arrogant asshole!” I mutter under my breath and keep walking.

  I head down to Bob’s office. He’s on the phone, talking loudly to a supplier.

  “I don’t care about the price. Get it here as soon as possible.” He hangs up the phone, sighs, turns, and smiles at me.

  “Oh, what a day, and it’s only two thirty. Hopefully this next job will cheer me up.”

  “I think you’ll be very happy with the next job. It’s one of your favorite cars.”

  His eyes light up.

  “It’s the car that rear-ended my car this morning. There is damage to the front and rear of the body. He’s still able to drive it. I’m assuming there’s no chassis or engine damage...”

  “Okay, okay, what kind of car is it?” Bob interjects, acting like a child on Christmas Day waiting to open his presents. I love Bob when he’s in this mood. I let out a small laugh.

  “Why don’t you come and have a look?” Bob jumps out of his chair and almost runs to the rear roller door entry. I stop him.

  “Bob, the car is in the front parking lot. He came into the office to give me the details first.”

  He looks at me and quickly changes direction, heading toward the front office door, walking briskly, almost at a sprint. Bob walks straight past Aiden and out the front door. Aiden stands to meet me, and I smile coyly at him and he back at me. I look away quickly and go to open the door, as does he at the same time. Our hands touch slightly on the door, and a zap of electricity I’ve never felt before surges between us. I gasp as I quickly pull my hand away from his and swallow as he smiles a brilliant, dazzling smile. He holds the door open for me. I look down as he follows closely behind.

  “Oh, man, an Aston Martin V12 Vantage. Does a top speed of one hundred and ninety miles per hour, does zero to sixty-five in four point five seconds. I love this color, man. Carbon black is the best color there is!” Bob has the biggest smile on his face, like he’s won the lottery.

  Aiden starts up a conversation with Bob. They’re talking about the specifications and styling of the car. The usual guy chitchat. I stand back and admire Aiden’s gorgeousness. He’s dressed in a light gray suit with a white shirt and loose-fitting blue tie, looking ever like the budding young businessman. I start to daydream about him in ways I shouldn’t. I mean I hated this man. He was, after all, the cause of my bad day, so why am I now fantasizing about him?

  He has me pinned against the wall. I have my arms around his neck as he kisses my neck slowly and softly. I sigh, as the feeling of being touched again is so good. Our eyes connect as his bright blue eyes stare straight into mine. I shiver with excitement as his hand moves down to the top button of my coffee-stained white blouse. One button then the next as he kisses my neck. I let out a quiet moan. “Mmm...”

  I awake from my reverie to realize I moaned out loud. They both turn to look at me. I can feel my face turn bright red. Bob looks at me questionably, eyebrows raised.

  “Are you okay?”

  I start to feel panic set in. I look over at Aiden, and his cheeky smile eases my nerves. He winks at me, and I feel a flush of heat fill my face again.

  “I’m fine, just hungry, and was thinking of um... pasta?”

  Both Aiden and Bob laugh at me. I sigh with relief, hoping they bought my story but knowing they probably didn’t. Bob talks to Aiden about what he’ll do to repair his vehicle and arranges for him to collect the car on Friday.

  “Jeni will give you a call to let you know what time your vehicle will be ready.”

  “That’s quick! Thanks, Bob, I appreciate it.”

  “No, thank you. I love these cars! It’ll be my pleasure to work on such an exquisite beast.”

  They both let out a laugh and shake hands.

  “I’ll leave you guys to it. I’ve more work to do.” I start to walk off.

  “See you Friday,” Aiden calls out to me.

  My stomach does back-flips at the thought of seeing him again. “Friday,” I turn back and say politely with a nod.

  He winks at me as I feel my cheeks heat for the fourth time in a matter of minutes. I turn back toward the front office, loosing my footing. I stumble on an uneven piece of concrete, plowing into another customer’s car.

  “Be careful,” Bob yells out to me.

  I gather myself together, t
hough I’m totally and undeniably embarrassed. I gaze at Aiden to see him eyeing me with a cheeky boyish grin. I glare back at him and huff as I straighten myself out and walk back to the office. This time I watch where I’m going. Bob and Aiden continue talking for another few minutes. I watch them through the window from my desk. Eventually, Aiden leaves. He gets into a chauffeured vehicle that, at some point, must have turned up throughout the embarrassment that was the last few minutes. As Aiden gets into the back of the car, he turns toward the office and smiles, seemingly at me. What an interesting day, no breakfast, car crash, late for work, and then sexy Aiden. I have to tell Sarah.

  To: Sarah Carlisle

  From: Jenifer Taylor

  Subject: OMG!!!

  Hey Sez,

  What the hell is with today? You’ll never believe who just came in here!!

  Luv, Perplexed.

  After a few seconds, I hear the ping of a new email arriving from Sarah. I read it straight away.

  To: Jenifer Taylor

  From: Sarah Carlisle

  Subject: Um Mother Teresa?

  Hey Perplexed,

  My guess is Mother Teresa! Am I right or what! nah I don’t know, who came in? Not He Who Shall Not Be Named? God if it’s him u better have punched him in the kisser and then kicked him in the balls from me too!!! That’s a great image! Him crying on the floor lmao! Is your day getting better?

  Luv, Ball Kicker Sarah.

  I laugh at her email. I start thinking about my ex for the second time today. She’s right; the image of him down on the floor in tears is quite appealing.

  “Scumbag,” I mutter under my breath as I start to type back to Sarah.

  To: Sarah Carlisle

  From: Jenifer Taylor

  Subject: LOL!!

  Hey Ball Kicker Sez,

  Um no, not Mother Teresa, I think maybe that might be a bit difficult as she passed away quite some time ago! Hate to break it to you :-( Anyway, you know that ass that hit my car this morning? It was him! And I didn’t notice it this morning, but damn he’s mighty fine! Lol I had a great perve today. I’ll tell you the details when I get home. Will Chris be there?


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