Trust Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy

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Trust Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy Page 27

by K E Osborn

  I take Mr. Snuggles, my trusted teddy bear, and hold him tight to me for comfort. The light is still on from a couple of hours ago when I woke to the same nightmare. I take a deep calming breath. I would’ve thought by now I’d be used to this, but it still devastates me every single time I dream it. I look at the clock. It’s five in the morning, and I start to remember the sentencing for Aiden’s trial.


  “All rise,” the Bailiff calls out as the judge walks in and sits down.

  “Be seated. We are here today for the sentencing of Aiden O’Connell. Mr. O’Connell, you have been found guilty of embezzlement by jury verdict. I am now adjudging you guilty of said offenses.

  “Having adjudged you, I will now impose the following sentence: I’m ordering that you be committed into the custody of the state penitentiary for a term of eighty-four months or seven years. A good behavior bond will be set at forty months.

  “You will be provided a copy of the judgment so you can read the conditions of your sentence. Mr. Monroe, you have the right to appeal the jury verdict and the sentence that the court has imposed. Should you choose to appeal, you must file your Notice of Appeal within ten days from today. Should you file that motion, I will take it under advisement and rule on it as soon as possible. Court is adjourned.”

  “All rise,” the Bailiff says as the Judge leaves.

  Matthew and Rachelle sit in the back of the courtroom, smiling. Karma will get them eventually, I hope. I cry uncontrollably into my hands as Aiden is taken from me for seven years; he leaves this time in handcuffs quietly, no struggles like at the trial, being incarcerated for something he didn’t do.

  * * *

  I decide to get up from our bed and make myself a coffee. Even though Aiden has a coffee machine, I still choose to use the kettle and instant coffee. I find myself drinking it black these days, as it reminds me of him. The apartment feels empty as I walk from the kitchen to the living room and sit on the sofa. I turn on the TV to the early morning news, and they are still covering the story of the embezzlement from Mornington Vale’s biggest financial incorporation. I switch the channel to cartoons; the Road Runner is fleeing Wylie Coyote as he tries to push a boulder onto the road where Road Runner is running. He fails miserably as usual.

  I drink my coffee, still wearing the gray sweatpants and a shirt of Aiden’s. It has been three days since the sentencing, and Alistair has been demanding that I go in to Aiden’s office and clean it out. I’m not sure how I’ll cope with that. What a great start to my New Year. It’s February, and I’m living in my incarcerated boyfriend’s apartment, with no job and a broken heart. Happy New Year to me!

  I sit on the sofa, mindlessly watching the morning cartoons. Even though there are funny parts, I don’t laugh; I can’t find the strength. Sarah is constantly asking me to come back to her house and take up my old room, but I can’t leave here. I need every reminder of him I can get. I walk into our closet and take out one of his shirts from the hamper, holding it tight to me I smell his masculine aroma. I swallow a lump in my throat as I climb back into bed with his shirt on my pillow next to me as the pull of unconsciousness calls me.

  * * *

  It’s eleven fifteen in the morning. I walk to the en-suite and wash my face and look at myself in the mirror. I look pale, gaunt, and generally terrible, shocking even. I exhale as I brush my knotted hair and my teeth. I choose my jeans and one of Aiden’s polo shirts to put on. I message Mike that I’ll be heading into the office today to pick up Aiden’s things. I walk to the elevator and head down to the parking garage where Mike is waiting for me. He looks concerned; this is the first time I’ve left the apartment since the sentencing.

  “Miss Taylor, are you sure you should be doing this today?” he asks. I look at him and shrug. He opens the front passenger door for me, and I make my way awkwardly into the car.

  “Miss Taylor, have you eaten since I saw you last?” he says anxiously. I look at him and shake my head as he exhales abruptly and starts the car. What’s with the constant nagging? I’m alive, so I must be eating something. We drive in silence to the office.

  “Do you want me to come in with you?” Mike asks.

  I shake my head as I step out of the car. I walk up the stairs to the automatic doors; I see the reception desk where Josie and the other girl are working calmly behind the desk. Josie spots me and looks at me sympathetically. I ignore her and continue to the elevator, taking the ride to Aiden’s office. My heart starts to pound as I get closer and closer. The doors open, and I see Rachelle sitting at her desk. She looks me up and down as shock appears on her face. I ignore her stares as I walk into the foyer and take a deep breath as I walk toward my desk; the flowers that he gave me are all shriveled and decaying. How fitting...

  I walk toward Aiden’s office. I enter, shutting the door behind me and lean against the closed door. I feel panic rip through me as my breathing shortens. I exhale as I stare at his untouched desk. The memory of us together before he was arrested fills my head as I picture myself sitting on his desk as he kisses me. I sigh and shake my head as I look over to boxes that Alistair has placed on the floor. I walk over to his desk and look at the photo of us at Skye’s birthday party. My eyes start to well with tears as I place the photo into the box.

  Alistair slams open the door as he enters the office. “Good, you’re here! Now get his shit out of here as quickly as you can. I don’t need his crap lying around as a reminder. I can’t even call him my son, that fucking pathetic excuse for a man!” He walks back out as quickly as he came in, slamming the door shut as he leaves. How could he say that about Aiden, about his son? My head is pounding as I continue packing up his office when I feel the urge to vomit. I run quickly from the office to the bathroom. I make it in time, expelling bile from my mouth into the toilet bowl. I sit on the cold tiled floor next to the toilet and cry into my hands, feeling an overwhelming sense of loss and loneliness.

  I finally find the strength to pull myself together. I stand and walk to the sink, washing my face and hands. I head out toward the office, and I notice straight away that Rachelle is not at her desk. I hear loud voices as I get closer to Matthew’s office; I stand outside his office door so they can’t see me. And I listen ...

  What will happen next?

  Find out when Love Me? The Trust Me? Trilogy continues...

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  K E Osborn

  First time Australian author K E Osborn was born and raised in Adelaide, South Australia, where she lives with her menagerie of pets. Having worked in the optical industry for some time, K E Osborn decided it was time to leave the optical world behind and start on something new. With a background in graphic design and a flair for all things creative, she tried her hand at writing. After a very vivid dream of a three-car pileup, the story of Aiden and Jeni began to evolve from her dreams on to paper.

  K E Osborn hid the fact that she was writing from her family, as she believed the story was simply something she had to get on paper first and then judge if it was good enough for others to read. It wasn’t until her mother found a printed version of the manuscript that her secret came out. She was a writer, and she loved it. Writing gives her life purpose. It makes her feel, laugh, cry, and get completely enveloped with the characters and their story lines. She feels at home when writing.

  The second installment of The Trust Me? Trilogy—Love Me?—will be coming soon, so grab hold of your milk before Mr. Drop-Dead-Sexy Milk Stealer uses it all and hold on for the ride. It’s going to be bumpy!




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