Love, Your Concierge

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Love, Your Concierge Page 20

by Jessica Ingro


  “Want a taste, love?” He stalked towards the bed like a predator. I briefly cursed Mother Nature for not allowing me to have his thick, long, beautiful cock inside me right now. I wanted it so bad. I could feel him between my legs, pounding into me relentlessly. Driving me crazy with need and pushing me over the edge into the most mind-blowing orgasm I would ever experience in my life. All my orgasms with Grant felt that way.

  His cock stood tall and proud, bobbing with each sensuous move he made in my direction. I swallowed hard as the drool pooled in my mouth. I needed to taste him.

  I nodded my head in answer to his question and looked up into his hooded eyes. Then I looked down in wonder as he fisted his cock and began stroking his length. His fist tightened around the head, which was red and swollen.

  I reached out and wrapped my hand around his, scooting to the edge of the bed on my knees for easier access.

  “Grant,” I whispered before placing a kiss on his nipple. “I want to suck you. Can I, baby?”

  His pupils dilated further, and his hand increased speed. He liked it when I asked permission. It was something I was quickly learning being with him. Grant liked control in the bedroom. That was for sure. And honestly, I felt it was liberating to not have to think. I didn’t regret shedding my inhibitions and allowing him to command my body. He delivered on his promise to give me pleasure each and every time.

  He didn’t rush. He took his time and built it. And if it didn’t come easy – which was few and far between – he never gave up. I swear he could spend hours with his head between my legs. He enjoyed his work down there, and he made sure I was always satisfied.

  I got on my knees in front of him. He released his grip on his cock and placed his hands on either side of my head. He held me in place while his hips moved and guided his cock to my mouth. I opened wide as he fed himself into my mouth.

  “That’s it. Take all of me.”

  Holding eye contact while he fed me his length, I gagged when he was mostly down my throat. I saw the satisfaction on his face that he was too large for me to take without it. He slowly began to fuck my mouth while I watched his face contort with pleasure. His eyes were hooded and dark. They blazed with the lust he was feeling in that moment.

  I sucked hard with each thrust. Grant pumped faster, grunting with each pass.

  “So fucking good. Your mouth is heaven, Elizabeth.”

  I could feel myself getting wet. Giving him a blow job was the equivalent of a long session of foreplay. I wanted him inside me desperately. I had to clench my thighs together to alleviate the ache building between them. I reached down and rubbed my sweet spot through my pants needing the friction to push me over.

  “Fuck,” he whispered hoarsely. His muscles tensed, and I felt his cock start to spurt in my mouth and down my throat. That was enough to tip me over the edge of my own climax. He tasted salty and delicious as I swallowed and milked him dry.

  He pulled back and fell from my mouth. I reached up and wiped around my mouth. “You better get in the shower.” I giggled at how languid he looked standing in front of me with his back bowed slightly, and his head tipped down.

  Grant looked up and gifted me with a boyish grin before kissing me tenderly. “Thank you, love. That was beyond perfection. I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

  I watched him strut into the bathroom, the backside of him just as inspiring as the front view.

  I laid in bed staring at the ceiling waiting for him to come out of the bathroom. What I wouldn’t give to join him in the water and cover every inch of his body in soap suds.

  When the door finally opened, he stood with a towel around his waist, leaning against the door jamb. His one hand rested on the knot in the towel, and his leg was cocked. Even in a towel his presence was powerful and commanding. I had no doubt he could win in a courtroom dressed like that. Although the men and women would have a hard time not staring at him, so that probably wouldn’t be fair.

  “How was your day today?” He asked with a lazy grin. I loved sated Grant. It was sexy.

  “Oh, you know. Same old, same old. Bratty kids, demanding parents, bitchy socialites and arrogant men.” I winked at him and blew on my nails before rubbing them on my shirt. “All in a day’s work. Hey, do you know who Travis is banging?”

  Grant’s face went from being filled with mirth to being blank at my question. He just looked at me like he was waiting for me to continue. “Well, do you?” I prompted.

  “Elizabeth, I don’t care who Travis is banging.” He shook his head at me like I was crazy.

  “You don’t?” I asked, not quite following along.

  “No. I’m a man. And men do not gossip like little girls about our lives.”

  Huh. Well, that was disappointing. So much for the myth about locker room talk between men.

  “So like in the locker room, you guys don’t snap towels at each other, compare size and talk about your conquests?”

  He threw his head back and laughed at me. The sound was like an aphrodisiac. God, I couldn’t wait to get laid.

  “No. We don’t. I think you watch too many movies.”

  “Whatever,” I muttered and hopped off the bed to go check on dinner. His laugh followed me as I walked out of the room. A smile played on my lips as I did so. I loved being able to make him laugh like that.

  “Elizabeth,” he shouted and I stopped and turned back to him. “Friday is my mother’s birthday and I’ve been summoned for a family dinner. I’d like you to come with me.”

  Oh boy. I was unsure about this. I was a bit hesitant to walk into what I pictured was the lion’s den. I mentally squared my shoulders and decided I could do this for him. He’d need the reinforcements if his family was as horrible as I imagined them to be.

  “Okay.” I walked towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck. “I want to be there to support you. Just don’t leave me alone with them.”

  I winked at him and kissed his chin.

  “You’re something else. Thank you. I truly wanted you to attend with me. It wouldn’t be right without you there.”

  “You’re welcome. I have to go check on dinner.”

  I walked out of the room, but I had a dread in the pit of my stomach at the thought of breaking bread with real life vultures. Fingers crossed I’d make it out in one piece.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The Vultures Circle

  I was sweating like a whore in church. Why had I agreed to meet his family? As it was, my day had been stressful enough. I so did not need to add this tension to it.

  It started that morning with me going to a client’s house and waiting while the movers packed her stuff and loaded it for a move to Boston. When they arrived, I inquired as to how long they expected to be. Six hours they assured me. Eight hours later, I was still waiting even though I should have been at my apartment getting dressed. Not standing in a kitchen pacing back and forth with enough anxiety to cover a whole football team before the big championship game.

  Since my client assured me she would be home at three o’clock and it was now four, I did what any sane person would do. I called my client and reminded her that I needed to be somewhere, and that I couldn’t get out of it. I asked her if she could be home within the hour. The crazy bitch – who grew up in Jersey thinking she was some sort of princess – had the nerve to text me back with a “hmmm, no I have to get cocktails with friends at five.” Drinks! My client’s need to get drunk was forcing me to be late and giving Grant’s family more ammo against me.

  I slammed my phone down on the counter and kicked the cabinet. I was in full out hissy mode. I was so angry I felt like crying. I hated not being able to control a situation. This was out of my hands unless I wanted to walk out, leave random strangers with her stuff and potentially lose clients when Monica flipped her shit and told all her friends not to trust me.

  That couldn’t happen. Which meant I was at her mercy and had no choice but to suck it up and finish up the day.

  Grant was understanding. He told me he’d meet me at my apartment whenever I was ready. I didn’t know if he was being so cool because he knew how freaked out I was or if he just really hated the idea of spending any more time at his parents’ house than he needed to.

  When I finally got to leave Monica’s house, it took me almost five full minutes to flag down a taxi. Then I sat in traffic trying to get back to my place. While Grant sat in my living room conducting business on his phone, I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get dressed as fast as possible. I poked a hole in my favorite pair of silk stockings and had to dig through my drawers for another pair. Then I couldn’t find the black peep toe pumps that I wanted to wear with my dress.

  I was really beginning to panic when Grant strutted into the room with the shoes dangling from his fingers. He dropped them on the bed and then wrapped me up in his arms. His soft kiss immediately calmed me. I loved the way he could have that effect on my mind and body.

  Grant’s hand squeezing my knee brought me back to the present. I glanced over at him and he gave me a small, reassuring smile.

  His family was worse than vultures. They were hateful, self-centered, despicable creatures. Not a one of them had a single nice thing to say to either Grant or myself since we got here.

  It started with his mother, Brenda, looking me up and down, like I was lacking and walking away without so much as a hello. His father, Jonathan, practically grabbed my ass. He looked just like the man we ran into at the gala that Grant obviously couldn’t stand. In a quiet moment, I asked Grant about it, and he informed me the unknown man was his father’s brother, Lucas.

  Grant’s brother, Trent, couldn’t spare two words when we arrived. And his sister-in-law, Gabriela, looked like she wanted to spit nails in my face all night. I had caught numerous catty looks coming from her. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why she appeared to harbor resentment for me.

  All that I have said so far is hello and it’s nice to meet you. Whether or not that was true, had yet to be seen.

  “So, Elizabeth. What is it that you do again?” Trent asked me from across the dining room table. He looked a lot like Grant, although he was leaner and his eyes weren’t as blue. The resemblance was uncanny though.

  I cleared my throat and wiped my mouth with my napkin. “I’m a personal concierge.”

  “And what exactly does a personal concierge do?” Gabriela chimed in. She said concierge with such disdain that I had to stop myself from cringing in response.

  Grant squeezed my knee again and spoke. “You know what a concierge does. You wouldn’t dare stay at a hotel that didn’t have one.”

  “I cater to high-end clients who have a need for a part-time assistant to help with things that they need to get done but don’t have time to do themselves,” I chimed in wanting to alleviate the building tension around the table.

  “Well isn’t that lovely? You’re an errand girl,” Gabriela sneered. “Brenda, didn’t you say there was an article calling her an escort?” She turned back to me with that catty fucking grin.

  “Speaking of which, did you have anything to do with that article mother? Corinne seemed to think you did?” Grant asked.

  Brenda’s botoxed face barely registered a change. Her eyebrows did lift about a millimeter though. Or at least I think they did.

  “What would I stand to gain by sparking such a vicious rumor and dragging the Morgan name through the mud? Maybe you should ask Corinne that same question. She’s been after your affections for years. Not that I wouldn’t be thrilled if you finally came to your senses and made her your wife, but that isn’t how I operate, son. If I called your girlfriend an escort, I would have no problem letting my name be tied to that accusation. And I wouldn’t hesitate to tell her to her face she was a slutty prostitute.” She turned her head and aimed her cold eyes on me, giving me a pointed look.

  Well then. It was clear to see what his family thought of me.

  “You’re just like your grandfather, Devereaux. Taking in stray pets and thinking you can save them. He was helplessly naïve and stupidly idealistic as well.” His father sat back in his chair and sipped his wine.

  “That’s enough,” Grant barked and slammed his napkin on the table.

  “Excuse me,” I mumbled and stood, walking quickly to the bathroom down the hall. I had to get out of there before I completely lost my mind. Those people were just completely awful. I had never been around such hateful people in all my life.

  In the high-end bathroom, I freshened up and took a few minutes to compose myself. I couldn’t let those people get to me. That was exactly what they wanted. They might have come here tonight for his mother’s birthday, but they were all staying to humiliate me. Grant had enough on his mind with clients and trials. He didn’t need his family being an added stressor. He needed me to be strong and stand my ground.

  I was strong enough to take a few licks for my man.

  I squared my shoulders and took a deep breath before opening the door. As soon as I stepped into the hallway, I was confronted by Gabriela. She was leaning against the wall with her perfectly toned arms crossed. She had on a gorgeous red dress that showcased quite a bit of her legs. Her blonde hair was cut in a bob that fell to just above her shoulders. Her eyes sparkled green and were shooting daggers at me.

  “Gabriela,” I murmured and tried to walk by her. Her words stopped me cold, though.

  “He’s just sleeping with you because he can’t have me.”

  I turned woodenly and looked at her in shock. Where did she get off making such an outrageous claim? She was his sister-in-law for God’s sake. Sure, she was beautiful, but Grant had more taste than that. Of that I was sure.

  “Excuse me?” I cocked my head and waited for a reply.

  “You heard me. I’m the only one he ever has and ever will love.” The tone alone in her voice made me want to vomit, but the words she uttered left me breathless.

  “You’re delusional.”

  She laughed an evil laugh at that. “Am I? Why don’t you ask Grant about the two years we spent together and our subsequent engagement? Or even our child? I’m a part of his past that you will never be able to match.”

  Gabriela studied my face with sharp eyes. I tried not to give away my surprise at her words. Child? That couldn’t be. Don’t you think Grant would have shared something like that? And why was she married to Trent if she had a history with Grant?

  “I can see he didn’t tell you. Makes sense really. Why would he tell you that I’m the one he pictures when he’s fucking you? You know, sometimes I can still imagine him buried deep inside me. I’m sure you know what I mean.”

  I watched in utter shock as she walked away from me and disappeared down the hall. Her verbal blows left me feeling winded. My mind raced back to when Grant assured me her kissing him on the cheek meant nothing that morning that Maya saw him. If what she was saying was true, then he lied to me. I couldn’t bear the thought that I had been wrong about him all this time.

  I used the wall to guide my faltering steps. It felt as if the floor had come out from under me, and I could barely stand. I needed a quiet place to sit and think.

  The door to a bedroom was cracked open, and I pushed it open, hoping to find some solace. Instead, I found Grant with his head in his hands. His body was hunched over, and he looked defeated. Maybe he was upset by the fact that he had to sit across from Gabriela and not be able to have her the way he wanted.

  “Grant?” I asked hesitantly and shut the door behind me.

  He made a non-committal noise in the back of his throat and didn’t look up. Regardless of the fact that my heart felt like it was being stomped on after my encounter with Gabriela, it still went out to him and how clearly he was hurting.

  Maybe I had more issues than I realized if I could feel sorry for the man who was using me.

  “What’s the matter?” I slowly crossed the open space separating us.

  “I can’t even prete
nd anymore.” He shook his head and let out a mirthless laugh. Oh God. He couldn’t pretend to not be in love with her. I thought I was going to be sick. My hand settled on my stomach, and I braced for his confession.

  “I can’t pretend that what they do doesn’t affect me. I’m mortified by the way they treated you and the way they continue to desecrate Devereaux’s memory.”

  “You mean this isn’t about Gabriela?” I stupidly asked and then covered my mouth when I realized what I had said.

  He looked up at me with a confused expression. “Other than the fact that she is a blood sucking bitch, what could you possibly mean?”

  In for a penny, in for a pound, I thought. “She told me about your engagement and your child together. She said you still love her.” I looked down and studied my shoes not wanting him to see the pain reflected in my eyes at the thought.

  “You mean she told you that she aborted my child and ran off to marry my brother? And you could honestly believe I still loved her?” He asked me disbelievingly.

  “She… what?”

  “Yes, she led me on for years. I was young and stupid, believing that this beautiful girl I had grown up with finally returned my feelings for her.”

  “Is she the young girl in the picture with you and your brother?” I interrupted, referring to the picture in his house now that I was finally starting to put two and two together.

  “Yes. The three of us were inseparable when we were younger. My brother couldn’t care less about her as we got older though, so it was just Gabriela and me. I thought she understood me. That she was like me. When she found out she was pregnant, I proposed. I was on cloud nine, excited for the chance to be a father. I was going to raise my kid the way I wished I had been raised. Teach him all the things my grandfather taught me. We were going to be a family that was the opposite of mine.”

  “I had no idea.” I stepped closer to him and put my hands on his shoulders. He gripped my waist, pulled me closer and rested his head on my stomach. His angst was seeping from every pore on his body. His pain was so palpable it was choking me.


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