Love, Your Concierge

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Love, Your Concierge Page 26

by Jessica Ingro

I went to my bedroom, not feeling well after the emotional outburst of the night. I dressed in a nightgown that was more utilitarian than it was fashionable and went to sleep.

  Hours later I woke up when a sharp, piercing in my abdomen had me doubled over in pain. It felt wet between my legs. I pulled the covers back and turned on the lamp on the nightstand. I was shocked and scared shitless when I saw blood on the sheets and my nightgown.

  I tried to stand, but the pain was too much, so I crawled towards the bathroom and collapsed on the floor. I cried out in agony when another sharp pain hit.

  This was serious. I needed help, and I needed it fast. I couldn’t lose this baby. I just couldn’t.

  I crawled back into my bedroom and felt for my phone on top of the dresser. When I couldn’t reach it, I hoisted myself up and grabbed it. I hit the speed dial for Maya, but it rang and rang before voicemail picked up. Then I tried the speed dial for Travis, but it went straight to voicemail. I cursed and went to call 911, but my hand holding me up was slick from blood, and I slipped and fell. When I hit the floor, I smacked my head and then it all went dark.



  The continuous pounding had me coming out of my room and cursing loudly. I tied my robe around my waist and flipped the light on in the hallway. I opened the door, and Maya stormed in past me and then turned with her hands on her hips.

  What was with Sal letting these women up unannounced?

  “You wouldn’t listen to Travis, so now it’s time for your ‘Come to Jesus’ meeting with me.” She pointed at herself and stormed down the hall.

  I followed her and found her in the Great Room pouring two glasses of Scotch.

  “You can’t just barge into my home and think I’m going to listen to you.” I took the glass when she held it out for me.

  “You’re going to need that,” she tilted her head towards the glass in my hand. “Once you find out how royally you fucked everything up.”

  “Now this I’d love to hear,” I said intrigued with what she possibly thought I did wrong. I sat back in a chair and crossed my leg on my knee. “Go on. I’m waiting”

  “Let’s start with that viper Corinne. You should have never listened to that bitch. She clearly had a thing for you and would sink to any level to have you. First, she spread that story about Elizabeth being an escort. Then she took pictures of an innocent meeting between two friends and twisted it into a scene that would drive you to go off halfcocked. And what did you do? You went off completely cocked!”

  I flinched at that. It was true. I did do that. However, I know what I heard when I called her that night.

  “That doesn’t explain the conversation I overheard between Elizabeth and Travis. And let’s not forget she told me she was alone right before I heard it.”

  “They were planning your surprise birthday party you ass!”

  I braced my hand on the chair when her words hit me. No. That couldn’t be. I couldn’t have been so wrong?

  “Why didn’t she tell me?”

  “Why should she have to?” She shouted in my face.

  Maya started pacing back and forth. “Then she comes here to tell you she’s pregnant. Something by the way she had to be convinced to do after the hateful and cruel things you said to her, including the fact that you were lucky she didn’t try and trap you with a baby for heaven’s sake. And she gets here only to have that bitch thrown in her face, again.”

  “The baby’s mine?” I asked, only focusing on the good part and not wanting to think about all the things I did wrong. My faults were too many to add up at the moment.

  “Of course it’s yours, asshole. And now the wrong man is taking care of her. My man is supporting her and giving her what she needs. Do you have any idea how hard it is to watch her suffer and at the same time be so damn mad that she has so much of his attention? And it’s all your fault that I feel so fucking guilty for feeling this way.”

  So Maya and Travis. I figured I would focus on that tidbit later and concentrate on that fact that I was going to be a father.

  “I’ve missed so much, damn it!” I jumped out of my chair and exploded. My glass flew against the wall and shattered. “Sonograms, cravings, kicks… everything!”

  Maya shrank back, probably unsure of what to think. This wasn’t my typically reserved behavior that she was used to seeing. I didn’t care though. I should have gone to Elizabeth sooner. Fuck! I should have listened to her that night when she tried to tell me she loved me and would never betray me.

  “You wanted all that?” She asked incredulously. “Not many men like you would stick by a woman who was pregnant and care about all that seemingly trivial stuff. I should know. Most men run for the hills when faced with the fact that they are going to be a father… an unplanned father at that.”

  I gave her a seething look. The kind of look that made most people shrink back and cringe. “Of course I’d want all that. I’m not a complete monster.”

  “So what are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know. I’m going to start by finding her and telling her I love her and that I want her and this baby.”

  “I’m not so sure that will work–” Maya started, but was interrupted when Veronica came into the room in nothing but her negligee.

  “You coming back to bed Grant?” She asked with no small amount of annoyance. I suppose she had every right to be pissed. I had forgotten she was even here. Of course, that didn’t matter anymore. I needed to find Elizabeth. Veronica was my sorry attempt at forgetting Elizabeth anyway. Thank God we were interrupted before I finally slept with her.

  “Get your clothes on and get out. I’ll have George drive you home.”

  “What? You’re kicking me out?”

  “I am. And don’t expect me to call you again. I’m officially off the market.”

  I heard a phone ringing and saw Maya digging in her purse out of the corner of my eye.

  Veronica looked at me like I was crazy, then she turned and glared at Maya. “You bitch!” She shrieked and lunged for Maya.

  Before she reached her, I grabbed Veronica and pushed her towards the hall leading to my room. “Save yourself the embarrassment. Get dressed and get gone.”

  Veronica huffed and stormed to my room. I heard the door slam, and I took in a deep breath.

  “Whatever you do don’t tell Elizabeth about that woman. She’ll never get past the fact that you were shacked up with someone else while she’s been pining away for you. And make sure you grovel good. She’s going to need it.”

  “Thank you for the relationship advice,” I said sarcastically.

  “Hey.” She held up her hands defensively. “Your track record hasn’t been all that hot.”

  The sound of my front door slamming had us both jumping slightly. “Now if you’re done, I need to get dressed and find Elizabeth.”

  “She should be at Travis’. She wasn’t feeling too hot today. But she’s up seeing as how she just tried calling me a few minutes ago. I didn’t think it was proper to answer, what with your slut screeching and all.”

  I gave her another scathing look that only served to make her laugh. “Good luck,” she said and with that Maya was gone.

  I ran to my room and got dressed as fast as I could. I really hoped she listened to me when I found her.


  Somewhere between the elation of knowing Elizabeth would be mine again and arriving at her building, anger had settled over me. I jabbed the button to the elevator a little harder than necessary. How could she do this to me? It wasn’t like she was hiding something trivial. She was hiding my fucking child. My flesh and blood.

  It was amazing how just the knowledge that I was going to be father made me feel different. The child wasn’t even born yet, but I could still feel a connection to it. It. I didn’t even know if my child was a girl or a boy. Too blindsided by tonight’s events, I didn’t even think to ask Maya.

  Once the doors to the elevator opened, I stepp
ed out onto Travis’ floor. Stalking down the hall with fury fueling each step, I pounded on the door. After several minutes with no answer, I resorted to yelling. Something so uncivilized, my mother would surely be aghast with my behavior.

  “Elizabeth! Open up! I know you’re in there!” Or at least she better be in there. Maya was sure she was home.

  “Elizabeth! You have two minutes to open this damn door or I’m coming in!”

  Walking over to the vase on a side table, I dug into the flowers and unearthed the key that was taped to the inside of the vase. Probably not the safest place to hide a key, but I wasn’t going to worry about that now. Elizabeth wouldn’t be staying here much longer anyways. I fully intended to bring her and my child home with me.

  These games were ending. Tonight.

  Unlocking the door, I stepped in and was greeted by an almost eerie silence. Tired or not, Elizabeth should have stirred at the incessant banging and bellowing.

  Heading through the dark living area, I turned on a lamp and started for the guest bedroom that she had been occupying. As I got closer, I noticed a faint light through the crack in the door. Pushing it open, I took stock of the room. The bathroom light streamed through the room. The bed linens were twisted and strewn about. Taking a step further into the room, I noticed slender feet peeking out at the end of the bed. Rushing over, I found Elizabeth in a pool of blood. Her white nightgown was stained between her legs and her face was ashen.

  “Shit!” I dropped to her side and felt for a pulse. Finding a faint one, I grabbed my cell phone and called 911. After they assured me an ambulance was on the way, I began to pray for a miracle.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Stronger Than You Think


  I paced the waiting room floor for hours waiting for news. When we arrived at the hospital, the doctor took one look at Elizabeth and started barking orders, as did I. I may have even threatened a hospital administrator or two if anything happened to her or my child.

  Maya and Travis showed about an hour after we arrived. She immediately called Elizabeth’s mother, Gail, to let her know George would be there within the hour to get her. Not knowing her phone number since I had gotten rid of it before¸ I dispatched George to her house as soon as they took Elizabeth into surgery. I figured Maya would either be able to reach her or George would have to wake her up. Either way I was getting her here.

  Travis and Maya sat in the corner of the room. She looked sick with worry. I almost felt sorry for her. I was too wrapped up in my own feelings to worry about hers though.

  Her head rested on his shoulder and it made me jealous that Travis had that. I used to have that. Until I was a royal idiot and screwed it all up. Now I didn’t know if I would ever be able to have it again.

  Gail came running into the room with tears streaking her face. “My baby! Is my baby okay?”

  I grabbed her in my arms and pushed her head into my chest where she sobbed uncontrollably. I stroked her hair and let her cry. Her breakdown was nothing less than what I felt like doing in that moment.

  All night, memories of Elizabeth played in my mind, haunting me.

  The first time I saw her was at one of my client’s parties. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Her face was lit up as she laughed at something someone said. And when she smiled, I knew she was the one for me. I immediately asked around and when I found who she was and what she did, I told Madison to hire her. I needed to know her and everything about her. She became my obsession.

  And then I wasted so many months, after Travis told me about her rule of not dating clients, not pursuing her the way I wanted to. For the first time in my life, I wasn’t sure how to get what I wanted. And I wanted her. I wanted her with an all-consuming fire inside.

  I remembered our first date at the Waldorf and the way she looked up at me like I was something special. The way her soft words and enthusiasm for a history that was so important to me made everything in my life feel right in that moment.

  I remembered the first time we made love and how I knew I wanted to keep her forever, but then it was all ruined when she mistook the flowers I sent to her as being degrading. And how I squandered away so much time waiting for her to come to her senses and come back to me instead of just claiming her like I knew I should have.

  And when I remembered the tortured look on her face when I broke her heart, I practically doubled over and cried. If she made it through this, I was going to spend the rest of my life trying to make things right with her and for her. She was always going to be able to rely on me, and I would love her and the baby the way they deserved to be loved.

  I had laid in bed so many nights with an empty feeling in my heart after we broke up. I knew, deep down, she was my dream. The one I waited for for years. I was just too stupid to put my insecurities aside and admit it. Devereaux would be ashamed of me for my actions towards Elizabeth. Now I was faced with never having that dream become a reality, and it was completely terrifying. Especially for someone like me who was used to controlling situations.

  When Gail’s cries slowed, she asked again if we knew anything.

  “Nothing yet,” I whispered and her body bucked with a fresh set of tears.

  “Mr. Morgan.” I looked up to see the doctor walking in. Maya quickly came over and divested me of Gail, supporting her while I went to talk to him. “Your daughter and wife are going to be fine.”

  “Daughter?” I croaked out, my throat thick with emotion. I loved the thought that I could have a wife and daughter. And I wasn’t about to correct him in regards to Elizabeth. If I had my way, she would be my wife soon anyway.

  “Yes. A daughter. Would you like to see her?”

  “I do. But what about Elizabeth? Is she alright? Can I see her too?”

  He gave me a loopy grin and said, “She’s going to be just fine. I think her due date was calculated wrong, which means your daughter was only a few weeks early, rather than almost two months. Elizabeth’s sleeping now so if you’d like to see your daughter first, we can arrange that.”

  I nodded and grabbed Gail’s hand. She gave me a grateful look when she realized I wanted her to come with me.

  The doctor led us into a room where we washed our hands. He spoke quietly to a nurse who smiled and led us over to a tiny little pink bundle in a bassinet.

  Gail whimpered and squeezed my hand. “She’s perfect.”

  “She is.” I sniffled and wiped a tear from my eye. “Can I hold her?” I asked the nurse.

  “You can. I’ll just leave the two of you alone for a bit.”

  Not knowing what to do, I watched as Gail tucked her hand under the baby’s head and bottom, lifting her in her arms. She kissed my daughter’s tiny little head and handed her to me.

  “Just be sure to support her head. You might think you’ll hurt her, but trust me, she’s stronger than you’d think.”

  I nestled my daughter on my chest and kissed her head. My hands were practically as big as her tiny little body. Her eyes were closed, but when I looked down on her, I was totally enraptured by her sweet face. It was probably too early to tell, but I knew she was going to be as beautiful as her mother.

  I sat in a rocking chair and held my sleeping daughter for so long that Gail eventually left to go check on Elizabeth. I wanted to see her badly, but I couldn’t find the strength to leave my baby girl.

  When she started to stir, I got a little nervous. I was unsure of what to do. I had never spent any time in the company of babies before. I was grateful when a nice nurse came in with a bottle and showed me how to feed her.

  I couldn’t fathom how different I felt in that moment. I was feeding my child. It was so crazy to think about. Elizabeth gave me such a precious gift. My world was centered on this tiny little miracle in my arms. It was so wild. My mind was having trouble comprehending anything other than the fact that I loved her with an intensity that overwhelmed me and brought me to my knees.

  After I burped her and she was sl
eeping again, I gave her back to the nurse and went in search of Elizabeth. I needed to see her. I needed to touch her, and to know for certain she would be alright.

  Her room was dark, and she was still sleeping. I sat in a chair next to her bed and held her hand tightly in mine.

  “Thank you, Elizabeth. She’s perfect. You need to wake up, love. Our daughter needs you. I need you.”

  I rested my forehead on our joined hands and closed my eyes. I must have fallen asleep because I jolted awake when Elizabeth stirred and groaned in pain.

  “Wake up my dear, sweet Elizabeth,” I whispered and her eyes slowly opened. I watched as she attempted to focus on me. “That’s it, love. Come back to me.”

  “What happened?” She whispered hoarsely.

  “You went into preterm labor. There were some complications, but everything is fine now. Our daughter is healthy and perfect.”

  “How… how did you know?” Her eyes looked wild and scared as she studied my face.

  “It doesn’t matter. What matters now is that you get healthier and stronger. We can talk about everything else later. Do you want to see her?”

  She nodded, so I buzzed the nurse and instructed her to bring the baby in.

  One look at Elizabeth holding the baby, and I wanted to weep knowing my dream was sitting right in front of me.

  “What are we going to name her?” I asked when Elizabeth was breastfeeding our daughter.

  “Genevieve. I was thinking we could call her Vivi.” She looked up at me, and I could see the guilt in her eyes. “I know you didn’t have much say in her first name, but would you like to pick her middle name?”

  “I’d love to. Genevieve,” I let her name roll off my tongue. It was such a pretty name. Classic and elegant, just like her. “Genevieve Rose?”

  “Hmmm,” she thought about it for a few seconds. “I like it.”

  “Genevieve Rose Morgan. It suits her.” I smiled at Elizabeth and tears started running down her cheeks.

  “I think so too. I’m really sorry, Grant. I have no excuse for not telling you. I was so scared and selfish and self-absorbed. I didn’t really think about how it would affect you.”


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