Her Mountain Lion Mate (Shifter Special Forces Book 3)

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Her Mountain Lion Mate (Shifter Special Forces Book 3) Page 8

by Summer Donnelly

  Heat rose between them as they twined against each other. Each beat of the drum or guitar strum escalated the provocative thrall around them.

  “Do you want to go home?” Cree’s hands flexed against her hips, pulling her into him.

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Chapter Ten

  Four weeks later


  “You sure this is the paint color you want?”

  Tamara laughed. “You’ve asked me that a dozen times already. Let’s move, big boy. I want my walls painted before dinner.”

  Cree’s belly rumbled. “Did someone say dinner? Did you let us take a break for lunch?”

  “Just work. I’m going to hang these curtains in the apartment.” Tamara lifted the white eyelet curtains. “We’ll work together to do the trim work.”

  Cree nodded and poured more paint into the tray. He moved to a different section and began painting.

  “I don’t know why she’s leaving the cabin.” Lacey pouted as she folded blankets and rolled up yoga mats for storage. “You can both stay in Little Yellow.”

  “I’ll still be there,” Kimber reminded her. Anthony slept in a sling, his thumb lodged between his rosebud lips.

  “I know. I guess I just like all of you close.” Lacey pouted.

  “We aren’t far, Lace,” Cree said.

  “Are you okay with her living here?” Hadley asked. She picked up a clean roller and worked beside Cree.

  “Not my choice. It’s hers. She needs a place of her own. To stand on her own feet for a while.”

  “Yeah, that makes sense. I lived alone for years before meeting Hunter.”

  Cree grinned. “I didn’t say she’d be alone here.”

  “Being in town won’t bother your cat?”

  Cree shrugged. “Not having Tamara in my arms every night would bother us both a hell of a lot more.”

  “It’s starting to look like home, isn’t it?” Tamara gushed as she bounded down the steps to her storefront. “I know it’s not much, but it’s mine.”

  Lacey hugged her. “I understand totally. Do you need any furniture?”

  “It came mostly furnished.” Tamara blushed. “Creole ordered me a new mattress. Tomorrow, I’m going to the thrift shop to get dishes.”

  Tamara jumped up and down as the excitement of this new adventure overwhelmed her. “Mine, all mine, all mine!”

  Cree grinned. “You know you aren’t going to be alone here, right?”

  “I know.” She hugged him from behind and kissed the back of his neck. “Living here isn’t for forever.”

  “I’m definitely working on forever.”

  Tamara laughed. “Not like that. Of course, we’re together. I just need this. A place to call my own.”

  Still on his knees, Cree leaned into her. “I understand, baby.”

  Tamara caressed Cree, and he leaned into her touch. “You aren’t going to rub on me, are you?”

  Cree laughed and purposefully rubbed his cheek against her wrist. “You know you already have my scent.”

  “Mmm, good. I love that.” She kissed his forehead in an intimate act of bonding.

  Working together, they finished painting the walls a soothing sage green. “I rented a table saw tomorrow so we can do all the finishing work then.”

  “You two go get cleaned up,” Lacey said. “We’ll go get lunch, okay?”

  Tamara nodded, but Kimber sighed and removed the sling. “Sorry guys. This carrying him around is too much. I should have just stayed home.”

  “Don’t be silly.” After washing his hands, Cree took the baby. “Go and have a break. We’ll babysit the little guy for you.”

  With a smile and a wave, Kimber chased after Hadley and Lacey.

  “You want babies?” Cree asked Tamara, his eyes meeting her over the small bundle in his arms.

  “I didn’t think shifters could have babies.”

  Cree raised an eyebrow. “What do you call me?”

  “Adorable.” Tamara kissed him before cooing at Anthony.

  When Anthony began to fuss at not being in his mother’s arms, Cree purred to calm him down. Soon, Anthony’s fists slowed as he went to sleep.

  “I hope we have lots of shifter babies,” she whispered.

  “Me, too. And I can teach them all the good stuff.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like holding their mom’s hands. Not doing things that will scare her too much.”

  Tamara snorted. “I know you. You’re going to take them camping. That alone is a scary thought.”

  Cree chuckled. “We’ll bring a camper so you can come with us.”

  “Aww. My hero.” Tamara smiled and touched his shoulder as the love between them overflowed. “There’s a portable crib set up in the apartment. Why don’t you lay him down so we can all eat in peace?”

  Cree buried his free hand in Tamara’s hair and kissed her. “I love you,” he whispered between tender, biting little kisses that left them both aching for more.

  Anthony, however, not to be outdone, reached out and latched his fist into Cree’s shirt. “Sorry, little guy.” Cree nuzzled the baby. “I can’t believe how soft he is. How sweet he smells.”

  Tamara smiled. “Go put him upstairs in the crib. I guarantee you he won’t be sweet smelling or happy if he doesn’t get a nap.”

  Unable to leave the room without touching her, Cree kissed her one more time before heading up the back steps to the upstairs apartment.


  Tamara used the few minutes of quiet to sit at her desk and create playlists on her phone. She was so excited, she could hardly contain herself. Tamara took a calming breath before reviewing music.

  The bell over the door jangled, and Tamara looked up. The blood rushed out of her cheeks. “Mother.”

  Adele stood in the afternoon sun, eyes cold, chin set in a determined line. “You really didn’t think you could hide from me forever, did you?”

  “I had hoped,” Tamara returned. She stood and approached her mother, hands clenched at her sides. “How did you find me?”

  Adele handed her a postcard. “Luckily for me, the postman was quite willing to give me the information I requested.”

  Tamara’s eyes narrowed as she accepted the postcard. She thought she’d covered all her bases. “Why did you find me?” She shook her head, baffled. “You don’t even like me.”

  “I was worried about you, of course. I tried calling the college. Imagine my surpise when they wouldn’t help me.”

  “That information is confidential.” Tamara lifted the postcard. “This information is confidential, too. But none of that explains why.”

  “Can’t a mother be worried about her daughter?”

  “Some mothers. Some daughters. But not you, Adele.” Tamara lifted her chin, facing her mother. Some part of her brain recognized she should be afraid but instead she was angry. Furious. How dare her mother show up uninvited?

  “When did you get so stubborn? When did you stop calling me Mom?”

  Tamara felt a brief, sharp pain where her heart was. “When you allowed your boyfriend to molest and rape me.”

  Adele sighed. “Really, dear, you should be over that by now. It was hardly my fault.”

  Tamara felt like she’d been slapped. Nothing was ever Adele’s fault.

  “Listen to me very closely.” She met her mother’s gaze head on. “If you want me to forgive you for moving that animal into our home, you can ask. But you refuse to accept any fault in the situation. Sometimes, I think you even blamed me for it. Now, you’ve seen me. I’m fine. You may go.” Stiff hands gestured toward the door.

  But as usual, Adele ignored her. She lifted one shoulder as she walked around the studio. “You’re doing this voodoo instead of college? Apparently, someone doesn’t want to be on the church’s newsletter list.”

  “No, being on your church’s mailing list is the least of my priorities. I am nineteen. I have a place to live, friends, and a job. I neither nee
d nor want anything from you.” Tamara was proud of her steady tone. She would not show weakness to Adele.

  “Well, really, Tammy. Everyone in town has been asking where you are. If having a voodoo studio is that important to you, I’m sure you can find a place in Phoenix. But really, it’s an embarrassment that you’re here.”

  “Why won’t you listen to me? Why does it always have to be this hard? I needed you when I was ten and eleven. You pushed me away. You lied to both Creole and me. There is no room in my life for you unless you ask for forgiveness.”

  “I figured you found that. Thing. I don’t want you near that... monstrosity.” Adele’s voice dripped with hatred.

  “He’s a man, Mother,” Tamara said. “My mate.”

  Adele grabbed Tamara by her shoulders and shook her. “Stop it. Stop it right now. I won’t have it, Tamara Jane. I just won’t.”

  Behind her, Creole growled. Both women looked at him. “I got this,” Tamara said, her eyes imploring him to let her handle her mother.

  His sharp green gaze went from Tamara to Adele as he obviously fought his own instincts. Creole nodded, once. He folded his arms in front of his chest and watched Adele. Unblinking. Like a cat.

  “I’m happy here. Accept it and leave.”

  Tamara was acutely aware of how culpable her mother was for everything that led up to Elliot and the events afterward. Tamara suspected, but couldn’t quite call it by its name, that Adele was willing to turn a blind eye to Elliot’s evil if it meant there would be a man around the house.

  “I can’t. This all reflects very poorly on your mother, Tammy. Let’s just go home, and we can forget this ever happened.”

  Tamara opened her mouth to shout that pretending it didn’t happen hadn’t helped once in the last decade, but then she had a realization. Whether or not her mother knew and understood the depravity Tamara endured, Adele didn’t care.

  “He killed a man,” Adele pointed out.

  “Yes. While defending me! He served his time.”

  “And then you wanted him not to find you. That was all on you.”

  Tamara felt Creole stiffen at Adele’s words.

  “I never told you to tell him I died. I agreed to move away because I knew you would never stop. You hated Creole. You would hurt him again and again until you stripped away all of his humanity. You don’t think I don’t know who you are? Of the list of monsters, you win the gold medal.”

  Creole reached out and touched Tamara’s shoulder. She sensed his insecurity. His need to touch.

  A cruel glint shone in Adele’s eyes. “Can you even stand to see him as he really is? An animal? Do you still picture him killing a man? Blood everywhere and his god-awful cougar screams echoing in the trailer?”

  His swift intake of breath told Tamara this was Cree’s fear, too. Awareness came to life, but this was something she could fix.

  Tamara turned a questioning gaze to her mate. “Will you shift for me?” Creole’s eyes widened with fear. “Please?”

  He looked from mother to daughter in obvious confusion before nodding silently. Cree walked into the changing room to take his clothes off.

  Tamara didn’t miss the sad, resigned look in his eyes. She clenched her fists and felt the sharp pain of her nails digging into her palms. She prayed she didn’t overplay her hand.

  Please don’t let me panic, she begged.

  Green eyes glowing, Cree padded back into the studio in mountain lion form. Tamara gasped at the power and beauty he possessed. She dropped to all fours and reached out her hands begging him to approach.

  Creole sniffed her neck, and she giggled at the tickle of his whiskers. She scratched under his chin and let him stroke his cheek glands all over her. Tamara wrapped her arms around his strong neck, letting him feel her love.

  “If you marry him, don’t expect me to accept him into our family.”

  “Family, Mother?” Tamara asked. Keeping one hand on Cree’s withers. “You don’t know the meaning of the word.”

  Adele sniffed. She turned to leave as though realizing there were no further weaknesses for her to exploit.

  Tamara stood and watched her get into her car and leave.

  She turned to Creole. “Did you think I was afraid of your cat?”

  If a cat could shrug, hers just did. “Silly man. I’m crazy about you. All of you. Both of you?” Tamara laughed, feeling the final weight of pressure leave her shoulders.

  Still in mountain lion form, Cree stalked her and nuzzled at her leg. Tamara got back down on all fours so her mate could use his cat senses to learn, scent, and taste her.

  “I’d forgotten what a beautiful cat you are,” she whispered into his neck.

  Cree purred in response.

  “I know you like your solitude,” she said.

  Cree shrugged as if to say he could get used to living with someone.

  Tamara sorted. “How about we stay here while we’re working and go back up to your cabin when we need to be alone?”

  He blinked slowly. Once. I love you.

  She blinked back slowly. Once. I love you, too.


  Two months later

  “I can’t believe you’re having your commitment ceremony here at the big cat sanctuary,” Lacey commented as she finished Tamara’s makeup.

  “Creole wanted to be around his family. Both bipeds and quadruped,” Tamara explained. “He loves volunteering here.”

  “He invited me to help on the animal rescue team. I’d love to learn more about big cats,” Lacey said.

  “You have a Mastiff shifter. One would think that would be enough,” Kimber teased. Anthony finished nursing, Kimber burped him. “Thanks for delaying the wedding until His Royal Highness finished lunch.”

  “You know you and Anthony are important to our family, too. We want both of you comfortable. Don’t worry. I sent a note to Creole, so he knew what was going on.” Tamara turned to her friends. “We ready?”

  “You girls are making me get teary-eyed again,” Melody, the hair stylist, said. “I swear, I’ve never been this full of tears before meeting you.”

  Kimber snorted. “I thought that too until I found out I was pregnant.”

  The color drained from Melody’s cheeks. “Oh, Mylanta.”

  Lacey and Hadley squealed with excitement. “Oh, another baby!”

  “That’s fantastic news. Did you know?” Tamara asked.

  Melody looked shyly at her feet. “I suspected. But this was your day. I wasn’t planning on telling anyone until I took a formal test and saw the doctor.”

  Still grinning, Melody carefully wiped away her tears. “Now, let’s get you down the aisle. I’m sure I can hear how impatient your groom is already.”

  Tamara nodded and stood. “Let’s go get me my mountain lion.”

  At the doorway, Dan stood guard. “Let me take the baby.”

  Tamara noticed the shy blush that appeared on Kimber’s cheeks.

  A baby for Melody. A new love for Kimber. A commitment ceremony for herself. It was a perfect time for new beginnings.

  Their gazes met as Tamara proudly walked down to join Cree in front of the altar Quinn stood behind.

  “It’s my honor to join these lifelong friends as a couple we can all be proud to know,” Quinn began. Under the protective canopy of trees and surrounded by their friends, Quinn declared them mated.

  Shifter Special Forces

  An all new shifter romance series!

  Her Lonely Mastiff

  Her Broken Bear

  Her Mountain Lion Mate

  A Home for her Hawk (Coming May, 2018!)

  Interview with Her Bear (June, 2018!)

  Witches of Warren County books

  Where magical realism meets happily ever after

  (in suggested reading order, but each book is a standalone in the series)

  Cupid’s Bow Anthology – Dear Kitty

  Hummingbird Dreams

  Hummingbird Lost

  Fae and Frost, a
Christmas Romance

  Dandelion Wishes

  Releasing Sloane Harper (part of the Creek Corner sub-series)

  Loved by Beauty (part of the Creek Corner sub-series)

  Honeysuckle and Roses

  The Failed Ex-periment

  Earth Angel

  The Three Wish Mermaid

  CyberWar: Digital Battlefield Anthology (CyberPrime) – Stronger Together

  Haunted Hearts I – Broomstick Breakdown

  Under the Mistletoe

  Harper’s Mill Historical

  Dear Kitty

  Harper’s Mill YA universe

  Autumn Kisses

  A Snowball’s Chance

  Spring’s Promise

  He Loves me, He Loves Me Not

  Seasons of Love (collection)

  Creek Corner Road stories

  (Related stories set in the Harper’s Mill Universe)

  Phoenix Romance Anthology – Adventures in Bobby-sitting

  Holiday Heartwarmers Anthology– One Dollar and Eighty-Seven Cents

  Releasing Sloane Harper

  Loved by Beauty

  Apple Blossom, NC books

  (In suggested reading order)

  Haunted Hearts 1 – Make room for Jimothy

  Phoenix Romance Anthology - Waiting for Poppy

  Midnight Honey

  Mysterious Hearts Anthology - Girls just Want to Solve Crime

  By Any Other Name – Shortshanks and Sweet Porridge

  Let Down Your Hair - Anthousa, Xanthousa, Chrisamalousa (Primed Fairy Tale)

  The Grifter Sisters

  The adventures of two runaway sisters making their way the only way they know how. Is it their fault that’s more than the law allows?

  Here Come the Grifter Sisters

  Back to School with the Grifter Sisters

  A Dose of Medicine for the Grifter Sister

  Finding Trouble with the Grifter Sisters (coming May, 2018!)

  The Art of the Grift (coming June, 2018!)

  A Home for the Grifter Sisters (coming July, 2018!)

  Standalone Anthologies

  Prime Fiction (Phoenix Prime Anthology)

  Prime Fantasy (Prime Tales)

  Journal With a View: July - August - September (Phoenix Journals)


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