Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3)

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Revelation of Hearts (Stacey and Shane Mcleod, #3) Page 22

by Rikki Dyson

  “Fairly well, considering her condition.”

  “Would you mind elaborating on that? Stacey asked.

  Doctor Gear said, “You do know she was in a motor vehicle accident.”

  “Of course,” Stacey said. “What I’m asking is, how bad is it?”

  “It’s bad,” Doctor Gear said. “Miss Morrison is suffering from blunt head trauma. Doctor McLeod has surgically removed the bone and glass slivers. She also has a ruptured spleen, fractured ribs, pelvis, left arm and left leg. She has quite a bit of edema. That means swelling.”

  Stacey smiled at him and said, “Yes, Doctor Gear, I’m familiar with the word. My father’s a doctor.”

  “Right, sorry,” he said. “Also she is suffering from quite a few lacerations and contusions.”

  Stacey smiled and said, “Cuts and bruises.”

  Doctor Gear smiled back and said, “Yes, right you are.”

  After explaining Julia’s condition, Doctor Gear seemed in no hurry to leave. Stacey had on a large bulky sweater, so her pregnancy was not obvious, but her wedding ring was. Stacey knew Doctor Gear was flirting with her, but it kind of felt good. She was five months pregnant and was starting to feel like a blimp.

  Doctor McLeod was in no hurry to leave his patient. He had a bedside manner that reassured his patients and their families. Shane looked at his watch and asked the nurse, “To where did Doctor Gear disappear?”

  Mrs. Morrison sat holding her daughter’s hand. She smiled and said, “I believe he went back to, shall we say, to acquaint Stacey with Julia’s condition.”

  Shane asked with a slight frown, “And Stacey is ...?”

  “Stacey is a friend of my daughter’s. She came to be with me when she heard about the accident. She’s a sweet young woman. I’m afraid Doctor Gear is going to be disappointed when he finds out she’s already married.”

  Shane checked his patient one more time, then told the nurse, “Keep a close watch here. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Shane strolled into the waiting room. Stacey saw him before Doctor Gear did. She stood up and met him half way across the room. Stacey touched Shane’s arm as she tilted her head up to kiss him. Shane quickly kissed her back. He turned to Doctor Gear and said, “James, I see you’ve met my wife already.”

  Doctor Gear was a bit taken aback and said, “Yes, but I didn’t know she was your wife. So nice to make your acquaintance Mrs. McLeod.”

  Shane turned to Stacey and said, “I’ll be here an hour or so more. Do you want to wait for me or take a cab home?”

  “I’ll wait for you,” Stacey said. “I don’t wanna leave before saying goodbye to Mrs. Morrison. How is Julia doing?”

  Shane smiled and took Stacey’s hand as they walked into Julia’s room together. Shane told Mrs. Morrison, “Stacey is my wife. She doesn’t want to leave before saying good night.”

  Mrs. Morrison seemed at a loss for words. Stacey hugged her and said, “I’ll be back tomorrow, then we’ll make a schedule for one of us to be with Julie at all times.”

  Mrs. Morrison hugged Stacey and thanked her for coming to be with her. Stacey went back to the waiting room to wait for Shane. She saw no more of Doctor Gear.

  Around eleven p.m. Shane touched Stacey’s shoulder to wake her. She had fallen asleep on the couch in the waiting room with her coat thrown over her. As she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, she asked about Julia’s condition.

  “She’s been transferred to ICU. They’ll take good care of her there. Let’s get you home, it’s late.”

  Saturday morning when Shane woke, Stacey was already out of bed. Shane showered and was shaving when Stacey handed him a cup of coffee. “I know you’ll be going to Charring Cross hospital to check on Julia. May I ride with you?”

  “Of course, you may sweetheart, as long as it’s Julia you’re wanting to see.”

  “What do you mean?” Stacey asked with a frown. “I told Mrs. Morrison I would be back to help sitting with Julia.”

  Shane rinsed and dried his face, then he put his hand on the side of Stacey’s face and ran his thumb across her bottom lip. He kissed her softly and took her hand as he said, “Come to the bedroom with me sweetheart while I get dressed. I need to talk with you.”

  “What is it, Shane?” Stacey asked. “Is it something about Julia you haven’t told me?”

  “No, sweetheart, this has nothing to do with Julia.”

  Stacey sat and watched as Shane dressed in gray wool blend trousers and a black crewneck sweater. Her mind was on other things as she watched him pull his socks on and step into black leather loafers. Stacey never tired of looking at this man. She never thought she could love anyone as much as she loved him. Now she was five months pregnant and would be having his twin baby girls in June. Sometimes she couldn’t believe how lucky she was.

  Shane called her name twice before she heard him. He sat down on the foot of the bed beside her and asked, “Sweetheart, do you feel I’m neglecting you, are not giving you enough attention?”

  Stacey was surprised by the question and said, “No, of course not. Why do you ask?”

  Shane took her hand and said, “Well last night for one thing. I feel sure you were aware that Doctor Gear was, shall we say, interested in you.”

  Stacey smiled an impish grin and said, “Yes, of course, I knew he was flirting with me, but I knew it was going nowhere. I’m sorry Shane, I didn’t mean to embarrass you in anyway. I was just feeling like a fat cow and he didn’t seem to notice, so I just sat there and let him feed my ego.”

  Shane laid her back on the bed, kissed her and said, “Keep in mind, you’re my fat cow and those are my little calves you’re carrying.” Stacey was laughing as she wrapped her arms around Shane’s neck and drowned herself in his kisses.

  Shane pulled back and looked into Stacey’s mischievous eyes and said, “You’re a naughty minx Mrs. McLeod. Playfully he slapped her bum and said, “If you’re going with me lass, you best get dressed.”

  “Aren’t we having breakfast first?” Stacey asked.

  “You get dressed, and I’ll make breakfast,” Shane said. That was all it took to hurry Stacey along. Shane was an excellent doctor and a magnificent husband, but as a cook he left much to be desired.

  At hospital, Shane left Stacey to go consult with Doctor Henry Rowsell, Julia’s internal surgeon. Stacey went straight to ICU, where Mrs. Morrison was sitting by Julia’s bedside. Stacey put her hand over Mrs. Morrison’s and asked how Julia was doing?

  “I don’t really know, they’re keeping her sedated.”

  “Don’t worry about that,” Stacey explained. “That’s for her tranquil recovery. Her body is busy mending its self. It can do its work much better if the host is not moving around.”

  “Well that makes sense,” Mrs. Morrison said. “Why didn’t they just tell me that instead of all that mumbo jumbo.”

  Stacey laughed and said, “I think they get so wrapped up in their medical jargon that they forget to translate their mumbo, jumbo to us earth bound non-mumbo, jumbo speaking persons.”

  Mrs. Morrison started laughing. She hugged Stacey and said, “Thank god for you. I was sure I would never laugh again. I have been so afraid for my daughter. I don’t know what I would do if I lost her.”

  “You’re not gonna lose her,” Stacey assured her. “It’s gonna be a difficult road back, but Julia will make it. You have a very determined young woman there. I know because she and I have shared our hopes and expectation for the future. She’s a fighter. She’ll never give up and neither will you.”

  Doctor Rowsell and Doctor McLeod came into Julia’s room. “I’ll step out while the doctors are here,” Stacey said.

  Mrs. Morrison grabbed Stacey’s arm and said, “No, please stay. I may need you to translate.” That started both her and Stacey giggling. Shane raised an eyebrow at Stacey. Stacey crossed her arms above her expanded belly with that stubborn look, he knew so well.

  “Doctor Rowsell, this is my wife Stacey. She’s a close f
riend of our patient, Miss Morrison.” Doctor Rowsell nodded his head and said in a cool professional manner, “Yes, right very nice to make your acquaintance Mrs. McLeod.” Then he turned to Mrs. Morrison and started discussing her daughter’s condition. Shane winked at Stacey and she smiled back at him.

  Stacey stayed with Julia while her mother went home to rest awhile. Stacey promised if there was the slightest change, she would call her. Within a week Julia was awake and doing well. She had been moved to a private room and taken off the ventilator. When Stacey arrived at hospital in the afternoon Mrs. Morrison was bubbling over with good news. The army had granted a thirty-day compassionate leave to both Julia’s dad and brother. The family was extremely happy.


  Matthew Grant

  At four ten on the morning, of March fifth the phone rang and woke Stacey and Shane. It was Hugh and he was exuberant and said, “I couldn’t wait to call. I have a son! Well actually, Annie and I have a son. Six pounds, seven ounces, twenty-one inches long. I must tell you he is magnificent.”

  “How’s Annie?” Stacey asked.

  “Tired, very tired,” Hugh said, “But happy.”

  Shane took the phone and said, “We’ll be right over to see the lad. Kiss Annie for us.”

  When Stacey and Shane arrived at the hospital, Annie was asleep, so the three went to the nursery to see this beautiful male child named Matthew Jared Grant. Stacey and Shane stood and watched Hugh with smiles on their faces. Hugh finally took his eyes from the window, looked at his best friend and said, “What? Why are you two grinning like that? Have you never before seen a proud father?”

  Shane slapped him on the shoulder and said, “I’ve never before seen you look like this.”

  Hugh smiled and said, “Well get used to it. This will be me from this day forward.”

  “Have you held him yet?” Stacey asked.

  “Yes,” Hugh said. “What a feeling. I was scared to hold such a tiny little person and at the same time I didn’t want to let him go.”

  The three happy friends went for coffee and scones. By the time, they returned to Annie’s room she was awake. A nurse brought the baby in to her. There was much oohing and aahing over this perfect male specimen. Annie had to show them how perfect his little hands and feet were.

  Stacey had to hold him, but he started crying. She handed him to Annie and said, “Maybe he doesn’t like me.”

  “Nonsense sweetie, my little man is hungry most likely.”

  Shane took Stacey’s hand and said, “We’ll be back later, for now we’ll leave the Grant heir to feast.”

  As Shane and Stacey were getting off the lift, Hugh’s mom and dad were getting in on their way to the maternity floor. They stopped and chatted for a while. Later in the parking garage they ran into Lord Farnsworth, who was in a state of euphoria and asked,

  “Have you seen my new nephew? I can hardly wait to set my sights on him.” Shane and Stacey assured him Matthew was a worthy sight to behold.

  As lord Farnsworth disappeared through a door, Shane said, “All this excitement over one baby lad, just think what it’ll be like over our two baby lasses.”

  Stacey smiled at him and said, “You’re too much.”

  “I know you’re teasing me lass, but truly I can hardly wait for our lasses to arrive.”

  Stacey stopped walking and said, “You know Shane, you sound like they’re coming in on the next train. I think there’ll be a bit more to it than that.”

  Shane started laughing and said, “Right you are lass. You’re the conductor, you apprise me of the time of their arrival and I’ll be at the station to greet them.”

  Annie and little Matthew were home by the end of the week. Stacey was there to help in anyway, she could. Lord Farnsworth had sent a nurse to help with the baby. Annie didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but neither did she want the nurse. When her mother showed up at her door that was the last straw. Annie sent both the nurse and her mother packing. It had been her mother’s idea for the nurse not her uncles. Her mother had never changed a nappy on any of her own children and now she thought she was going to step in and tell her daughter how to take care of her child.

  No, way was Annie about to put up with that. She told her mother, “If you want to be a part of your grandson’s life, you’re welcome to visit, but don’t try to take over my child’s life. I wouldn’t want a dog treated the way I was. There’s more to being a mother than giving birth.”

  Annie’s mother grabbed her fur coat and said, “What a wicked thing to say Victoria Anne Marie. If that’s going to be your attitude, I will leave the premises immediately. On her way out, she stopped and looked at Matthew in his bassinet, she turned to Annie and said, “I know I made unpardonable mistakes with you Anne, but I was hoping to be a better grandmother.”

  “Oh, for Christ sake,” Annie said. “If you want to be a part of your grandson’s life, then don’t come in here like the Granddame giving orders left and right. Just be a grandmother and leave the decision making to Hugh and me.”

  “Very well,” she said. “I will call you in a day or two my dear.”

  As she was leaving, she turned to Stacey and said, “I beg your pardon Stacey. It was nice to see you again.”

  “Yes, ma’am, you too.” Stacey said.

  As the door closed, Stacey turned to Annie and said, “Victoria Anne Marie?”

  “Yes,” Annie said. “Isn’t it awful? You can imagine who I was named after, not that it ever did them any good, thank god.”

  Stacey laughed at the expression on Annie’s face, then asked, “Have you heard from either of your brothers?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact I have,” Annie said. “Charles came by the hospital yesterday to admire his nephew. Lionel called from Hong Kong to congratulate me and Hugh. He’ll be visiting this summer and is looking forward to making Matthew’s acquaintance, as he put it.”

  “You know, they’re not bad people, Annie, just misguided. You saw them at Christmas, right? Are they both still acting contrite about the past?”

  “Yes, they both seem genuinely sorry about the way they treated me, but Stacey it was so hurtful, it’s very difficult for me to forgive and forget.”

  Stacey was smiling. Annie asked, “What are you smiling about? Tell me, after Mother’s visit I could use a laugh.”

  “I was just remembering when I first met your family and how your mother was lamenting on how your grandfather had, ‘reduced your family to trade.’ You would have, thought, they were on their way to the poorhouse.”

  “Yes,” Annie agreed, “If not for grandfather’s good sense to go into business and uncle’s right along with him, I’m not sure what would have happened to our family. Father and Charles don’t seem to understand, you can’t live on a title. Lionel is very sensible, but Charles is much like father. If he wasn’t in the Queen’s regiment, I dare to think how he would live. All he and father know is horses.”

  Six weeks later, they were all together again, at little Matthew’s christening. Annie’s mother was a little nipped because Hugh and Annie had chosen Stacey and Shane for Matthew’s godparents instead of some of their aristocratic relatives. The woman just never knew when to leave well enough alone. Annie’s uncle took his sister aside and gave her a good dressing down. At the Christening, she was very quiet and resolved.

  Hugh’s parents were delightful people. They were so happy just to be grandparents again. Hugh’s sister, Michelle already had two precocious little girls.



  Stacey had just finished a class when she noticed she was spotting. She called Doctor Shaw immediately. The doctor advised her to come in right away. Stacey called Shane’s office and left a message. After the examination Doctor Shaw said, “It’s not as bad as I thought, but we must mind ourselves. The babies are in the birth position. It will be best if they wait a few more weeks yet. I think it’s prudent if you stop school and lay about more.”

You mean stay in bed?” Stacey asked.

  “No, not necessarily,” Doctor Shaw said. “I’m not suggesting you make an invalid of yourself, just cut back on your activities and I think it’s time for no more intimacy. We have two little girls to consider.”

  “Are my babies okay?” Stacey asked anxiously.

  “Yes, for now,” Doctor Shaw said, “And we want to keep them that way.”

  By the time, Shane arrived at Doctor Shaw’s office Stacey’s exam was over. When he asked how it went, Stacey said, “If you’re so interested you should’ve been here.”

  Shane was shocked at her attitude and said, “I’m sorry sweetheart. I wasn’t aware you had an appointment today. I was with a patient when I received your message. I got away as soon as I could. Are you going to share with me what Doctor Shaw said?”

  “She told me no more school and no more making love,” Stacey said with a voice of steel.

  Shane could sense Stacey was turning away from him. He looked at his watch and said, “Come sweetheart, let me take you home.”

  “No, I’m sure you have patients. I’ll take a cab.”

  Shane went straight to Doctor Shaw’s office. He said, “A word with you please Doctor Shaw. What did you tell my wife? Is Stacey are the babies in jeopardy?”

  “No, not yet, Doctor McLeod, but Stacey must cut back on her activities. She needs rest. Sit down and put her feet up, type of rest. She is young and healthy, but she is carrying twins and she has a small frame, therefore we must take precautions. We may need to deliver the babies by cesarean.”

  “Is there anything more I should know?” Shane asked. “Stacey mentioned, intimacy.”

  “Right,” Doctor Shaw said, “It’s time to fore-go intimacy. You do understand why, don’t you?”

  “Of course, I do. We’ve been expecting that. It doesn’t come as a surprise. I am a doctor, remember.”

  “Of course, Doctor McLeod. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to offend. Do you have any more questions?”


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