Shadow Dance

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Shadow Dance Page 3

by Taige Crenshaw

  As he opened his eyes to look at her, Dimitri’s breath stalled at the sight of her face pulled into harsh lines of pleasure while her body was arched backward as she continued to pump her hips up and down. It was too much for his control. Shattering the ropes of light that bound him, Dimitri sat up and grabbed her. Yadira’s eyes flashed open and he saw fear and the distance she was trying to achieve in her gaze. Gripping her hips firmly he pulled her up and down his reviving shaft.

  Slowly, he slid his hands up her waist, side, then around her back until he reached all that hair that he was aching to touch. Continuing up her back he buried his hands in the hair at the base of her neck. Yadira gasped and undulated her hips. Watching her eyes, Dimitri leaned into her. He felt her jerk as she realized his intention was to kiss her. Locking his hands tightly in her hair, he held her as he continued to lower his lips. He sealed his lips to hers as he rotated his hips and she gasped. He swept his tongue into her mouth. Stroking along the roof of her mouth he deliberately let her feel all of him.

  Dimitri spread his legs wider then moved deeper into her wet canal. Yadira moaned and he swallowed it, smiling against her lips. He set out to give her tenderness. Rolling his hips, he kissed her, stroking his tongue along the side of hers.

  Yadira gasped, undone by his touch. She wanted unemotional, hot, uncontrollable sex yet he undid her with a sensual softness that left her devastated. Dimitri’s fingers tightened in her hair, holding her in place for his kisses while his arms locked around her pinning her tight against him. Each time she moved up and down she felt all his muscular body rubbing against her. The friction of that and his cock buried in her pussy was overwhelming.

  Dimitri murmured and continued his lazy taking. He contrasted pumping his hips with undulating them, touching all her hidden places and setting off a firestorm of heat and emotion. It was an aphrodisiac she was defenseless against. He moved his legs again and Yadira gasped as he filled her even more.

  “Yesss—” Yadira cut herself off, screaming, as his cock seemed to vibrate inside her. “Fuuucccckkk.”

  Slamming her eyes closed, she gripped his sweat-soaked shoulders, holding on as another orgasm swamped her, knocking her over the edge with a ferocity that stalled her breath. The sweet pain of it held her in its greedy clutches. She felt all of him as she arched her hips and let herself go.


  Opening her eyes at the urgency in his voice she watched as his eyes went opaque, then blind as his own release took him. His hips arched, almost unseating her. She clamped her legs around his back and rose up, keeping him inside her. His body bucked at the force of his release. Shudders racked him setting off more pleasure. With her arms around him she watched his eyes as he watched her. Seeing her reflection in his eyes Yadira raised her hands and grabbed his hair. Gripping it hard, she heard his groan. As she rotated her hips he roared in pleasure. Swooping down she laid her lips on his and ate the sounds he made. He pumped his cock into her as her pussy clenched at him greedily. Yadira held him and gasped as pleasure hit her again. Bucking against him she felt his release continue to pour out, filling her up and up. Finally she relaxed and slumped against him.

  He collapsed on the floor, resting her against his chest. Yadira tried to catch her breath. Dimitri’s harsh breathing made his chest rise up and down below her. She saw his eyes were closed and a smile was on his lips. Weakly lifting the hand that rested on his chest, she pinched him. His eyes flew open and he grabbed her, rolling until she was below him. Yadira laughed then gasped as his hardened shaft slipped into her again.

  “Ummm… yes….” Yadira murmured as he pumped into her.

  Dimitri grinned. Yadira jumped as he pinched her on the waist. Laughing again she rolled him under her.

  “Hey, I’m busy here, don’t distract me,” Yadira said

  Dimitri looked at her. “Let’s see how much I can distract you.”

  He pulled her down to kiss her. Smiling, Yadira let him, sinking into his kiss.

  * * * * *

  Yadira shivered as she took in the landscape whooshing by her. The ground jarred her as she hit it. Looking up she saw the plane above them She let go of the rope and watched the plane as it banked then flew out of sight. She glanced over at Dimitri. Her body clenched in reaction. He was dressed in full winter gear but she remembered the feel of him below and above her. Dimitri looked at her and arched an eyebrow, his face cool. Yadira knew it was a front and couldn’t wait to get him naked again to blow his mask to shreds.

  Turning her attention back to the area, she sighed as she took in all the snow and cold. It didn’t matter that she could control her body temperature or keep the cold away from her. It was still there.

  “Why couldn’t the places we have to search be in the tropics?” Yadira griped.

  Dimitri chuckled. “That would be too easy. You feel anything?”

  Having already lowered her shield, Yadira shook her head. “No but let’s walk around for a bit.”

  Stepping forward she walked deeper into the Rockies. Continuing into the rough, icy terrain, she waited for the feeling she got when she found what she was looking for. Nothing came. Reaching a clear area, she looked back at Dimitri, who was some distance behind her, to suggest they leave when a man stepped out from the shadows behind him. Opening her mouth to warn him, she swallowed her sounds as grey smoke curled around the man and he faded. Yadira closed her mouth and narrowed her eyes. Before she could get angry or do anything, she heard a sound behind her.

  Turning quickly, she looked, then groaned. “Ah hell, not you again.”

  The woman she had fought earlier looked at her. “Rilan is my name, Maji.”

  Yadira looked at her. “Why would I want to know your name?”

  The woman’s expression changed to hate. “So you will know who bested you when you die.”

  Yadira laughed. “Since we are being pleasant. Remember the name Yadira.”


  Yadira wondered if the woman was slow or deliberately obtuse. “Don’t worry. After I kick your ass you’ll know why.”

  Rilan shrieked and ran at her. Waiting until she was close, Yadira put her wrists together with her palms out and pushed out, hitting the woman hard in the chest. The woman flew back through the air then somersaulted, landing on her feet. Surprised that Rilan had done that Yadira reevaluated her knowledge. Smiling, she felt coldness fill her. It looked like she had someone to work out her fury on. Rilan came at her.

  Yadira met her blocking all her blows one by one. Rilan seemed to get angrier and angrier. Yadira watched her dispassionately, then using Rilan’s own punch as leverage, she spun, grabbed Rilan’s hand, then flung her across the clearing. Rilan hit a snow-covered tree, shaking it, and the snow on it rained down to bury her. Unmoving, Yadira watched her. Rilan burst out of the snow, flying through the air at her. Yadira caught her in mid-air then, flipping her, she slammed her on the ground, pinning her. Holding her effortlessly, Yadira watched as she fought to get free.

  Rilan stilled then breathed, “Bitch.”

  “Now, now no need to get nasty. Who sent you here?”

  Rilan looked at her. “Kill me, Maji. I will not answer any of your questions.”

  Rilan looked past her and Rilan’s eyes widened in fear. Holding Rilan with her power Yadira glanced at Dimitri as he came up to join her. His look was cool. Fury filled her as she watched him. Looking away before she hurt him, Yadira looked back at the woman. Rilan smiled, then Yadira felt that strange sensation she had felt before. Her power began weaken. Rilan laughed then disappeared. Furious, Yadira punched down where she had been. The earth spilt and the area shook with earthquakes. She heard the rumble and looking across the clearing she saw an avalanche coming down the mountain above them. Waving her hand she stilled it, setting everything back to the way it was before. She looked at Dimitri. He started to speak.

  Holding up her hand she growled, “Say nothing to me.” She shimmered, then coming back to form she looked
around the Rarities house in Marble, Colorado.

  Furious, she stomped up the stairs and went into her bedroom. Slamming the door she went over to the bed and sat. Out the window she saw the beautiful sky. Clenching her fist she took out her cell phone and punched a number.

  It was picked up in the first ring. Not waiting for the greeting, Yadira said coldly, “You should have fucking told me, Dilana.”

  Dilana sighed in response. “If I had you would have refused to work with him.”

  “You don’t know that. You should have told me,” Yadira bit out.

  “Would it have mattered if she had?” Dimitri asked his voice cold.

  Yadira looked up and saw him floating outside her window. He stepped through the glass and wall then stood before her, his feet braced apart.

  “This is a private conversation.”

  Dimitri looked at her. “You warded the door against me.”

  Surprised, Yadira realized she had. It was automatic.

  His eyes narrowed. “Hang up the phone, Yadira.”

  Raising her chin she replied, “No.”

  The phone went hot then melted in her hand. Yadira stood looking at him. He hadn’t moved a muscle.

  “Motherfucker, that was a new phone.”

  “I don’t give a damn.” Dimitri’s reply was cool.

  Yadira crossed her arms under her breast and narrowed her eyes. “Oh you’re going to care in about a minute.”

  Dimitri sighed. “We’re going to talk about this, Yadira.”

  Yadira turned away from him. “Not now. Let me calm down first.”

  “Yes now. Would it really have mattered if you knew what I was?”

  Chapter Four

  Yadira turned on him, fury roaring through her. “You’re a fucking Shadower.”

  Dimitri looked at her. “I know.”

  Yadira couldn’t take his calmness. “When I heard people talking about you and Dominic I never imagined that was what you were.”

  “No one but the partners of Rarities and our friends know.

  Yadira looked at him and realization dawned. “The pilot.”


  “And that’s why we had no attendant.”


  Yadira looked at him and tried to match all she knew about Shadowers with him. It didn’t add up.

  “Shadowers are power hungry. They usually try to suck up everyone’s power. I’ve never heard of one being able to work around so much power or with anyone else and not try to take over the world.”

  Dimitri smile was sad. “That’s what everyone believes. It’s easier than explaining that it is a Xiruis.”

  “A Xiruis?”

  “A Shadower who lets the power take them. There are many of us, Yadira. A lot of us choose never to leave the Kremon realm. We are shunned because of what we are. Only the shadow warriors who hunt the Xiruis or those of us who choose to live outside Kremon come to this realm.” His smile was bitter. “With the distrust and fear of the other beings it is not easy to find a place to call our own or admit who we are.”

  Yadira watched him as he spoke. He said it all so matter-of-factly with no inflection in his voice, yet in his eyes she saw the pain of it all. She knew from having seen, how Shadowers were treated as criminals. They were feared and hated more than even some of the least desirable races. Yadira knew it wasn’t just fear but envy. Very few beings could walk in any realm as a ghost, shifter and a warlock all wrapped up in one. Many also envied Shadowers being able to take power from the strongest of beings. The one other thing she also knew of Shadowers made fear crawl up her skin.

  “How close is Dominic?” Yadira tried to keep her voice steady.

  Dimitri smiled and in it she saw the knowledge that she was asking about him.

  “He is closer to it than me,” Dimitri’s look was intense.

  Yadira almost staggered at the realization that Dominic was dying. Shadowers had a short life span and died when they reached the shadow aspect. Die wasn’t the true word for it but she could think of no other way to say it. They started to fade in and out of the shadows unable to control it and eventually they just vanished. No one knew if they truly were gone or just stuck in the shadows forever.

  Dimitri continued, “It is why people think he is crazy. If he can come to terms with finding his bond shadow then he maybe able to be saved.”

  “Bond shadow?” Yadira had never heard of the term.

  Dimitri look was solemn. “That one person whose shadow and his can merge. It takes an intense sexual exchange in which they share shadows. It will stabilize him and they would be together.”

  “And he has found his. Why doesn’t he do what he has to do?”

  Dimitri shook his head. “You have to ask him.”

  Yadira looked at him suspiciously. “Have you found yours?”

  Dimitri smiled, a sad twist of his lips. “Yes, you.”

  Yadira staggered back shaking her head. “No. I don’t do relationships. Hell, I’m afraid of marriage. Find someone else.”

  Dimitri look was so understanding it made her still. “A marriage or relationship isn’t necessary. More desirable but not necessary.” He shook his head. “Yet in this case I find I want it all.”

  Yadira watched him and, knowing what he was asking, found she could not respond. Dimitri returned her look and reached up and touched her cheek softly. She leaned into his hand. He withdrew, turned and went back to the door. Watching him go, Yadira felt as if her heart was breaking. She couldn’t possibly do what he wanted. It was too soon. They had only known each other for less than a day.

  Your soul has known his forever, her mind insisted.

  He reached the door. He undid her wards and opened the door. Raising her hand, she waved it to pull the door away from him. It slammed closed and she re-warded it. Dimitri didn’t look at her. His shoulders were rigid as if braced for a blow. Seeing that, she went to him.

  Dimitri could not face the look in her eyes. The look of fear and rejection. He had known from the first moment he saw her that she was his match. He had expected to have time to tell her what he was and had hoped to explain it in a way that would help her accept it. He closed his eyes and held himself still. Living as a Shadower was not an easy task, knowing that one day that he would fade into the shadows never to return. He knew that other Shadowers still lived although they could not take form any longer. It wasn’t something he could see even when he went into the shadows. It was more of a feeling that there was something there just beyond his reach.

  He had lost a lot of family and friends because of the shadows. Before he and Dominic joined Rarities and Dominic found his bond shadow, he had fought daily to keep Dominic in this plane. Dominic’s finding his bond shadow had helped to stabilize him, yet each day he refused to accept it he slipped closer to the edge. With Dimitri now having found his own bond shadow in Yadira he could now understand Dominic’s refusal. He would rather die than see her hurt. The process of bonding wasn’t a gentle one and unless they were strong they could both be lost.

  Clenching his fist, he knew he should not have let Yadira seduce him. Now he had a taste of her it would be difficult for him to know what could not be.

  He started as her hand touched his back. She stepped to his side and reached around him to touch his cheek, trying to turn him to face her. Resisting, he felt her power flare along his skin then she turned him. He could have blocked her but found he was feeling too powerless to stop her. He braced himself then looked at her. The look of heat and acceptance in her gaze humbled him.

  “I can’t promise I’ll marry you but I would be willing to give a relationship a try. A try.” Yadira’s voice was soft.

  He touched her hand cupping his cheek. Dimitri looked into her eyes, searching them for any hesitation. He found only calm acceptance, need and something else. He said nothing of it, knowing it would take her time to realize it.

  “Hey, even if it doesn’t work out at least you will be saved. What do we have
to do?”

  Watching her he smiled. “Oh, it will work out even if we end up fighting like cats and dogs.”

  Yadira chuckled. “Or Shadowers and Maji.”

  Dimitri laughed with her then sobered. “It is intense and I am afraid you couldn’t handle it.”

  Yadira eyes narrowed. “What do you mean I couldn’t handle it?” Then rapidly her look went darkly sensual. “You were holding back. “

  Her other hand flashed out and she hit him hard in the chest driving him back against the door. Dimitri watched her face as expressions flashed from anger then to lust.

  She licked her lips then, looking at him, said, “Bring it.”

  Taking her at her word, Dimitri partially dropped his shield, letting her feel him. Yadira’s eyes rolled back in her head and she gasped, shuddering.

  “Ohh… God…” Yadira whimpered.

  Dimitri watched her, letting more of his shield lower. Her body bucked in reaction. The smell of her arousal filled him then it changed as an orgasm ripped through her. Through it she quivered and bucked but kept her hand pressed against his chest, holding him firmly in place.

  Yadira looked back at him and sneered, “Is that all you’ve got?”

  Dimitri laughed and dropped his entire shield, hitting her with his power. Yadira shuddered uncontrollably then her knees buckled. Catching her, Dimitri banded his arms around her and lifted her, wrapping her legs around his waist. She bucked against him moaning like she had a fever. Smiling grimly, he carried her to the bed, stripping them both with a thought as he laid her on the bed. He watched as she shook the entire bed with her shudders. Lying against her, he impaled her with his shaft in one stroke.


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