Shadow Dance

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Shadow Dance Page 6

by Taige Crenshaw

  Yadira held up her hand and showed her The Eye of Ra. Taking it, Yadira put it back over her head. Rilan ran to her. Building her sword from the air, Yadira turned and pitched the sword at her. Rilan dodged and hit her mid-chest, sending her back. As she hit the wall, Yadira felt The Eye of Ra clink against it. Looking down she saw it glowing. Ignoring it, she stood and went to Rilan. With her light whip she lashed out. It wrapped around Rilan and she screamed. Yadira tightened her hold and dragged her closer. Suddenly her power faltered.

  Ah hell, not now, Yadira thought as Rilan’s hand flashed out and she hit Yadira. After flying across the room, Yadira hit the wall and slid down it. A body plopped above her and Yadira looked up into Rilan’s hate-filled eyes. Rilan raised her hand, extended her claws and swiped down.

  * * * * *

  Dimitri knocked back another shifter and spun taking out a vamp. They were pouring into the cave so fast. He shifted into the shadows and pulled some of them with him, then came back to shape leaving them lost in the shadows. Shifting again he took out some more. Something made him look up and his heart stopped as he saw the woman standing over Yadira, her claws extended. She swiped down and Dimitri ran toward them.

  Power trickled along his skin making him stagger then fall to his knees. He saw Yadira’s hand flash out as The Eye of Ra flared. Yadira stood in a boneless motion her hand gripping the woman’s throat.

  She looked at the woman and whispered, “Die.”

  The woman crumpled. Yadira turned and looked at him, her eyes aflame. She smiled and threw out her hands palm up. Fire poured from her fingers heading for him.

  Chapter Seven

  Fury pouring through her Zarya raised her hand and blew the doors off the chamber.

  Floating inside she looked at the object of her wrath and roared. “I told you if you fucked with my agents I would kill you.”

  The man did not move from his seat on the chair. “Always good of you to drop by Zarya. How about a drink?”

  A glass floated to her. Waving her hand she blew it up. Next she built a fireball and threw it at the man. He waved just as the chair he was sitting in was incinerated. Zarya pulled her swords from her back sheath. With a smooth motion she lifted her weapons over her head then crossed them on the floor in front of her. The man waved then stood in front of her, his stance casual. It wasn’t fooling Zarya for a moment. She knew with a flick of his finger he could take out a continent. With a grim smile she knew she could do the same but he was her target.

  “What have you done? This is not a game.” Zarya felt her power rise and knew if she didn’t calm down she would incinerate the whole building.

  The man looked at her and smiled. “Ahh Zarya such passion. If only you would let me have a taste.”

  “Is that all you think with, Solaris?”

  Solaris looked at her and smiled. His white teeth were startling against his onyx skin. His burnished gold hair floated around his body while his golden eyes glowed.

  “Sometimes. I find where you are concerned I am out of control.” He flowed toward her, his tall muscular body graceful.

  He came right up to her. Zarya swung her swords at him. He caught them in each hand and using them drew her to him. Zarya knew she hadn’t wanted to hit him. If she had he would be dead. It was galling to realize that she couldn’t follow through. It made fury burst through her.

  “ Solaris what have you done?” Zarya demanded.

  Solaris unarmed her and pulled her to him. “Nothing.”

  “I don’t appreciate you using my company for your own means. You knew where The Eye of Ra was all along.”

  Solaris shrugged. “Yes. No one is hurt, Zarya and there was no harm in it.”

  Shrugging away from him violently Zarya brought up a Maji Star and flung it at him. He twisted out of the way. She flung another and nicked him. Solaris looked down at his bleeding shoulder then back at her. His gaze went hungry. He came toward her. Standing her ground although her instinct was to run, Zarya knew she could kill him if she had to. She cursed the soft spot she had for him. If anyone else had pulled what he had using Rarities Incorporated for their own means they would be a lot more bloody or even dead. He came to her, then grabbed her, hauling her up against him. He licked his lips, as he looked at her. His head lowered. Suddenly the earth shook and he staggered falling to his knees, dragging her with him. He shielded her with his body as the walls started to cave in around them.

  He swore and shimmered. Zarya looked around at the starry night. Solaris stood, pulling her up with him. He let her go and stepped back. He turned his face to the sky then closed his eyes. There was a stillness in him that made her heart race. Opening her own shields Zarya could feel nothing in the air. That absence frightened her the most. She saw his body shudder then an awareness rippled through him. After a moment he opened his eyes and she gasped at the pain in them.

  “What is going on?” Zarya demanded.

  Solaris shook his head. “Go home I will take care of it.”

  Solaris shimmered and disappeared. Zarya narrowed her eyes. If he thought she would go home while he went where he was going he had another think coming. Using his power signature as a guide Zarya followed him.

  * * * * *

  Dimitri was kneeling on the ground. Behind him Yadira saw more men staggering into the cave. Fire shot from her fingers. Dimitri watched her go still as the flames shot past him incinerating everything in the cave.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  His hand cupped her cheek. “Yes. How are you feeling?”

  Yadira thought about it and grinned. “I feel good. What happened?”

  Dimitri looked at her carefully. “I don’t know but let’s get that back to its owner.”

  Yadira looked down at The Eye of Ra resting between her breasts then back at him. “That’s a great idea.”

  “I’ll take that,” a sensuous voice said behind her.

  Turning swiftly Yadira brought up fireball.

  She groaned seeing the man standing there. “God, why do I keep getting stalkers?”

  Dimitri came and stood next to her. “You know who he is?”

  Yadira looked at him. “Oh yeah. Me and Soly baby have some history. He is one of those pain-in-the-ass clients questioning every move you make. I worked for him once and then refused to again. What are you doing here Soly?”

  “Nice to see you again, Yadira.” He nodded his head to her then looked at Dimitri his eyes solemn. “Dimitri.”

  Yadira felt the tension between them. “You know him.”

  Dimitri looked at her his expression closed. “The Eye of Ra belongs to him.”

  Looking back at the enigmatic expression on the man’s face Yadira was confused. “Why would The Eye of Ra be his?”

  “He is Amon-Ra and the holder of The Eye of Ra.” Dimitri’s voice was dispassionate.

  Yadira closed her eyes and groaned. “Oh crap. I’ve been insulting an African God.”

  “Would it have mattered if you knew I was a God?” Solaris’ voice came again.

  Opening her eyes she saw the arrogance on his face and that got her back up. Yadira pursued her lips and thought about it.

  Shrugging she replied. “No. I would still think you were a pompous ass.”

  Solaris looked at her in shock then threw his head back and laughed. The sound seemed to light up the cave. Yadira watched his golden gaze twinkling against his onyx skin and his burnished gold hair flowing.

  Solaris looked back at her. “You are honest Yadira. Foolish but honest. You are perfect for each other.”

  Solaris looked at Dimitri and pain filled his face. “It is a pleasure to see you.”

  Dimitri was silent. Ra said nothing. Waiting.

  “What is going on?” Yadira demanded.

  Dimitri looked at her and although his face was cool she saw past that to the pain.

  Solaris asked, his voice cutting, “Have you no answer.”

  Yadira turned to him. “I’m about to kick your a
ss if you don’t shut the hell up.”

  Solaris looked at her inclined his head. Yadira looked at Dimitri.

  With no emotion in his voice Dimitri said, “This is Solaris, better known as Amon-Ra, the Sun God and my father.”

  Looking back and forth between them Yadira could now see the similarities. Their skin tones were different but there was a feeling of power around both and their features were similar.

  She glared at Dimitri. “Oh, we’re going to talk about you being a God.”

  Dimitri looked at her a slight smile on his lips. “Half-God.”

  Exasperated she replied, “It doesn’t matter. You’re the son of a God.”

  “Bastard son. Good old Dad couldn’t keep it zipped and left a few of us around. Not that he cared for us unless it was for his own use.” Dimitri looked at Ra, hate in his gaze, then turned and walked away to lean against the wall.

  Yadira watched him go, feeling his pain. Looking back at Solaris she saw pain and regret on his face. He looked at her and his face blanked.

  “Give me The Eye of Ra.” Solaris put out his hand.

  Instinct made her step back. “No.”

  Solaris looked at her and his eyes sparked fire then he raised his hand and fire flowed toward her. Raising her hand to defend herself, Yadira found herself looking at a back. The fire circled around the person standing before her then disappeared. The woman turned and looked over her shoulder. Her eyes glowed flames then they faded to a golden brown. There was regalness in her bearing. She was clothed in a bra crusted in jewels and a skirt that flowed to the ground with slits all the way down each leg. It was held around the woman’s waist with a heavy belt depicting the sun. Yadira felt fear tingle along her skin.

  The woman’s onyx skin glowed soft amber while her burnished golden hair whipped around her. She smiled gently and Yadira knew she was the one who had helped her.

  “You have been messing with me since that first day,” Yadira said.

  The woman nodded then whispered in a voice like silken sheets, “Yes. I am sorry but being so close to power has awakened me out of The Eye of Ra.”

  “Sekhmet,” Dimitri’s tortured whisper reached her, confirming what she suspected.

  Yadira saw the pain and joy in his face. Sekhmet reached out for him and he enfolded her into his arms. She was almost as tall as he was. They trembled together. Yadira could see the tears raining down his face as he held Sekhmet in his arms.

  Dimitri pulled back looking at Sekhmet. “We thought you were dead. Kianga, they said you were dead.”

  Sekhmet looked at him sorrow on her face. “Ahhh, Dimitri I have not heard that name in so long. It is appropriate that the Kianga name lives and lets the Sekhmet name die. I have missed you my brother.”

  They embraced again. Dimitri stroked her hair.

  “What happened to you?” Dimitri demanded.

  Sekhmet looked over at Solaris. “Father contained me in The Eye of Ra.”

  Dimitri looked at Solaris and stepped toward him. Sekhmet stopped him gripping his arm.

  “No Dimitri. It was the right thing to do. I would have destroyed the world if he hadn’t.” Sekhmet looked at him sadness and regret on her face.

  A cold wind blew into the cave whirling the dirt all around. Yadira shielded her gaze then looked at Dimitri who was standing before Sekhmet. He moved and she realized it wasn’t him, but Dominic. Dimitri stood still next to Sekhmet.“Sekhmet.” Dominic said, pain raw in his voice.

  He dropped to his knees and rested his head against her bare stomach. The sound of his weeping filled the chamber. He trembled and shook with the force of it. Dimitri rested his hand on Dominic’s head while his arm encircled Sekhmet. Sekhmet looked down at him shock and pain lighting her face.

  “Oh Dominic what has happened to you.” She leaned down pulling him closer to her.

  He wrapped his arms more tightly around her and continued to weep. Looking up from him she looked at Solaris. “What have you done?”

  Solaris looked at her. “Nothing. You must return to me Sekhmet for the sake of humanity.”

  Sekhmet looked at him. “You will not contain me in The Eye of Ra again.”

  Solaris looked at her pain and sorrow in his gaze. “I must.” Raising his hand he shot bluish fire at her.

  Pushing away from Dimitri and Dominic she stepped forward to meet it. It curled around her, swirled, then flowed to her mouth. She opened her full lips and sucked it in. Yadira started as a pop filled the air then the flames were gone.

  Solaris looked at Sekhmet. “Ahhh daughter, I do not want to destroy you.”

  Sekhmet raised her chin. “You will not have to. I will return home with you and fulfill any punishment you deem sufficient.”

  Solaris nodded.

  “Sekhmet,” Dominic cried.

  Sekhmet turned to him and touched his cheek. “No Dominic. It is the right thing to do. I am sorry for all the pain I have made you suffer.” Tears rained down her cheeks and she turned to walk to Solaris.

  Yadira walked over to Dimitri. Dominic stood watching Sekhmet go to their father. Touching Dimitri’s back then Dominic’s she could feel their pain. A flash hit her and she saw why Dominic was in such pain. In the height of her power Sekhmet hadn’t known what she was doing and Dominic had gone to plead with her to stop. In her rage Sekhmet had had shown Dominic all the atrocities of the human race and her pain. The horrors of it had scarred his soul. What he had seen had haunted him. The pain and rage that filled Sekhmet was eating at her soul. When she had disappeared he had thought she was dead and had mourned that he had been unable to help her. Now to have her back again yet leaving him and out of their reach… It was too much.

  Dominic looked at her and nodded.

  Yadira stepped forward. “Sekhmet I offer you redemption from your past sins.”

  Sekhmet looked at her.

  Yadira stepped closer. “I offer you sanctuary.”

  Sekhmet looked at the tears in her eyes. “I cannot accept your offer Yadira. I have done too much.”

  “We all deserve a second chance. What we do with it is what defines us.”

  Sekhmet looked at her then back at her father.

  Solaris touched her cheek. “Go my daughter and make right what you have done. Pardon my ignorance. I should have realized containing you was not the answer. Go and make restitution.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek then pushed her toward Yadira.

  “I love you father.”

  Solaris replied. “Urious bnlis Kile.”

  Sekhmet walked back to them. “What shall you have of me Yadira Akridge?”

  Yadira looked at her and was unsure what to say.

  “You’ll come and work for Rarities Incorporated,” Zarya’s smoky voice answered as she shimmered in next to Solaris.

  Solaris looked at her and sighed. “I thought I sent you home.”

  Zarya gave him a look. “Like I listen to you.”

  “ Someday you will.”

  “In your dreams,” Zarya answered, striding toward them. “Sekhmet, it is good to see you.”

  Sekhmet nodded her head. “I rather be called Kianga from now on.”

  “As you wish. Dominic take your sister back to New York to Rarities Incorporated. Kali will check her out and a house will be waiting for her use.” Zarya looked at Solaris. “Her father will supply her with money and the other things she needs.” It wasn’t a question but an order.

  Solaris nodded his head. The earth shook making them all gasp. Zarya’s eyes blazed and Yadira felt her own blaze.

  Zarya whispered. “A Zuri Maji is born. I must go.”

  Yadira nodded. “Give her my best. I will go by and see her after she settles a little.”

  Zarya nodded and walked back to Solaris. Sekhmet and Dominic followed then Sekhmet stopped and shuddered.

  “Aleneic,” she whispered.

  Yadira felt Dimitri shudder bedside her and watched as Dominic also shuddered.

  Looking at Dimitri she gripped his hand
. “What it it?”

  He looked at her tears in his eyes. “Aleneic our friend is free.”

  Confused she looked at him. “Who?”

  He shook his head. “I’ll explain later.”

  Yadira watched Sekhmet and Dominic join their father and Zarya. Dominic looked away from his father and stood as far away from him as her could get.

  Zarya took out a card and gave it to Solaris. “You can do consultant work for Rarities, Solaris then maybe you can make amends to your children.” She glanced at them all.

  “Let me handle my kids. If I come calling it will be between me and you.”

  Zarya looked at him and bared her teeth. “You wish.”

  Solaris laughed as she zapped out. Sekhmet looked at him and shook her head.

  “What?” Solaris shrugged.

  “You’ll never change.”

  Solaris looked at her, arrogance on his face. “Why would I?”

  She laughed then looking back at a silent Dominic she took his hand and fire engulfed them.

  Sekhmet looked at Yadira. “I thank you for your kindness Yadira Akridge. My sister.” Then they were gone.

  Solaris looked at Yadira and nodded his head. He glanced at Dimitri and said nothing. He shimmered and was gone.

  Yadira said to Dimitri, “I don’t think your father and I will get along. Maybe I will with your sister but not with your dad.”

  Dimitri walked over to her. “It doesn’t matter. I don’t like him that much anyway.”

  “So what happens now?”

  Dimitri looked at her. “I found out that I like being bonded with you but I am feeling old fashioned. Eventually you have to make an honest man out of me.”

  Yadira looked at him her heart pounding. “Really. I’ll have to think about it.” She turned and walked away.

  She yelped as Dimitri swept her off her feet into his arms. He looked down at her.

  “I understand you can’t handle it.” There was a challenge in his voice.

  Knowing she was being suckered Yadira lashed back. “I can handle anything you can dish out.”

  Dimitri grinned. “Prove it.”

  Yadira looked at him. “Uh-huh. I’m not that easy. You’ll have to give me a proper wooing first.”


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