The Genesis Sequence Books 6-10

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The Genesis Sequence Books 6-10 Page 45

by Mackenzie Morris

  Vance instantly felt uneasy. He never appointed a second-in-command. "My second-in-command?"

  "Some angry-sounding Azimandian by the name of Krishno or Krishtar."


  "Yes, I think that's the one."

  "Oh, hell." Vance rubbed his eyes. "Can I speak with your president?"

  "President Brightman is currently on Elysia. He is not taking calls, especially not from you."

  Vance turned to Ben. "I thought you said AX-97 was not directly ruled by Elysia."

  "Maybe I was wrong?"

  He growled deep in his throat then turned back to Chief. "What kind of impact will this have on my diplomatic immunity? I was able to enter this planet's airspace without incident. I did not think I was considered to be a hostile enemy of AX-97."

  "Our planet representative decided to give you a temporary pass as long as you were in Benjamin's company. Up until these recent events at the restaurant, Benjamin Trainor was considered a hero on this planet. We believed you were here for a peace mission, not to assassinate clergymen. Any temporary truce we had with Azimandia has been nullified. If things go in your favor, you will be transferred into your second-in-command's custody and forced to leave our airspace. If you do not comply with our orders, you will be detained indefinitely as a prisoner of war until you meet with President Brightman to complete your surrender."

  "My surrender?"

  Chief placed his massive hands on his hips, causing the handcuffs that hung from his belt to jangle against his thigh. "You are at war with Elysia. We are aware that you came into power recently, but even someone like you could not ignore the war going on."

  "Before I left Star-World Zero Alpha, I gave direct orders to my generals that they were to adhere to a mandatory cease-fire. If anything else has been going on since two weeks ago, I have not been the one giving authorization for it. You can ask Benjamin. I have been on his ship for that time under extremely close surveillance. I have not had any contact with my generals."

  "Either way, we are in contact with this Krisharn fellow and Congress to decide what needs to be done with you. For the time being, you are to be held here where we can keep an eye on you. You should know that if Congress decides you are to be held as a prisoner of war, we have every right to torture you until you surrender and pay reparations for this war."

  "Reparations?" Vance asked, staring down at the filthy floor below his bare feet. "I know my father, Tirlmayn, was facing execution if he was ever captured. Does that still apply to me, even though I was not responsible for his actions?"

  "Not at this time."

  There was a spark of hope in his eyes as he looked up. "So you're telling me that I'm going home with Krisharn?"

  "That's the best-case scenario for you. More than likely, you will be deemed a prisoner of war and will then be transported to a high-security cell on Elysia for formal interrogation."

  "And what about Ben? He's not a part of the war and all this politics. He's innocent of the murder as well."

  "Benjamin Trainor will face corporal punishment for his part in this, as requested by his own family here on AX-97."

  "Family?" Vance asked, confused. "Who does he have left?"

  "His uncle. His father's brother. He has requested for Benjamin to be punished while in prison. We have to honor the requests of the families of the accused when dealing with additional punishments. After that, he will more than likely be returned to the Red Sand Rebels. That is, if you are confessing to the murder of Priest Caldwell."

  Vance placed his hand over his heart. "Yes, I am. Ben had nothing to do with it. He even begged me to not do it. The witnesses at the restaurant will uphold that fact."

  "Wait." Ben looked up from the corner with wide eyes. "You said corporal punishment? What do you mean?"

  "Your uncle has asked that you be subjected to a standard flogging. One hundred lashes, spread out over five days."

  Vance defensively stepped between Chief and Ben. "You can't lay a finger on us. We still have diplomatic immunity."

  "We can't touch you, Aveni, but we can touch him. He's a citizen of AX-97, bound to all the rules thereof. Come with me, Benjamin Trainor. You get your first twenty today. You will be restrained over a table while I deliver the strikes myself to your back and buttocks with a flat leather strap."

  Vance knew he had to do something. "I'll take his for him."

  "It doesn't work that way."

  "Don't do this." His anger flared once again and he held out his arms to prevent the man from getting to Ben. "If you harm him, I swear I will have my generals destroy this entire planet. I'm not talking about firebombing or mass genocide. No. I'm talking about blasting the planet itself into bits. Did you see what happened to Dualictum? That's a tea party compared to what I'll do to this place. Does my status not transfer to him? He's my husband."

  "Normally it would, but not every human colony recognizes your union as a real marriage."

  "You're serious? That's just perfect, mate. So just because Odyssia doesn't accept it, the entire human country can't accept it?"

  "You are from Odyssia, aren't you?" Chief asked.

  "I don't see what that has to do with anything."

  "It has everything to do with it. If you're going to commit crimes to get into our legal system, I suggest you start reading our laws before you try to weasel your way out of them. Now, follow me into the main room, Benjamin Trainor, or I add to your punishment. Your uncle is already here. He came as soon as he heard of your arrest."

  * * *

  Leah poured the black stone teacup full with green tea then dropped two sugar cubes into the fragrant liquid. After stirring it, she carried the cup over to her bed where Rav was on his knees on the floor, passed out with his arms over the still unconscious boy that was hooked up to a computer on the beside table. Leah had been taking care of both of them since Rav adamantly refused to be away from Nemo for any longer than necessary. "Rav? Rav, I made you some tea. You look absolutely miserable."

  Rav groaned as he woke up and stretched his arms above his head. "What time is it?"

  "Four in the morning. You told me to wake you up if you slept past one, but I let you sleep longer." She sat on the edge of the quilt-covered bed to run her fingers through Rav's red hair. "You're too hard on yourself. Why don't you go get a shower and I'll watch Nemo for you? You do trust me with him, don't you?"

  "Actually, I just need to be held. Can you . . . uh, can we cuddle?"

  A warm smile spread across her lips. "Of course we can. I didn't think you would want to be that way with me."

  Rav crawled onto the bed and moved to the empty half, careful to not disturb Nemo. He removed his shirt and slid his jeans off before lying down and patting the bed next to him. "Join me, Leah."

  Leah let her bathrobe fall to the carpeted floor and fixed her pink tank top and white lace shorts. She curled up next to Rav, feeling the warmth of his chest on her back. When his lean-muscled arms wrapped around her, she slightly trembled in her excitement. "Rav?"


  "Did you mean what you said when you were in that alternate reality? About me, about us?"

  "I meant every word. You will be my wife. But can we not talk about anything, please? I just want to forget." His hot breath filled her hair and traveled down her neck as he sighed. "I can't do this anymore, Leah. I'm tired. I'm running on empty. I'm worn down. I don't want to fight anymore. I'm ready to surrender and give up."

  Leah stared up through the darkness at the tiny green lights from the computer monitor that reflected off of the dresser mirror to dance on the ceiling above the bed. As long as they were green and not yellow or red, then the process of keeping Nemo's functions stable was still working. She imagined they were stars on a calm night sky, far away from the fighting and the death, the uncertainty of it all. She wanted to go back to her life before this, back when she was in college, back when when her biggest worry was not looking hungover the morning of her next job interview. Now sh
e could die at a moment's notice and be forced to watch the ones she cared about die as well.

  Leah traced the thin mark around Rav's left ring finger from wearing his wedding ring for so many years. "We could run. We could take your Galaxy Glider and run. We could find some planet somewhere far from here where we would get a house. Nemo could play in the yard in the sunlight. We would grow our food and just be happy. No more governments, no more wars, no more fighting."

  "Sounds nice. You will be my blushing bride." Rav kissed her neck as his hand traveled down her side. "Maybe I could get back on my fertility medicine and we could give Nemo a little brother or sister. Would you like that, Leah?"

  "I didn't think you wanted me in that way, Rav. You've been so distant lately."

  He twisted his fingers gently in her wavy locks that covered her bare freckled shoulders. "I've been going through so much. It's hard to be loving when I'm trying to survive and keep my son alive. I can't take a break to think about my feelings for you very often. I know I'm not the most romantic man, but know that I love you."

  "I love you too."

  "Tell me something. Have you been talking to Vance?" Rav asked.

  "No, why?"

  "He's alive, though, right?"

  "Yes. He kidnapped Ben and stole an escape pod. Sandra and I think he had help from someone on this ship to make alterations to the pod so it could be flown over long distances with warp capabilities and everything. My turn for a question. Who was the woman who came with you? The one who was carrying Nemo?"

  Rav clicked his tongue against the backs of his teeth. "If I tell you, you have to promise me to not say a word to anyone. I don't know who all knows stuff or if I'm even supposed to know the little that I do."

  "Okay. I won't tell."

  "Remy. She's alive. So is Camille. Maybe others, but I don't know. Tirlmayn saved Ben's life with the Genesis Sequence, so I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that they used it on others."

  "I think they may have used it on me after you attacked me on that jungle moon planet thing. I don't even remember much of it all, but I remember hearing people talking, saying that I had nearly died, but they brought me back. Do you think Vance knows about all this? Is he smart enough to have a plan?"

  Rav chuckled. "The Vance I know couldn't plan his own funeral if he was just going to be tossed in the ground. But I have to wonder. If you go back and look at everything that has happened, Vance has been connected somehow to all of it."

  "Maybe he's a hidden genius."

  "A mad genius." Rav rolled over on top of her and kissed her lips, breathing in her scent. "But now, I can't run off, as much as I want to. You know I have to stop this war. With my Galaxy Glider, I can attack Star-World Zero Alpha and take out the remaining warbringers who still want to fight."

  "You can't do it alone."

  "That's why I haven't done it yet. I need help to-" Rav looked over to where his communicator was vibrating on the bedside table, emitting a blue glow. He reached over to pick it up and answered. "This is Rav."

  A computerized voice spoke to him over the speaker. "You do not know who I am. You do not know where I am. But I know you, Rav Tillman. I know you are currently onboard a custom-made civilian ship piloted by Sandra Noriega. That ship is stationary on the abandoned moon of the frozen planet ZZ-90 in the outer reaches of the Ilik'Ori Galaxy. You are in bed with Leah Morgan and you are wearing only boxers."

  Rav jumped out of bed and pulled his jeans back on. He held the communicator between his ear and his shoulder as he fumbled with the button on his pants. "Who are you? How are you watching me right now?"

  "There are cameras all through that ship. I have hacked into that system and I am currently observing you and everyone else."

  "Why? Why are you spying on us?"

  "You are Quasar Luminous, aren't you? The legendary pilot from Odyssia? I've been looking for you. I want to meet with you on Odyssia's moon. You don't have to come to Odyssia itself. I know the history you have there. Just the moon. There will be no guards, no soldiers, no Tech Police. You have my word on that."

  "The word of a mysterious stranger hiding behind a voice modulator isn't worth anything to me."

  Leah picked up her own communicator to see the thirty missed calls from a hidden number. "Rav, I think you should hang up."

  Rav shook his head. "Listen here, mysterious stranger. Give me one good reason why I should come to Odyssia's moon to meet with you. One reason."

  The voice laughed then became deathly serious. "Green apples."

  Chapter 8

  "Kill him. Kill them both."

  The members of Congress gathered around the tables at the front of the massive room to look over the documents splayed out across the maps and hologram projectors. The bright lights shone down over the polished oak and maple floors from the lamps on the golden walls between the flags of the remaining human colonies. The white and gold with the eagle and crossed laser rifles of Elysia, the purple and white stripes of AX-97, the black flag with the two red lightning bolts of Odyssia, and the blue and green landmasses of Earth. The others had recently been removed, but one more was added. Dark blue with neon pink, yellow, and green dots. Darkshot.

  President Jonathan Brightman sat above them all on an elevated platform behind a small pulpit where he flipped through a binder of pictures. He grimaced and ran his hand through his sweaty hair. "That is what I'm calling for. Of course, it will be put to a vote, but like adding Darkshot to Elysian control, I have the final say. Senator Doyle, give me a status update for them."

  The elderly senator scrolled through the information on his communicator. "As of five minutes ago, Aveni Azimandi was locked in a cell on AX-97 and Benjamin Trainor was being flogged."

  "And they were both searched when they entered the prison?"

  "Yes, Mr. President. From the call I received, all prison personnel followed normal protocol precisely. Aveni and Benjamin are in their own cell and are being kept away from the other prisoners except for during punishment."

  "It's not enough. They are a security threat. Am I surrounded by idiots?" Jonathan's wrinkled face hardened as he waited for an answer that never came. "Do none of you see the problem here? You can't arrest the leader of the enemy force and lock him up in a cage. Do you know how I first found out about the arrest? Anyone have any ideas? I saw it on the news. The same newscast that is being broadcast in different languages across this galaxy and all of the Elysian territories now that we have our communications amplifiers back online. But no one noticed that slip-up, did they? What do you think will happen when Aveni's followers, his generals and warbringers, watch that newscast? They'll attack. They'll rain down hell on us for what we've done. Benjamin has supporters too. And some idiot decided to tell the media that Benjamin was receiving corporal punishment as well. If there's one thing other than execution that extremist followers hate, it's the physical beating of their beloved leader. I don't know who these Red Sand Rebels are, but I've seen what they can do. I don't want to tango with them."

  "If you're so worried about upsetting Azimandia and the Red Sand Rebels, then why call for Aveni and Benjamin to be executed?" One of the other senators asked. "Won't they become more enraged with a public display like that?"

  "That's why it's not going to be public. We're not even going to call it an execution. Sometimes prisoners die in prison. It happens. Sometimes they get sick. Sometimes they're killed by assassins. Catch my drift?"

  The tall Azimandian warbringer with the polished jet black horns that swept back over his massive ponytail of ebony hair cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. He crossed his muscular arms across his bare chest where the studded leather straps of a harness crisscrossed his pale grey skin. He gave them a grin, showing off his fangs. "K'lis mistlis. Dovei."

  The men and women of Congress turned to stare at him in half horror and half disgust. They turned up their noses at him as some of them scoffed or backed away, looking for a place to hide. Guards in whit
e bulletproof vests stormed inside the cloister with their laser rifles drawn and aimed at the warbringer's back.

  Jonathan stood from his pulpit and smoothed his black robe over his rotund stomach. "You there, Azimandian, state your name."

  "Krisharn X-Azimandia. You summoned me here, so here I am. Do not waste my time. If you have something to tell me, then do so before I lose my temper. I assure you that is not something you want to witness."

  "Oh, you speak English."


  Jonathan leaned back in his high-backed chair. "That means you will be easier to deal with."

  "And it means that I heard what you said about the two prisoners. You mean to execute Aveni and Benjamin?"

  "That is what we have brought you here for, Azimandian."

  "I have a name."

  "Yes, yes, of course. My bad. It's not everyday that we get guests of . . . your race."

  Krisharn's nostrils flared against his grey skin as he growled. "Do not insult me, human. You invited me here. At least show your guest some respect."

  "You're Krisharn?" Jonathan asked, eyeing the warbringer. "Aveni's uncle?"

  "Are you deaf?"

  "If you desire respect, I suggest you begin earning it by showing this Congress the respect it is due as well. I summoned you here to propose an alliance. Actually, think of it in the bigger picture. A permanent cease-fire."

  "You want to end the war between Azimandia and Elysia."

  "Indeed." Jonathan raised an eyebrow. "See? I knew you were more intelligent than the majority of your race. It's nice to see that you're not all just hormonal blood-thirsty brutes. Tell me, Krisharn X-Azimandia, what would it take to get you on our side? You do want to rule your empire, don't you? Why should a half breed boy from Odyssia rule your people? Aveni doesn't know the first thing about what it means to be Azimandian." Jonathan leaned forward and grinned. "He doesn't even have horns. Do you want to be ruled by someone without horns?"


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