Broken Fairytales

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Broken Fairytales Page 19

by Monica Alexander

I’d called to see if he wanted to go to the beach, and we’d met up halfway between our houses.

  He looked sort of surprised and a little confused. “You did?”

  It was not the reaction I’d hoped for. I nodded my head quickly, feeling apprehensive all of a sudden that I’d read more into what was going on between us than what was really there. I’d figured we’d be more than just a one night stand when he agreed to hang out that day, but maybe I was wrong.

  “Wow,” he said, running his hands through his hair. I could tell by the look on his face he wasn’t exactly thrilled with my announcement. In fact, he looked a little pale.

  “Look,” I said, taking the upper hand in an effort to keep him from bolting, “it had been a long-time coming. I think I just needed the push to do it. We were together for five years, and we were staying together for all the wrong reasons. I just didn’t want to hurt him, but I knew I couldn’t very well stay with him after I … I mean we … you know … slept together.

  Zack nodded but still looked a little like he might throw up.

  “I’m not looking for anything serious, okay?” I said, putting my hand on his forearm and immediately regretting it when he tensed up, so I pulled it back. I’d just wanted to reassure him that I wasn’t expecting a commitment from him, but I think I succeeded in freaking him out more.

  “You’re not?” he asked, and I could tell he didn’t fully believe me.

  “Zack,” I said, crossing my arms across my chest, “let’s be realistic. I live in Chapel Hill, and you live here. I just got out of a five year relationship and pretty much turned my whole planned-out future on its head. Which isn’t a bad thing, but still it’s a big change. You have enough going on that I’m sure you’re not looking for something long-term either. I don’t think either one of us has delusions that this thing between us will continue when the summer ends. The bottom line is that I like you, and I think you like me.”

  He nodded. That was good.

  “I’m looking to have a little fun this summer, and it would be fun to hang out with you and get to know you better. I’d just rather not be deceiving my boy– ex-boyfriend in the process.”

  The word ex in front of boyfriend felt foreign to me, and I felt an instant pang in my chest. Had I made the right decision? Would I regret it down the road? No, breaking up with Ben had been the right thing to do. I was positive about that, regardless of what the future held.

  “Are you cool with that?” I asked, noticing that Zack had visibly calmed down, but he still hadn’t responded to me. At least some of the color had returned to his face.

  He reached out and took my hand in his. “I like you Emily, but you’re right, I’m not looking for anything serious. I’ve got a lot going on in my life right now. It would be too complicated to add a relationship to the mix.”

  I nodded. I understood, and I understood as best as I could about his situation.

  “I haven’t really dated anyone since I moved back here, and there’s a reason for that. And like I told you last night, I’m bit of an effed up mess right now. I don’t know if you want to get involved with me in any capacity.”

  “Zack, I’m not going to pretend I know what you’re dealing with, because I don’t, but I’m not afraid of you being a mess. I’ve been a bit of a mess myself lately, as you so politely pointed out a few nights ago, so I’m not really in a position to judge. I’m still trying to figure out who the hell I am and what exactly I want out of life since I’m afraid I’ve been going after the wrong things for way too long. I guess you could say I’m almost as effed up as you are.” I smiled a small, and what I hoped was, an encouraging smile.

  He laughed lightly. “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” he said. “And you think you’ll be okay with us just being casual? I can’t offer much more than that.”

  I looked down at our joined hands and smiled as I brought my gaze back to him. “I thought you told me to stop thinking,” I said, raising an eyebrow at him.

  “I did tell you to do that,” he murmured as he let my hand drop and brought his hand to my waist, pulling me closer to him. He lowered his lips to mine, and I wrapped my arms around his neck and immersed myself in a kiss that was ten times better than any kiss Ben and I had ever had.


  I’d thought everything was cool with Zack after that day, but when he didn’t call and I didn’t see him for a several days, I was suddenly panicked that I’d scared him off. I was honestly surprised since it seemed like things were okay between us when we’d parted ways after spending several hours at the beach after his freak out. We’d kept our conversation light throughout most of the day and he was just as flirty as he’d been the night before. I wasn’t sure what had happened.

  I finally got up the courage to ask Molly, and she told me he was with his mom. She had apparently caught a summer cold, and Zack panicked because it could easily turn into pneumonia since her system was so weak. So he stayed by her side, doing what he could to nurse her back to health. He didn’t let anyone else come into the house, and he only left if he had to, as not to introduce new germs into the air.

  Although I completely understood, I was a little bummed out that I couldn’t see him. I knew it wasn’t natural to miss a person as much as I missed Zack, especially when I barely knew him, but I couldn’t help it. I craved his presence more than anything.

  Fortunately, Zack called me after three days and squelched most of my fears when he asked if we could hang out the next night when he got off work. His mom was apparently feeling much better, and he seemed to be in great spirits. He said he’d come by and get me when he got off and we could do something.

  That day I was so excited and nervous that I was making myself crazy. Possibly sensing my anxiety, Molly convinced me to go with her to the closest mall, which was an hour away. She said she desperately needed to shop, and the limited selection of clothing stores on the island didn’t provide many options for someone as eclectic as her. Unfortunately, she was less than satisfied with the mall once we got there.

  As we walked around, she waxed on and on about the artsy boutiques and thrift stores in London and L.A. that just didn’t compare to what was available in rural North Carolina. Granted, she knew weren’t in the most forward-thinking, fast-paced of areas, so she was reaching if she thought she’d find anything more extravagant than The Gap or American Eagle during our excursion, but at least there was a Hot Topic.

  Still, Molly being Molly made the day fun. She actually turned me into a project and set about dressing me up like I was her Barbie doll. Of course, the outfits she wanted to put me in, my Barbie’s wouldn’t have been caught dead in, and neither would I, but it was still fun. At the end of the day, I left with some new fun pieces that were funky, but I could still incorporate them into my existing wardrobe.

  When I got home, I set about hanging up my new purchases and surreptitiously glanced at my watch to see if the time, which was moving incredible slow, had suddenly inched to nine o’clock without my knowing it, and Zack would be getting off work soon.

  He worked at Phil’s Tavern, a local pub that served lots beer and array of seafood and boasted a huge deck with outdoor seating and live music. On Tuesday and Friday nights, that live music was Zack and his guitar. He told me he’d worked at Phil’s off and on for the past few years, but had just started playing live a year ago when he moved back to the island permanently, in addition to bartending three nights a week.

  That night he was just bartending, and since it was a weeknight, he wouldn’t be that busy. Seeing that it was just seven, and I still had two hours to wait, I made the decision to go up to the bar and surprise him. I wanted him to know that I wasn’t looking for anything serious, so I figured I’d show him just how spontaneous I could be. Feeling bold, I pulled out the new black leather miniskirt that Molly talked me into buying. I forewent her fashion suggestions and paired it with a black fitted t-shirt and black platform heels. I overdid my eye make-up to make my eyes look smoky and sexy,
following the tutorial Molly had given me the week before, and sprayed some surf spray into my hair and scrunched it up to look tousled.

  Stepping back to appraise my overall look, I couldn’t help but smile. I’d finally achieved the bad-ass look I’d tried to put together for the first party I’d gone to with Chase. I hoped Zack would like it. So far he’d just seen me in my more casual beach outfits. This look was a complete departure from what he knew of me, and it was perfect for what I had in mind.

  “Whoa,” came Chase’s voice from behind me as I started down the stairs.

  I turned around to face him, a huge grin spreading across my face. “You like?”

  “It’s definitely different. I actually didn’t recognize you. For a minute I thought you were one of Keely’s friends.”

  My heart sank. “Do I look ridiculous?” I asked, knowing he’d tell me the truth.

  “Nah, you look great, Em. Zack’s not going to know what hit him.”

  “That’s the point,” I said, evilly. “I want to remind him of what he’s been missing.”

  “I think that’ll do the trick,” he said, laughing lightly.

  “Let’s hope so,” I said before starting down the stairs again.

  When I got to the bar, Zack was busy taking an order at the other end, so he didn’t see me make my grand entrance. Instead, I settled at the opposite end and waited for him to notice me. A really pretty brunette came over to get my drink order. My jealousy radar instantly went up, and I wondered if she and Zack had ever hooked up as my eyes drifted unconsciously to her more than ample cleavage that was almost falling out of her black ‘Phil’s Tavern’ tank top.

  “Hi there,” she said, sliding a coaster in front of me. “What can I get for you?”

  “Um,” I said, my mind going blank for a few seconds. Hot bartender girl had thrown me off. As part of my diabolical seduction strategy, I’d planned to ask Zack to make me something sexy. I didn’t even know what to order from this girl without sounding like a complete moron.

  “Do you need minute?” she asked, and I could tell she was eyeing me skeptically, no doubt wondering if I was stalling because I was underage.

  “No,” I said then, coming up with an even better plan. “Actually, can you ask that guy to make me the sexiest drink he can think of?”

  I slid my ID across the counter to her and watched her glance over her shoulder at Zack. I thought she might have rolled her eyes and wondered how often she got that same request. She turned back around and picked up my ID, looking between it and me several times before she handed it back. I guess she believed it was authentic.

  “He doesn’t date,” she said then, and I wondered if she knew that from personal experience.

  “Is that so?” I asked, glad I was armed with more information about him than she was.


  “What’s your name?” I asked, leaning forward just enough to show her she didn’t intimidate me.

  “Daphne,” she said, and I could tell I’d set her on edge by going on the offensive. She eyed me warily.

  “Hi Daphne, I’m Emily.” I stuck my hand out so she could shake it.

  “Okay,” she said with enough boredom in her voice to let me know she could care less who I was. She took my hand briefly, only because it would seem rude not to, and she was on-stage behind the bar.

  “I just wanted you to know my name since I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other.”

  “That’s what they all say,” she said, glancing back at Zack who was pouring beers for some guys who had just sat down. “I wouldn’t waste your time.”

  I suddenly felt bad for her.

  “I can take care of myself,” I said confidently. “Let Zack know I’ll be over by the jukebox if he wants to say hi, which I know he will.”

  She raised her eyebrows at me skeptically but didn’t say anything else before turning around and walking over to Zack. As soon as she was engaged in conversation with him, I got up and walked over to the jukebox before he could see me sitting at the bar.

  I’d just selected my second song when I felt arms wrap around me and lips on my neck. See Daphne, I told you he’d want to say hi. I smiled involuntarily as I leaned back against Zack’s chest.

  “I don’t think it’s possible for you to look any sexier right now,” he whispered in my ear. “If it weren’t for the fact that I need this job, I might be inclined to drag you back to the stockroom and have my way with you.”

  I spun around in his arms and looked up into the eyes I’d missed seeing. “This is nothing compared to how sexy I’ll look later,” I said, leaning back against the jukebox. “If you’re interested.”

  “Is that an invitation?”

  I shrugged. “Consider it a request. No, scratch that. Consider it a demand,” I said, as I locked eyes with him.

  “Damn, princess. Are you trying to get me fired?”

  I shook my head. “Not at all. I just wanted to be sure you had something to think about during your shift, since I know you’ll be busy serving thirsty customers and no doubt being hit on by cute girls all night. Consider this my way of keeping your attention where I want it. And after you get off, I’m demanding some alone time.”

  “Your wish is my command,” he said, before he leaned down and kissed me deeply, pushing me back against the jukebox. All too soon he let me go. “I’ll get right to work making that sexy drink for you, but I demand something in return.”

  “What’s that?”

  “That you hang out until I get off. ‘Cause there’s no way I’m letting you walk out the door in that skirt with anyone but me behind you.”

  With that, he turned and walked back to the bar. As he did, Daphne stood there watching him, nine million questions burning in her narrowed eyes. A few minutes later, I finished my song picks and returned to my seat at the bar. In front of me was a martini glass and a little hand written card that read: A dirty martini, because there are literally no clean thoughts left in my head right now.

  I glanced up at Zack who was watching me and smirking. I shook my head a few times and smiled at him before taking a sip of the strong, but delicious, drink he’d made for me.

  When he got off work a few hours later, I had a nice buzz going from the martini, a Sex on the Beach (something I know you’ll enjoy) and a Screaming Orgasm (because I don’t want you to hold back). I’d noticed a pattern developing in the drinks he made and loved that he was playing along with my sexy game. I leaned against Zack as we walked out of the bar. He looked over at his motorcycle, then down at my short skirt and shook his head.

  “What?” I asked.

  “No way am I putting you on my bike wearing that,” he said. “I’d like to reserve what’s under that skirt for my eyes only.”

  I pouted. “But black leather and motorcycles go together.”

  “Not a chance. Where’s your car?”

  “Over there,” I said, pointing to my navy blue Explorer.

  “Keys,” Zack said, holding out his hand.

  “Come and get them,” I said, pulling away from him and stalking off toward my car.

  Zack caught up with me by the driver’s side door, just as I was opening it. “Hand them over. You’re not driving.”

  “You have to earn them,” I teased, holding the keys out to him, then pulling them away. I reached behind my back and tucked them into the waist of my skirt.

  Without warning, Zack picked me up and sat me on the seat. His hands eased my knees apart and he settled between them. He looked at me for a beat before trailing his hand from my knee, up underneath my skirt to the top of my thigh. I let my head fall back and groaned lightly.

  “What has gotten into you tonight,” he said, and I could tell he was smiling.

  “I missed you,” I said, as I tilted my head back up and opened my eyes to see him looking down at me in delighted amusement.

  “I need to stay away more often then,” he said, as he teased his hand just under the lace of my panties.

  “I’d prefer that you didn’t,” I said, as I reached for his belt buckle and pulled him toward me.

  He crushed his lips down on mine, pushing me back against the center console. My hands went up into his hair, loving the feel of the soft locks of his dark hair around them, as he deepened the kiss, his tongue flirting with mine. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him closer still, fully aware of how I was affecting him.

  “Em, we’re in public,” he groaned, against my lips, hardly breaking the kiss, and I wondered if he really minded where we were. No doubt a bad boy like him had been more than adventurous in his sexual exploits in the past, so this probably wasn’t new to him. For me it was like an out of body experience, but one that I was sort of loving, since what I was doing couldn’t have been more out of character for me.

  “Then let’s go somewhere private,” I said breathlessly.

  “I thought you’d never ask,” he said, as he easily grabbed the keys from my skirt.

  As if I weighed nothing, he lifted me over the console and dropped me into the passenger seat, climbing in next to me and starting the car before I could even get my seatbelt on. Before I knew it, we were flying across the island to the secluded spot he loved so much.

  “There’s a blanket and towels in the back,” I said, as I discarded my heels and started to head down the stairs alone.

  “You’re not going to wait for me?” Zack called out.

  “You know the way,” I said, when I was halfway down.

  By the time he caught up with me, I was already at the entrance to the cave. Zack did a double-take as his eyes drifted down my body, bathed in the light from the moon overhead, to my discarded clothes on the sand.

  “Black lace,” he said, dropping what he was carrying and crossing the sand to me. “Are you trying to kill me?”

  “God, it’s just so hot,” I said, rubbing the back of my neck in what I hoped was a seductive manner. “I think I’m going to go for a swim.”

  I took off down the beach before Zack realized what was happening, discarding my bra and panties along the way. I felt exposed for about thirty seconds before the cool water rushed over me and covered my nakedness. Zack, having undressed in record time, was behind me a few seconds later, his hard body pressed against me. I spun in his arms and looked up at him.


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