Bartered to the Fae Lord

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Bartered to the Fae Lord Page 3

by Rylee Winters

  Elise cleared her throat nervously, not daring to meet his eyes. “You see, this is all a huge misunderstanding. My dad made a mistake…he had no right to speak for me or offer me as a bride…” she tried to explain.

  “What are you saying?” Callum’s eyes narrowed, his tone taking on a hard edge. Elise could feel he was displeased, and feeling it best to rip the bandaid off quickly, she explained to him exactly what she was trying to say.

  “I can’t marry you…I mean, I don’t even know you! So, I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to revoke this agreement and find someone else to be your bride.”

  Callum raised an eyebrow. “Do you not care for your father’s life?”

  This time it was Elise’s turn to frown and look confused. “Of course I do…what does that have to do with anything?”

  “I see your father has not explained things clearly to you.” Callum’s frown eased, and he nodded at Elise like he finally understood the reason behind the misunderstanding. “In exchange for saving his life, your father promised me your hand in marriage. This kind of barter, once sealed, cannot be undone…that is, unless your father forfeits his life.”

  “You must be mistaken,” Elise replied back, wriggling her body to sit upright so she could look clearly up at Callum’s face; her confusion and urgent need for answers making her bold. “How did you save my father’s life? He never mentioned that to me.”

  Callum barked out a humorless laugh, its loudness startling Elise in her seat. She jerked back, but felt the firm flesh of his arms behind her, barricading her in place like a concrete wall. His eyes glimmered with a dark look as his lips twisted up into a wry grin. “Your father,” he stated, “tried to steal gold from the leprechauns. If I hadn’t saved his life, he would be long dead and buried.”

  Leprechauns? Elise sucked in a sharp breath between her teeth, her mind stuttering to a halt as she tried to process her disbelief. It couldn’t be… Leprechauns? Were they even real?

  But deep down inside, she could feel Callum was probably telling the truth. His words had rung genuine, and her past experience and her gut told her this was the sort of thing her father would try to do...

  For heaven’s sake! Swindling money from complete strangers—even magical ones! She wouldn’t put it pass him to steal from his own, dear mother!

  Besides, how else could she explain this weird stranger on horseback appearing out of nowhere and trying to spirit her away…?

  She tried to breathe, using the action of clenching her fists into tight balls to stay present and calm, even as her pulse picked up and her blood pounded in her ears.

  That bloody weasel! She wanted to scream and shout at him, while she pounded her fists against his chest. How dare he do this to her! His own flesh and blood daughter! Couldn’t he be a decent father for once in his life and protect her, instead of using her for his own gain?! But her disgust and silent reprimands at this point were moot.

  Callum squeezed her upper arm, demanding her attention. “We must go,” he said. “There are pressing matters I must deal with back home, and I need to return as quickly as possible.”

  “But I can’t—” Elise blurted. “My mum—she’ll go crazy with worry when I don’t return home! Then I’ve got work tomorrow—what will my boss think? He’ll fire me if I don’t turn up without calling him with an explanation!”

  “There’s no time,” Callum said, grasping the reins of his horse tightly in his large hands, ordering his stallion to turn with a squeeze of his knees. The horse snorted, tossing his head to the side; and obeying, circled around until he was facing the other side. Shortly after, the black stallion began trotting across the road, in the opposite direction of Elise’s house!

  She panicked and began to struggle again, more fiercely this time. “This is kidnapping! You can’t just take me away against my consent! There are laws against this!”

  Callum bit back a sigh, starting to lose his patience, but he reminded himself this must still be a shock to the poor girl’s system, and calmed himself. “A bargain with the immortal folk does not fall under the laws of humans,” he tried to make his voice sound gentle as he explained this, but years of barking orders in the fray of battle and in the demanding and rigorous training of his troops, had left his voice gravelly and rough.

  “What are you saying?” Elise asked, tears welling up in her eyes, her voice pitching higher as she started to become hysterical. “What immortal folk? Who are you talking about? I don’t understand...”

  Callum glanced down at her sharply, trying to determine if she was lying or pretending to be stupid, but her expression told him it was neither. She truly was clueless…

  “I am Fae,” he stated bluntly. “One of the immortal folk. Your father has bargained your life for his, and it’s customary for us to claim what is owed to us in return. Harsh penalties lie in wait for those who try to renegade on their deals…now hold on,” he commanded.

  A helpless cry escaped from Elise’s lips, her eyes rounding in terror as the stallion increased its speed to a full gallop; racing towards the wide corrugated fence of the house on the other side of the road.

  Her scream pierced the air, and Elise shut her eyes in fear and horror, bracing herself reflexively for the impending collision. But the feel of her body crashing against the steel sheet panels never came…

  Just moments before they were about to hit the fence, a line appeared along the ground underneath the horse, glowing bright with a golden-yellow light. Then, in the space of a blink, they disappeared into thin air as one large mass, leaving nothing but a trail of glittering black dust floating in the air in their wake.


  The door creaked open and a chambermaid shuffled in with a tray laden with food. Elise spied a steamy bowl of soup amongst the provisions of bread, cheese and fruit as the maid bowed a small curtsy.

  “My Lady,” she murmured with diffidence, straightening and walking over to place the tray on the small coffee table in front of the roaring fireplace. “The cook has made some of his famous venison stew for you. Please eat,” she said, motioning towards the two empty armchairs around the coffee table.

  Elise did not move from where she sat on the edge of the bed; her knees tucked in between her arms, her face pale and drawn. “I’m not eating,” she said stubbornly. “I refuse to eat anything until I’m returned home!”

  The chambermaid fiddled with her hands anxiously, fretting over the situation. “But you haven’t eaten for three days, my Lady! Please—you must have something or you’ll starve yourself sick!”

  Elise’s lips drew into a thin, stubborn line as she folded her arms over her chest. Although she felt hunger pains eating away at her stomach, and her mouth watered ravenously just from the smell of the food wafting from the tray, she refused to surrender.

  Her hunger strike was a silent protest, and the only thing she could think of doing to try and force Callum to take her back home. Afterall, from what she could see when she’d arrived with Callum on horseback, this place was teeming with soldiers and guards. It wasn’t like she could fight her way out of here!

  “Then tell Callum I want to go home! Until he agrees to this, I won’t touch a bite.”

  The chambermaid bowed despite her distress, and replied saying, “I will speak to his Lordship.” She hesitated, glancing at the untouched tray again, then back towards Elise with a hopeful yet futile look, before turning around and leaving the room to speak to Callum.

  Elise sighed in relief as the door was pulled closed; leaving her alone in the room once again. She leapt up off the bed and padded towards the coffee table to inspect the contents on the tray.

  She wouldn’t eat, but she would at least drink some water! She wasn’t completely stupid! She needed to keep her wits about her and she wouldn’t be able to do that if she allowed herself to become severely dehydrated. Afterall, although the human body could survive three weeks without food, it could only last about four or five days without water.

>   Picking up the goblet of water, she began to drink generously from the receptacle. It wasn’t long before heavy footsteps sounded in the corridor outside her room; becoming louder as the person neared her door, and she froze, the goblet of water clasped tightly in her hands.

  The footsteps stopped right outside her door! She spun into action, hastily plonking the goblet down, causing water to splash over the edge and down the cup’s sides and onto the tray. Leaping across the room and back onto the bed, she made it just in time as the door was thrust open from the outside.

  Callum strode into the room with the force of a powerful gale, his features drawn together in a tight expression that marred his otherwise handsome face.

  Elise scrambled backwards on the bed and towards the headboard, frightened by his loud entrance and his intimidating aura. His lips twitched in amusement as his gaze took in her scurrying movements and small, retreating form.

  “Leave us!” He bellowed out at Elise’s chambermaid and a soldier clad in black, who’d been assigned to guard her door. They’d been standing just inside the doorway, shuffling their feet uncertainly, not quite sure whether they should enter or not.

  Relief flooded their faces, and it was clear they were glad they wouldn’t be required to witness their master’s wrath. They quickly scuffled out the room, closing the door behind them with a soft thud.

  Callum stalked over to the bed and stopped at the foot of the mattress, the fabric of his tunic rustling as he folded his arms and looked sternly over at Elise. “Melody has informed me you are still refusing to eat,” he stated, getting right to the point. “You are causing her much distress.” He paused here, pursing his lips together tightly. He looked like he wanted to say more, but sighed tiredly instead, kneading his temples with his long fingers. “Please eat. You must maintain your strength—it is easy to fall ill in this winter climate if your health and strength decline.”

  Elise eased herself off the wall, allowing her body to slide forward and slightly closer to the large man. Her eyes flickered across his stoic face and then further down his body, noting he possessed the widest chest and broadest shoulders she had ever seen! His forearms alone were twice as thick as her biceps!

  A shudder ran through her as she imagined the strength hidden in those taut muscles, certain it was enough to crush her like some tiny, little ant. Biting her bottom lip, she inhaled deeply and told herself to be brave. “I’m not eating until you agree to take me back home,” she declared, eyeing Callum cautiously as she braced herself for his reaction.

  “I already explained to you, that’s impossible. A bargain was struck with your father, and you now belong here—with me. You cannot return home. I’ve sent word to your mother already; she knows you are safe.”

  “Please,” Elise begged, her eyes pleading with him. “I don’t belong in this place”—she gestured at the room around her—“please, just find someone else to be your bride, and let me go.” She sucked in a sharp, shaky breath.

  Callum pushed out a heavy sigh, unfolding his arms, but his tone was gentle when he spoke next. “I am sorry, my lady, but the deal cannot be undone. We are now bound by word and magic, and the laws of this land. Unless your father is willing to forfeit his life…” he trailed off, but Elise understood what he was getting at without needing to hear the rest of his sentence.

  Wet tears welled up in her eyes, but she held them back with a sniffle, even as they threatened to spill down her cheeks. I will find a way out of here! If Callum won’t release me…well, I’ll just have to figure out another way!

  “Eat. Please.” Callum repeated, gesturing toward the tray of food on the table. Feeling resigned to her fate for the time being, Elise slowly shuffled off the bed, and stood up on the gray stone floor.

  If you’re going to plan your escape, then you’ll need to keep your strength up. Continuing to starve yourself isn’t going to help your plan…! She consoled herself, feeling guilty for deciding at this moment to end her hunger strike.

  Callum shifted from his spot, following Elise as she walked over to the empty armchairs and sat down in one of them. Her body began to warm up immediately from the heat coming from the large fireplace in front of the sitting area.

  Callum sat down across from her, stretching his long, muscular legs out as he watched her carefully with the gaze of a hawk.

  Elise tried to ignore his stare, and tucked her feet underneath her legs. Reaching forward, she grabbed the tray of food from the round, wooden coffee table, and keeping it steady, placed it carefully on her lap. She hesitated…her fingers about to pick up a spoon. Her eyes flicked over to look at Callum, who nodded at her encouragingly.

  Suddenly, Elise’s stomach growled loudly, and without concerning herself about acting proper and polite, she grabbed the spoon from the tray and began digging into the stew, taking large mouthfuls at a time.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Elise caught Callum’s pleased smile, which he tried to hide secretly behind his hand. But she was too hungry to care and too busy eating to concern herself about it.

  Ripping off a chunk of bread, she dunked it in the stew, savoring the delicious warmth and meaty flavor that filled her mouth. She didn’t know whether she was so hungry that anything she ate would taste like heaven right now, or if the food was simply amazing! Either way, she ate her fill, soaking up the last bits of the stew with a piece of bread, before popping it into her mouth.

  Soon after, her spoon clattered down, and she stared at the nearly empty tray. The cheese, bread and stew were completely gone—gobbled up greedily to satisfy her gnawing hunger—and only the small bowl of strange gold berries remained, along with the goblet of water.

  “What are these?” she asked Callum, pointing to the fruit with a curious look. With the satisfaction of a full belly making her feel slightly drowsy and more forthcoming, she felt less scared in Callum’s presence.

  “They are rosenberries,” he answered, stirring in his seat. He watched with an amused expression as Elise popped one inside her mouth. The sweet taste of honey burst onto her tongue, as the juices from the berry spilled out! Callum held back a chuckle as Elise greedily finished the entire bowl, and wiped her mouth clean with a white napkin from the tray.

  “Bees love to pollenate the rosenberry flowers, and they end up with a rich, honey taste,” Callum explained. Elise nodded appreciatively, placing the tray back on the coffee table, and stretched out her arms and legs, yawning.

  The exhaustion of her hunger strike had taken its toll on her—aswell as the stress of being brought to a strange, new place. She still found it hard to believe she was being held captive inside a stone fortress by an immortal Fae—as Callum had described himself—and in a completely different realm!

  She frowned. Despite him being hospitable and assigning staff to her to ensure her basic needs were looked after, she still didn’t trust this man. The day she’d arrived here with him, he’d hoisted her off his steed and carried her kicking and screaming into a large chamber with an ornate chair on top of a dais at the front of the room.

  He’d called for a priest of some sort soon after, and she’d been forced to go through some kind of hand-binding ceremony, where the priest wrapped a thin, red silk string around their clasped hands, while he murmured something in a strange, lilting language Elise had never heard before.

  Later, guided by the priest, she’d been required to repeat a string of words that she seriously suspected may have been vows, in the same strange tongue. Callum had done the same, speaking directly after her.

  Elise had only cooperated because of the threat of her father’s impending death, which hung uncertainly in the air…and despite hating his guts at the moment, she still didn’t want the hulking Fae her father had promised her to, to hurt her dad.

  Callum had left her as soon as the marriage ceremony was over to take care of some ‘pressing matters,’ as he’d called them. He’d barked out orders at the guards and attending staff, who’d come rushing to his beck and ca
ll, and left her in their care.


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