Bartered to the Fae Lord

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Bartered to the Fae Lord Page 8

by Rylee Winters

  Elise shook her head stubbornly, unable to accept Callum’s words. “You made me promise to stay safe, so you need to give me your word you’ll do the same.”

  “I thought you said you weren’t worried about me?” Callum smiled dryly, chuckling slightly.

  Elise was unable to hold back her blush. “W-Well…I do need you to stay alive, since my entire welfare is dependent on you while I’m stuck here in this strange realm,” she said, gesturing around her to emphasize her words. She absolutely did not want Callum getting any wrong ideas in his head.

  “So, you’re saying your concern for my wellbeing is simply because I’m your benefactor?” he queried, his tone clearly conveying he did not believe a word of what she was saying.

  “Yes,” Elise replied, giving an emphatic nod of her head. “That’s exactly right.”

  There was a pause of silence.

  “You’re a terrible liar, little one,” Callum said, his voice so soft, Elise just barely heard what he was saying.

  He placed a finger underneath her chin, and gently tilted her head up, forcing her to meet his eyes. “I give you my word I will return safely to your side. As long as I am able to draw even one single breath, I will come back to you.”

  The strength of Callum’s promise caused a tremor to run down Elise’s back. She trembled under his powerful gaze, while her heart melted at the sincerity of his words. No one had ever spoken to her with so much self-control and passion at the same time. For once in her life, Elise felt she could truly believe in someone, and trust they would keep their word. She’d never felt this level of faith and assurance with anyone else before—not even with her own mother…

  Before Elise knew what was happening, Callum lowered his head down even further, and brushed her forehead with a soft, chaste kiss. Although the contact only lasted for a brief second, Elise was startled by the warm tingle she felt across her skin.

  “I will return to your side as soon as I can, little one,” he murmured gently in her ear, and Elise could only nod dumbly as she felt her mouth go dry and her throat fill with cotton.

  Elise had no idea what came over her suddenly, but she grasped Callum’s hand as he was withdrawing it from under her chin, feeling almost panicked as she watched him pulling away from her, preparing to depart on his horse. He was really going to leave her! The impending reality hit her like a brick wall.

  Unable to form the right words, she wordlessly squeezed his hand in hers, swallowing. “Come back safely,” she finally managed to say after a long moment of silence, before letting go. Then, quickly turning around, she ran back inside the keep. She didn’t even slow down once she was inside. Instead, she began racing through the corridors, heading straight for her room.

  Upon reaching her room, she stepped inside and ran towards the large bay window that looked directly out onto the courtyard, and flung back the curtains, just in time to see the entourage of soldiers leaving…

  Her gaze immediately flew to where Callum was in the middle of the group, soldiers flanking him in front and from behind, ensuring he was well protected.

  She watched on, almost entranced by the view of his powerful figure and strong back, as he sat in his saddle riding his steed with grace and ease. The image seemed to burn itself into her mind as his figure became smaller and smaller, moving further away. Shortly afterwards, he disappeared completely out of sight as his horse trotted through the garrison’s gates.

  No longer in plain view, a feeling of unrest settled over Elise. She couldn’t stop it from gnawing away at her stomach. She felt abandoned and alone…except she had no idea why. She still had Melody, Aiden and a host of other staff and soldiers at the garrison to keep her company, so why did she feel so lonely?

  Besides, this was the perfect opportunity for her to explore the garrison further without having to worry about being under Callum’s surveillance—and who knows, perhaps she’d be able to find a way to get out of here and back to the human realm somehow. Afterall, wasn’t this her goal...? Only, the prospect of leaving this place didn’t leave her quite as excited as she thought it would, and her awareness of this troubled her...

  Elise dropped the curtains, letting them fall back into place. It wasn’t like her to get down in the dumps like this. Grumbling largely at herself, she slid off the cushioned seat of the bay window, and began circling her room restlessly.

  It wasn’t until a few minutes later that she finally got sick and tired of staying in her room, and decided to venture outside. Her stomach at this point felt slightly empty, so she thought she’d make a detour to the kitchen to get some pastries before she went outside.

  As soon as she opened the door and walked outside, she spotted Aiden standing alongside the wall to her left guarding her room, and even though she should have been expecting him to be there, she found herself feeling slightly startled.

  “I thought you might have been preoccupied with sorting other things out due to Callum’s trip today…” Elise began, placing a hand over her racing heart and feeling her heart rate slowly descending back down to normal.

  “I usually would be, but Callum gave me strict instructions to make sure you were alright,” Aiden replied, smiling pleasantly. Elise nodded. She’d noticed over the weeks she’d been living here that Aiden had a very easy going nature, and was kind and attentive to her despite being relegated to babysitting duties.

  “What you really mean is he gave you strict instructions to watch me like a hawk, right?” Elise asked ruefully, scrunching up her nose.

  Instead of answering her question, Aiden smiled at her and asked her in a cheerful voice, “were you wanting to go somewhere, my Lady? If so, please allow me to escort you.”

  Elise sighed, a little disappointed. She was hoping she’d have a bit more freedom with the garrison bustling about today, attending to Callum’s departure and his final instructions…

  In fact, she was about to take advantage of everyone’s attention being diverted elsewhere and go exploring a bit. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem like that was going to be case…

  “I was just about to head to the kitchen and grab a quick snack and then get some fresh air,” Elise told Aiden reluctantly, wishing fate would intervene and call him off somewhere urgently so she could just be left alone.

  But there was no such luck. Sighing, Elise began trudging towards the kitchen. Now she was familiar with the main areas of the keep, she knew the way and really didn’t need Aiden’s assistance in escorting her there. But of course his real purpose for following her around was to keep her out of trouble and ensure that she was safe. She suspected Callum had given him very strict instructions regarding both fronts.

  On their way to the kitchens, they passed by a few of the younger boys who were hurrying about running errands for the various masters around the garrison.

  She spotted one of the kitchen boys carrying a brown sack of something quite heavy looking, and wondered what it was. Maybe some fresh produce or meat for tonight’s dinner? He stopped briefly to chat with one of the stableboys, but shortly after their conversation ended, they were on their way again.

  As Elise exited into the next corridor, a small figure almost barrelled into her.

  “Whoa!” she breathed, bending down to grasp the small boy by the shoulders before he could fall backwards onto the ground.

  “Gideon!” she cried out in surprise as the boy lifted his head up, revealing his startled face.

  “I’m so sorry, my Lady!” he immediately apologized, bowing, then glancing at something behind her, he became scared.

  Elise glanced over her shoulder and saw Aiden approaching them in quick, successive steps; a stern expression on his face. She shook her head slightly at the soldier, silently asking him to stand down—he was scaring the boy!

  Aiden hesitated, but after a brief second he slowed to a halt just a few feet away from her, and stood there waiting for her. She gave him a quick nod of approval and turned back to face Gideon, who was growing more terrified
by the minute.

  “Are you okay?” Elise asked gently, scanning over the boy’s body quickly for any injuries. Nothing seemed to stick out.

  Gideon gulped and didn’t speak, but to Elise’s relief, he nodded his head. “It’s okay, you don’t need to be afraid of Aiden or me. We’re not going to hurt you,” Elise assured Gideon, sensing his fear and mistrust. “Do you remember me?” she asked him, looking at his face for any sign of recognition.

  Realization seemed to dawn on the boy, and his features softened as a tinge of color returned to his cheeks. He seemed to finally register who Elise was. “Y-You’re the lady who saved me the other day…!” he declared softly.

  A grin lit up Elise’s face, making her eyes twinkle. “So, you do remember me! That’s good!” She hadn’t been sure whether he would. Given the chaos of that day, and how confused and muddled Gideon would have felt after she’d revived him…especially as Callum had taken it upon himself to whisk her away almost immediately after the boy had regained consciousness.

  “T-Thank you, my Lady,” Gideon bowed. “For saving me that day and helping me to get this new job. Melody told me if it weren’t for you—”

  “I only did what was right,” Elise said, interrupting him with a friendly smile. “I’m glad you’re okay and seem to be doing well. How are you finding the new job?” she asked, changing the subject and focusing on him.

  Gideon beamed up at her. “Great, my Lady! The cook has been very kind to me, and all the kitchen staff have been treating me well. I’m learning a lot!”

  “That’s good to hear,” Elise said, returning his smile. “So, where were you rushing off to just a moment ago? You seemed to be in a big hurry to get somewhere. Did you need any help?”

  “Oh, yes…I almost forgot. I need to get going. There’s a cart of grains and flour being delivered and I’m to guide the driver to the storage rooms and help him unload.”

  “Well, off you go then,” Elise replied. “Just make sure to watch where you’re going. No running okay!” Elise shooed him off, calling out loud the last part of her sentence as she watched him duck through the nearest doorway and out of sight.

  “Kids..!” she muttered with amusement at herself, shaking her head. She heard a chuckle from beside her and she turned to see Aiden smiling humorously.

  For a moment, she’d almost forgotten he was standing there.

  “The lad’s going to fit in here just fine,” he remarked to her, as if he sensed she needed the reassurance.

  “Of course…I know that,” Elise replied offhandedly, pretending to be unbothered by it all, but inside, she was grateful for Aiden’s words, and felt comforted by them. Her heart lightened with relief.

  “On to the kitchen, then?” he asked, wisely refraining from asking her more on the subject.

  Elise cracked a smile. “Yes! Come on. I could definitely use one of Cook’s famous pastries!”

  ❖ ❖ ❖

  When Elise finally got her hands on one of Cook’s pastries, it was warm from the oven and when she bit into it, she sighed in heavenly delight.

  The head cook, a man with dark bushy eyebrows and a tanned complexion from working constantly near the heat of the ovens and stoves, beamed at her with a brilliant smile, seeming overjoyed at seeing her eating his food with such bliss and happiness.

  He wrapped a handful more in a sheet of waxed paper and placed them in a small drawstring bag for her, so she could enjoy them on her walk outside. Thanking him, she left with Aiden in tow, and made her way out of the small back door of the kitchen.

  Traipsing along the grounds, Elise made her way to the training grounds, intending to watch the soldiers train for a bit as she munched on her food.

  Only a few of the soldiers paid her arrival much attention, and she found a bench nearby and sat down. Even so, they looked away soon after, their concentration reverting back to the exercises their drill instructors had given them to do.

  She patted the empty space beside her, motioning for Aiden to take a seat next to her, and opening the bag the cook had given her, offered him a pastry.

  Aiden hesitated, unsure of himself.

  “Please, you’re making me uncomfortable standing over me like some looming tower,” Elise said to him, trying to put the lieutenant at ease. “I’m not used to people bowing to me and standing in my presence; it makes me feel extremely awkward…so do me a favor and just treat me like any other person.”

  Aiden gave her a rueful smile. “Unfortunately, I cannot, my Lady. You are Lord Callum’s wife. But”—he paused, as if thinking over the situation—“if it makes you more comfortable, I will sit down.”

  Elise answered him with a smile.

  “Thanks,” Aiden said, taking one of the still warm jam pastries as he took a seat next to her.

  Aiden seemed to relax slightly beside her, and Elise settled down to enjoy the spectacle in front of them. The trainees were being worked hard; going through different stances and movements, striking and parrying with their swords. Sweat trickled down their faces, as the drill instructor barked out orders and commanded them to shift positions at a faster and faster pace.

  “Is it always like this?” Elise asked, wondering if the recruits were constantly worked this hard.

  Aiden hesitated for a moment before speaking. “Their training is usually very demanding and rigorous, but we’ve had to make it significantly more strenuous recently…”

  “Why’s that?” Elise asked, frowning, turning to look over at Aiden.

  Aiden cleared his throat, looking uncomfortable. “I’m not sure if it’s my place to say…” he responded.

  “Come on, Aiden—please!” Elise said, pleading with him. She gave him her best puppy eyes. “If I’m going to be stuck here, the least you could do is tell me what’s going on.”

  The lieutenant bit his bottom lip, looking slightly abashed. “Okay…but please don’t tell Lord Callum you heard this from me.”

  “Of course, of course,” Elise replied, reassuring him with a wave of her hand. Then still seeing uncertainty in Aiden’s eyes, she swore solemnly, “I promise I won’t breathe a word.”

  Aiden sighed, but gave in to her request under pressure. “We received a missive from the king a few weeks ago. There’s trouble at the southern borders of the kingdom, and we’ve been asked to hasten the training for the troops as we’ll need to send them into battle earlier than we originally planned.”

  “How many weeks do you have to get them ready?” Elise asked curiously, worry etching her face as she processed the information. It sounded like a war might be brewing on the horizon…

  “We were given eight weeks…and now there are only five weeks left,” Aiden answered apprehensively. “It’s not a lot of time, so the instructors have needed to make the training increasingly more brutal to ensure we can prepare these young soldiers in time for the battlefront.”

  “What about their families? Do they know?” Elise asked, fiddling with the fabric of her dress—a nervous habit of hers. She felt anxious for the young men and women in front of her. Some of them looked around her age, and she found it hard to imagine herself being capable or ready to face down enemies on the battlefield and put her life on the line, if she were asked to defend her country all of a sudden. Being away from her family and friends, and not knowing what was going to happen with all the dangers of war…it was a heavy burden to take on. Her mother would be so worried aswell!

  Not that her current situation was ideal, either. But at least her mother knew where she was, and that she was relatively safe.

  “They won’t be informed until the troops reach the south—in case word leaks out and reaches the ears of our enemies.”


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