Bartered to the Fae Lord

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Bartered to the Fae Lord Page 10

by Rylee Winters

  She floundered briefly, before being able to restore the arrow to its place, holding it back in position. Gripping the weapon tightly in her hands, she lowered it so the arrowhead was pointing downwards, before spinning her head around to confront the speaker.

  For a moment, her breathing stopped; her eyes locking onto Callum’s face. Joy spilled into her chest and her heart began to race, but she kept her expression neutral. He stood only six or so legstrides from her, and he had an amused and thoughtful expression on his face.

  Elise noticed he’d also had a haircut, and now his hair was cropped short. It looked good on him.

  As she tried to calm her rapidly beating heartbeat, Elise pinched her lips together, and in a flash, whirled back around to face the target. She needed time to think—without the distraction of Callum’s handsome face…so she lifted her bow and arrow up and into position, and shot the weapon.

  It hit the target near the center area of the rings, close to the bullseye.

  “Well done,” Callum remarked, clapping his hands, and she turned around expecting to see a patronizing look on his face, but he seemed generally surprised and impressed by her skills. Aiden, who was supposed to be observing her from the bench, was nowhere in sight.

  Callum’s reaction left Elise a little speechless, and the retort she’d prepared sitting on the tip of her tongue died and withered away at encountering his unexpected support.

  She was so surprised at this moment that she didn’t even have the presence of mind to ask him when he got back. She hadn’t even heard the sound of horses or felt hooves shaking the ground, nor had she noticed the flurry of staff she would expect to accompany his return.

  Somehow, with her mind deep in concentration, she’d missed it all—and he’d even managed to sneak up on her!

  “How about you try that again?” Callum suggested, closing the remaining distance between them. The flurry of questions whirring inside her mind died and stilled as he stopped right beside her, and she felt the full force of his presence.

  Her mind blanked for a moment, and her heart flew to her throat, lodging itself there…and words just refused to come out. Instead, deep emotions began to engulf her chest, her lungs and her throat, throttling her voice.

  Despite looking travel weary, seeing Callum’s face brought a warm, happy feeling fluttering inside her chest. Relief flooded her veins…it was like she was reuniting with someone she cared dearly about after being apart from them for a long length of time…

  Her hands trembled, it was almost overwhelming. She felt a nervous flutter of butterflies in her stomach as she got into position as Aiden had taught her. Then, in the next moment, her throat went as dry as sandpaper when Callum stepped behind her and she felt his powerful body at her back.

  “Angle your arm slightly higher and tighten your elbow. It’ll keep the arrow steadier,” he advised, murmuring in her ear, his breath lightly tickling her earlobe.

  Elise sucked in a sharp breath, sensing just how close Callum’s lips and entire body was from her own. If she just leaned back slightly, she would find herself in his embrace, captured between his solid chest and arms…

  The thought brought a shiver of anticipation and excitement down her back.

  Callum’s fingers lightly brushed over her arms and shoulders as he deftly adjusted her position. Then suddenly, he placed his hands firmly on her hips, taking her by surprise. She jerked back slightly.

  “Widen your stance a bit and relax,” Callum instructed, and not trusting herself to speak, Elise obeyed wordlessly, her skin tingling under Callum’s guiding touch. His voice was soft and soothing as he instructed her, his masculine woody scent tickling her senses as she breathed it in deeply. She hadn’t realized it until now, but she had desperately missed his scent…

  Elise closed her eyes, trying to calm the rapid hammering of her heart. Opening them slowly again, a sense of thrill and excitement rippled through her, and every one of her nerve endings seemed to be exposed and on fire, heightening her senses.

  “Now take aim and shoot,” Callum said, stepping away, and Elise couldn’t help but feel a sense of loss at being deprived of his nearness and the comforting warmth of his body.

  Taking in a deep breath, she stilled and took aim, her eyes focusing on the target up ahead. Seconds later she fired the shot and the arrow sung true, hitting the bullseye directly in the center.

  “How did that feel?” Callum asked, smiling, giving an approving nod of his head.

  “Better. Much better!” Elise said grinning, pleased with the result. The shot had felt more fluid and the arrow had sailed through the air faster than before.

  She lowered the bow and placed it back in its stand. “When did you arrive back?” she asked, her heart still racing.

  “Just a short while ago,” he answered, his eyes regarding Elise thoughtfully. “How long have you been learning and practicing archery?”

  “Since you left. Aiden’s been teaching me.”

  Callum nodded, smiling. “Aiden’s a good teacher,” he remarked. “But you are also a good student it seems,” he added chuckling. “You’ve made quite a lot of progress for someone who’s only been learning archery for a few of weeks.”

  “Do you really think so?” Elise asked, feeling pleased at his compliment. “I’ve been practicing every day. I find the challenge interesting.”

  “Well, it seems your dedication and enthusiasm has paid off. Soon enough you’ll be competing with my seasoned troops,” Callum laughed, eyes twinkling.

  Pride fluttered inside Elise’s chest. “So, you don’t mind me learning how to shoot with a bow?”

  Callum looked at her quizzically. “Why would I mind?”

  Elise hesitated. “It’s just…” she began, not quite knowing how to put it.

  …That her father and mother would have said it was a waste of time. Apart from swimming, she’d never really been good at any sports, and there had never been any money around the house for her to get lessons. Even as a swimmer, she was never one of the best in the team; her capabilities not even good enough to get her a scholarship into college.

  “Nothing…it’s nothing,” Elise said, shaking her head; a small, sad smile on her face.

  “Does it make you happy?” Callum asked unexpectedly.

  Elise raised her head, her eyes meeting his. “What do you mean?”

  “Does learning archery make you happy?” he repeated, reaching out to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

  Elise’s heart skipped a beat. “I guess so…” she answered after a short pause.

  “Then that’s all that matters,” he said matter-of-factly. He placed his hand gently under her chin, forcing her to look directly into his eyes. “You don’t need to feel guilty or ashamed for pursuing something you enjoy or you’re passionate about—even if others may not understand; if it brings you joy, you should do it.”

  Elise swallowed hard. No one had ever given her permission to be selfish and follow her dreams before. She’d always been expected to put her own needs second before everyone else’s.

  Callum withdrew his hand. “My parents never wanted me to be a soldier,” he confided. “They’d wanted me to take a high position in Court either on the Council or as an advisor. But I’ve always felt more at ease on the battlefield…amongst the blunt directness of soldiers than in the presence of flowery and pompous Courtiers, who spout lies as easily as a fountain does water,” he shook his head. “Besides, I find the customs at Court stifling,” he added, smiling, and Elise found herself being drawn to this man in a way she’d never been drawn to another person before.

  He seemed to understand her on some deeper level that no one else ever had…and he perceived things even she hadn’t even realized about herself before.

  “Lord Callum!” A servant called out, rushing over to them and interrupting their conversation. Both of them turned to look at the soldier who stopped before them, his hair plastered flat against his head from wearing the heavy helm
et he currently had tucked in the crook of his arm. Sweat trickled down the side of his face, and he smelled of sweat and horses, and Elise suspected he’d been part of Callum’s travelling retinue.

  “What is it Sergeant?” Callum asked.

  “Lord Varian has arrived and is demanding your presence.”

  Callum sighed, his brow creasing in consternation. “Of course. It was wishful thinking I’d be able to gain a gap of more than a few hours on the road in front of him...”

  Elise peered curiously over at Callum, wondering who Lord Varian was and why he was here, but it didn’t seem she was going to get any answers right now.

  “Please advise the staff to settle him into his rooms, and give him a chance to bathe and change himself. We’ll take lunch together in an hour.”

  “As you wish, my Lord.” The sergeant bowed and quickly set off to fulfil his commander’s orders.

  “I need a good bath myself,” Callum commented, looking over himself, eyeing his dusty clothes. “I’ll escort you back to your rooms so you can get some rest before lunch.”

  Elise took his proffered hand without protest or question, and allowed Callum to lead her back to the keep. They walked in companionable silence for the most part; she sensed there was a lot on Callum’s mind.

  Although there were dozens of questions that were waiting to spill out from her mouth, she refrained from speaking out, seeing the tired look on Callum’s face.

  It wasn’t long before they arrived in front of her bedroom door. Callum seemed to hesitate for a moment, seeming not to want to leave her side. Finally, he heaved out a deep sigh and brought her hand he was holding to his lips and planted a soft kiss.

  “Rest well, my lady,” he said, before releasing her hand and watching her disappear through the door and into her room.

  Behind the closed door, Elise halted and leaned her back against it, her feet unwilling to move away from the spot despite her logic. Unable to resist the temptation or her curiosity, she pressed one ear against the wooden panel, listening for Callum’s retreating footsteps. But her hearing was met with silence…

  Seconds ticked by, and she nervously wondered what was going on the other side of the door panel. What was Callum thinking?

  On the otherhand, what she was doing felt wrong; like she was spying on him, and she worried she’d accidentally give herself away and be caught snooping any second now…

  Her heart thumped loudly, and her blood drummed noisily in her ears. It wasn’t until a long moment had passed when she picked up on the sound of movement on the other side of the door…Callum was retreating, his footsteps growing fainter as he finally began to walk away.

  Elise continued to listen on, her ear pressed up against the door, until finally, the sound of his feet moved completely out of earshot.

  Her stomach curled with anticipation as she wondered what this meant. He’d been standing behind her door—without moving—for quite some time before he finally left. Had he wanted her to invite him in? Was there something he wanted to say to her but was holding back?

  The questions buzzed inside her head like a hive of busy bees. Unfortunately, she had no answers.

  Inhaling deeply, she tried to steady her breaths and the erratic beating of her heart. There was so much she wanted to ask Callum…and so many words remained unsaid between the two of them.

  But sadly, all of that would have to wait. She only had an hour to rest and prepare herself before she would need to go and meet the new guest who’d arrived at the garrison—Lord Varian.

  Judging by Callum’s disgruntled reaction, she suspected his visit was going to be an unpleasant one. There seemed to be some sort of animosity between the two men…

  She could only hope Lord Varian’s stay would end up being short, and that she wouldn’t get stuck in the middle of the drama. Little did Elise know, fate had other plans…and she’d soon find herself at the mercy of her cruel, twisted hands.


  Callum paced stormily up and down his room, while Cassius stood on the side watching his commander rake a hand roughly through his hair.

  “My Lord, if you keep walking like that, you’re going to wear a hole the rug,” Cassius remarked, stopping Callum in his tracks.

  “I don’t trust him, Cassius.” Callum sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers. “I know he must be up to something—I just don’t know what exactly…”

  “Lord Varian is a complicated man—shrewd, cunning, and unscrupulous. We should not let our guard down while he’s here,” Cassius counselled.

  “Yes—that’s exactly why I want him out of this garrison as soon as possible!”

  “Has he given any indication of how long he’s staying for?”

  Callum scoffed. “The man says he only intends to stay for a week and a half, but who knows…it’s not like he’s ever felt like he was answerable to anyone,” he snarled.

  There was a knock at the door, and both men paused as they turned towards the sound.

  “Come in!” Callum barked, and Gorchan entered to inform them lunch was ready.

  “It seems we can no longer avoid him…” Cassius murmured. “Is Lady Elise accompanying us for lunch aswell?”

  “Yes. Varian’s insisted on meeting my wife, and despite my reservations, custom and manners make the introduction unavoidable.”

  “I’ll keep a close eye on him during dinner and sit next to her Ladyship to make sure she’s alright.”

  “Thank you, Cassius,” Callum replied clasping his friend on the shoulder. “You’re a good man and a loyal friend. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  “Probably still be stuck in a ditch back in the fields of Sedonia,” Cassius grinned, and Callum let out a bark of laughter. “Yes…indeed, my friend, indeed. Come on, we better go. I want to get there before Aiden arrives with Elise.”

  Cassius grimaced. “Yes, it would probably be a disaster for her to arrive first and be alone with Lord Varian. Let’s go.”

  The two friends walked out of Callum’s room, taking long strides through the keep, and reached the dining hall in several minutes. Lord Varian was already there, seated on the opposite side of the long table, just two seats away from the head of the table.

  Callum took his position at the end of the table, near Lord Varian, while Cassius sat down in a chair opposite to their unwelcome guest.

  “Captain Cassius!” Lord Varian greeted in a practiced, velvety smooth voice. “I didn’t realize you would be joining us today. What a pleasant surprise!” he remarked, flashing his teeth in a twisted smile.

  “I asked Cassius to join us. I thought it would be beneficial…in case there was anything you wanted to discuss regarding the situation with the troops,” Callum responded without hesitation. This was still his garrison, and it would do well to remind Varian of this!

  Lord Varian chuckled with amusement, picking up his goblet of wine and taking a drink. “The more the merrier,” he said raising his goblet in mock salute.

  Callum gritted his teeth, clenching his hand underneath the table. His steely eyes trained themselves on Varian, his face as hard as mountain rock. Tension spread across his body, making his shoulders stiff, as every fibre of his being shouted out to him to drag the flippant court noble out of this the room, and throw him on his ass outside the gates of the garrison. Unfortunately, he’d have to answer to the King if he attempted such a discourtesy…but even so, he was sorely tempted…


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