Twisted Wings

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Twisted Wings Page 2

by J Wells

  He reaches past the handbrake and rests his hand on my thigh.

  “You’ll always be safe with me, always.”

  I push his hand away. He turns on the radio and winds down the window, allowing me a blast of fresh air to breathe. I can actually feel myself beginning to relax.

  The trees and the essence of Mother Nature soon give way to petrol fumes and takeaways, the trees become red-bricked buildings, and the empty roads become a stream of headlights. Lucian jerks the car to a stop and lifts the handbrake. I open the door. Looking down, I see that he’s parked on double-yellow lines.

  “Lucian, you can’t park here, you’ll get a fine.”

  He smirks mischievously. “They’ll have to find me first.”

  I can see the lights of The Silken Kite and can hear the blaring music; the club is just at the end of the street. I feel Lucian take my arm and manoeuvre me through the sea of bustling people. I must say, I preferred the hooting of owls and the sweet sound of whispering leaves to the shouts and cries of these revellers.

  “Alright, Dennis.”

  I watch the bald bouncer with the dragon tattoo turn and pat Lucian on the shoulder with force.

  “Fucking hell, mate, better late than never. Gaz is having fucking kittens in there. Jade has phoned in sick, Heather’s handed in her notice and the new bit of skirt hasn’t even shown up.”

  I watch his eyes as he looks down at me, then back towards Lucian.

  “Oh, like that, is it?” He winks.

  I can hear the impatience of the people queuing behind us, though it fades into the background as Dennis opens the door. I can almost feel the music’s beat in my chest as we fight our way towards the bar. There is one free barstool; I sit and place my feet on the gold-plated rail below. Lucian stands behind me, with an arm either side clasping the bar.

  Lucy the barmaid turns after closing the till and Lucian lifts his hand. I see her eyes as they catch him and her smile of recognition. She walks over, bright faced.

  “Not working tonight?” she enquires.

  Her golden hair looks almost platinum under the flashing lights.

  “Where’s Gaz?” Lucian calls.

  “One sec!”

  She shouts across the bar to a man who is waving a fifty-pound note in his hand. Whilst pulling a pint of beer, she gazes back at Lucian.

  “Gaz is in the back, though he might have company,” she explains.

  The stool I sit on dips as Lucian uses it as a stepping stone to the other side of the bar. He tosses a bottle of water my way, and my eyes follow him as he disappears under the arch-doorway and into the backroom. Only moments later, a busty blonde with a dress just covering her dignity walks out, rearranging her hair, and the next minute she is pouring shots out for a man who has just seated himself on the now empty stool to my right.

  The thought of running away is still in my mind, but how would I explain a vampire and fallen angel to the police? I take a few sips of my lukewarm water and see yet another tray of brightly coloured shots being placed down on the sticky bar beside me. It is only my peripheral view that makes out the shape of a man slumped over. I turn slightly and see the elbows of his pink shirt soaked by spilt drinks; like blotting paper, the liquid seeps further up his arms. His arm is like clockwork as it moves back and forth from the bar to his mouth and back again. Seeing how unsteady he is, I watch the bar stool tip.

  “Whoa, steady on.” I grab at his shirt.

  “Alright, love, what’s ya poison?” he slurs.

  “No, ta,” I reply, raising my eyebrows on seeing how drunk he is.

  Only now do I turn fully and notice a cast on his hand. His piercing blue eyes are overshadowed by red rings.

  “Absinth,” he calls over to the busty barmaid with the fluffed-up blonde hair.

  At the same time I notice Lucy having cross words with a punter at the far end of the bar. Her face is red as she points towards the door. I watch as he leans over, shouting her down. Dennis must have been told of the commotion, as I see him pushing his way towards the man, who lifts his hands up apologetically. The man looks across the bar, catches my eye and smiles, and I look down into my lap. When I glance back up, the fracas has been diffused. I turn and see that the shot glasses lie empty, and watch the drunken man shout for more.

  “You not had enough?”

  His lank hair falls across his eyes as he cocks his head on one side to face me.

  “Love, you’ve got no idea. I was getting married in a couple of weeks and she’s called it off.”

  I turn away a little so that I am looking out onto the dance floor rather than at his drunken expression. I wince, feeling a sharp pinch on my arm as he tugs at my shirtsleeve.

  “Do you mind?” I snap, yanking my arm out of his hand.

  “And all because she thinks I’m a trouble-maker,” he continues.

  “Hmmm, wonder where she got that idea,” I huff.

  My eyes scan the other side of the club for a free stool.

  “Thought I got mixed up in another fight and would end up back inside.”

  My eyes shift to his lap and the graffiti plaster cast he wears around his hand.

  “Got my life back on track, finally going straight for her. Why the fuck did I bother?”

  “Is this man bothering you?”

  I look up.

  “No, Lucian, we were just talking.”

  But truth be known, it was nice he turned up when he did.

  “Alright, Alex Scott of 42 Maple Drive, how’s that hand of yours?” Lucian utters.

  I can see Alex’s eyes narrow and his brows join. Shakily he attempts to pick up the pint he’s just been served. He makes no attempt to answer Lucian, and stumbles towards a small table.

  A voice pipes up. “You won’t be wanting the job then?”

  I swivel round on my stool to face Gaz’s receding hairline. I pass him a smile.

  “Good on ya, mate,” he grins, looking from me to Lucian. “Best have this for your next employer.”

  He pops a plastic wallet containing my CV next to me on the bar. I look up and see Gaz’s eyes fixed on the busty blonde, who follows him as he returns to the back room.

  “What have you been saying to him?” I ask.

  Half smiling, Lucian grabs my hand. I tense as he pulls me to my feet and mechanically walk a few steps behind him onto the dance floor. He pulls me back against his chest and slips his thumbs into the pockets of my jeans, pressing himself into me; I’m forced to dance.

  “Get off me, Lucian!” I protest, but he just exaggerates his movements and I feel his thrusts become more intense.

  “Bloody hell, Rose, loosen up.”

  I have no choice but to move my hips in time with his. With his head pressed into my neck, his words steal their way into my ears.

  “Rose, can’t you feel how much I want you?”

  Yes, far too much, I think, trying to pull away from his gyrating crotch. He allows me a step forwards, but I trip on my heels as he spins me to face him. His hands are all over my ass and I’m pressed into his groin as he moves back and forth in time to the beat. We’re almost swallowed up in the music, in the moment, as strobe lighting flashes into my eyes, illuminating the dance floor. His dark hair brushes softly against my brow and I watch his face move closer. His lips part; he dampens them with his tongue. I feel a shudder of excitement shooting through my entire body. What the fuck is he doing to me? It’s as if he’s in my head, controlling my thoughts.

  “God, Lucian, what are you doing to me?”

  “Don’t worry yourself, Rose.” His cheek glides along mine and he whispers in my ear. “Surely there’s no harm in some gentle persuasion?” His words are breathy and playful.

  Though I wriggle and fight in his arms there is no release, he just won’t let me go. I close my eyes and try to blank him out, but the darkness behind my lids is dissolved by images of Lucian with his arms draped around me. He’s pushing me through the crowd and into the toilets. He slams me back again
st the cold tiled wall and rips off my shirt. Opening my eyes, I’m back on the dance floor. I gasp; his eyes are already there, waiting.

  “Is there no way I can escape you?”

  He winks. “Afraid not, not for the next ten days at least… Let me in, Rose.”

  Suddenly, we hear shattering glass and screams, and Lucian’s head shoots round towards the bar. His fingers fasten themselves around my wrist and he drags me towards the fire exit, lifting the metal bar and pushing me out onto the street.

  I look into Rose’s eyes; I can see my magic is starting to work. There is a glint, an excitement that wasn’t there before. I’ve got her where I want her. I can feel her tenseness, but the awkwardness when holding her hand has slipped away and our fingers link quite naturally.

  “Told you if you parked on double yellows you’d get a ticket,” she said, wide-eyed.

  I rip the parking ticket off my windscreen and throw it at the curb.

  “Do you really think they’re going to find a vampire?”

  I want Rose to see the nice side of my nature, so I slightly ease the hold I have over her. Gentleman-like I open the door and watch her get in. Back in the driver’s seat I gaze at the clock on the dashboard: two o’clock. We still have a few hours of fun before sun-up.

  “When we get back, can you take me to see Tristan? I need to know he’s okay.”

  I cringe at the mention of that man’s name and almost stall the car, which jumps away from the edge of the road. I can’t control her thoughts forever. The minute I ease the control I have over her, she wants him.

  “You’ll see your friend in ten days, not before.” My words are terse and to the point.

  I don’t mean to snap at her, it’s just that I want her to want me. In time I hope she can grow to love me, the way I do her. She makes no attempt to reply, and sits in silence. I can see her fingers fidgeting in her lap. Releasing the steering wheel, I lay my hand on her knee.

  “Sorry… What say we just rewind the last thirty seconds?” I mutter under my breath.

  “Whatever; you’ve made the rules.”

  I catch her short reply and hear the unsavoury chill in her voice.

  “I can’t help it, Rose; you have no idea what you do to me.”

  Her mention of Tristan has put such a dampener on tonight. The journey back to the castle isn’t as fun as I’d hoped it would be; I can’t even be bothered to put my foot down on the accelerator in an attempt to impress her and drive all the way to the edge of the forest at 30 mph.

  As I park up, even the night owls don’t cry out to welcome us home. The surrounding forest lies quiet, the trees still. I look towards Rose as we walk; her face is sullen. Dropping her eyes, it appears that she doesn’t want to meet my gaze. I may as well forget the last couple of hours of darkness, and any chance of romance tonight. That leaves me only nine days to win her heart.

  I feel cocooned in despondence; it’s hard for an Earl to admit he is losing his touch. I think back to the women I had, and how they would fall into my arms. Even captured within my spell, Rose still manages to resist me. But her stubbornness only makes me want her more. I could kick myself. I had her in the palm of my hands and then I loosened the hold I had. I was stupid, a fool, and now my attempt at a little persuasion has failed miserably. I will up my game, and in no time at all both her mind and body will be mine.

  I can hear Rose as her footsteps trail behind. My thoughts and wishes are heightened. Her subconscious will tell her she wants me, and this time I won’t be letting her go. She draws up at my side; I can feel the smug smile that descends upon my face as her warm fingers invite themselves into my hand. I turn towards her.

  “I love you, Rose.”

  “I love you too,” is her reply.

  I watch the way her brown eyes widen and her stare dances its way into mine. Battle over, I think triumphantly. I kick away the leaves, open the hatch and walk my lady into our underground castle.

  Voices rise from below, spiralling up from the dining room. The wall candles seem brighter somehow, or perhaps it is just my mood. I squeeze Rose’s hand a little tighter as we making our way down the grand staircase, before stepping foot onto the marble-floored hallway. It’s a shame that its former beauty and patterns are well hidden through years of dirt and neglect.

  The doors to the dining room stand wide open, and taking Rose by the arm I lead her through. As we enter, the commotion dies down. All eyes turn and brighten, and I see Rose’s face redden. The first member of my family I catch sight of is Julian. My eyes wander up and down the long oak table; even after two hundred years they still sit in order of rank. It’s comical really, like we’ve been thrown back in time.

  “Just thought I should introduce you to the lady of the house…” I laugh playfully as I sense their inconspicuous sniffs. “Please let me introduce you to my family.”

  I point to the far end of the table.

  “Edmond, Caspar, Reggie…” My finger jumps to the opposite side. “Jazlynn, Emily, Charles, Felix, Bert. I could name all twenty-three,” I joke, peering into Rose’s eyes, though her stare wanders up to the ornate ceiling as though she hasn’t heard a word I’ve said.

  Freeing her from my hold I inspect the silverware, which sits perfectly in place. An abundance of plastic fruit waits in crystal bowls, but it’s of no consequence, as we don’t eat anything. We feast in the forest, then just sit here and pretend.

  I hear Edmond’s voice.

  “Where will she be sleeping?” he asks.

  “With me, of course,” I reply.

  Rose stands quietly at my side, making no attempt to question.

  Chair legs screech as Jazlynn stands. She glares at me amidst her long black hair.

  “I think we need to have words,” she utters, “in private.”

  I pull out a chair and seat Rose by the fireplace. Like a robot she sits, with a painted smile on her face. I follow Jazlynn out into the hallway.

  “Lucian, what the hell are you playing at?”

  I jump as her hand smacks against the wall. Dried plaster sprinkles from the ceiling, and I watch the dust settle.

  “Whatever do you mean?”

  “Didn’t you see Benedict’s face, his look of shock? The expressions of the others? We’d have to be blind not to see what you’ve done to that girl; she’s like a mannequin.”

  “Can’t say I’ve noticed,” I am quick to add.

  “And you would have her sleep in the same bed as you, and in that state! Lucian, have you no morals?”

  “What do you think I am, Jazlynn? I don’t intend on laying a finger on her,” I spit.

  She shakes her head. “Picture how her arms will hold you, just the way you want them to. Picture her lips already waiting to meet your kiss, and when every word she says are the words you want to hear… Now, Lucian, tell me truthfully you don’t intend to touch her?”

  I pause in thought.

  “Lucian, she still smells of suicide…”

  I put my hand up to silence her. “We may be living in the twenty-first century, but don’t treat me with disrespect!” My voice echoes around the hallway. “I don’t need yours or anybody else’s approval. She sleeps with me, and from now on I suggest you keep your feelings and opinions to yourself. And, Jazlynn…” I call her back.

  She turns.

  “Before you go, try wiping the dried blood off your teeth, it is so unattractive in a lady.”

  I don’t go back into the dining room.

  “Rose!” I shout, and her response is immediate.

  She leaves the fireside chair like a dog obeying its master. It was over two years ago that I met her, and two years ago as I held her hand she enabled me to see my reflection. I lift her feather-like body from the floor. Lying in my arms, I carry her towards the door that never opens. The key is rusted, and the flaming candles that Reggie lights daily leap as they guide us into the reflective maze of mirrors to a room long forgotten.

  I place her feet down on the floor, not
loosening her hand. She and I walk together as a couple. I can see our reflections; hers clearly shows admiration. It seems her eyes are almost scared to break away from me. I pick up the longing in her smile; it is depicted in every passing mirror.

  “Make love to me, Lucian.”

  She stops, still gazing into my eyes, and pushes me back against the hard glass. I can feel the little strength she has, but I don’t fight it and just go with her desire. I tilt my head as her ebony hair falls into my neck. Warmth shoots through my body. For the first time I can actually see condensation as our love leaves an imprint on the cold mirrored glass.

  I gasp as her lips open and her eyes close. My nails screech down the mirror. My lips part in response, and I move closer. Jazlynn, you bitch, I think, pulling back. Her words are like bolts of steel that tumble into my mind. I hate to admit it, but she is right, Rose doesn’t want me, it’s just something I want her to do. What the hell am I doing? This isn’t the person I used to be, but the bastard I am today. Yes, I want Rose’s kiss, but will only accept it when she wants mine in return. My lids lower, and I shake away every hold, love, want and desire I have over Rose and set her free.

  “Lucian, how could you?”

  She elbows past me and I watch as my reflection dissolves. She runs off into the maze.

  I rest my head against the glass; devoid of my reflection, I close my eyes. I will win my lady, but this time I will do it the right way. I’ll allow her time on her own to gather her thoughts and hopefully forgive me. I will give her an hour, I think as I open the door to leave.

  “Alfred, Reggie, Caspar…” I gasp.

  I’m trapped within a semicircle as ten or more of my family gather round.

  “Well, Lucian, is it true what Jazlynn tells us?” they ask.

  I can hear their growing anger.

  “This Rose of yours can bring back reflections? What else can she do? What are you not telling us?” Reggie yells, and slams me back against the hard wooden door.

  His ginger hair falls over his face, covering a mass of freckles. His colouring is so in tune with his amber eyes.


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