Asian Milf Box Set

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Asian Milf Box Set Page 6

by James Dee

  Well, Charles, either do something about it, or you’ll have to live with it and make peace with it…

  I soon knew what I had to do and I got up and walked towards the garage door, knowing there was only one place I wanted to go...

  Stacy Fu

  As I sit behind my desk, I see the nerdy white guy from earlier approach the counter while he waves at me. He continues to walk towards me until he is standing in front of my desk.

  “Hi, how can I help you?” I ask.

  “Umm, yes, hello, Ms. Fu. I just, umm, well, first and foremost, I wanted to give you constructive feedback and say that, umm, it might be better if you don’t call customers ‘kid’,” he said, staring at his shoes the whole time he spoke.

  “Why? Who’s been complaining about me saying that?” I ask him with a bit of pep.

  “Well, umm, nobody. I mean, well, you called me ‘kid’ when I came in earlier,” he says, right before he begins to back pedal. “And, I mean, I’m not trying to complain, I just, umm, don’t want you to get in trouble. I mean, in trouble since your manager might hear you say that again in the future, that is.”

  I looked at him as his gaze has drifted to my desk while he fidgets around nervously.

  “Alright, well, thanks for the feedback, sir. You want to open that account now?”

  He laughs a nervous laugh and coughs.

  “Well, I actually didn’t go to the ATM yet. But, I came back since I wanted to...I wanted to...I wanted to ask if you and I could go out on a date sometime,” he spews out, sounding somewhat like an amateur rapper due to how quickly the words fly out of his mouth.

  “Umm, well, I guess that’d be alright,” I reply, surprising myself since I didn’t burst out laughing in his face, or flat-out reject him.

  “Oh, well, thank you. Is it okay if I meet you after work and we can go get a smoothie at Juiceville?”

  “Yes, that’d be alright,” I respond as I look at him as he nervously smiles at me.

  “Okay, is tomorrow okay?”

  “Yes, it is. We close at 5:00 pm tomorrow, so we can meet here then,” I inform him, watching him nod and smile at me with a guileless expression.

  “I will see you then, Ms. Fu.”

  We shake hands somewhat awkwardly shortly thereafter.

  “See you then, Charles,” I say as I watch him turn around and quickly exit the bank.

  5:10 PM - The Next Day

  Stacy Fu

  As I sit in the juice shop, I watch Charles retrieve our smoothies. He is dressed in a plain orange t-shirt that is tucked into shorts that are pulled up to his belly button. I look around the store, hoping that I don’t recognize anyone I know. Fortunately for me, I don’t see any familiar faces and it looks as if this can be an incognito date and I won’t have to think of a story on-the-spot to bullshit anyone I know.

  Or, I can always say that he’s an intern at the bank, I tell myself.

  Soon Charles sits down at the table and slides my smoothie across the table to me as he sips on his.

  “Oh yes, nothing quite like a banana smoothie in the early evening,” he says in a jolly tone as I look away and roll my eyes.

  “Yeah, agreed,” I reply as I give him a forced smile.

  As he sits across from me, I try to figure out why I agreed to come on this date with him in the first place. Part of me thinks it’s pity, but part of me wonders if deep down I actually have a hidden attraction to him. To state the obvious, he is definitely not like other guys I’ve dated, that’s for sure. As he continues to talk, I listen, giving him basic and inane answers as we sit together at the table.

  As time passes, I slowly warm up to him and things seem to get better between us. While he does seem like he’s kind of a nerdy guy ( well, more than kind of nerdy) he also seems like a caring man who I assume would be a good boyfriend. Assuming we made it past the first date, that is. I tell myself to just roll with it and to not read into this date too much.

  Enjoy your free smoothie, girl…

  As we continue to talk, I struggle to figure out what will become of us. Will I agree to a second date? Or at the end of this date will this be the last time I ever see Charles?

  Stacy - Two Weeks Later

  I still don’t know what to do about Charles. We’ve been on four dates so far, and he hasn’t even kissed me yet. Well, he pecked me on the lips a couple of times, but not anything that truly counted. After the first date I was sure that I was gonna just never respond to any of his texts, but for some reason, I did. Plus, what’s worse, I agreed to go on more dates with him after that.

  Now, we’ve been on four dates together and I haven’t even gotten any.

  Yeah, I know, it’s supposed to be the men that complain about that, not the women...

  For whatever reasons, I do still like Charles, but I know I gotta make a plan to get him to understand that I got needs, too. He is talking about us being a couple, but there won’t be a chance for him if he doesn't start showing me that he wants us to be more than just friends. It’s a shame, since at my age I have an ever stronger sexual appetite than I did in college.

  Plus, now I have much more experience than I did back in college...


  As we sit in my apartment after Stacy had insisted that she stop by, I look over at her as she sits on the sofa next to me.

  “So, what’s up between us, Charles? This is our fifth date together and I’m still looking to get a return on my investment. That is, if I were to describe it using the vernacular from my day job,” she informs me as she leans over, her low-cut tank top showing off her perky Asian breasts.

  “Well, that is simply untrue. We kissed a couple times,” I said nervously.

  “Ha, you called that a kiss? You gave me a peck on the lips, then got nervous and looked away.”

  “Well, technically it was a kiss,” I clarified.

  “Whatever,” she says as she rolls her eyes. “Charles, do you like me? You keep acting like you want me to be your girlfriend, but you never try to do what a boyfriend would do. Is it that I’m too old for you?”

  As I feel the pang in my crotch, I know that I am definitely not turned-off by her age.

  “Well, no, of course not. I think that your age is actually a turn-on. I just believe in treating a woman with respect and not pressuring them into doing anything affectionate too soon,” I say, not wanting to confess that I’m more of a chickenshit than I let on.

  “Yeah, right,” she says sarcastically before continuing. “So, you invite me over to your apartment just so we can sit and watch TV? I could have done that at home, Charles.”

  “Now, come on, Stacy, don’t talk like that. I do like you, like that . As in, boyfriend and girlfriend and all of the things that couples do,” I say, my heart beginning to flutter as I admit it.

  “So, you admit it. You like me, like that , huh?” she says as she slides across the seat and puts her hand on my pasty thigh, just above my short shorts.

  My heart flutters faster as I look down at her hand resting on my upper thigh.

  Stacy Fu

  As I look over at Charles, I scan him over, trying not to snicker. He is in his blatantly outdated shorts that are pulled up to his belly button, and he has his tube socks pulled up to just under his knees. He has a tucked-in polo style shirt that I’m guessing he bought at a clearance sale, and the worst part?

  The worst part is that he’s wearing velcro-laced shoes. Or however you’d describe them. But, the type of shoes kids wear for simplicity so that they don’t need to tie their shoes.

  Try as I might, I actually have feelings for him and feel bad for the somewhat hapless geek. True, he is a nerdy teen, but I still come back for more dates with him. I see that deep down that he is a very sweet guy and part of me feels bad for him, since he probably got teased for being a nerd throughout his life and he just accepted who he was and was too defeated to try to change.

  However, I have my needs, and it’s been four dates that we’ve been
on already, and I confess that something has to happen soon, or I’ll probably just give up on it.

  Looking back at him, I let out an impish smile as I lean across and whisper in his ear. “Hey, Charles? I dare you to…,” and as I tell him my dare I see his eyes get bigger behind his glasses.

  Not wanting to look like a spineless wimp, he puts on a tough face and nods as he stands up and turns to face me.

  “Dare accepted, Stacy. I will be back in a minute to show that I have completed the dare,” he tells me, as if he is finishing some business deal.

  I watch him walk away from me and I roll my eyes, waiting for him to return, as I sit on the sofa in my tank top, tight jeans, and the neglected part of me that rests between my legs.

  Don’t let me down, nerd boy...


  As I sit on the sofa, I nervously look over at Stacy with a smirk.

  “Well, dare accomplished, I must say!”

  Instead of replying, she just looks at me and grins as if she is a predator that is toying with its cornered prey.

  “Well, that’s true,” she acknowledges while she watches me squirm uneasily.

  “Don’t be nervous, Charles, I’m not gonna hurt you,” she says as I let out a nervous laugh.

  Well, darn, so much for not sounding nervous after completing the dare...

  “You’re cute, Charles. Anyone ever tell you that?” she asks as she scoots closer to me.

  “Umm, maybe a couple women in my life,” I say, being honest.

  “Haha, you’re funny and you’re modest.”

  Umm, yes, “modest,” I say to myself.

  “So, tell me, Charles, what do you like about me?”

  “Umm, well, I like your personality, that’s definitely one aspect.”

  “Uh huh. What else?” she asks as she leans in closer, her hand resting on my bare thigh as she keeps her hand rested on the upper part of it.

  “Well, you’re definitely pretty.”

  “Geez, thanks, Charles,” she replies in a faux playful tone of voice.

  “But, there’s gotta be more...Tell me, Charles,” she prods.

  “Well, I enjoy going on dates with you because, because, oooh gee darn, Stacy,” I groan as I feel her hand rest on my the bare part of my stomach as she runs her hand slowly up my chest.

  “Go on,” she orders with a naughty smirk.

  “Well, umm, yes, you are a caring woman and we have fun when we, oooh gee willikers, Ms. Fu,” I quickly say, as her hand gives my chest a soft squeeze, right before it returns to my stomach and rests there.

  “Good. Can you think of one more thing you like about me? Maybe say why you’d like me to be your girlfriend. You do want that, don’t you, Charles?”

  “Oh yes, definitely. I would like for us to be a couple. That is, if you’d like it,” I hedge.

  But, instead of replying, she just bores her eyes into mine, urging me to continue speaking.

  “Okay, why I’d like for you to be my girlfriend...That’s a fair question, so here goes…”

  Stacy Fu

  As Charles continues to talk, I give him a grin while he sits next to me on the sofa.

  I can’t believe that he actually did the dare...Well, okay, I guess I can believe it...

  I look at him as he sits on the sofa in nothing but his whitey-tighty, plain white underwear, which appropriately is pulled up to his belly button. As he nervously rambles on, I make my move and my fingers latch onto the elastic waistband of his underwear as I pull it away from him and towards me. I tease him as I slide a few fingers down the front of his plain white underwear, resting the tip of my fingers on his trimmed pubic hair, a couple inches below his waist band.

  “And so, in summation, that would be why, that would be why, if I had to say, that would be why I would choose,” he rambles, sounding like a malfunctioning white-bread robot as he tries to tell me why he’d like for me to be his girlfriend.

  “Don’t worry, Charles, you explained yourself well,” I reply in a jocular tone, as he calms down slightly.

  “Well, that’s a relief,” he says as he continues to look at the wall while a small bead of sweat lines his forehead.

  “You do know what boyfriends and girlfriends do, don’t you?” I say with a wide smirk, watching him as he grins sheepishly.


  As I watch her porcelain-toned hand slide down my underwear, I feel it latch onto my penis while her hand wraps around it. My penis quickly begins to grow as her hand explores around the bottom part of my underwear.

  “Pull your underwear down to your ankles, Charles,” she orders as she pulls her hand out of my underwear, watching me as I stand up obey her command, right before I sit back down next to her on the sofa after I pulled my underwear down.

  I can feel her eyes staring at my semi-limp penis and I feel myself get both giddy and turned-on. Without speaking, her soft hand wraps back around my cock, slowly stroking it as it gradually grows towards its full length.

  “It looks like he’s waking up,” she observes, her hand stroking my manhood from end-to-end.

  “Yes, he is,” I confirm as my penis continues to get harder as I stand naked next to Stacy Fu.

  “Please, sit down, Charles,” she offers, her sexy Asian MILF face looking at me while I gulp and sit down.

  After sitting, she continues to stroke it while I look down at her perky round breasts that are showing through her tank top.

  “Oooh, Stacy, it feels so darn good,” I groan, closing my eyes as she continues to stroke my penis from end-to-end.

  Stacy Fu

  Well, this is progress, I think as I look at his naked body as it is pinned against the sofa cushion and my hand strokes his hard cock.

  He still has his socks pulled up to his upper calves and he is still wearing his glasses, forever the nerd. I can feel his eyes as they practically burn a hole through my chest, as I surmise that he probably thinks I have no idea that he’s been looking at my cleavage since I walked through the door at the beginning of the date.

  I can feel his eyes staring at my tits, but when I look over I see him look away, not wanting to be caught.

  “Charles, we’re a couple now. It’s okay to look at my tits,” I announce.

  “Oh, right, of course it is,” he agrees, looking down at my tits as he grabs my hand and places it back on his cock.

  “Please resume stroking it,” he requests, an impish grin now spreading across his face.

  I resume stroking as I feel him nervously wrap his arm around me, keeping his hand on my right shoulder as he half-assedly puts the moves on me. I go along with it and lean in towards him, as I continue to stroke his hard cock as we both sit on the sofa.

  “It feels so...darn...good,” he groans, looking down as he watches my soft hand stroke his hard cock.


  Figuring that she is ready for me to make a move, I keep one arm around her shoulder and lean in and place my other hand on her left breast, squeezing it as she groans and looks over at me. As she looks at me, I plant a kiss on her lips as our lips stay connected as one. Feeling anxiety course through me, I am tempted to pull away, but I made a vow with myself the first time I saw her that I wouldn’t mess this relationship up if I ever had the chance of getting physical with her.

  Every nerd has its day, and this is my day...Darn it!

  I keep my lips planted on hers as I slide my tongue into her mouth, delicately wrestling with her tongue as I hear her make approving sounds as we kiss.

  Keep your darn lips on hers! That’s an order! My inner nerd drill sergeant scolds me as I fight through the anxiety and we continue to kiss.

  I place my hands on her face, holding her cheeks in place as we continue to kiss. We make out for close to three minutes and at this point she pulls away first, giving me a satisfied nod as she looks at me with lust.


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