Second Chance 3: Ask Me Again 3: David's Story

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Second Chance 3: Ask Me Again 3: David's Story Page 9

by Theresa Hodge

  He gave me another of those penetrating stares before he began to speak. "My dear Madelyn, please forgive me if my stare disconcerts you. You look so much like your mother. She was such a beautiful woman," he added in a sober tone of voice.

  "Thank you, Theodore, but how did you come about knowing my mother?" I asked hoping that he would answer my question this time.

  He took a deep breath before he stood and began to pace back and forth across where I was seated. "Madelyn there is just no easy way to say this, so I am just going to blurt this out," he said with trepidation in his tone.

  I sat with my hand demurely folded in my lap as I chewed my bottom lip nervously, awaiting his answer. I had a nervous feel right in the pit of my belly. He suddenly stopped in front of my chair and held my glance with a piercing glance of his own. "I am your father," he said in a rushed voice.

  My eyes widened in shocked surprise. My mouth opened and closed like a fish on dry land gulping for air. Tears filled my eyes and spilled down my cheeks. David walked into the room right on cue. I stood and flew into the arms of my protector.

  Deep sobs racked through my body as he held me close against his chest. "It's going to be alright, baby. Listen to the man and give him a chance to explain."

  I peeled back and looked into the eyes of the man I loved. "How long have you known?" I asked. I wasn't angry, but I hoped he hadn't kept this fact from me for a long period of time.

  "I’ve only known a couple of days. I talked to him about his odd behavior towards you and he confessed everything to me."

  "Maybe I should leave," Theodore said in a defeated tone.

  "No!" David and I spoke in unison.

  I walked back over to the man, who claimed to be my father. "Are you sure?" I asked almost too afraid to believe this was true.

  "I am positive, but if you need a test to convince you what I know is true, I won't have a problem with it," he said.

  I nodded my head back and forth, still not quite believing that the man standing before me was my father. "Don't go," I finally said. David pulled me over to sit on the sofa beside him. My father took the chair across from me. "I need some answers," I directed my stare towards him.

  "Ask me anything you want and I will answer you as truthfully as I can," he replied.

  "Why did you walk away from my mother and me? Did you ever love her?"

  "What I am about to say doesn't excuse my absence in your life, Madelyn. I will understand if you want nothing to do with me after this. I owe you nothing but the truth. I was a broken, married man when I met your mother. We met and fell in love. We had a loving relationship for almost three years when she became pregnant with you. I was scared. I didn't know how to handle the situation, so I ran away and went back to recommit to my wife. My wife had already had three miscarriages. There was no chance of her ever conceiving another child with her last miscarriage. I couldn't chance her finding out about my affair with your mother, so I left. Leaving was not an easy choice," he stated in a matter of fact voice. "If I had another chance, I promise you I would do everything differently. I would not have deserted you. I would have been a father to you and loved you more than life itself. My punishment for not sticking around to see the birth of you, my baby, was to miss out on the beautiful woman you have become."

  Tears filled my father's eyes and spilled down his cheeks. "My wife died years ago. I should have looked for you then. I should have found your mother and asked for her forgiveness. It wasn't a day that went by that I didn't wonder about you. I didn't know whether I had a son or daughter, but when I saw you for the first time in that office, I knew without a doubt that I had fathered a daughter," he said.

  David continued to wipe my tears away with the pad of his thumb as I sat there and listened to my father with rapt attention.

  "I didn't think I deserved a chance with you before now, but after seeing you with these old eyes, I am begging you to find it in your heart to forgive me. If I have to ask you again and again, I am not too proud to do so," he stated.

  I looked through glassy eyes at the repentant man before me. My mother never had a harsh word to say about the man that impregnated her. In reality, she never said a word at all about him. I felt that if she knew he was married, she knew what she was getting into. I needed to ask that question to find out. I was not sitting in judgment of anyone, but I needed to know. "Did my mother know that you were married when you first met?"

  Theodore bent his head in shame before answering. "Yes, she knew, but it was I who relentlessly pursued her until she gave in. I am the one to blame," he replied.

  I looked over at David. He squeezed my hand reassuringly. He gave me a gentle kiss on my lips before releasing me. I looked over at my father who had asked for my forgiveness.

  "I forgive you, I said really meaning it. “There is no reason for you to ask me again. You can't be all bad if my mother fell in love with you the way she did. I think she truly loved you until the day she died."

  My father's head bent, his shoulders began to tremble as silent sobs racked his body. I stood and went over to him. He looked up at me and, for the first time, I saw myself in his eyes. He rose to his feet. He opened his arms and I stepped willingly into them. I embraced my father –my daddy– for the first time. I knew the road ahead wouldn't be easy in getting to know him, but I was willing to try. We had to start somewhere and it was no better time than the present.



  One Year Later

  "Friends and family of Madelyn and David, welcome and thank you for being here on this important day. We are gathered here to celebrate the precious love between David and Madelyn by joining them in marriage.

  All of us crave love and to be loved. The highest form of love between a man and woman is within a monogamous loving relationship. David and Madelyn, your marriage today is public and legal, the joining of souls that have already been united in your hearts. Marriage allows an introduction to the rest of your life," said Minister Jacobs.

  "To succeed you will need strength, courage, patience, and plenty of humor. Let your marriage be as refreshing as waking up each morning just to fall in love all over again. Love isn't just a word to be tossed around any old way. Love is an action...with that said, David, do you take Madelyn to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worst, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward and beyond?"

  "I do," I said placing the symbol of love on Madelyn's finger.

  Minister Jacobs recited the same affirmations for Madelyn. "Madelyn, do you take David to be your husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward and beyond?"

  Tears streamed down my beautiful bride's cheeks as she placed the circle of love onto my ring finger. "I do," she said with a brilliant smile.

  "By the power invested in me by the city of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride," Mr. Jacobs instructed.

  I wasted no time in kissing my bride.

  All that I had ever dreamed of had finally come true. I David McRay was truly one blessed man. I would spend a lifetime thanking God for my blessings. My beautiful bride Madelyn, being the biggest of them all. As long as I had her by my side, I promised to never ask for another thing again.


  I truly hope you enjoyed reading this series as much as I enjoyed writing it. It’s all about second chances in love, as there will be times when we all need a clean slate. So, as I stare at the blank pages in my notebook, preparing to pen my next book, I want to say thanks for coming along on my writing journey with me. – Theresa

  Sweet Serenity

  Written by Theresa Hodge


  Chapter 1

  The cold pounding rain fell in torrents, as I watched from the awning where I was stuck. I hoped and prayed it would give w
ay to sunshine, so that I could get back home. Earlier, I had a taste for a mocha latte with extra whip cream. It was my favorite, sweet addiction. Thinking that I could beat the storm, I foolishly walked to the Sweet Obsessions Cafe to satisfy my insatiable craving for something sweet.

  Well, I was almost right. I made it to the cafe without spotting a cloud in the sky or a drop of rain. Feeling lucky, I relaxed there and enjoyed a small mocha latte, with a dollop of whipped cream and a smidgen of apple pie. No sooner than I stepped out of the cafe the monsoon arrived, cornering me beneath this stupid awning, two blocks from my apartment with no damn umbrella.

  As I watched the relentless rain pour down in sheets I realized that my cravings were officially out of control. I lied earlier. It was actually an enormous slice of apple pie a la mode, and a super grande mocha latte with a half of can of whipped cream. In my defense it was extremely good. Grudgingly, I'd be the first to admit that my appetite for sweets had officially spiraled out of control.

  As I watched a romantic couple steal a lingering kiss beneath a gigantic umbrella, I realized that my addiction to sweets was merely a substitute for what I really wanted and needed, a damn man! And with Valentine's Day approaching quickly I knew I had to do something about it. If not I'd probably eat my way into a sugar coma on February fourteenth.

  “How the hell could this happen? I'm young, I'm beautiful, I'm sexy and I'm smart. The world is my oyster and I love oysters!” I vented to myself as the rain continued to pour.

  All of that was true, but there was just one tiny problem. I forgot to mention that I was also celibate. In fact, the thumping in my pussy quickly reminded me that I'd been celibate for exactly, one year, two months, three days, twelve hours, forty five minutes and twenty five, no twenty six seconds!

  Sad, but true. I, Serenity Passion Champagne, was a desperate woman in dire need of a man. Not just any man, mind you, but a tall, dark, handsome, scrumptiously delicious, chocolate-coated raging hard man. Yes! I needed a man in the absolute worse way and that man was Jonathan Bryant Sheldon.

  Jonathan owned Sheldon and Sheldon Fitness Center, a family owned business which he shared with his identical twin brother Jason.

  Let me pause right here to say that the Sheldon brothers are hands down two of the finest Physical Therapists who've ever laced a pair of sneakers. I met them six months earlier when I joined their gym with my best friend, Shauntay. Shauntay was trying to lose twenty five pounds of post pregnancy, baby fat. I on the other hand needed to lose at least forty pounds of regular old fat.

  Trust me, there's a high price to pay for substituting sex with sweets and I was paying it. Six months and a river of sweat later I was a little under twenty pounds from my normal weight. Naturally, Shauntay had lost her twenty pounds and was back to her pre- baby weight. She was looking and feeling great!

  Now, I wasn't mad at her, because she worked hard to get back in shape. And even though I was still heavier than I would like, men found me sexy as hell. My fat somehow settled in all the right places to push each and every one of their hot buttons. But for some unknown reason I was still painfully sex free and the only hot button that I really wanted to push belonged to Jonathan Sheldon.

  Jonathan, Jon for short, was a tall chocolate milk shake that stood roughly six feet, three inches tall. He was a handsome, sexy brother with close cut hair and smooth coco skin. Did I mention he had thick black wavy hair? The kind of hair that makes a woman want to reach out and run her fingers through it while he makes love to her.

  Naturally, his twin brother Jason was equally as fine with a similar muscular build. The only difference was that he had, long thick, dreadlocks that hung midway down his back. Honestly, dreadlocks never really appealed to me, but when they were on a succulent piece of chocolate like Jason Sheldon I'd make an exception.

  Yes, those Sheldon boys were exceptionally fine! And I must admit that the thought of being the meat in a hot, Sheldon sandwich had crossed my mind a time or two. Don't judge me! I was a sexually frustrated woman who normally had a healthy sexual appetite. What's the point of being a woman if you can't fantasize about a man or two?

  Chapter 2

  It was less than two days before Valentine's Day and I was still celibate, horny, man-less and pathetic. So, after work, I grabbed a cab and headed for my favorite spot, the gym. I figured if I couldn't have a taste my chocolate fantasy then I could at least look. Sure, I realized that this was a unique brand of self-imposed torture, but I kind of enjoyed it.

  Arriving to the gym around five thirty I quickly changed into to something bright, sexy and tight. Now, of course I knew that you are supposed to wear something loose and comfortable when you work out. Whatever! You work out your way and I'll workout mine. Yes, I had weight loss goals, but I also had more important goals. My true goal was to capture Jonathan's attention and make him my man. The clingy, tight yoga outfit that I had on was just what I needed to help me accomplish that goal.

  As I exited the locker room I quickly scanned the large fitness center for Jonathan. He was spotting a male client at a weight bench. His eyes brightened and a broad, sexy smile swept over his handsome face as I passed.

  He had perfect, straight white teeth and thick kissable lips. I had to will my legs to keep moving as I considered the many things I could do with that sexy mouth. God how I wanted to just run over there and mount his face, but I gave him a polite smile and a curt wave and headed for my first workout station. Tossing my hair to one side and callously looking over my shoulder, I noticed that I had captured his attention.

  Game on! He was obviously interested and ready to play ball. If I was going to seduce him before Valentine's Day it was going to be now or never. I came to play and I had no intentions of losing, because on Valentine's Day that hunk of dark chocolate was the only thing sweet I planned to eat!

  My first stop on my circuit training regimen was the Fitness Quest Total Body Workout machine. I relaxed back on the flat incline and adjusted my feet into the stirrups to start my leg lifts. I loved this machine because it gave my legs a nice stretch. It also gave me a clear view of the entire room and I could watch Jonathan as he circulated around the gym.

  “My, my, my... This new hot pink and black Body Armor yoga workout suit is doing the trick,” I thought to myself as I caught a glimpse of Jonathan checking me out.

  My yoga suit fit like a new glove and accentuated my full figured curves. Jonathan had not stopped looking at me since I walked into the room. His eyes attempted to engage mine, but I pretended not to notice and concentrated on my workout.

  Closing my eyes I took a mental inventory of what I just witnessed. It was obvious that Jonathan was completely off his game and totally captivated by me. He was distracted and could hardly help his client with the heavy weights that he was trying to lift. The poor guy lost his grip and the weights almost crushed him, because Jonathan was too busy goggling my goodies to do his damn job. We'll score that one, two points for Serenity.

  “Oh yes, I'm looking absolutely edible in this outfit, but Jonathan is looking mighty fine as well,” I thought.

  Dressed in a black, long sleeve compression top with matching pants, whether he knew it or not, Mr. Sheldon had my undivided attention. It should be illegal for a man to look that damn delicious. It should also be illegal for a well-endowed man to wear pants like that. Those pants molded perfectly around his private parts in a way that wasn't private at all.

  This man had both my mouth and my coochie drooling at the same damn time. I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter by the second just thinking about the length and the width of his chocolate éclair. “Oh the things I could do with just ten minutes alone with that man if given the opportunity. Hell! Just give me five minutes and I'll make it work.” My mind pondered.

  As I continued to fantasize... I mean exercise, I drifted into deep thought. In fact, I was so deep in thought, I didn't realize, that Jonathan was standing over me.

  “Serenity... Serenity! S-E-R-E-N
-I-T-Y!” He called, drawing my name out for emphasis as my thoughts took a naughty turn.

  “Yeah!” I responded, startled as I pulled my feet from the stirrups and sat up to look at him. “I'm sorry... I didn't hear you call my name. Hi, did you need something?”

  “Yeah, kind of!” He chuckled. “Where were you? I called you like four times. You were a million miles away.”

  “I'm sorry, I was deep in thought.” I smiled as our eyes met and lingered for an uncomfortable amount of time.

  “Oh yeah? So, what has you that caught up that you lose track of time and space?” Jonathan smiled. “Don't answer that right now! Tell me over dinner.”

  “Dinner? Are you asking me out, Mr. Sheldon?” I coyly responded, pretending I had no idea that I was on his radar.

  “I most certainly am, Miss Champagne. It is Miss, correct. There's no Mr. Champagne is there?”

  “Yes, actually there is.”

  “Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know... I just assumed you were single... Please forgive me... I didn't mean to disrespect you.”

  “No problem! Don't worry about it. Mr. Champagne is my father.” I giggled.

  A broad sexy smile transformed Jonathan's handsome face. “Wow! You almost ruined my day with that one.”

  “Sorry, it was just too easy.” I snickered.

  “So, will you have dinner with me tonight, after your workout?”

  “Sure! Why not?”

  “Do you need to go home to change or something?”

  “No, I have some things in my bag. I'll just shower and change here.”

  “Okay, that's great. Well, meet me in my office when you're done and I'll take you to dinner.” He grinned, reluctant to end the conversation.

  Serenity scores! Game! Point! And Match!

  Sweet Serenity is coming soon. In the meantime, please visit my author page on Amazon for more good reads & be sure to leave a review for Ask Me Again 3.


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