The Lonely Spy

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The Lonely Spy Page 4

by Mkululi Nqabeni


  Yolanda wakes up from her bed and feels invigorated. She hasn’t slept this peaceful in months. She stretched her arms wide and yawned with her smile on her face. Her mindwondered far away and started reflecting. She thought of the mistakes she has made in life about her career and relationship. This journey to space is a big deal to her. This is bigger than life itself; this is more than saving planet earth. She is seeking redemption for all her sins. She looked at her watch and the time is 08:40am.

  ‘’ No way but it’s still very dark outside maybe my clock and watch are not working’’ Yolanda said. Yolanda jumps out of her bed and opens her curtains. ‘’Wow! She shouted. She rushed out of her room and went downstairs. She saw her parents eating a hearty breakfast. Yolanda’s dad looked at her and smiled ‘’Hello angel’’ he said. ‘’Good morning guys, why is it still dark outside?’’ Yolanda said. ‘’ We don’t know honey, it is strange though’’ Yolanda’s mom said.

  ‘’Come join us, have something to eat’’ Yolanda’s dad said. Yolanda sat down and enjoyed her breakfast. ‘’ Bacon, just how I like it, yummy’’ Yolanda said. The phone on the kitchen rang and Yolanda’s dad stood up. ‘’ I’ll get that’’. Yolanda was about to finish her breakfast and her dad called her. ‘’Angel, it’s for you, its Charles’’ he said. Yolanda stood up and took the phone. ‘’Hey Charles, did you see the weather outside’’ Yolanda said.

  ‘’ Yeah... it is very strange. Listen I have received an email from the White House they want to brief us about the progress of the spacecraft. I think it’s finished now but I’m not sure, we will hear from them what they say’’ Charles said. ‘’ Oh man, I didn’t check my email this morning I was preoccupied with this strange weather.

  I will check it and I will see you in few hours time. ‘’ Yolanda said. Yolanda rushed upstairs to check her emails and prepare to go to the meeting. ‘’ Wait young lady where do you think you are going to? You haven’t finished your breakfast’’ Yolanda’s mom said. Yolanda smiled at her. ‘’Mom, I’m full and I am in a hurry, Thanks.

  All around the world, there was no sunrise at all. The time was 11:30am, TV media shows run interviews with experts and religious leaders to weigh in on this occurrence. Most religious leaders concluded these are the end of days.

  The earth is coming to a disastrous end this time. These opinions are taken to heart by the global audiences and the news go viral spreading fear everywhere. Amateur Scientists and astronomers are also interviewed. They also think the end of planet earth is very possible. From a scientific perspective, they believe Yolanda return to the USA is linked to these universal disastrous occurrences but they can’t prove it. People around the world want answers and no one is providing them even their governments do not know what to do.

  At the White House conference room, President Sharon Washington enters and everyone is ready to start. The president seems to be in a good mood today. ‘’ Yolanda, Its dark outside tell us what’s going on? What is it? Are we going to die today? Everyone burst out laughing including Yolanda.

  ‘’ I’m not sure madam president, but I think it is the Nighttime Sky. I think my fellow colleagues know about that too but I thought this would only happen in the next 2 billion years but its here. The president shook her head. ‘’ This is very scary hey. Anyway I have good news; the spacecraft is ready and has been tested. You will only get to see it on the day you leaving. People clapped hands and the room was buzzing with excitement. The nuclear bombs from China, North Korea, Britain, USA, Iran and Russia have all arrived. They have been loaded to the spacecraft and the spacecraft is in a secret location. The chief of staff came rushing and whispered to the president.

  A minute later, President Washington spoke. ‘’ We have intercepted a very suspicious phone calls and emails that terrorists from the Middle East have entered the US Airspace and have disappeared from radar. ‘’ I hope they take down those bastards’’ Brad Williams said. John and Brad rushed outside whispering upon hearing this breaking news. ‘’Yolanda and Charles you are leaving for space in 4 days time, please get ready.’’ President Washington said.

  ‘’ We have finished our training and drills, I just need to pack my staff and snacks’’ Yolanda said. ‘’ One last thing, the spacecraft has separate bedrooms, bathroom facilities, kitchen, food supplies. Half of the 26 powerful engines installed, are solar powered engines. Just in case the nuclear engine crash, the solar engines will kick in. The solar engines will draw rays and radiation energy from space. That’s it, thank you guys’’ President Washington said. People stood up, clapped hands and left the room. The sky cleared and the sun showed up. People all over the world cheered and appreciated the sun even more than before.

  Yolanda is getting ready to sleep and had a long day. She hears a loud bang in her bedroom. She wakes up and sees 2 men wearing black clothes and masks. Yolanda’s heart beat faster and her body trembled with shock. ‘’ What do you want here, get out’’ she shouted. They came closer, grabbed her and took her downstairs. She sees her parents tied, lying on the lounge floor with tears on their eyes. There were also 2 men waiting downstairs. ‘’Leave my folks alone they didn’t do nothing, leave them out of this’’ Yolanda shouted. The men took her outside while she was screaming and they drove off. They tied her hands and covered her face with a black mask. Yolanda’s body was shaking as she can’t see anything and is worried she might get killed and thrown in the dump.

  The van stopped and there was a complete silence for a few seconds. Yolanda heard a voice she thought was very familiar. The man cried, fought and tried to escape but was caught and pushed inside the car. The man saw the woman tied and covered in the backseat. He recognized the clothes. ‘’Yolanda is that you? What have you done to her’’ Charles shouted. They hit him in the face and in the guy until fell unconscious.

  They tied, covered his face and put him in the backseat next to Yolanda. The SUV sped off. Few minutes later, she heard sounds planes and thought they must be at the airport. Few minutes later her suspicious were confirmed. She and Charles were taken inside the plane and felt it taking off. One thing she could pick up was, the men who kidnapped them are from the Middle East and speak Arabic. She had a flashback about what President Sharon Washington said earlier today about a potential threat from a terrorist plane disappearing from the radar of the Pentagon.

  2 hours later, the plane landed on an isolated small airport. The men took off the masks covering both Yolanda and Charles’s faces. ‘’ Where are the nuclear bombs?’’ the man shouted. There was no answer and Charles was punched in the face. Yolanda screamed and trying to free herself. ‘’leave him alone’’ Yolanda shouted. ‘’Where are the nuclear bombs that entered America few days ago?’’ ‘’We don’t know! President Sharon Washington never told us the location of the spacecraft and the nukes’’ Charles shouted. They punched him again until he bled, blood streamed down on his face. The man slapped Yolanda twice and demanded answers. Yolanda cried and looked on Charles side to check if he is ok. ‘’ Listen you 2, right now we are outside of your country, we are in Mexico. If you don’t tell us right now the location of these nuclear bombs. We will take you to Syria and we will sell you to the village chief. You will be one of his servant, concubine and a sex slave for his friends and guests in his house’’ he said.

  ‘’No, No, No! I wouldn’t like that but I really don’t know where the bombs are’’ Yolanda pleaded his case. The leader called the pilot, they spoke Arabic and Yolanda heard the plane engines getting switched. ‘’ Please let us go, we could be your spies inside the White House and give you the location of these bombs. Just let us go and we can help you’’ Charles said.

  The leader walked towards Charles ‘’Wow, you have just given me a very good idea. I will let you go alright, but your girlfriend will stay. She is leaving with us and there is nothing you can do about it’’ he said. They men untied Charles’s hands and feet. He punched the leader and one of t
he men who untied him. He was overpowered, the plane door opened and they threw him to the ground at the airport. The plane took off, Charles tried to chase but it flew away. Inside the plane, Yolanda was devastated, screamed louder and cried until tears dried in her eyes. The men in the plane looked at the windows laughing and mocking Charles chasing the plane. ‘’You can’t catch us’’ he shouted.

  Charles didn’t know what to do as he was in a foreign country and doesn’t know a single person in that place. The place was so isolated, it looked like a desert. He started running to look for help. He saw a convoy of trucks trailers, 200 meters away coming into his direction. ‘’Oh thank God’’ he said. He stood in front of the road and waved at trucks to stop.

  A moment later the trucks stopped and 2 men came out. The men were carrying AK47 guns and walked towards Charles. They touched his arms, hands and frisked him. Charles tried to speak but they couldn’t speak nor understand English. The grabbed and threw him at the back of the truck with the other people. The people at the back with him were Mexican women, men and young children. ‘’ Does anyone speak English in here?’’ Charles said. People just looked at him. There was silence and no one responded. Charles’s face lit up ‘’Hey, why didn’t I think of that before. This truck is going to the USA and Mexico border. When we arrive there I will jump out. Call for help, enter my country and find Yolanda.’’ he murmured.

  30 minutes later the truck enters the forest that is surrounded by military vehicles and soldiers carrying AK47. The truck entered the forest. Charles’s mood changed for the worst when he saw bodies being thrown into a mass grave. His body trembled and wondered what is going and where this truck is going. The truck stopped next to a large factory and the soldiers opened the truck door. They grabbed everyone and pushed them to enter the factory. When Charles entered the factory, he realized this factory is a manufacturer of cocaine and his job was to package the drugs together with the other guys who came with him in the truck.

  Well known TV stations in the United States of America were sent a videotape from the terrorists who kidnapped Yolanda and Charles. The video footage premiered on the 8pm news. The terrorist declare they have kidnapped Yolanda and Charles. Yolanda isshown in the video. They demand the United States of America to withdraw airstrikes in Iraq. They also demand all 6 Nuclear Bombs in a secret location in the US. They want their demands met within 48 hours or Yolanda and Charles will be executed within 48 hours.

  Within few minutes America is in a state of pandemonium. People were livid and felt they are no longer safe in their own country. People got out of their houses and there were demonstrations all around the country. People were demanding answers on how is it possible that terrorists entered the country, kidnap its citizens and fly back to The Middle East without detection. Yolanda’s parents were interviewed by a well known TV news Station. They were devastated and pleaded with the US government to bring her back safe and sound.

  As a result, President Sharon Washington wielded the axe on most of the staff in his cabinet. He fired key employees of the NSA, FBI,C.I.A, Pentagon air base and all other heads of agencies that are responsible for intercepting threats against the United States of America. The following morning, online and TV national polls results were out. 95% of voters feelthe president is out of her depth and should just step down as the president of the United States of America. A major newspaper publication published a story that the president has given Yolanda a presidential pardon for her crimes and Yolanda is working with the Russians to steal the nuclear bombs and destroy the North America continent. The people felt the president should be impeached with immediate effect. President Sharon Washington was under pressure from the congress to step down from the office.

  President Sharon Washington held a press conference at the White House. ‘’ People of America the only reason Yolanda Anderson was granted an amnesty was on the basis to assist the UN and the United States of America reverse these Strange natural disasters that have occurred recently. She was going to travel to space and save human kind and our beautiful planet from extinction by unknown universal dark forces. The news articles that claim Yolanda and I are working together and we are linked a terrorist organization are false. Our job now is to find Yolanda and bring her back as she is the only person who volunteered and brave enough to travel to space. I promise you, we will bring her back and we are going to space and fight this Invisible enemy out there. America and the global population our fate depends on her to save planet earth from being swallowed by another galaxy. If that happened, there will be no trace of Planet earth and other planets in the solar system ever existed. I thank you, God bless America’’ President Washington said.

  She rushed outside the press room and didn’t take questions. TV viewership records were broken. 101 Million Viewers watched in the USA and 3.5 Billion viewers globally, watched the president’s speech. People all over the world were petrified upon hearing the breaking news from the president of the United States of America. Stock exchanges points from every country dropped sharply, Oil and commodity prices also decreased.

  Morale among Americans was very low as result more than 75 million citizens were not motivated to go to work. They felt, it is useless going to work if they are going to die within few weeks. Few others withdrew all their life savings and spent it on luxuries. At the White House president Washington met with other politician. They are arguing with republicans, congress leaders about the next step and who leaked that kind of sensitive information. ‘’ I think I may have a slight idea who leaked the story, I think it is you Brad Williams and this should have been prevented’’ She said.

  She pointed at Brad. He denied the allegations and President Washington fired him in front of every politician. There was silence in the room as Brad was escorted out of the White house. ‘’ I am not going to Back down and compromise my integrity and my country’s security. I will not resign and I will not handover the nukes to the terrorists. We do not negotiate with terrorists.’’ President Washington said. Everyone in the hall stood up and clapped hands. ‘’We only have 48 hours till we launch to space and 12 hours to find Yolanda’’ President Washington said.

  The chief of staff received a note from his personal assistant. He read it and gave it to the president. ‘’ Wow, we have a lead on Yolanda’s whereabouts. An American aid worker and 2 reporters, who worked in Iraq, recognize the location shown on the video footage sent by the terrorists. The location is in the border between Iraq and Syria. I will send the best military personnel to bring her back’’ she said. The president assembled the best navy seal and soldiers to save Yolanda. The military planes jet off to Iraq.

  11 hours later, Yolanda’s body is trembling and feeling the pain of bruises all over her body. Yolanda has lost hope and prays these guys do not sell her as a slave. She would rather die than to be someone’s sex slave. She looks around this dark room and house made of mud bricks. As she was looking around the room she was locked in. She heard keys sound and the door opened. The captors walked towards Yolanda, picked her up and took her outside. ‘’Kneel down’’ he said. Yolanda knelt down very quick. ‘’ Your people haven’t met our demands. Today you will meet your creator.’’ He said. One of the captors took a video camera and started recording.

  Black flags with Arabic words were placed behind Yolanda. ‘’In the name of the most high Allah, we are going to kill you after I finish reading this passage from the Quran. Do you understand?’’ he said. Yolanda nodded with reluctance; her eyes were bloody red in tears. One of the captors gave the leader a book and it was the Quran. He opened, flipped the pages and found the scripture he was looking for.He read the quotes from it. ‘’ When you encounter unbelievers on the battlefield, strike off their heads until you have crushed them completely; and then bind the prisoners tightly…….’’ He said. Before the leader could say anything else, 2 military choppers appeared from nowhere. Rounds of bullets came from helicopters; before they could shoot back they were all shot
dead. Yolanda’s life flashed before her eyes, and her mind was disorientated. The navy seal team got out from the chopper, some of them went inside the house searching for possible threats. They walked towards her, untied her hands. They try to wake Yolanda up but she was half unconscious and traumatized. ‘’Yolanda, Yolanda where is the other dude, Charles’’ he said. Yolanda struggled to open her eyes and finally did. ‘’Charles…. is not here….. He never came here…….. We left him in Mexico’’ Yolanda replied. ‘’Get in guys, we are leaving. The helicopter flew away.

  Charles is exhausted; he has been wrapping and packaging cocaine for the past 12 hours without a break or food. What he experienced in this warehouse was beyond comprehension. He saw young kids being beaten for being exhausted and pleading for food. Some of the older people were died of starvation. They were buried for being sick for a long time without treatment.

  Everyone ate once a day, only after they finish work during the night. Charles was getting ready to sleep on the floor. He couldn’t care less if this was a cramped 1-room with about 15 people. He just wanted to sleep. He took out his bread and gave it to the kid sleeping next to him. He wasn’t hungry at all; he was fasting as he usually does back home. He dozed off and went to a deep sleep. Few hours later, everyone was woken up by a huge explosion and gunfire in the forest. Charles stood up with everyone else. They looked in the window and saw the guards and guys who were supervising them in the factory being killed by missiles from the choppers. After few minutes of gun fire exchange, there was silence. They heard footsteps walking towards their room. Charles heard a familiar voice calling out his name. ‘’ That’s sounds like Yolanda’s name ‘’ he said. He unlocked the door and screamed Yolanda’s name. Yolanda turned and saw Charles 50 meters away.


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