The Lonely Spy

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The Lonely Spy Page 8

by Mkululi Nqabeni

  They entered the spacecraft and kissed. Charles lifted Yolanda and carried her to his bedroom and made love all night long. The next morning Yolanda woke up with a smile on her face, she turned and looked to the other side of the bed. She noticed Charles was not in bed. ‘’Charles, are you there?’’ she shouted. She climbed out bed, got dressed and went outside the spacecraft. She couldn’t find him outside and kept walking. ‘’He must be at the beach’’ she murmured.

  A moment later she saw Charles at the beach preparing something. He walked towards him and realized he is making breakfast. ‘’ Wow’’ she said. Charles looked back and sees Yolanda. ‘’Good Morning’’ he said. ‘’ I thought I should make you a hearty breakfast’’ Charles said. Yolanda sat next to Charles with a smile on her face and leaned on him. ‘’I can see that, what are we having?’’ she asked.

  ‘’ We have a lobster and fruit salad’’ he said. ‘’ I don’t think we had a lobster in our refrigerator’’ she said. ‘’You right, I caught them not far from here and I also picked up these exotic fruits’’ he replied. As they were enjoying their breakfast, Charles noticed a shiny stone few inches away on the sand. It was a diamond; he picked it up and hid it in his pocket. Yolanda didn’t notice anything. ‘’ This is exquisite Charles, you have outdone yourself’’ she said. ‘’ Thank’’ he said.

  ‘’This beach sand is white, very strange but romantic’’ she said. She finished her breakfast and stood up watched the spectacular views of the island. Charles quickly crawled behind Yolanda. He took out the shy diamond stone; Yolanda turned around and saw Charles on his knees in front of her. Yolanda was ecstatic and confused at the same time. ‘’Yolanda, I love you so much and you are the only woman I ever loved in my life. I am not getting any younger and I would like to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?’’ Charles said.

  Tears of joys streamed down on Yolanda’s cheeks and her body was shaking. She screamed with excitement. ‘’ Stand up, please stand up Charles. Yes I will marry you’’ she said. They kissed passionately and as they were kissing, an explosion came out from the volcano in the middle of the sea and they stopped to see the explosion. The explosion shot up in the sky and exploded like fireworks andthey looked at each other and continued smooching.

  Moments later they walked along the beach, enjoying the moment. ‘’I think we should stay here and not get back to earth, Charles’’ Yolanda said. Charles sighed. ‘’I would love that too Yolanda but that is very selfish of you to say that. The people of Planet earth need us, we owe it to ourselves to deliver’’ Charles said. Yolanda looked down and kicked the sand. ‘’I hear you Charles, loud and clear. All my life I have been looking for love, respect and redemption. For a while I thought that was pipedream. This journey to space has fulfilled that need. I had to go to space for my needs to be fulfilled, do you get that? I had to go to space to achieve my happiness. I want to stay here Charles.’’ Yolanda said. Charles looks away with sadness in his eyes.

  2 screens appeared.It was Xotron and Mother Nature. ‘’ I’m afraid we have a bad feeling earth is in real danger and the merging is almost complete’’ Xotron said. Yolanda interrupted Xotron. ‘’ We have decided that we are staying at this island of oblivion’’ Yolanda said. ‘’No, we are not staying’’ Charles said. They argued in front of Xotron and Mother Nature. ‘’Stop that! The fate of our galaxy depends on us literally. Please make up your minds’’ Xotron said. ‘’ No, I’m not going’’ Yolanda said. ‘’We are going, Yolanda’’ Charles said. Xotron interrupted them.

  ‘’I really do not have time for petty nonsense but I can help you make up your mind quickly and remind yourself why you are here in the first place. Enter this screen and understand what it means to be alive on earth or turn back and return to live in this illusion of the island forever’’ Xotron said.Yolanda and Charles turned and looked at Xotron’s screen.

  Charles looked at Yolanda with a feeling of disappointment at her choice of staying in this island. ‘’Anything you say Xotron. I’m with you’’ Charles said. Yolanda sighed and kicked the sand. ‘’Alright lets go’’ she said. Charles walked towards the screen and as he was near the screen. A bright light came out of the screen; it struck him and dragged him inside. ‘’ Where is he’’ Yolanda shouted. Yolanda wished he could run away and stay in that spacecraft forever. ‘’ Yolanda you are next’’ Xotron said. Yolanda walked backwards then ran faster away from the screens. ‘’No, I’m staying in this island’’ she shouted. ‘’Yolanda please come back, we mean no harm’’ Mother Nature said. A huge harmless fireball came out of Xotron’s screen and dragged her back to the screen. ‘’Where are you guys taking me?’’ she shouted. Before she could say anything else, she realized she was sliding down on a spiral shaped slide. She slides down, screaming loud until she fell on a wooden boat.

  Charles was at the boat waiting for her. ‘’I didn’t want to be here and why are we doing on a love boat?’’ she asked. ‘’ Charles smiled and winked at her. The boat started moving in space. Moments later, Yolanda’s mood changed and smiled back at Charles. ‘’Did you hear that?’’ Charles asked. Yolanda looked around. ‘’ No’’ she replied. ‘’ That’s right, pure silence and tranquil’’ he said. They noticed a lone planet and the boat was heading towards it. ‘’ What do you think is out there?’’ she asked. ‘’ I have no idea’’ he said. The boat moved closer, they noticed the planet is gold in color and is shaped like a pyramid. They arrived, it was written ‘’Gold Planet’’ and the huge door opened.

  The boat entered the Gold planet. And Yolanda and Charles’s jaws dropped. It was glowing in gold inside everywhere. The boat moved forward in the middle and on the side were huge doorswith different planet names they couldn’t recognize. ‘’I wonder where are all these planets located?’’ Yolanda asked. 50 meters away, they saw huge gold door. On the door was a sign written ‘’Earth Archives’’. They looked at each other with shock. Charles lifted both his hands and placed them on his head with excitement. The boat moved closer to the door and it opened. Green, red, orange lights came from inside. Yolanda and Charles covered their eyes with their hands from the glowing lights. There were a lot of 70cm HD Flat screens on the walls.

  The boat stopped and a screen appeared in front of them and it switched on. On the TV screen there were fireworks in the black skies exploding repeatedly and creating matter until a planet is formed. ‘’Wow, little big bangs’’ Charles said. ‘’ This must be planet earth’’ Yolanda said. The planet had water then volcanoes under water exploded thus creating land and earth.

  Plants, trees and fruits start growing from the ground. Worms start appearing from the damp grounds. Worms transformed into insect. Evolution of Man graphics left both Yolanda and Charles in amazement as they witnessed how humans have evolved in the past 6 billion years. Different species of Dinosaurs and extinct giant animals were shown roaming the earth.

  The dinosaurs were shown dying from toxic gases that are unexplainable. The screen showed Yolanda and Charles the whole evolution of man and earth from the Continental drifts, the Cannibalism age of men, civil wars of Homo sapiens, Stone Age, pre-historic arts on the mountains, Roman Empire, Middle and dark ages. Wars were shown which included Triumphs and tragedies of human evolution. Yolanda and Charles watched for few hours then the screen stopped playing. The moment it stopped playing they broke down uncontrollable and were overwhelmed with emotions. Charles moved closer to Yolanda. ‘’Come here’’ he said. Yolanda reached out to Charles and they hugged.


  Charles and Yolanda stopped hugging and realized they are back in the island of oblivion. ‘’ Are you ready guys’’ Xotron said. Yolanda walked towards Xotron’s screen and wiping tears from her eyes. ‘’Yes, we are ready’’ she said. ‘’ Very well, do you have the same weapon you gave to Xakes?’’ Xotron asked. Yolanda and Charles nodded. ‘’ Good you will set the bomb and detonate it. I have a little left, I can assist bursting t
his bubble of this island and help us get out of here and reverse the formation of the Super Dark Force. ‘’All right we will start our spacecraft, set the bomb and fly away’’ Charles said.

  Xakes orders all his drones to the Black Hole to address them. They arrive in large numbers at the battlefield. ‘’Go Fetch the sun and planet earth so that we can complete this mission, I need more energy to finish this’’ Xakes said. Charles and Yolanda switched on the spacecraft; it flew higher and sped off. ‘’I’m going to the back’’ he said. Charles went inside the artillery room and set the timer on 3 nuclear bombs at exactly 1 hour And 30 minutes. They sped faster away, few minutes later they stopped and dropped 3 nuclear bombs. They flew back to the where they were situated and waited by the beach sand. Yolanda held Charles’s hand and kissed him on the cheek. ‘’ I couldn’t have asked for a better man and husband than you. I’m proud of you Charles’’ Yolanda said. Charles nodded with a smile and also held her hand. ‘’This is it, we are going back to earth’’ she said. They both laughed and murmured words to each other.

  The nuclear bombs exploded and sent the spacecraft into the sea. ’’Hold tight, it’s going to be rough’’ he said. As the spacecraft was rolling, Charles maintained control but it was still trembling from the effects of the bomb. ‘’Charles, look the sky is opening’’ she said. The sky was opening and they saw rays and flashes of light flying towards the opening sky. ‘’Its Xotron and Mother Nature, they are free’’ Charles said. Xotron shouted loud from the sky. ‘’Stay here for a while, you will go home when it’s safe to do so’’ Rays flew out through the sky. ‘’Alright, we will do that’’ Charles replied.

  Lightning struck at the Black Hole’s battle field twice. ‘’Xakes come out, wherever you are’’ Xotron said. A moment later flashes of light fly down towards where Xotron’s light is. 2 screens of Xakes and Xotron d faced each other in an opposite direction. Quake and Clump drones appeared, surrounded both Xotron and Xakes‘s screens. Lighting came out of nowhere and struck the screens. The screens exploded, creating 2 fireballs that transformed into figures. Xakes and Xotron’s fireballs transformed into human figures, they transformed and turned into warrior kings. As they emerged from their fireballs, they both were blazing, glamorous and really looked like gods. Xakes had gold long hair and beard. He wore gold armor andshoes. His s sword is gold in color and blazing with fire.Xotron had a long white hair and beard. He wore a silver armor was silver and shoes. His sword is silver in color and glowing.

  ‘’I guess those two minions from planet earth have freed you from the island of oblivion’’ Xakes said. ‘’ I have nothing to say to you, Xakes’’ Xotron said. Xakes flew towards Xotron holding his sword high. Xotron blocked it with his sword and they fought a hard battle with intensity. The Black Hole is few thousands away from earth. The drones arrived at the solar system and pulled the invisible strings and chords holding the solar system together.

  Everyone on earth was shocked as they felt the earth trembling and experiencing this oncoming disaster. They saw millions of quake and clump drones in the sky and some were on the ground pulling them away. Every citizen on planet has given up hope; they say their last prayers and accept their fate. President Sharon Washington looked up in the sky and sighed. ‘’We have failed, we have failed our people’’ she said.

  Xakes draws gumma rays and struck Xotron down the ground. Xotron rolled on the ground with blood on his face. ‘’Foolish old man, you thought you could defeat the god of the Super Dark Force’’ Xakes said. Xakes pointed his hands to the drones then pointed them to Xotron’s direction. ‘’Kill him’’ he shouted. Xotron lied on his back helplessly and taking heavy breaths but couldn’t give now. ‘Xotron drew every inch of his energy he had left and screamed. Every living thing in the Milky Way heard his scream. Pulsar missiles came out of nowhere. The missiles struck the drones and Xakes, killing him instantly. Earth trembles and shakes one last time. Huge sounds of the trumpet are heard by everyone on earth and assume the final hour has come. It’s a siren from the Black Hole that is in danger and alerted every drone to come back. The drones left everything they were doing and flew back to the Black Hole to defend their kingdom. Xotron’s wounds heal instantly and suddenly transformed into another level of invincibility.

  He transformed into a muscular middle age man, his hair and beard changed color from white to gold. He noticed the drones attacking him. He ducked the rocket missiles with precision and awareness. Xotron draws the red stars from the depths of space. He struck all the drones and destroying them instantly. People noticed there were silence and realized the drones have disappeared. Snow fell from the sky to every country, town and city. People started celebrating when they saw a huge rainbow in the sky. There were fireworks during the evening and everyone cheered.

  Xotron flew back to the island of oblivion and landed on the beach sand. Yolanda and Charles rushed to him with excitement. ‘’Xotron, we are ready to go home’’ Yolanda said. Xotron shook his head and looked at both of them. ‘’I’m sorry to say this but I can’t let you go back to earth. Your objective is already fulfilled on earth, what else could you ask for? I will give you kingdoms beyond your wildest dreams. Charles, you will be a god of the Andromeda galaxy and Yolanda, you will be the goddess of the Dark Energy’’ Xotron said. Yolanda felt her knees going weak and broke down crying uncontrollable. ‘’We just want to go back to earth, that’s all’’ she said. ‘’I am afraid that is impossible’’ Xotron said. Yolanda turns her back on Xotron and ran to the spacecraft devastated. ‘’Charles, Please talk to her because we have a lot of work to do together to uplift our Milky Way galaxy. ‘’Alright, we will think about it but this is not fair’’ he replied. ‘’I will be waiting right here, don’t get any ideas and fly that ship away’’ Xotron said. ‘’We won’t’’ Charles replied. Charles walked to the spacecraft, feeling very emotional. He enters the spacecraft and walks to the workstation. ‘’Honey, where are you?’’ Charles shouted. ‘’I’m here Charles, I’m at the artillery room’’ Yolanda replied. Charles rushed to the artillery room and found Yolanda sitting on top of the last nuclear bomb left. Yolanda smiled at Charles in a very strange way. ‘’We are going home’’ she said. Charles knew something was wrong in an instant. He pushed Yolanda away from the bomb and looked at it. He trembled with shock after seeing what Yolanda had done. He realized it was too late to stop the nuclear bomb from detonating, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1

  Yolanda hears a knock from the door and wakes up. Her head feels heavy; she sees the piece of paper next to her. She picks it up, looks at it and realized it is the Amnesty rejection letter from the White House. She instantly stood up, looked around the room and realizes she is still in her hotel room in Moscow. ’’No! No! No! No! No! Nooooooooooo’’ She screamed.




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