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Rebellious Page 4

by Gillian Archer

  “I’ll leave you more room next time,” he rumbled.

  His “next time” sounded ominous, like this would become a habit or something. And it did more squirmy things to my tummy.

  Seriously, there was something wrong with me. Stolen phone, held hostage, screwing with my sleep. I felt like I needed to list all the stuff he’d done, to keep myself pissed and in the right frame of mind. He was a dick, not Prince Charming material. At all.

  “And you.” Reb nodded toward his son. “It’s way past your bedtime. So hop to it.”

  Tucker grumbled some, but after a refill of his water glass and a good night to me, he went back down the hall, and a beat later I heard his bedroom door click closed.

  Leaving me alone with Reb.

  Like he could hear my thoughts, or just see them broadcast across my face, Reb turned to me with a predatory grin. “Alone at last.”

  “Yes.” I gulped. “Alone. Again.”

  Reb nodded toward the bar stool Tucker had just vacated. “Take a seat.”

  Unable to come up with a plausible reason why I shouldn’t put myself back within his reach, I slowly crossed the room, then grabbed the bar stool farthest from him. Like that was going to stop him. He chuckled, then walked around the island and took up a slouched position directly across from me. Leaning forward, he rested his forearms against the countertop and looked into my eyes.

  “So tell me about Tucker’s life with Rhonda.”

  Honestly, that was the last thing I’d expected him to say. I blinked a few times, then answered. “She’s not around much. But then again, we’re not exactly friends.” I grimaced. “She hasn’t really endeared herself to the neighbors.”

  “You don’t have to say it. I know what kinda woman she is. There’s a reason we’re getting divorced, after all.”

  I smiled slightly at that. Apparently he was capable of diplomacy when he wanted to be. “From what I’ve seen, Tucker spends most of his time with Jonas Simpson and his family, in their apartment downstairs. They’ve sorta become his surrogate family.”

  Reb winced at my description and pushed away from the counter. “Fuck.”

  I opened my mouth to say something. I wanted to take it back but I couldn’t—it was true. So instead I buried my face in my coffee mug.

  After a few beats, Reb stopped pacing and faced me once more. “But they’re nice? Tuck’s”—he gritted his teeth before continuing—“surrogate family?”

  I put my coffee mug down and met Reb’s tormented eyes. “The Simpsons are an awesome family. Jonas’s mom, Morgan, is wonderful. She’s so nice and a great cook. There’s always the most amazing aromas coming from their apartment.”

  “Nice to know someone’s feeding my kid occasionally. Son of a bitch!” Reb scrubbed a hand over his buzzed head. “I knew I should’ve put someone on their place. I knew it. But that bitch promised me she was taking care of him. After all, he’s her fucking ace in the hole. Christ.”

  “Ace in the hole?” I parroted, before my brain caught up with my mouth.

  “Yeah. She’s using him to prolong the fucking divorce. We separated almost a year ago, but the judge won’t sign off on the divorce until custody is sorted out. And Rhonda is fucking using our kid to milk me for more money. Fucking greedy bitch.” He kicked the trash can to punctuate that sentence.

  I flinched. And just that instantly was reminded exactly what kind of man was in front of me. One who thought of women as bitches. One whose ex-wife was blackmailing him, which meant he’d done some serious shit in his life. One capable of violence—mostly restrained in my presence, but violence nonetheless. It was there, boiling just under the surface.

  My skin itched. I wanted to scrub my hands with soap and water like I always did when I felt uncomfortable, but I was afraid to move. I didn’t want to draw attention to myself since Reb was so pissed off. I’d learned that lesson from my ex, Michael. So I just buried my head in my coffee mug like it was the most interesting thing I’d ever seen. Anything to avoid the simmering tempest three feet away, and my inexplicable attraction to this angry man.

  What was it about him? I should’ve been more wary. I had a not-so-great history with men who had anger issues. My father. Michael. I should know better. So why did I find Reb so appealing? Even after what he had done tonight, I still couldn’t deny my attraction to him. I wanted him. Wanted to be under him, his hands fisted in my hair, him inside me.

  Dammit, there was something wrong with me. Why was I only drawn to men who were bad news?

  After a minute he appeared to get himself under control. At least from what I could gather as I watched him from the corner of my eye—all sly-like.

  “Can you give me the contact info for your neighbor? Morgan Simpson you said?”

  “Um, yeah, I have her number in my phone. So once you give it back to me…”

  “Nah, where’s the fun in that? I’ll get one of the boys on it. If all that shit’s going down like you’re saying—not that I’m doubting you or nothing—I’ll have a conversation with her. See if she’ll testify for Tucker in court.”

  “I can testify. He spends some time at my place, too.” I mentally kicked myself. That wouldn’t get me my phone back, plus it would put me in Reb’s life even more. The last thing I needed was another man with anger issues. No matter how much I wanted him.

  And apparently he didn’t think that was a good idea, either. “See now, sunshine, I don’t think that would work.”

  “Fine. Just give me my phone back, I’ll give you Morgan’s number, and we’ll never have to see each other again.” Why did that leave me deflated? I took another slurp of my coffee and tried not to let my emotions show on my face.

  Reb came around the counter and stood way too close to me. His body heat warmed my arm, but I didn’t turn toward him. It took everything inside me not to give in and twist to see the expression on his face. And his gorgeous baby blue eyes.

  “That’s not what I meant. I’m afraid you testifying in court would be seen as a conflict of interest.”

  My heart thundered in my chest. “Conflict?”

  “Mmm-hmmm.” Reb leaned forward, resting his arms on the countertop on either side of me, enveloping me in his scent. His words ruffled my hair next to my ear. “I’d rather have that testimony come from a neutral party.”

  “I-I-I could be neutral,” I croaked. God, why did he have to smell so good?

  “Uh-uh,” he murmured softly. “I don’t think the judge will give much weight to what the woman I’m fucking says about my ex.”

  I closed my eyes as my clit pulsed at the way he’d said “fucking.” It was almost as intimate as the act itself. He gave the vulgar word a tender inflection that was practically…sweet. And yet oh so dirty.

  Yeah, I know. I had a problem.

  “I-I-I…But we’re not. Fucking, I mean.” I winced at my awesome comeback. Great, Em. Really great. That’ll tell him!

  He nuzzled my hair away from my ear. “By the time this gets in front of a judge, we will be.”

  A wave of goosebumps broke out over my body at his whispered words. Without meaning to, I swayed toward him. His lips brushed my earlobe, and I melted. I was a pile of goo at his feet. And even worse than that—he knew he had me. I could hear the smug smile in his voice as he whispered to me again.

  “Good. You feel it, too. That’ll make things a lot easier, sunshine.”

  I shivered. I wanted to say something pithy—something to let him know that he couldn’t have me that easily—but his stubble rasped against my cheek, and I was gone.

  He nudged my head to tilt with his, then grazed his stubble up my cheek until he caught my earlobe between his teeth. Nibbling gently, he caused a whole new outbreak of goosebumps. Then he whispered in my ear. “I knew the second I saw you. Knew you’d be mine. Knew you’d taste sweet. Fuck, I can’t wait to have you.”

  How did he know my earlobe was my weak spot? My nipples hardened into two aching, throbbing points at the combination of
his rasping voice and what he was doing with his teeth and stubble. I’d thought I was alone in my attraction to him; that it wasn’t mutual. He had spent most of our time short together growling in anger. But he wanted me, too! I tried to put all these thoughts into an articulate sentence, but all I managed was a moan when he breathed hotly into my ear.

  “That’s right, sunshine. Moan for me. Let me know just how much you want this, too. Christ, I can’t wait ’til I can get you alone and really make you sing. But for now this’ll have to do.”

  He spun my bar stool around until I faced him, my legs trapped between his. I blinked helplessly up at him. His face had that same hard quality I’d seen all night. But now, instead of frightening me, it excited me. Made my blood thrum in my ears at a heady pace.

  Reb slowly leaned down until his arms bracketed around me once more, his palms resting on either side of me on the counter. Keeping his eyes on mine, he deliberately lowered his head and stopped only once his lips were a hairsbreadth from mine. He hovered there for a second, waiting for me to protest or give some hint as to what I wanted.

  So I gave it to him. Unable to help myself, I swayed toward him and closed the short distance. My lips brushed his once, and he took it from there.

  His lips slanted over mine in a commanding kiss, telling me without words how much he wanted me. I’d never felt anything like it before in my life. I wanted him now. I wanted him here. I wanted him however he was willing to give it to me. I’d always enjoyed the give-and-take in sex, but not now. Now I wanted to be taken.

  So I did. I let go and silently gave him permission to do whatever he wanted.

  And he took it. He bent me back over the countertop and demanded everything from my lips. His mouth slanted over mine again and again, kissing me until I couldn’t hold a coherent thought in my head. I could only feel. Feel the flutter of his tongue against mine. Feel the insistent tug of his fingers on my nipples.

  After heaven only knew how long, Reb pulled away with a groan. “Fuck me, you taste like sunshine. Hot and sweet and too fucking good.” He rested his forehead against mine and breathed heavily. “I’d like nothing better than to take you right fucking here, but I can’t.”

  I blinked stupidly up at him, and I’m pretty sure I moaned in disappointment.

  “Fuck me, sunshine, you’re not making this any easier.”

  “Good.” I groaned.

  “I want you, Em. But I can’t. Not with Tuck here. At least not the first time.”

  I wanted him, too. Wanted him more than I’ve ever wanted any other man before. But I got it. He didn’t want to get down and dirty with his kid only feet away. I respected him for it, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt.

  As if to torture us both more, Reb took my lips again in another hot, melting, and all too short kiss. Breaking away, he rested his chin on top of my head while his fingers continued to dance and torture my aching breasts.

  “Oh my God. If we’re not gonna do this, you gotta knock that off.” I moaned and arched into his hand, belying my words.

  “I will. In a minute.” His fingers continued to pluck and tease my throbbing nipples.

  “Reb!” I batted his hands away and pushed against his shoulders. Not that it budged him an inch. The man was built like a Greek god—the statue kind. Defined muscles lay under tattooed sleeves that I couldn’t wait to trace with my tongue.

  But later, I reminded myself.

  “Fine.” He gave me one last peck of a kiss, then stood up.

  I immediately missed the warmth of his body. Swaying toward him, I sat up with my arms reaching out to him. Mistaking my intent, he clasped my hands in his and helped me up from my sprawled position until I was standing in front of him.

  We just stood there for a second, staring into each other’s eyes, saying nothing and everything. There was a softness to his expression that hadn’t been there before. I took a large amount of pride in the fact that I’d been the one to affect him like that.

  He must’ve seen something in my expression because his lips curved into a smug little smile. “Come on, sunshine. Let’s get you to bed.”

  I felt a similar smile spread over my face.


  My smile dimmed just a tad, but I followed as he tugged my arms and led me down the hall.

  “You can have my room,” he said as he tugged me through the last doorway at the end of the hall.

  “But I thought—”

  “I got some business to take care of so I won’t be sleeping ’til late. I’ll probably crash on the couch later.”

  I took in my surroundings. It was a surprisingly welcoming room. The large sleigh bed actually looked small in the huge room. A few dressers dotted the far wall and two closed doors were to my left. Much like Reb’s eyes, the walls were a calming blue. I wondered if that was intentional. And who had chosen the color. “I can’t just take your bed, Reb. That’s not right. What if Tucker comes in? He’ll find a stranger sleeping in your bed.”

  “He won’t. Tuck sleeps like a rock. He’ll be fine.”


  “I want you there. Sleeping in my bed. Your head on my pillow. Your scent on my sheets. So stay.” He gave me another quick peck before he crossed the room to one of the dressers. After grabbing something from a drawer, he turned and tossed it at my head.

  I snatched it from the air and shook out a large T-shirt with the True Brothers logo on the back. The twin skulls stared menacingly back at me.

  “If you’re gonna sleep in my bed, you gotta sleep in one of my shirts. House rules.”

  I ducked my head as a huge smile swept across my face. I couldn’t help but really like this sweet, playful side of him. Even if he was technically holding me captive.

  But not even the reminder of my captivity could stop me from swaying into him when he stood in front of me once more.

  “Sweet dreams,” he murmured as he bent toward me. He took my lips in a searing kiss that left me unsteady on my feet. My toes curled into the plush carpet and my eyes fluttered open just in time to see the door click shut.

  And I was alone. Clutching Reb’s T-shirt and standing in his bedroom.

  How the hell did I get here?

  And what the hell was I going to do tomorrow?

  Chapter 5

  JULY 21

  I woke the next morning disoriented. I blinked and looked around blearily, but nothing made sense. Instead of my full-sized bed and white walls, I found myself swimming in a huge bed surrounded by soft blue walls. I scrubbed my eyes with the heels of my hands, but it didn’t magically transport me back to my bed. I was still here. Wherever “here” was.

  Flopping back onto the bed, I felt his scent surround me and I remembered. Tucker and his sad sack of groceries. The clubhouse. Reb. That kiss.

  “Oh God,” I mumbled. At least I hadn’t slept with him, I consoled myself. Although if memory served, our lack of sexual history was due only to Reb’s self-control and not my own. He’d been all cool and collected, while I’d been throwing myself at him. I groaned and buried my head under the pillow.

  It helped for a second until I took another breath and breathed in his scent once more. Dammit, why did he have to smell so damn good? He was a biker; shouldn’t he smell like—I don’t know—grease or something? Something repulsive, anyhow, not so yummy that I’d love to spend hours in bed licking his skin.

  I shook my head. What happened to my resolve last night? Somehow in the haze of lust and yummy man smells, I’d forgotten to be on my guard. Despite my coffee and resolution, I’d had the best sleep in I don’t know when. I felt safe here. I rolled my eyes at myself. If that wasn’t the stupidest thing ever. The man had practically held me captive, and yet I felt safe?

  Maybe he gave me a lobotomy in the middle of night. Evidently I was missing my brain.

  Childish laughter trailed down the hall and reminded me exactly why nothing hot and lustful was gonna happen.

  Still, the sound made me smile. If ever
there was a kid who deserved happiness it was Tucker. His life at the apartment complex with his mom was so sad. On the best day he was a latchkey kid with the Simpsons or with me. I shuddered to think what last night might’ve been if I hadn’t come home when I did. But he was happy now. I was glad that he had a safe place here with Reb. He was a good dad.

  “Em, if you want any breakfast, you better get your ass in here!”

  Shades of good, anyhow.

  I had a goofy grin on my face as I shimmied into my sundress from the night before. I folded the T-shirt Reb had lent me, then placed it on the made-up bed. Everything inside me wanted to keep it for myself. A nice little souvenir from my brief walk on the wild side, but since my bag was somewhere in the living room, I didn’t have a convenient hiding place. Giving the True Brothers logo one last—ridiculously sentimental—pat, I turned and headed for the door. A slight ache in my ankle reminded me of my tumble at the clubhouse last night, but it wasn’t bad enough to warrant Reb carting me around like he had the night before. Although I wouldn’t mind feeling his arms holding me again.

  My hand was on the knob when I remembered exactly where I was. I couldn’t go down there looking like I’d just rolled out of bed. I ran to the master bath and let out a muffled shriek at the rat’s nest my blond hair currently resembled. I didn’t have a brush or a hair tie. Crap. Spying a comb on the granite counter, I grabbed it and pulled it through the snarl of my long hair.

  Once my hair looked somewhat presentable, I stole some of the toothpaste on the counter, swished it around my mouth, then rinsed with water that I drank from my cupped hand. Wishing for the tenth time that I had some makeup, I gave my reflection one last look, then made resolutely for the kitchen.

  Giggles greeted me as I entered it. I couldn’t help but smile as the sound filled me with joy.

  “No, Dad. That’s silly.”


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