The Wild Belle (St. John Series)

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The Wild Belle (St. John Series) Page 11

by Lora Thomas

  She turned to give Michael an assisting hand up only to find that he was already behind her. “How did you get up here so fast?”

  “I live most of the time on a ship. Climbing is a requirement.”

  “Oh,” she replied accepting his explanation. “Follow me.”

  Michael was taken aback by the view before him. On top of the small hill was a clear pool of water. It was not as large as the lower pool, spreading out about ten feet in a circular shape, but it was deep. His eyes scanned the edge and saw the water cascading over the side to the lower lake. This was the second pond, the reason the plantation was called Double Oasis. He watched as a frog jumped into the water and swam across. He studied the location and noticed that the small area was just a mound, standing alone. There was a small boulder on the far side with a dark area in the center. It had the appearance of the dark eye of a wary beast watching them, guarding the secrets of the lake.

  “How does the water get up here?”

  “No one really knows,” Andi answered. “Nellie says the tears of angels fill it every night. Now come on.” She headed towards a dark opening. Michael followed her. “I found it this mornin’ on my ride. It’s down there in the small cave. The rains must have loosened the soil.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’ll show you.”

  Michael followed Andi into the cave. He was hesitant when Andi pulled him into the dark eye-shaped opening. After several feet it became almost pitch black. He felt Andi tighten her grip on his hand and pull him forward. After a couple of steps he could see a faint light. As they walked closer the light became brighter, and he soon realized that the light was coming from the sun. It was shining through a hole in the ceiling of the cave. The sunlight lit the cave up brightly and he could see a pile of rocks in the shadows.

  Andi let go of his hand and rushed towards the pile of rocks. “The hole wasn’t there when I left last week. Sally told me there was a hard rain while I was gone. So I figured the rain rushed through the rocks and loosened the dirt causin’ the cave-in. But look,” she said and pointed down at a group of rocks.

  Michael walked towards her and studied what she was so excited about. It was a wooden chest with an old lock on the outside.

  “Pirates used to travel to Charleston. Do you think this could be one of their lost treasures?” Andi asked excitedly.

  Michael looked down at the crate and then back to Andrea. “Only one way to find out.”

  She stood and took several steps back from the crate. “But how? We don’t have the key—”

  Her words were cut off when he picked up a large rock and hit the lock. After several hits, the lock broke loose and fell to the ground with a small thud. She raced over and looked down at the chest. She quickly opened it and her mouth dropped open in disbelief. The crate was full of gold!

  “It’s pirate gold,” she whispered.

  Michael picked up a gold coin and studied it. “It’s stolen currency.”

  “Well, of course it’s stolen, it belongs to pirates. Wonder who they stole it from?”

  “This is Indian gold. See the markings,” he said as he pointed to a symbol on the back of the coin. “If I had to take an educated guess, I’d say this is one of Captain Kidd’s hauls. He frequented the waters off India.”

  “Who’s that?” Andi questioned with curiosity.

  “He was a pirate. Not as ruthless as Charles Vane or Black Bart, but still a pirate.” He saw the doubt in her eyes. “Being in the shipping business, one must know their enemies, past and present. It helps to establish a plan to avoid being boarded and what to do should it occur.”

  “Oh,” she replied with disinterest. She looked back at the treasure. “Now what do we do with it? Do we turn it over to the authorities?”

  “That is a complicated issue. This is Indian gold hidden on American soil. Both governments will lay claim to it if you turn it all in at once. But a few coins spent here and there would not draw suspicion,” he informed her with a wink.

  She smiled happily and then her smile faded. She walked over to one of the large rocks, sat down and placed her face in her hands.

  “What is troubling you, Andi?”

  She looked up at him and he could see the tears in her eyes. “What difference does it make? I’m doomed to marry that horrid man—unless you found a way to break that damn contract?” At the shake of his head, she continued, “I can have all the money in the world, but what good is it if I’m not happy.”

  Michael walked over to her and knelt down in front of her. He wrapped his strong arms around her. She clung to him releasing her frustration in the form of tears as he gently stroked her hair.

  “I’ll look again. I will find a way out of that marriage contract for you.”

  She looked up at him and smiled timidly. “Really?” The hope in her voice caused a strange sensation to surge through his chest.

  “Yes. As of right now the only way to break the contract is if you are carrying another man’s child, but there has to be another way.” He placed a gentle kiss to her forehead.

  She captured his face in her hands and placed her forehead to his. In the next instant, she was kissing him. He returned her kiss, unable to fight the urge to do so. She was his weakness. He could not resist this woman, no matter how hard he tried.

  He intensified the kiss as his tongue entered her mouth. The only resistance he met was her own tongue following suit. He pulled her closer and could feel her breasts pressed against his chest. His body reacted to hers instantly and he grew hard. He needed to stop, but he couldn’t.

  Moaning into his mouth, she pressed herself even closer to him, needing to feel his body pressed to hers. She slid off the rock, onto her knees in front of him, never breaking the kiss. She could feel something hard pressed against her stomach and she boldly took her hand and placed it on the object. She heard his quick intake of breath and felt his breathing increase as she began to explore him with her hand.

  He broke the kiss and captured her hand in his and pulled it up to his chest. He looked down into her passion-darkened eyes and could see the confusion and hurt, as though she had done something wrong.

  “You have no idea how desirable you are, do you?” Before she could reply, he said, “I want you, Andi. I want you more than I have ever wanted another woman. I want you to the point I would take you here in this cave, but I won’t. You don’t deserve to be treated like that.”


  “You’re a lady, Andrea. I won’t soil you by treating you as less than that. Now, I suggest you leave, before I fully lose control and toss all reasoning out into the wind and give into my desires.”

  She nodded her head and slowly stood. She walked towards the entrance of the cave and watched him. He had his eyes closed and was breathing deeply. She could see the outline of his maleness pressing tightly against his trousers. Turning, she exited the cave, leaving with such burning desire for the man who truly found her attractive, that she cried the entire walk back to her home.

  Chapter Twelve

  Michael left the cave later that afternoon and took a dip in the upper lake. His desire for Andi was not dampened by the cold water. He still wanted her. He wanted her like no other woman he had ever met. She was breathtakingly beautiful and full of life. She was spirited and feisty, but she was kind and timid. She was a vixen but a virgin. The pixie he met on the first day here had worked her way into his heart and soul. The startling realization hit him like a bolt of lightning. He had fallen in love with her, but would never be able to have her. She was promised to another. The thought of her married to that bloody sod Peterson sent a pain surging through his chest, like someone was trying to cut his heart out with a wooden spoon.

  That damn contract! He had to find a way out of it. If he had only taken her earlier today, then there would be a possibility of getting her out of that contract. But no, he would not do that to her or her family. He had begun to think of the Craycrafts as his exten
ded family.

  When he made his way back to his room, he found that Sally had placed a hot pitcher of water and some clean towels for him to freshen up with. He could hear his new neighbor yelling at her slave for some minor incident. He had met that woman only once and instantly had taken a dislike to her. Hearing the demeaning way she spoke to her servant just added fuel to the fire.

  Michael quickly washed up and changed for the ball. Walking over to the wardrobe, he found his formal wear. It was all black except for the crisp white shirt. As he adjusted his waistcoat, there was a faint knock on the door.

  “Enter,” he commanded.

  Michael watched Oscar, the slave who was to assist him, enter. “Ya need any help, Mr. Michael?”

  “No, Oscar. I can manage on my own.”

  That was the reply Oscar was expecting. Michael did not ask for or require assistance in the matter of dressing. He always refused, but did so politely and respectfully.

  “Miss Mandy asked me ta let ya know that the ball begins in about an hour, but that ya can come down whenever yer ready.”

  “Thank you, Oscar.”

  “Yer welcome, Mr. Michael.” The boy turned and left.

  Michael viewed his reflection in the mirror one more time, adjusted the lapel to his jacket and walked out the door. He found Ott and Amanda at the front door, greeting guests as they arrived. They were all greeted like family—receiving a firm handshake from Ott and a hug from Amanda, even though they fearfully did so, all afraid Amanda would do something violent towards them.

  “Why, isn’t Andrea dressed lovely this evening?” Michael heard a lady say from the doorway.

  He turned and his breath caught in his throat. Andi was standing on the center landing. She was wearing a lavender ball gown that sat off the shoulders. The tightly cinched waist caused her breasts to heave upward. The bodice was intricately beaded and the long skirt flowed outward. She had her hair piled up in an eloquent coiffure. Some of her tresses were allowed to flow down her neck like liquid gold. She placed her gloved hand on the banister and descended the steps.

  Amanda looked at her daughter and then the young man beside her. She could tell that Michael was infatuated with her daughter. He was constantly on the search for her. He may have thought that she was ignorant of the fact, but she knew everything that transpired in her house, emotions included. She was not blind—every man found Andrea attractive, but her personality kept them at bay. After all, she was her mother’s daughter. Andi did have a temper, but she did not show it as emotionally as Amanda did.

  Eleanor Peterson’s voice brought Mandy’s thoughts back to the party. “Why, I believe I will have the most beautiful niece-in-law in all of England!”

  “You live in South Carolina, Mrs. Peterson,” Amanda replied sourly, taking in the prudish woman’s appearance.

  “I do, but she won’t. Egbert said that once they’re wed, he plans on returning to England.” Eleanor stated snobbishly. She then looked down her nose at Amanda, and in a disparaging tone, continued, “Just make sure you teach her some manners before she goes to England. I don’t want her embarrassing my family.”

  “With Peterson as a husband I wouldn’t worry about it. He is enough embarrassment as it is,” Michael interjected.

  “That’s very rude of you to say, Mr. St. John.”

  “The truth usually is,” he replied and walked away.

  Amanda laughed. “Good show!” she called after Michael. She then turned back to Eleanor. “If you ever think of insulting any of my daughters again, remember I never miss what I aim for.”

  “Of all the nerve!” Eleanor huffed and walked nervously away.

  The ball began at eight o’clock with a father-daughter dance. All in attendance commented on what a lovely girl Alyssa was in her teal ball gown. After the first dance, Alyssa returned to her mother’s side to await a dance partner. The young men in the room would not approach, all afraid that Amanda would dismember them. Michael could see the pain in the young girl’s eyes. He walked boldly across the dance floor, interrupting dancers on the way, uncaring of the disturbance he was causing. When he reached Alyssa, he bowed and picked up her hand. He placed a light kiss across her knuckles.

  “May I have this dance with the most beautiful debutante I have ever had the opportunity to lay my eyes upon?”

  “Certainly,” Alyssa replied, her gray eyes filled with elated relief.

  Michael escorted her out onto the ball floor as the next dance began. “Smile,” he told her.

  A strained smile appeared on her face. “How’s this?”

  He chuckled. “If you plan on scaring me away, you are doing a marvelous job. Actually smile.”

  She looked timidly away.

  “Nerves are never a good thing. You were so excited about your ball. But allow me to help ease your worries. Did I ever tell you that my sister was kidnapped by pirates?”

  Her eyes shot back to Michael with awestruck wonder. “What? Really?”

  “Yes, twice. And then wed three weeks after the death of her first husband.”

  Alyssa looked at him suspiciously. “Really?”

  “It’s all true. My family is full of scandal. Why, my brother Noah was even arrested for stealing.”

  “What did he steal?” she asked her eyes now wide with curiosity.

  Michael gave her a sheepish look as the corner of his mouth curled upward with mischievousness. “Ladies undergarments.”

  At his statement she smiled a true smile and laughed.

  “Keep that up and you’ll have all the eligible bachelors here fighting over you.”

  “Thank you,” she replied, still smiling.

  “My pleasure.”

  “Did he really steal ladies undergarments?”

  “Yes. Unfortunately the woman was still wearing them.”

  Alyssa laughed even louder. Her laughter caught the attention of several men. After a few minutes, Michael received a tap on his shoulder, and Alyssa was whisked away from him by the man who interrupted.

  Michael walked back to Amanda.

  “Thank you,” Amanda acknowledged, keeping her eyes on her daughter.

  Michael nodded his head. His eyes scanned the ballroom, and he spotted Andrea dancing with Egbert. A pained expression crossed his face. Turning, he left out the side door. He could not tolerate seeing Andi in another man’s arms.

  The ball lasted well into the night. Michael did not return to the festivities after he left. He found Old Amos and followed him to the slave’s quarters. The slaves were having a ball of their own. Michael watched as they danced to a rhythmic beat, unlike those of the formal affair. He had heard similar drum beats when he stopped in Africa many years ago. Several danced, allowing the bodies to move with the music. He stayed for several minutes but soon left, sensing his presence made the slaves uncomfortable.

  The remainder of the evening he spent at the dock he had arrived at with a decanter of brandy. Staring blankly across the riverbank, he allowed his mind to wander. His thoughts turned to Andrea . . . her smile, her scent, her very presence. The thought of her married to that sniveling whelp made Michael furious. The amount of fury surging through his soul frightened even him. He had sworn to stay emotionally unattached to the fairer sex after he had witnessed Eli’s pain upon his wife’s death. Michael vowed to never let that happen to him. But yet, here he was, sitting alone on a dock, nursing his misery with alcohol, while the woman he loved was dancing with a murdering sod. His hell was far worse than Eli’s. Andi would be alive, but forever out of his reach as another man’s wife. He had to find a way to break that blasted contract! He would look over the documents again once he returned to his room.

  When he heard the festivities begin to quiet down, he returned to the house and entered Ott’s study. Locating the contract, he flipped through the pages. But something didn’t seem quite right. Several pages were missing. He looked around the desk. After looking for several minutes he located all the pages of the contract. Using the ba
ck stairs he made his way to his room. He laid the contract on his bed and removed his clothing. As he climbed into bed, the coolness of the thin silk sheet enveloped the lower half of his body causing a sigh to escape him. He lay on his back and picked up the documents.

  The clock struck two. His eyes grew heavy. Blinking rapidly he attempted to fight sleep. But he soon drifted off. He awoke lying on his side to find the gray cat had made herself comfortable under his arm, on top of the papers, sleeping soundly on her side.

  He looked around the room and noticed the door was opened a crack. He assumed he must have forgotten to jiggle the knob before he closed the door. Before he could turn to get up he heard a faint, “Kitty, kitty, kitty.”

  He drew his brows together and listened again. “Pepper, where are you, you stupid cat?” he heard Andi whisper angrily.

  Michael lay still. The cat raised her head, stretched lazily and laid her head back down. Michael raised his head slightly off the pillow to watch the intruder.

  Andi was crawling on all fours. She had the hem of her nightgown tucked up, allowing her knees to be unobstructed as she crawled around the room. He watched her cringe when the floor creaked. She stopped and was motionless for a few seconds before she moved again.

  “Kitty, kitty, kitty,” she whispered again. She cautiously rose up off the floor onto her knees. She spied Pepper sleeping in the bed with Michael. “Damn,” she grumbled. She twisted her mouth and blew upward to remove a wisp of hair from her eyes as she made her way over to them, walking on her knees.

  She carefully reached over and placed a hand on the cat. Pepper protested with a soft meow. Suddenly, she felt Michael’s hand wrap around her wrist and her eyes grew wide.

  “Are you in the habit of breaking into bedrooms?” he whispered.

  She grinned guiltily as the color rose up her cheeks. “No . . . well . . . Pepper, you see . . . ,” she stuttered.

  “Has slept with me for the past two weeks. Actually,” Michael interrupted, “she’s the only female I’ve slept with during that time.”


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