The Wild Belle (St. John Series)

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The Wild Belle (St. John Series) Page 22

by Lora Thomas

  “This is her?” Matthew asked.


  Michael looked to the woman and smiled. “Reanna?! I’ll be damned. Zach will be thrilled to know where you’ve been.”

  “You know her?” Eli asked in disbelief.

  “Yes. She is Reanna Hollingsworth. Her brother, Zach, and I are good friends. In fact, Zach and Matthew were just sparring a little over an hour ago at Holland’s.”

  Eli looked to Matthew. “So that was where you were. I rowed ashore earlier and came here.”

  “Reanna?” Matthew questioned still in disbelief that the mystery woman was an acquaintance. “Your father and brother will be so relieved. They have been worried sick about you.”

  Michael walked over to his brother and the woman and turned his head sideways as he studied her. He drew his brow and pressed his lips together in thought. “I didn’t get a good look at you before I left. It was late in the evening when Eli found you and I had to leave early in the morning.”

  The woman looked at Michael and he could see hope in her eyes. “Is my father home? What about Zach? Where is he now?”

  “Your father traveled to France to look for you. Zach should still be at the gym.” Matthew informed her.

  Tears formed in Reanna’s eyes. She turned towards Eli. “Can we go there now?”

  Eli looked down at the beauty beside him. “Holland’s is no place for a lady.”

  Matthew and Michael both looked at each other and laughed.

  “What’s so funny?” Eli asked his younger brothers.

  “I’ll tell you later, old man,” Michael told him.

  “Eli, please,” Reanna begged.

  Eli looked at the pleading expression on her face. He could not deny her, not after all that she had been through these past weeks. Not after all that he had accused her of. He took a deep breath. “Anytime you are ready? Would you like to freshen up first? We just docked and—”

  “How in the King’s name did you get docking privileges?” Michael asked.

  Eli gave his younger brother an arrogant sneer. “When you have a title, Runt, anything is possible.”

  “He has a ship in port?” Andi asked excitedly and walked over to the group. “Can it sail now?”

  Eli looked at his new sister-in-law strangely. “What is the hurry? We have just be introduced. I would like to get to know you better.”

  “But we have to find my sister!” Andi replied as she looked at Eli like he had gone mad.

  “Well, by all means go find her. Bring her over—”

  “She’s on your brother’s damn ship crossing the ocean and—” Andi’s rant was interrupted by Michael.

  “It seems she has managed to—shall we say—acquire passage on Noah’s ship.”

  “He let a woman on The Diamond Runner?” Eli asked in disbelief.

  “Not exactly,” Michael said. He gave Eli a brief description of the events leading up to now, ending with, “There is one more thing you should know, Eli.”

  “What’s that?”

  “The man who kidnapped Alyssa was Peterson.”

  Eli’s presence became eerie. Everyone in the room could sense the change in him. The concern he had for his sister-in-law’s family changed to that of one wanting to cause harm.

  “Did you kill that bastard?” Eli asked with cold hatred to his voice.


  Eli shot his brother a dark look. “Why the hell not?” He grabbed Michael by his dirty shirt collar.

  “I suggest you let me go, Eli,” Michael warned his brother. “I know how much you despise Peterson, but no more than I. He has caused harm to both of our wives and their families. I did have the opportunity to kill him, but the Sheriff of Shortridge came along. He overheard Peterson’s confession of kidnapping and murder and arrested him. What would you have me do? Kill Peterson and an innocent man, in front of my wife?”

  Eli allowed his brother’s words to sink in and he let go. “Sorry,” he mumbled and smoothed out Michael’s jacket.

  Andrea was patiently watching the encounter. Sibling squabbles were not new to her, so she did not think twice about interrupting them. “Now kiss and make up, because I need a ship.”

  Eli raised a brow to Andrea. “She doesn’t mince words, does she? Just gets straight to the point.”

  “When you have four sisters you have to speak up quickly. Now . . . ship?”

  “We just arrived on The Abyss,” Eli said and then his facial features changed to a humorous expression again and he began to laugh. “I’ll be damned. There is a forty gun pirate ship sitting smack dab in the middle of the docks of London.” His laughter echoed throughout the office.

  “Where’s my pistol,” Andi asked as she started patting her sides.

  “Andi,” Michael warned.

  “Pistol?” Reanna croaked.

  Eli just laughed harder until he heard the cocking of the pistol. Andi pointed it at him. “Egad, she’s a hellcat.”

  “Better answer her, Eli,” Michael warned as he nonchalantly crossed his arms.

  “We just docked. The crew were getting ready to depart for . . . further entertainment. I would say it would be a safe bet that Slim and Mr. Smitty are still aboard.”

  Michael looked at his brother. “Aw, hell. You mean you traveled here on a pirate ship and we are going to have to travel back to the West Indies on one?”

  “Wait,” Andi asked as her expression sobered. “I’m not traveling on a pirate ship,” then she stated. “What do you mean a pirate ship?!”

  “You see, Poppet, shortly after our sister’s marriage, Max mysteriously acquired the ship and began offering protective services for Emerald Shipping using said ship. He retired from sailing just before the birth of his daughter, but he had a full functioning crew. Never could figure out how that fellow acquired a pirate ship. But after London’s discovery, it all made sense. So you see, if you don’t mind traveling on a ship crewed by ex-pirates, then you have a way to find your sister.”

  “But a pirate ship!” Andi exclaimed again.

  “Shhh, we don’t want the navy to catch wind. James was nervous enough docking here, especially since there was a British Man ‘O War docked just a few berths down.”

  “You mean the crew of that ship is the same individuals that we fought?” Michael asked.

  “Yes. Quite cheeky fellows they are, but good men all the same.”

  “I cannot sail on a ship with those men, not after the battles I have had with them,” Michael insisted.

  “It’s the fastest ship in any waters. We made it here in a little over a month, even after being blown off course by a storm. If you want to reach Governor’s Harbour about the same time as Noah, then that is the only option you have. Otherwise you better kiss your desire to catch him good-bye because he was going to sail for the Orient about two weeks after docking.”

  “How do you know his schedule?”

  “Because we met him on the way here. Although I do not recall seeing a woman nor did he mention having one on board.”

  “I do not want to sail—”

  Andrea interrupted Michael. “Please, we must. It is my last hope of finding Alyssa.”

  Michael looked down into the pleading eyes of his wife. He could never tell her no, no matter how much he wanted to. “Fine,” he said. He then turned to Eli. “Please show me where you docked so arrangements can be made to travel back home.”

  “Very well.” Eli turned towards London. “Please stay here. You and Andrea can become better acquainted while Michael and I speak with Slim.”

  “But what about finding my brother?” London questioned.

  “He will be at the gym. Just as soon as I arrange passage for Michael, I will return and we will travel to your family’s home. While I am out, I will arrange for a carriage. Rest and freshen up while I am gone.”

  London gave Eli a look that expressed her fury at him. He gave her a wink and walked out the door with his brother. His action was met by her tossing her paras
ol at him. Michael looked at the object on the floor, then back to his brother.

  “And you think I am the only one with a hellcat,” he replied with humor, following his brother out the door.

  London smiled sweetly at Matthew and Andi. She walked over to the desk and picked up the decanter of brandy sitting on the corner. She poured herself a small skiff and downed the contents in one swallow. She then hurled the glass across the room at the door.

  “I hate men,” London gritted out. “All men. Old, young, handsome, ugly. They all deserve to be carted off to Tyburn Hill and hung!” She then turned to Andi and smiled sweetly. “So, Andrea, please tell me about yourself.”

  Matthew sat back down and shook his head in disbelief. His brothers certainly had a knack for choosing women. Yes, indeed they did. As he observed the two feisty women, a small snort escaped him. Maybe deciding to stay a bachelor was the wisest decision he had ever made.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Andi looked about the small room nervously. Michael and she had been given a cabin aboard The Abyss and Ruth Ann was allowed to stay in the storage room adjacent to them. The room was small. There was a bed in the far corner, just big enough for two people . . . barely. A pale yellow washbasin sat on a chest of drawers that had a mirror mounted above it. The room was quite a bit smaller than that of the Emerald Jewell’s, but it was doable.

  Andi opened the dresser and placed her clothing inside. Unpacking her belongings, a smile came to her face as she remembered Ruth Ann’s reaction to the first-mate. Her eyes grew wide and she began fanning herself quickly with the lace fan she had strapped around her left hand. She repeatedly would say “Oh, my” and “A black captain—how romantic.” If Andi had to guess she would say Ruth Ann had become smitten with Slim on first sight.

  Slim was an intimidating man. Not because he was overly muscular, but because of his height. If Andi had to guess, she would say he was close to seven feet tall. He towered over Michael and Eli. His name matched him. He was very slim, but it was accentuated by his height. If he were several inches shorter, he would have been a stockily built man.

  There was a faint knock at the door and then it opened. Ruth Ann entered and smiled dreamily at Andi.

  “What has you smiling so, Ruth Ann?”

  “Hmmm,” Ruth Ann answered. Walking in a dreamlike state over to the bed, she sat down.

  Andi giggled. “Why, Ruth Ann? What has gotten into you today?”

  “He’s just so handsome. I have never seen such a handsome man before. Have you?”

  Andi smiled mischievously at Ruth Ann. “Why, yes, Michael is quite handsome.”

  “Not him! The capt’n.”

  “James?” Andi asked.

  “Not him. Slim,” she breathlessly panted his name.

  “Oh, I really hadn’t paid attention. But I believe his title is second-in-command. I could be wrong since I’m not an expert on nautical terminology.”

  “Do you think it’s true what they say? That he was a pirate?”

  “I believe so, Ruth Ann.” Upon seeing her friend’s saddened look, Andi went on to say, “But I think he’s retired.”

  “Really? Oh, I do hope so. I couldn’t bear the thought of being married to a pirate.”

  “Ruth Ann!” Andi scolded with levity at her friend’s amorous mood. “You just met the man. He may be a surly old goat—mean and crotchety. And you already have yourself married to him.”

  Ruth Ann’s cheeks reddened. “I’m sorry, Miss Andi. It’s just that he’s so handsome.”

  “You’re hopeless, Ruth Ann.”

  “So are you, Miss Andi. Are you ever gonna tell him?”

  “Tell what to whom?”

  “Are ya ever gonna tell your husband ya love him?”

  Andi looked at Ruth Ann. She had learned from Reanna that Michael’s family openly expressed their feelings for each other, without shame. But her family was different. Not once had her parents ever told her they loved her, but she knew it. They showed their love for each of their children through their actions, not words. Come to think of it, she had never heard her parents tell each other that they loved each other. It just wasn’t done. She had showed Michael how much she loved him. Wasn’t that enough?

  “I have showed him. If he cannot figure it out that way, then he is not as smart as I know he is.”

  “It ain’t the same, Miss Andi.” Ruth Ann could see that Andi was not going to budge from her stubbornness on the subject. “Well, are ya at least gonna tell him about the baby?”

  Andi stopped what she was doing and pivoted quickly towards Ruth Ann, her mouth agape. Before she could answer, Ruth Ann said, “I help you bathe and dress. I know you’ve missed your monthly.”

  Andi laid down the clothing in her hand and sat down in the chair beside the dresser. She looked hopelessly at her friend. “What am I going to do?”

  Ruth Ann smiled and walked over to Andi. She knelt down in front of her and took Andi’s hands in hers. “I tell ya what you’re gonna do. You’re gonna have a baby, Miss Andi. You’re gonna sit back and take it easy. You’re gonna let me wait on ya hand-and-foot, like you’re supposed ta do. Your belly’s gonna grow big and fat, and you’re gonna be a momma.”

  Tears formed in Andi’s eyes. She didn’t know the first thing about babies. She was only a small child when Ashton and Alyssa were born. Sally always said she would help Andi with her babies, and now she was a thousand miles away. Andi was going to have a baby without her family around.

  “It will be all right, Miss Andi. I’ll be right here with you.”

  Andi smiled weakly at her friend. “No, you’ll be married to your sea captain and traveling the world.”

  Both women looked at each other and began to laugh.

  “Now what good would I be on a big old ship like this? There ain’t no one around here for me to help dress, except the second-in-command.”

  “You’re hopeless, Ruth Ann,” Andi said as she laughed again at her friend.

  “Why is she hopeless?” Michael asked from the doorway.

  Both women looked wide-eyed in Michael’s direction, mouths agape.

  “Now what were you two discussing? If I know women, it has to do with one of two subjects.”

  “Which would be?” Andi asked nervously, blinking the tears away.

  “Men or fashion.”

  “It just goes to show you don’t know a thing about women.”

  “What were you two discussing?”

  Andi smiled sweetly at her husband. “Womanly issues.”

  Michael held up his hand. “That is all I need to know. You have more than fulfilled my curiosity.”

  Andi and Ruth Ann laughed again. Ruth Ann stood. “If you need me, Miss Andi, just knock on the wall.”

  “You mean you’ll be in your room?” Andi asked mischievously.

  “If I don’t come after a few minutes, you know where I’ll be,” Ruth Ann said with a blush to her dark cheeks. She hurriedly walked past Michael to her quarters.

  “Is she referring to Slim?”

  Andi gave Michael a surprised look. “How did you know?”

  “I saw her looking at him when we boarded this morning. But change of subject . . . how are you?”

  “Fine,” Andi answered too quickly. “Why?”

  “The last time we sailed you were seasick for a week. Just making sure you’ll be all right this voyage.”

  “Oh,” Andi stated with relief, glad that Michael hadn’t overhead her and Ruth Ann’s conversation. “I think I was just nervous last time. We have been out to sea for almost a day and I’m fine.”

  “Good. Now, James has told me we may use his quarters for dining since this room is so small. Just be prepared. This is an all male crew who are used to the bare essentials. There will be no fine dining on this trip.”

  “I think I can manage. Just as long as they don’t serve gruel.” She wrinkled her nose. “I think I’ll be fine.”

  There was a knock on the door. Michael opened t
he door and was surprised to find the gunner. “Is something wrong, Mr. Smitty?”

  The old pirate shook his head. “Naw, just seeing if’n yer missus would like a bath.”

  Andi walked over to the door. She had met this man earlier during the day and liked him instantly. His right eye was brown and had kindness. But the other was the color of Nellie’s—completely white—with a faint scar running from the brow to just above his left cheek, indicating the reason for the blindness. Wrinkles around his eyes made Andi think he liked to laugh—frequently. He was slightly taller than Andi with a slim build. His hair was somewhat long and shaggy due to the wind. It was as white as new fallen snow with a matching beard. He was kind and had a good heart, two characteristics she never dreamed of a pirate possessing.

  “Thank you, Mr. Smitty. But I am fine.”

  “Ya sure?” the old man asked. He rubbed his white beard. “If’n ya change yer mind, ya come find Ol’ Smitty. This here room’s too small fer a tub, but one of the storage rooms will make do when yer ready fer one, least they did fer Kris.”

  “Who’s Kris?”

  “Max’s wife. You’ll meet her soon enough I reckon, seeing that yer now family.”

  “I see. Thank you, Mr. Smitty.”

  Mr. Smitty looked to Michael and then back to Andrea. “Let me know should you need anythin’.”

  Michael nodded his head to dismiss the old pirate. Smitty turned and walked down the hall. He was still in disbelief that this was one of Max’s brothers. He always had a feeling that the Earl of Hyntington was Max’s father, but he knew better than to bring up the issue with Max. One thing everyone tried to avoid was Max’s temper.

  Smitty had battled with Michael several times. Never in a million years did he ever dream that the day would come when they would be allies. He knew there might be a chance that he would have to have a brief encounter with the St. John family when Max began using The Abyss as a protection service for Emerald Shipping, but he never dreamed that they would be transporting the family. Now here it had come to pass in three days time they had transported not one, but two of the St. Johns. Not that this trip mattered. The entire crew was anxious to get out of London, especially after spotting the war ship at the wharf. Old habits die hard and being fearful of the British Navy was one that the crew would always have. They had had too many encounters with them to let their guard down. The good people only heard of the heroic tales of the Navy, but the pirate crew knew the other side—the bloodthirsty individuals, itching for a fight, ready to spill blood at the drop of a hat—the cruelty, corruption, lies and betrayal.


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