The Mermaid And The Beast

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The Mermaid And The Beast Page 24

by Walleye

  “Better listen to him.” The dwarf confided. “He means it. Two of the statues down the hall that we passed on the way here are people who didn’t listen.”

  “Thanks.” Thistledown replied, looking wearily back down the hall. Then those had not been statues of elven thieves she had passed. They were elven thieves who’d learned the hard way that Lilith didn’t suffer the actions of thieves gladly.

  The door swung open and Lilith’s voice said. “Enter.”

  “You’re on your own.” The dwarf told her. “Good luck.”

  Thistledown flew in the door and saw Lilith in a black silk nightgown sitting up on the edge of the bed. The dog was on the bed beside her left side and her left hand was stroking the dog’s right-hand head.

  The dog was obviously enjoying the attention as its right-hand head was panting. However the left-hand head was staring intently at her obviously in guard mode.

  Lilith turned her gaze intently on Thistledown. “Your report is very disturbing to me. Who died?”

  “A young castle woman named Tillie, Williams a groom and two village peasants Wayne and Jack. They were all killed by a disguised dragon unleashed in this fairytale by a witch.” Thistledown told her.

  “And this is a problem, because?” Lilith said with a yawn.

  “Because this is how true evil seeps its way in unnoticed into children’s fairytales which are meant to teach children how to live good lives. How can they be taught the morals when death occurs at random in fairytales where it does not belong and makes them careless about it?”

  Lilith frowned. “And this is especially true of this particular fairytale. Beauty and the Beast has never had a death in it before.” She turned her dark gaze on Thistledown. “Who caused these deaths?”

  “The Sidhe Morgin.” Thistledown replied.

  Lilith frowned. “Her Queen and I will be having words I assure you.” She looked sternly over at the little fairy. “You of course realize these deaths came about because of your actions?”

  Thistledown sighed. “Because I took magic from the wizard Garland to save Maryellen?”

  Lilith nodded. “That is one problem and your heart was in the right place as her fairy godmother, but I am afraid there is more. By introducing a previously unknown element such as Maryellen to this tale you have changed all its parameters. Now death is very possible here.”

  She got to her feet and stretched with a yawn before she walked over to a table and picked up a roll of paper. She turned towards Thistledown and shook the roll at her. “On this scroll are recorded ten other fairytales which are showing either very disturbing elements of darkness in them or the mingling of other fairytales with their stories.”

  She sighed. “I’m afraid yours is not the only fairytale that is being changed. The wielders of white magic are accusing the dark of causing this. The dark in turn accuse the white. Being of the grey I sense something which is a combination of both that wants to bring the fairytales down.”

  She walked up to and pointed a finger at Thistledown. “The Council will be creating more fairy godmothers just like you as the best way to fight this plague and in the mean time we will be seeking its cause.”

  “I understand.” Thistledown replied. “But what about the four deaths that have already occurred?”

  Lilith looked sadly at her. “I’m sorry but their roles in this fairytale are done. You can do nothing but console the family and friends.”

  Seeing how much the kind-hearted fairy’s face fell on hearing this, Lilith hastened to reassure her. “Don’t forget that the fairytale lands are not like the human lands which these tales are meant for. Here death is not an ending but a new beginning. The ones who are lost will be reborn in other fairytales that have been disrupted.”

  Lilith raised her hand and on her palm an image of an upright Tillie in a nice dress stood with her head down. Her dress was elegant and beautiful in its white and pale blues. Her hair was now long and fell in curls over her shoulders.

  Lilith said softly. “The maid Tillie will have a new role as a princess. She will a sister to the Princess in Sleeping Beauty.” The image above her palm swirled, vanished and became that of two young ladies running and laughing while holding hands down a flower strewn hill.

  As Thistledown began to smile, Lilith said. “Tillie and her new sister will both be happy and her presence in Sleeping Beauty will counter the introduction of a second villainous vampire which would have tipped the ending to a darker one.”

  Lilith smiled at Thistledown. “Thus, is kindness rewarded.”

  “What about the young men?” Thistledown asked.

  “Your heart is a good one.” Lilith commented. “Fear not, as they will be reborn in other fairytales. In fact one is awakening right now as a Lost Boy and the other two as good pirates in a famous fairytale known as Peter Pan.”

  “Thank you. Thank you.” Thistledown flung herself forward and kissed Lilith on her forehead.

  “Here now.” Said Lilith as she blushed. “I’m only doing my job like you.”

  “Yes, we are. But there is just doing and really doing.” Declared Thistledown as she flittered back with a smile. “I hope you guide the Magic Council for centuries to come.”

  “We will see if I last even a year.” Lilith warned. “There are some that will not approve of what I have decreed.” She lifted her hand. “Good bye, little fairy godmother. Bring this tale to its happy ending.”

  “I will. I will.” Thistledown flew away down the hall.

  As Lilith blew out the candle light and settled back into bed the two headed dog remarked using his right head. “You are not as grey as the other members of the Council think you are.”

  “And what are you going to tell them about this night?” She asked sleepily.

  “I? Why nothing.” He replied as he looked over at his left-hand head.

  “As for me, I will reserve judgment until we see more results, but you know the dark elves will not be pleased.” The left-hand head said.

  “Whenever are they happy?” Lilith said as she snuggled down. “You don’t get to be happy if you choose darkness as there will never be any light in your life to show you who you really are.”

  “And choosing grey like you have.” The left-hand head said. “You sometimes have trouble telling what is right and wrong as both choices often look the same.”

  “Enough philosophy.” Lilith sighed. “Good night.”

  “Pleasant dreams or nightmares whichever comes tonight.” The dog said as it closed the door behind it with a push from one of its hind legs.

  The funerals for the four dead were underway and Richards the chamberlain knew that Prince Johnathan as he stood there before the assembled people was terribly uncomfortable with funerals. Richards was old enough to remember Johnathan’s Father’s funeral and how bewildered and devastated the young man had been. ‘The first experience with death.’ He thought. ‘Is the one we never forget no matter how many more follow it.’

  Unfortunately there had been the change in the Queen due to the death of her husband. The young Prince had never understood why his Mother had become so withdrawn and distant towards him.

  Then there had been the death of Catalina, his betrothed, as he had loved her so much. In his grief that had led to the rages and his disrespect that had gotten him cursed. Richards sighed. If only they had not taken that road through the Sidhe glen on returning home from Catalina’s funeral. Richards could remember it as if it were yesterday.

  The Prince had told them as they had entered the forest that he needed to ride alone. He had gone on ahead and Richards and five of the soldiers assigned by the Marshal had followed him at a distance.

  The Prince had turned the wrong way and before they could catch up with him and correct his mistake he had ridden through the white mushroom ring and onto the sacred fairy grounds.

  Unfortunately for him several of the Sidhe were outside the blue-glowing toadstool ring and in their forms. There were several man-sized
spiders, colored salamanders over six feet long, huge snakes with horns on their heads, and other creatures like scorpions and vultures as the Sidhe celebrated life no matter what form it took.

  The Prince had not been scared as he was too angry and upset to be scared like he should have been if he had been in his right mind. He had sworn at them as if they were to blame for her death and had called them ugly monsters.

  Princess Elrith had risen up in her wrath and had her sorceress Morgin curse him to be the beast on the outside as he was on the inside. Then she had laid the condition on him that the woman’s love had to be spoken out loud for the curse to be lifted. She had also set a time limit on how long he had to get the curse lifted and Richards knew this time limit was about to expire.

  Father Williams finished the funeral service and closed his Bible. He looked out over the silent congregation, silent except for the weeping of the three families and asked. “Does anyone wish to say something in remembrance?”

  Prince Johnathan looked around and when he saw no one was coming forward he raised his hand.

  Father Williams nodded. “Prince Johnathan wishes to speak.” He stepped back as Johnathan came up on the low stage.

  The Prince stood on the stage and realized how much things had changed for him. Before he’d had to face what he was becoming he would have considered the funerals as being a nuisance to be avoided if he could as they brought too many bad memories. Now he had a duty to perform.

  “Tillie, Jim, Wayne and Tom were all heroes.” He began. “They gave their lives to save those of their fellows. In doing so they exemplified bravery and loyalty at its finest.” There were sobs from their mothers in answer.

  “I am also their liege lord and I owed them protection that they did not get from me. Some might claim that my responsibilities ended with their deaths. I will not be one who does so.”

  He looked down at the three weeping families. “My responsibility is to their families as they died saving my realm and I would be unworthy to rule if I did not keep faith with them. I hope wherever their souls are now that they hear that I am extending my responsibility to care for their families and see that they never want for anything.”

  “May they be remembered forever as the heroes they really were.” He bowed his head to the three families and left the stage.

  As he went down the aisle a hand caught his paw and halted him. He looked down and saw Maryellen looking up at him with tears in her eyes. She kissed his paw. “Thank you.” He said softly before he continued.

  “And now you really are a prince.” A woman declared. He looked up and saw Belle coming forward holding her hands out for him. He took her hands and stared into her eyes. He saw the love growing there for him.

  “Thank you.” He told Belle as he realized that he had two women in love with him now. What was he going to do?

  That afternoon while he was trying to figure out how he was going to rebuild the Eastern Village, Sir Rathbone requested to see him. Wondering what the knight wanted to see him about, he granted the man entrance.

  “Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, Sire.” The knight said after he had entered the room and made his bow.

  “You’re welcome.” Johnathan replied, wanting to get back to his work. “What do you want with me?”

  “First, I want to say you are not what I was told to expect when I was sent here.” Said Sir Rathbone. “You are brilliant and kind while being stern when you have to be. You have some faults like all of us do but none would disqualify you.”

  “Disqualify me from what?” Johnathan asked, wishing the man would get to the point.

  “Sire, I was sent here to evaluate your suitability for the crown. I have been sending messages to my master since I arrived.”

  Johnathan felt his temper rising. He got up and put his fists on the table. “Who is your damn master!?” He roared.

  Sir Rathbone didn’t flinch as he was made of sterner stuff. He replied evenly. “Your Mother, the Queen.”

  Johnathan’s jaw dropped open. “My Mother?”

  “Yes, Sire and she sent me a message to inform you that she is on her way here.” As Johnathan sank down in shock Sir Rathbone added more to his feelings of shock. “She said she should arrive here in two more days.”

  Johnathan put his head in his paws. “Heaven help me.”

  The Queen Arrives

  Word spread rapidly around the castle of the imminent arrival of Johnathan’s Mother, the Queen. The words. ‘She’s coming.’ Were followed by various exclamations of dread.

  The Queen was the absolute ruler of the land and a very authoritarian one. As one of the soldiers told his mates ‘she’s a real battleax.’ If she was displeased at what she found when she got there, then like the Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland heads would roll.

  She had resided and held court at the Winter Palace while Johnathan after his change had been left in charge of the Summer Palace and she hadn’t been here since his physical changes. As Queen she held all the power and could name anyone she wanted to be the ruler after her as long as their lineage was good enough for the other peers of the realm.

  The next morning Johnathan decided he needed to take a long walk to clear his head before he dealt with all the problems his Mother the Queen’s imminent arrival was forcing on him. He had to move Lady Maryellen to a new room and he really didn’t want to do that, but his Mother would have a fit if he put her royal highness anywhere but the Queen’s Bedroom.

  As he approached Stanley, the Gate Keeper asked him. “Are you going swimming today, Milord?”

  Johnathan felt revulsion at the thought, not knowing it was due to Sidhe magic. “Not today.” He growled.

  “It’s passing strange, Milord. Before Lady Maryellen came, you used to go swimming almost religiously every morning without fail.” Stanley commented.

  Johnathan paused. “I did?”

  “Yes, you did, Milord. You even took one of your dogs with you one morning and when you came back with him, you said you had to try a gentler one.”

  Johnathan scratched his head in puzzlement. “I don’t remember any of that. Would anyone else support what you’re telling me?”

  Stanley considered a moment before replying. “Probably Phillips, Sir. You know you always came down with a colorful bathrobe on your arm and came back wearing it. I think the swim really did you some good as you were always whistling and happy when you returned from it.”

  “If you don’t mind me saying so, Sire, it was like you had met a very charming young lady and had fallen for her. I looked like that when I was courting my Sarah.” Stanley confided.

  For a moment Johnathan saw a very familiar pleasant-looking face with blond hair and she was smiling and holding her arms out for him. Immediately a headache stabbed through his forehead. “Something is wrong.” He growled. He had just seen Maryellen’s face and it had been disrupted by the headache. He wanted to know why.

  It was time to talk to Maryellen again. He strode back into the castle and headed for the staircase leading upstairs.

  As soon as he was out of sight the kennel master came into the entry way to the courtyard. The first one he saw was the Chamberlain Richards. “Excuse me, Chamberlain, do you know where his Majesty is?”

  Richards frowned as he looked down at the friendly black and white female dog who was happily wagging her tail. “I think that he’s upstairs, Andrew, but why are you bringing that animal in here?”

  “The Master said he wanted to show a young woman a friendly dog and Queenie is the friendliest one I got, but I couldn’t bring her until she had weaned her last litter.” The kennel master replied.

  “The young woman is probably Lady Maryellen or one of the three Fontaine sisters.” Richards pointed up the central stairs. “Check out the Queen’s bedroom. They’re moving Lady Maryellen out of there.”

  The kennel keeper tipped his cap. “Thank you, Sir. How are Mister Phillips and his wife doing after their terrible loss?” Everyone had l
iked Tillie and would miss her.

  Richards gave him a feeble smile. “As good as can be expected under the circumstances I guess.” He turned away. “Have a good day.”

  “And you too.” The kennel keeper returned as he and Queenie started up the stairs.

  He reached the top of the stairs with Queenie scrambling a little as she was not used to climbing stairs but with a little coaxing she made it. He could hear the Prince’s voice coming from down the Hall and so he headed in that direction.

  Johnathan was trying to be a gentleman and help Maryellen pack her clothing he’d given her. She had no help because her maid Tillie had not been replaced. He didn’t like the way the little fairy kept staring at him like she expected something from him.

  ‘There are too many mysteries swirling around here.’ He thought. ‘I just don’t know what part Maryellen plays in all this and why I saw her face when Stanley told me I used to go swimming. Something I just damn well do not remember.’

  “Sire?” A familiar voice asked from the doorway. “I brought Queenie for your young lady friend like you asked four weeks ago. She is done feeding her puppies and is free while she rests up.”

  Johnathan turned and started to growl. “What are you…”

  He didn’t get to finish for Maryellen’s face had lit up with a radiant smile of joy. This little black and white dog reminded her so much of the little dog she had met coming up the river. She ran by the astonished prince and fell to her knees holding out her arms to the dog.

  Queenie who was a super-friendly dog immediately recognized a dog lover when she saw one and lunged to the end of her leash to begin bestowing kisses with her tongue. Maryellen threw her arms around the dog’s neck and began crying with tears of happiness as her fingers felt their way through the long black sweet-smelling hair.

  Maryellen sat backwards, pulling Queenie with her so that she could cuddle her. She finally had a dog to love and who would love her.

  The kennel master let go of the lead. It was quite obvious that Queenie wasn’t going anywhere soon.


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