Love’s Redemption

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Love’s Redemption Page 13

by Donna K. Ford

  Maybe this was about her. Maybe she was using Rhea to make peace with the ghosts in her past. But what choice did she have? The alternative was to watch Rhea be swallowed up and destroyed by other people’s judgments, or let her leave without ever having a chance to prove her worth. The thought of Rhea leaving left a deep hollowness in her heart, and her body tensed. She cared for Rhea, more than she’d like to admit. She not only liked her, she respected her strength and her courage. It didn’t matter why she would stand up for Rhea, it just mattered that she did.

  Chapter Ten

  The next morning Rhea stared out the window at the layer of fresh snow blanketing the ground. It was hard to wrap her head around the contrast between the stark white snow and the yellow daffodils, budding tulips, and smiling faces of the fresh pansies she and Morgan had planted in the flower beds in front of the cabin. It was like Old Man Winter had thrown one last punch before conceding to spring. Rhea cradled a steaming cup of coffee in her hands and took a deep breath and savored the nutty aroma, allowing the comforting smell and warmth to lure her into a dream state. The snow had perfectly hidden the new green shoots that had started to flourish under the longer days and warmer rays of sun. She had watched the land come to life as green grass transformed the gray, desolate landscape into a lush field. Rhea longed for the same miracle in her own life.

  She sighed and decided not to get lost in the past again. She glanced down at Soldier and smiled. It was time to play. “Come on, Soldier, let’s go out.”

  Soldier pressed his big head into her palm and leaned against her leg. She looked down into his big brown eyes and was certain he could read her mind. She rubbed between his ears and put on her coat. She was curious how he would react to the snow.

  The instant he stepped into the snow he froze and then jumped back onto the porch. Cautiously he sniffed the snow until his nose was buried. She could hear his loud sniffs and snorts as he explored this new phenomenon. A moment later he brought his head up and had a two-inch pile of snow on his snout. Rhea laughed when he shook his head and snapped at the offensive clump as it fell. The next instant Soldier dived into the snow and jumped into the air and lunged into the snow again, until he finally ended up rolling around on the ground. When he stood, he looked like the abominable snow-dog.

  Rhea made a snowball and threw it. She laughed until her sides hurt when Soldier ran after it, and came up from the snow looking totally confused when he couldn’t find the ball.

  “That sounds good,” a familiar voice said from behind Rhea.

  Rhea spun around just as Soldier bolted past her and jumped circles around Morgan. A flash of heat burned her face and warmed her deep inside the instant her eyes fell on Morgan.

  “What’s that?” Rhea asked.

  “You were laughing. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh before. It sounded good.”

  Rhea smiled and stuffed her hands into her pockets to keep from fidgeting. She didn’t know what to say.

  “Would you and Soldier like to go sledding with me?”

  Rhea’s heart jumped with excitement. Her inner child screamed to play. “For real? You’re going sledding?”

  Morgan smiled and shrugged her shoulders. “I figure it’s one of the reasons God made snow. It just calls for us to come out and play. Besides, snow in April is rare and this will melt fast. We better take advantage of it while we can.”

  Rhea grinned. “Is that so?”

  “Yep. And I’m not one to disappoint the big guy.”

  Rhea’s smile widened. “Well, in that case I guess I could help you out.”

  Morgan laughed. “Exactly. I’m sure it’s meant to be a shared experience.”

  Rhea shook her head. “I can’t believe I’m encouraging this.” She walked closer to Morgan. “Where’s the sled?”

  Morgan pointed to the hill leading to the highest part of the ridge. “I left it over there. I was headed there when I saw you and Soldier playing. Come on, you’ll see.”

  Rhea followed Morgan to the top of the hill as Soldier ran ahead, playing in the snow. The snow was only about three inches deep in most places, but drifts had formed along the path that made the walk feel more like a cross-country hike.

  “I can’t believe you actually have a snow sled,” Rhea remarked.

  “Well, to be honest, it isn’t really mine. My nephews left it here last winter.” Morgan dropped the plastic sled and steadied it with her foot. “Front or back?”

  Rhea’s jaw dropped. “What?”

  Morgan pointed to the sled. “Do you want to be in front or in the back?”

  Rhea stared at the sled, the image of Morgan’s body wrapped around her stirring a tangle of emotions. She pictured herself in front of Morgan with Morgan’s arms wrapped around her, and her shoulders stiffened. “I’ll take the back.”

  “Okay,” Morgan said with a mischievous grin, “just try not to fall off. You do remember what’s under all that snow, right?”

  Rhea wrinkled her nose as it occurred to her what Morgan meant. Cow poop.

  Morgan sat on the sled and adjusted the rope. Rhea took a deep breath and sat down behind her. She stopped breathing when Morgan grabbed both her boots and pulled her feet in until their legs were intertwined.

  Rhea gripped the sides of Morgan’s coat, and Morgan wrapped her fingers around her hands and tugged them around her waist.

  “You’re going to have to lean in to me or we aren’t going anywhere.”

  Rhea scooted forward and felt light-headed when she pressed against Morgan’s back. Her heart raced, and she felt a surge of warmth between her legs.

  Morgan pulled Rhea’s arms around her and patted her hands. “Hold on.”

  Rhea leaned closer to Morgan, her breasts pressed against Morgan’s back. Her nipples hardened and she was suddenly unseasonably warm. She brushed her chin against Morgan’s shoulder and had the urge to press her face against Morgan’s neck. The thought unsettled her and part of her wanted to push away from Morgan and the current of want coiling in her center.

  Morgan kicked the ground and gave the sled a push with her foot. An instant later they were soaring down the hill. Rhea was giddy from the rush. She tightened her grip and laughed when they hit a bump that almost tipped them over.

  Soldier ran after them, barking as he bounded through the snow and nipped at the sled. Morgan let out a whoop of joy that made Rhea laugh even harder. She couldn’t remember ever having so much fun.

  Morgan pulled the sled to a stop at the bottom of the hill. Before Rhea could pull away, Morgan wrapped her hands around Rhea’s and tilted her head back. Their faces were only inches apart, and Rhea could feel the warmth of Morgan’s breath on her cheek. She looked at Morgan and was mesmerized by the shape of Morgan’s lips as they curled into a smile.

  “That was great,” Morgan said. “Let’s go again.”

  Rhea smiled and nodded her agreement.

  “Great. Let’s go,” Morgan said as she stood and effortlessly pulled Rhea to her feet.

  Rhea was caught off guard by Morgan’s strength, and she stumbled into Morgan as she tried to regain her footing.

  Morgan laughed. “Sorry.” She held Rhea’s hands close to her chest, their thighs touching. “Isn’t this fun?”

  Rhea couldn’t help but laugh at the playfulness in Morgan’s voice. “Yes.”

  Morgan’s expression clouded and grew serious. “I’m sorry about yesterday.”

  Rhea swallowed and looked away. She was unsettled by the sudden change and could feel her defenses slam into place.

  “I hate it that the sheriff gave you such a hard time.” Morgan placed a finger under Rhea’s chin and lifted until Rhea had no choice but to meet her eyes. “I know you didn’t do it. I had to call them so it was on record that something is going on here, but we’re going to figure this out.”

  Rhea took a deep breath and nodded. She hadn’t blamed Morgan for calling the police, and she wasn’t surprised when they treated her like the enemy, but it still h
urt. “It’s no biggie. You did what you had to do. I get it.”

  Morgan gripped Rhea’s hands together in hers. Something in Morgan’s touch was uncertain and hesitant, as if Morgan was about to deliver bad news. Rhea was worried now, and she braced herself.

  “What are you trying to tell me, Morgan?”

  Morgan didn’t just look at her—she looked into her as if she could see through to her soul. “There are going to be some people around here later. I’m acting as if they’re having some work done on a horse trailer that we’ll pull into the main barn, but that isn’t the real reason they’ll be here.”

  Rhea was confused. “Okay, do you want me to get lost or something?”

  “What? No, of course not.”

  “What is it then? You’re freaking me out.”

  Morgan smiled. “My friends will be installing cameras around the barn and maybe some other places. I thought it would be a good idea to keep an eye out and see if we can figure out who’s been lurking around. I don’t want anyone knowing about this besides you. Maybe we can catch this guy if he comes back again.”

  Rhea was starting to understand. “Why are you telling me?”

  “I told you.” Morgan cupped Rhea’s cheek in her hand. “I know you didn’t toss the horse feed and trash the tack room. And I don’t want you to think I’m spying on you. The police aren’t going to do anything, so it’s up to us.”

  Rhea nodded. It was a smart plan, and she was relieved Morgan believed her. “What do you need me to do?”

  Morgan’s gaze on her was so intense Rhea shivered. Morgan cradled her face in her hand as if she was something fragile. Morgan brushed her thumb across her cheek, and Rhea had the sudden urge to lean in to her touch. She wasn’t used to the closeness and tried not to let her imagination get the best of her. Morgan was only trying to reassure her.

  “Thanks for understanding. Just do what you always do. Nothing changes.”

  Morgan stared at her for a moment as if struggling with something. Rhea was frozen in place, unable to move. Morgan was so close, their lips only inches apart. Rhea could feel the warmth of Morgan’s breath on her skin, and she licked her lips to taste the heat between them. Was Morgan about to kiss her?

  Morgan squeezed her hand and stepped away. Rhea instantly missed her touch and craved the closeness between them. She had been so afraid Morgan would kiss her but was disappointed when she didn’t.

  Morgan reached down for the sled, but just before her hand closed around the rope, Soldier blundered past and snatched it away. He ran toward the hill with the sled bouncing along behind him.

  Morgan looked shocked before the corners of her mouth lifted into an amused smile.

  Rhea laughed. “I guess we better let him ride this time.”

  “I guess so.”

  Rhea took off at a run. “Race you to the top.”

  “Hey, no fair,” Morgan called after her.

  Morgan watched Rhea sprint ahead, and a heavy weight lifted from her heart. She hadn’t realized how empty her life was until Rhea’s laughter filled the barren space. She tried to calm the stir of desire that had kindled in her the moment she touched Rhea. A storm of emotions brewed in Rhea’s eyes, and she had wanted to fall into them. She’d almost given in to the luring temptation of Rhea’s lips. She had wanted to kiss her, and for a moment she’d thought Rhea wanted her to.

  Morgan swallowed, the taste of regret lingering on her tongue. She might have initiated sledding as a way to ease the blow of her plan and the problems they were facing, but she was surprised to find herself having fun. It was a strange feeling, but she wouldn’t mind more times like this when she could get lost in Rhea.

  Rhea stopped a few feet ahead of her. “Hey, are you coming?”

  Morgan smiled up at her. “Yeah, I just figured you could use the head start.”

  Rhea put her hands on her hips. “Really? All right then, let’s see what you’ve got, slowpoke.”

  Morgan ran, and despite Rhea’s efforts to outrun her, she caught up to her before they were halfway to the top. As she passed Rhea, she scooped up a handful of snow and rubbed it against Rhea’s neck.

  Rhea yelled, “Oh my God, you are so going to pay for that.”

  Morgan could hardly run for laughing. She turned around to boast of her win, and just as she shifted her head, a snowball caught her square on the nose. Her eyes stung and instantly filled with tears and she instinctively covered her face with her hands. An instant later Rhea ran into her and pushed her to the ground and fell on top of her.

  “Ouch, nice shot.” Morgan groaned. Her breath caught as Rhea’s thigh slid between her legs and pressed against her tender sex. Instinctively she slid one hand around Rhea’s waist pulling her closer.

  “Oh, come on, you big baby, it was just a little snow,” Rhea teased.

  Morgan laughed and tried to pry her eyes open. She pulled her hand down and squinted at Rhea.

  Rhea froze. Morgan blinked hard to clear her vision so she could make sense of the look of shock on Rhea’s face. “What?”

  Rhea pushed up on her elbow, causing her weight to shift and press even harder against Morgan. Morgan’s brain was in complete meltdown as she tried to control the sudden surge of arousal. Rhea wiped her finger across Morgan’s upper lip and held it up in front of her. It was red with blood.

  Morgan stared at Rhea’s finger in disbelief and wiped her mouth. She peered at Rhea with her best scowl and a slow grin began to curl at the edges of Rhea’s lips. Morgan pinched the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger. “What are you laughing at?”

  Rhea shook her head and gripped Morgan’s chin in her hand, turning Morgan’s face from side to side as she inspected her with a crooked grin.

  Morgan attempted another scowl, but her focus shattered when Rhea reached up and brushed a lock of hair off her cheek. Rhea was still smiling but looked like she had just discovered something.

  “What?” Morgan asked softly.

  Rhea chuckled. “You are human after all.”

  “Huh?” Morgan said, confused by the remark.

  “It’s nothing. Are you okay?”

  Morgan touched her nose to see if the bleeding had stopped. To her relief it had. She stared into Rhea’s eyes. They were soft and unguarded, brightened by joy and sunlight. Morgan was mesmerized by the deep pools of blue now void of the storm that usually clouded them. She licked her lips. “Looks like I’ll live.”

  Rhea smiled. “I guess you will.”

  Morgan didn’t want to move. Rhea felt wonderful lying in her arms. Their bodies fit together perfectly, and Morgan imagined what it would feel like to have Rhea naked against her, skin against skin.

  For a moment Rhea looked as if she wanted to say something, and a slight frown creased her brow. Her lips parted slightly, and her gaze shifted to Morgan’s mouth. She tensed and pushed away from Morgan as if she was suddenly afraid.

  Morgan knew she should have moved away sooner, but she had been so lost in the closeness she didn’t think of what Rhea would think if she realized how much the touch was affecting her.

  “Hey, look,” Morgan said as a distraction. She pointed to Soldier, who was lying in the snow with his chin on his paws, watching them with his best pound-puppy expression.

  Rhea went and kneeled beside him. “It’s okay, Soldier, she’s all right.”

  Soldier wagged his tail and shifted his eyes to Morgan. Morgan sat up, scooted next to Rhea, and rubbed Soldier’s head. “Sorry, boy. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  Soldier stood and bumped her chest with his head, then rested his paw on her shoulder. Morgan was touched by how attached he had become, and she was thankful he had found his way to Rhea. Morgan ruffled his fur and sighed as she met Rhea’s eyes and smiled. It was as if the air around her had grown too thin, and the want brewing inside her threatened to boil over. If she didn’t get a handle on her feelings, she was going to kiss Rhea.

  Rhea stood and held out her hand to Morgan. Morgan to
ok her hand and pulled herself up. Rhea was so close their thighs touched, and Morgan swayed on her feet.

  Rhea brushed her thumb across Morgan’s cheek. “You still have a little blood on your face. We should go clean that up.”

  Morgan leaned in to Rhea’s touch, unable to stop herself. She didn’t want this time with her to end. “Rhea,” Morgan whispered. Rhea’s lips were so close all she had to do was shift forward and taste them.

  Rhea pulled away, and it was as if all the warmth had been sucked out of Morgan’s body. She longed for her. She cleared her throat and tried to regain her composure. “How about some hot chocolate?”

  Rhea shrugged and shook her head. “Sorry, boss, I’ve got work to do.”

  Morgan grinned. “Right.” She nodded toward the sled. “You might as well ride back down since we climbed all the way up here. Soldier’s expecting his ride.”

  Rhea hesitated, and Morgan wondered what she was thinking. Rhea had been relaxed and playful, and now Morgan could feel the distance pushing between them again.

  “I think it’s safer for me to walk back. The bleeding could start up again if I get jarred around too much. Go on, let him have his ride.”

  Rhea glanced at the sled again. “Are you sure?”

  “Of course. I’ll see you at the bottom.”

  Rhea smiled and shrugged. “Okay then.”

  Morgan helped Rhea and Soldier settle onto the sled and gave them a push. She watched them streak down the slope, feeling the distance between them grow with each second. Soldier barked all the way and Rhea’s laughter filled the air like musical notes drifting on the wind.

  Morgan laughed. It had been a long time since she’d been so drawn to a woman or had so much fun.

  Chapter Eleven

  It was late and a full moon lit up the farm with an ethereal glow. Rhea liked working at night. It was easier to work than lie awake and will the memories away. She flipped on the light as she stepped into the shop and a few minutes later had the kerosene heater going. Soldier got comfortable in his shop bed after completing his usual circle dance and locating his favorite bone.


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