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Gifted Page 12

by Andy Lewter

  Confetti and streamers out of nowhere started falling from the sky; rose petals lay on the red carpet at the bottom of the stairs. Signs were held that read "Welcome Home", "Our Leader, Our Light", "Everett the Great"… there were so many, I couldn't read them all.

  Nicholas led the way down the stairs, holding my hand all the way to the rose-petal-covered carpet. Cameras flashed, people came toward me with tears falling, holding pens out so I could sign something. Children were sitting on their parents' shoulders, cheering and chanting my name. Music coming from somewhere in the back of the crowd was nearly inaudible. Bright lights placed strategically along the carpet spotlighted both Nicholas and me.

  I was speechless.

  Kayla handed the microphone she was holding to Nicholas, encouraging him to say something. I was pretty sure she could tell by my reaction to the crowd that nothing inspiring or courageous would be voiced by me.

  And for that, I breathed in relief.

  Nicholas gently released my hand and waved, holding the microphone in his hand with a gleaming, attractive smile. A low hum thrummed in my ears.

  Confidence. Anyone could see it in his smile and the way he stood. But I could feel it, and it drew me closer to him.

  All of the first impressions of him that I perceived were for this very moment.

  "Good evening, Valens of Salvus," he bellowed, "Thank you for your warm welcome." He smiled into the crowed, waiting for them to calm so he could speak.

  "It is now that we can step forward for who we are — for who we were meant to be. It is now that we can protect the weak and let the ones that are strongest lead. But most importantly, it is now that we don't have to hide in the shadows — to be limited to only one location where we can practice our gifts freely. The hiding has come to an end, my fellow Valens. It is time to be the exemplars we were born to be. Lady Everett is here and here to stay. And we have our leader at last."

  He lowered the microphone and wrapped an arm around me, pulling me toward him encouragingly. He peered down at me with complete adoration in his eyes. His embrace comforted me; the feel of warmth and electricity ran deep to my core. It still amazed me how the smallest touch felt so alive.

  It was then that I realized he wanted me to say something to the crowd.

  I panicked.

  But he promised me that I didn't have to do anything but show my presence. So I decided to do just that.

  I raised my hand and released the biggest, believable smile I could possibly manage. I waved my hand and held my head high to all the many faces of Salvus.

  And they loved it.

  They began chanting my name, fireworks spontaneously exploded overhead, and the crowd started to enclose toward me. All welcoming me with open arms and hollers of joy.

  Nicholas reached for my hand and gently tugged me to follow, leading me down the rose-petal-covered carpet. I could see a building where the carpet ended — it was so far away.

  The further we walked down the carpet, the more anxious the crowd became.

  "Lady Everett! Lady Everett! An autograph, please?"

  "Lady Abigail Everett! May I take a picture with you?"

  "Lady Everett, please! One interview?"

  My head was swimming.

  Flustered, I gave in and decided to please the crowd. I signed countless items, took awkward photos with strangers but gracefully declined interviews to reporters. As I became more comfortable with the crowd, I started noticing how beautiful and pristine Valens really were. All muscular, all with the distinctive glow I had come to recognize. I was anxious to learn more, and surprised that I became determined to be the leader they were wishing I could be.

  And I prayed I wouldn't disappoint them.

  Nicholas did as he promised — he never left my side. Though he wasn't getting nearly the attention I was, he was confident and held a professional demeanor in his stance.

  The way he watched me made me melt.

  We gradually made it to the building at the end of the carpet. I rubbed my stomach as I realized how hungry I had become.

  Nicholas gallantly opened the door for me — I turned and waved one last time, blew a kiss to my avid fans, and walked into the building.

  "That was…" I was speechless.

  "You were amazing." He took my hand and spun me around, then abruptly pulled me close and lifted me up, his eyes locked on mine.

  "Oh?" I laughed lightly, my stomach growling in turn.

  He set me down slowly then gave me an accusing look.

  "What?" I smiled, adjusting my dress. I remembered the pearls Moui loaned me and unconsciously touched them in thought. I couldn't forget to give them back to her.

  "You should have told me you were hungry." He shook his head. "Here, I'll take you to my favorite place." He offered his hand.

  "Umm… I'd rather avoid crowds at all cost, if you don't mind." I bit my lip. I was done with the welcoming committee.

  He nodded. "Okay, then I shall show you your new home." He smiled broadly.

  I frowned. My new home? I want my old home . . .

  "Nicholas, when am I going to see my family again?" Sudden tears filled my eyes and a sharp pang of guilt shot through my chest.

  I can't believe I left my family that way.

  Not that it was by choice, though.

  Nicholas frowned. "I'll tell you what," he said calmly, delicately wiping the falling tears from my cheeks, "Once you're trained a bit, I'll take you back." He smiled tightly.

  "But… how come I can't go back now?"

  He shook his head. "Too many people know about you now. You need to be able to protect yourself if need be."

  "But why?" I crossed my arms sadly. I remember Miles saying something like this.

  "Because you're intimidating… especially since we don't know your potential. But we'll figure that out. In fact, I'll teach you the key to start mastering your gift. But first, we eat." He smiled.

  I nodded sadly, knowing he was right. I started brainstorming a story to tell my mother as to why I couldn't come home right away.

  He led me to a car that was waiting for us outside the building. I couldn't see much of Salvus because of the dark shadows of the night, but what I did see was very tropical and beautiful. The humidity from the day carried into the night, making my dress stick to my legs. The drive wasn't long, but very curvy as we drove uphill with a lot of stops and sharp turns that left me nauseous on my empty stomach.

  We pulled up to what I figured was the house — though it looked like a mansion. The whole front yard was filled up with dozens of tiny streams and waterfalls. Different colors of orchids, amazon lilies, and angel-wing begonias beautifully filled in with the lush greenery around the base of the water's edge. Billowing palm trees gave the house privacy, creating barriers for the windows. The elegant stairs leading up to the doorway complemented the thick arches and beams that supported the structure.

  "This… this is my house?" I asked, aghast.

  "This way, Lady Everett," he beamed, putting emphasis on my new name.

  "Ugh — not you, too." I whined. I'd had enough of that name for a lifetime.

  He laughed deeply. It sang in my ears and lifted my mood.

  Nicholas placed his hand on the door handle, his eyes flicked to mine for a brief second. He pressed down on the thumb latch and opened the enormous door, letting me have the first glance in.

  The first thing I saw was the biggest photo of my great grandfather I'd ever seen. Below the picture was a plaque that listed his name and a quote. I stepped onto the marble flooring, vaguely taking in the elegant furniture, flourishing plants and elaborate paintings on the wall.

  I couldn't care less about all the fluff.

  I stepped closer to the picture — I could see a little of myself in him. It was his hazel eyes, just like mine.

  Liam Everett

  "Having power doesn't make you strong. Strength comes from the choices you make once you obtain it."

  I nodded in thought and took
a step back. Nicholas was standing next to me with his hands in his pockets, looking up at the photo.

  "I see you in him. From what I heard about him, you have the same confidence he did." He shrugged after a moment, nodding his head toward a room next to us. "Hungry?"

  Now that he mentioned it, I could smell Asian food.

  "Just point me in the direction," I joked, acting like I was lost — then dashed into the kitchen.

  There was so much food. I plated things I had never seen before and ate every last bite.

  We sat across from each other at a mahogany table. Nicholas washed down the remnants of his dinner with a glass of ice water. I dabbed my lips with a cloth napkin, then placed it in my lap, meeting Nicholas’ eyes.

  "Tell me. How do I master my gift?"

  He licked his finger then leaned forward. "You want to do this here?" He quirked an arrogant brow.

  I nodded, deadpan.

  "Just relax. That's the answer." He shrugged.

  "What do you mean relax? I am relaxed!"

  He smirked and shook his head. "You're cute when you're mad. But that's not what I meant." He grinned crookedly. "It's a Yoga method. When your gift gets intense, breathe through it. And with enough practice you can focus enough to do it on command, without the breaths."

  I stared blankly at him. I thought back to that first morning when I used my 'breathing method' to push myself to sleep and the breaths I took in the classroom to bring my vision back. I had known what to do all along.

  Nicholas sat up slightly. "Are you okay?"

  I nodded slowly, closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. "I'm just tired."

  "So… you can tell emotion. Can you do anything else — any other gifts?" His thumb traced his sharp jaw line in thought.

  I dropped my hand, meeting his eyes. "No."

  He looked disappointed.

  That gave me an idea.

  "By the way, have I told you? My car is worth thirty grand." I watched him intently. Knowing he had seen my car and its condition — if he didn't buy the lie, he would just laugh.

  He blinked. "Hmm — I suppose I don't know that much about cars after all," he shrugged.

  He believed it…

  My breath caught. My car was basically scrap metal. He of all people, having grown up in such pristine luxury, would know it wasn't worth anything.

  Miles was right after all. I'm a deceiver, and he's a lie detector. That explains why he is the only one that can see through my lies.

  My thoughts were interrupted with a buzzing sound. Nicholas pulled a cell phone from his pocket and checked the screen. He sighed, annoyed.

  "Mom just sent me a text. I have to go." He looked around. "Are you going to be okay here? I'll be back by morning, I promise." He smiled tightly.

  "Is everything okay?"

  "I don't know. She said it was family business," he replied, and then looked at me curiously. "Hmm… it seems that someone needs to show you your room." He stood and towered over me. He scooped me up from my chair, his strong arms carrying me with ease. The warm, comforting scent of his cologne rushed into my lungs. He carried me up the endless staircase, down the hallway and into a room made for royalty.

  He set me down on a soft layer of plush carpet. "This, Miss Lady Everett, is your room," he whispered in my ear, nudging me to take a look around.

  There was a king sized bed filled with countless throw pillows, a down comforter on top with intricate threading and design. My eyes scanned over the room — there was a large dresser with a mirror as long as the wall.

  I could only imagine what the bathroom looked like.

  I caught a glimpse of random statues in the corners, but didn't pay attention. I was focused on the balcony door directly across from where we were standing. As I walked toward it, lights poured in through the window. I slid open the door, stepped onto the cool pavement and felt Nicholas at my heels.

  There were so many lights — all houses and buildings. My eyes followed the curvature of the earth's crust, took in the mountains that interrupted the ground and noted the houses built at the base, making the mountains distinct on its own.

  It was beautiful.

  Nicholas slipped his arms around me from behind, locking his hands securely around my waist.

  I smiled slightly at his touch, my heart pounding in response.

  "This is all yours," he whispered softly in my ear.

  "Which part?" I turned to meet his eyes.

  "Everything you see." He swallowed. He took in a ragged breath then gently turned me to face him. He tilted my chin with his forefinger, and pressed his lips to mine. His other hand fell to my back, lightly tracing my spine upward and then pulled hesitantly away. "I have to go…" he said softly.

  I nodded.

  "There are cameras at every angle and entrance on the outside of this house, surveillance running twenty-four-seven. And there are three maids and a chef if you get hungry or need anything."


  His cell phone vibrated again. He rolled his eyes.

  "I promise to be back in the morning, I really have to go."

  I backed up and leaned against the balcony ledge, watching him.

  He smiled crookedly, and the moon's light resting on his features reminded me of the last night we spent in my car. The dangerous glint in his expression left me momentarily terrified. I swallowed — that was only two nights ago.

  He chuckled. "You're frightened, no need to be. You're safe," he assured.

  Crap. He must have used his gift to read my feelings.

  "Tell me, how do you use your gift on command?"

  "Just breathe, like I told you." He smiled warmly at me. His eyes fell to my strappy wedges, inching up my legs and visually hugging every curve of my body — slowly and patiently, as if not allowing himself to miss any minute detail. I swallowed as my knees grew weak. With a final bite of his lower lip, his half-lidded eyes met mine.

  "Goodnight, beautiful." He pressed his fingers against his lips then held his hand up as a departing gesture, and left.

  I sighed and turned after he left, breathing deep to compose my inner desires.

  I rested my elbows on the ledge and stared out into the depths of Salvus. All the houses and buildings — all filled with Valens. All who turned to me for guidance. I wondered if I would ever be the leader they were hoping for.

  I walked inside, sliding the door closed behind me. My room was a bit much, if you asked me… a textured, crimson-colored wall, the others a deep-layered gold color. Elaborate crown molding and base boards, tropical plants and flowers potted and placed around the room. I walked into the bathroom and rolled my eyes. Marble everything — even the Jacuzzi bathtub. I'd think it would be a bit chilly to rest against in the nude. No thanks.

  The closet was insane. I opened the two doors and walked in, flipping on the light. One wall was strictly dedicated to shoes — stilettos, sandals and running shoes. I bit my lip, curiously sifting through all the clothing that hung on the opposite wall. Dresses, casual wear, and workout clothing. Someone had exquisite taste. I found a price tag on a blouse and whistled at the price. Someone must have known my size, because they went shopping for me.

  A deep yawn escaped and my eyes suddenly had trouble staying open. I grabbed a white tank top from a hanger and a pair of pajama pants. I unbuckled my white belt and unzipped my dress, finding comfort as it slipped from my body and fell in a pool at my feet. Kicking off my wedges, I pulled on my newly found pajamas and stumbled haphazardly toward the giant bed.

  With closed eyes, I plopped on the bed and felt my body sink into the many cool layers of down comforters. I curled into a ball on my side and propped my head on a soft pillow. Releasing another yawn, I reached over and pulled a tiny cord on a lamp next to me — and slept the best I had in one and a half years.

  Chapter 15

  I was finally happy. Could someone smile in their dreams? Well, I was. I was surrounded with beautiful colors of plants and flowers, stunn
ing people, and the feeling of the world resting at my fingertips. But my attention wasn't on any of that. My eyes were locked on Nicholas — his fingers laced with mine sent burning electricity up my arm and into my heart. His closeness brought me such peace and happiness. And all I wanted was… hot chocolate.

  Bright rays of sunlight peeked through my eyelids, and I stretched in turn. I wiggled my toes and rolled to my back. A deep chuckle sounded next to me.

  "You're adorable when you sleep," Nicholas said quietly, holding a piece of my hair between his fingers. He was lying on his side next to me, watching me with adoration.

  I smiled and turned toward him, burying my face in his chest. "How long have you been here?"

  "Long enough to hear you talk in your sleep."

  "What? You're lying…" I pulled away to look into his eyes.

  "Oh yes." He grinned smugly. "You dream about me?"

  I quirked a brow in response. "That surprises you?"

  "Hmm… are they bad dreams?" he asked as he leaned in, sensually inhaling the scent of my hair.

  Goosebumps rose all over my body and my heart pounded wildly in my chest. "What do you think?" I asked, wrapping my arm around his back and pulling him towards me. I leaned in and trailed light kisses up his neck, and then sealed my lips on the soft spot behind his ear.

  Growling in response, he captured my lips with his hungrily. His kiss was urgent and demanding. With a deep moan, he grabbed my hips and pushed me to my back. Eager lips never left mine as he placed himself between my legs and towered over me. His hand snaked behind my neck and his fingers threaded through my hair. Slowly, his urgency lessoned and he kissed me softer — but more passionately. He placed one lasting, sweet kiss on the corner of my mouth before resting his forehead against mine.

  "I'm gonna guess you have very, very good dreams about me." He swallowed and opened his half-lidded copper-brown eyes, reading deep into mine. "I brought you some breakfast," he said, pulling away slightly and gesturing toward a small breakfast table next to the bed.

  "We start the morning off like that and you stop for food? Oooh, hot chocolate!" I said, wiggling toward the table and wrapping my hands around the warm mug, inhaling its fragrant aroma. "And an orange scone? This is a breakfast of dreams." I sighed, taking a cautioned sip of the hot liquid. "Speaking of dreams, I'm pretty sure I smelled this before I woke up." I lifted the mug, indicating the hot chocolate in my hands.


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