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Gifted Page 17

by Andy Lewter

  I planted my feet in confidence and squared her up. "I choose to lead the way my ancestors led. Because freedom of choice should be everyone's right. I am not corrupting the people of this world, both human and Valens alike, just for the sake of power."

  I hopped over a deep crack in the ground and knelt by Miles. He nodded to me once with a tiny smile of approval.

  Kayla stood tall with her hands balled into hard fists. Her nostrils were flared and a severe frown crossed her lips in frustration. "You're going to regret this choice, oh trust me, you will. I will hold no mercy for you and your kin. I will come after the ones you love and leave you with nothing. Do you hear me? NOTHING! And when that moment comes that you come crawling back for acceptance, I will make you grovel before me. And Valens of the world will see your weakness — they'll see how pathetic you really are. You are a mistake that should have never been born." She threw her hands and dramatically parted from her dead husband, disappearing in the brush behind her.

  Nicholas clenched his jaw — his expression devoid of emotion. His eyes were locked on mine like a predator. He nodded slowly and stood up from where he was.

  His eyes pierced deep into my soul.

  I knew what this decision meant. It meant I'd leave half of me behind, for the sake of making the right choice. He lowered his gaze, a flicker of betrayal showing before he turned to follow his mother. A dreary drizzle of rain followed from above.

  My heart clenched.

  "Abbs," Miles croaked next to me, "You're more amazing than I ever thought possible."

  "Shut your mouth." I smiled down at him as heavy tears spilled steadily down my cheeks. "You're hurt — you need a doctor."

  He coughed a nasty, wet cough. "I'm fine."

  I shook my head, knelt down and held him gently in my arms. "Liar."

  A snap of a twig alerted us that someone was close. Navi and Dara quickly got into a protective stance, guarding Miles and me from whoever was coming.

  A familiar face inched out behind a tree with his hands up.

  I released a small breath and relaxed. "Hey, Ray." Seeing him made my tears pour out even more.

  "Can I please help you?" He looked between Miles and Edmund.

  "He's a healer," I said. "Please, let him help you."

  Miles nodded his head minutely after he studied my expression — I knew then he trusted me.

  Ray stepped out without further discussion and pressed down on Miles in concentration. I watched in amazement as the gaping wound above his eyebrows closed and the shape of his ribs took proper form. Ray pulled his hand away and Miles smiled as he took his first pain-free breath.

  He shook Ray's hand. "Thanks."

  Ray nodded, and then turned to Edmund. "May I?" he asked politely.

  Miles’ dad nodded gruffly.

  I helped Miles stand up. "How are you feeling?" I asked lightly.

  He stood and stretched. "Like new, thank you." His green eyes gleamed. He softly brushed a lone tear from my cheek. "I'm sorry you're sad."

  I nodded, averting my eyes toward my shoes. He placed his hand in mine, squeezed it slightly then turned to walk back to camp. A fully healed Edmund followed behind.

  Ray stood awkwardly like he didn't know what else to do.

  "Thank you, Ray." I forced a smile.

  He nodded grimly and pulled me in a tight hug.

  "How… how is he?" I whispered.

  He hesitated. "Not well. But he sent me here to help. He wanted to make sure everyone knew he let me come for your sake and no one else's."

  I nodded and pulled away. "I'll tell them. I guess I'll be seeing you around." We both knew that things were going to be very different now.

  He smiled slightly and turned back to where he came from. He stood before the brush and waved, then stepped out of sight.

  "Oh, sweetie! My poor little Abigail." Dara squeezed me into a hug where I could hardly breathe. "You're so brave." She sniffed, wiping her streaming tears.

  Navi walked up to me, bowing her head slightly. "Lady Everett." She leaned closer to me, whispering in my ear, "You made the right choice, dear. I knew you would." Her eyes crinkled in satisfaction. She patted my shoulder and walked back through the brush toward our headquarters.

  I scanned the field, looking for Damian. I had to squint through the raining mist to find him. He was leaning against a tall tree with his hands in his sweatshirt pocket, watching me. When he saw I found him, he turned and walked into the shadows.

  I followed his footsteps in the mud until I couldn't see them anymore. I circled around, looking for where he may be.

  "I get it you know," he stated matter of fact, sitting with his knees pulled up on a tall rock in between trees.

  "You get what?"

  "I get what it means to sacrifice."

  I shook my head. I thought of my mother being in the dark. I couldn't tell her who I really was. Who my father and his father's father were. Or my sister — she had no idea that her life was in jeopardy just by merely being related to me. I thought about Nicholas and quickly swallowed the heartache.

  This was my choice. This was my doing.

  "I don't think so, Damian."

  Damian scoffed. "Quit being selfish and open your eyes."

  "What?" I asked, snapping out of my thoughts.

  "I see you. I know you think you were in love with that guy back there," he scowled, waving his hand.

  "Damian, you don't understa—"

  "I don't understand. Is that right? I don't understand what love is, what sacrifice is. I don't understand what it means to give up the life you could have had. Well wake up, Abby."

  He didn't address me with the fancy titles that the others did. My expression sobered. "What do you mean?"

  "I've lived my whole life protecting something I could never be. Keeping secrets, going on last minute trips. I can't even have a friend come over to my house to hang out because they would notice our family is different. All I have is my family — that's it. And honestly?" He stood on his rock, heated. "Tracking you, on an island I don't even belong on, just to find you willingly walking toward your natural enemy really ticks me off. Why is it so hard for you to see what's in front of you? How could you be so careless with other people's lives that have sacrificed so much for you?" he asked, incredulously.

  I sighed in defeat.

  "You're right. I've put you and your family in danger. I'm sincerely sorry, Damian… I'm pretty new at this Valens stuff. Please forgive my negligence. I will try to do better."

  Damian sighed deeply. Signs of exhaustion etched on his face.

  "Really though, Damian. I promise to not be so… self-centered from now on. I have an entire world of both humans and Valens to look after starting of late." I smiled grimly.

  Damian nodded. "Good. That's all I ask."

  I nodded in thought, pulling my hood up to protect my hair from the dreary mist.

  "You know, you don't give Miles enough credit."

  I chuckled. "What did I do wrong now?"

  "Oh, you know. Ignore that he even exists." He grinned.

  I rolled my eyes. "Right, because I don't call him my best friend or anything."

  Damian shrugged and then jumped down from his tall rock.

  "Whatever happened to respecting your elders? You're like, twelve. And giving me advice."

  "Sixteen!" he corrected. "I say what others won't. And I'm never going to bow down to you like others love to do. I'm not Valens."

  "Ahh." I mussed his hair as we walked back in the direction of camp. "Overruling the authority, eh?" I teased.

  He stopped in his tracks with a deadpan expression. "I'm the family ninja. I answer to no one."

  Chapter 20

  The plane ride home was hard, to say the least. I tried to hold onto my promise to Damian by not being a downer. But I couldn't help it. I missed Nicholas. I had to keep reminding myself over and over that I chose my fate. And I choose to be without him.

  But that didn't mean it hurt any

  Miles pulled into my driveway and watched me expectantly. I was mentally preparing myself for the wrath of my mother after I opened the front door.

  "I'm hoping… things won't be too different for now. Until a bit later, at least," Miles said grimly.

  "What's going to happen from here?"

  "It's hard to say. After that extravagant 'welcoming' you had, I imagine things will be a bit rocky at Salvus Island for a while — especially with the way you departed. I don't think it's going to go over too well…"


  "Hey," he said calmly, lacing his fingers with mine. "You made the right choice. Not only for you, but for all of mankind. Any other path would have been the utter destruction of the world. Your ancestors would be proud." He smiled proudly.

  "I guess that means I have big shoes to fill."

  He squeezed my hand slightly. "And that doesn't mean you have to fill them overnight. These things take time."

  "Yeah, I'm sure they all would love to wait for me to get my act together," I mumbled.

  Miles sighed. "Worrying about things you can't control won't get you anywhere. Besides, since when did other people's opinions bring you down?"

  I threw my face in my hands. "Since a new species I found out existed less than a week ago looks to me for guidance because of a birthright," I said through my fingers.

  "And you'll be more than they could ever hope for. In time. You're trying to take on the world without reading the instruction manual. You're going to be wonderful," he said softly.

  "Last I checked life didn't have instructions." I smiled tightly.

  Miles chuckled lowly. "At least you know you have your closest friend by your side."

  "That's true." I leaned over and squeezed Miles in the biggest hug I could manage. The scent of sea and leaves filled my lungs and made me smile into his shirt. "Thanks for putting up with me. I'm happy you feel better, seeing you hurt like that scared me."

  "And I'm sorry you had to watch the fight. It's easier to experience when you have some training under your belt." He sighed and pulled away just enough to see my eyes. "I think it's best we start training tomorrow. You're going to need it with all the publicity that just happened."

  I sighed. "Okay."

  "So be at my house at six, we need to start early."

  I nodded.

  "And don't worry about Kayla knowing your gifts, it gives others more reason to be intimidated by you." He grinned sheepishly then sobered. "You're going to be alright. I promise you that. And I'll even keep my promise this time."

  I nodded, glancing toward my front door.

  Miles followed my gesture. "It'll be okay — she'll forgive you. Just tell her you took off with… never mind." He stopped mid-sentence, seeing me wince at him almost mentioning his name.

  I sighed. "You're probably right. Leaving with him is a believable story. Better to throw him under the bus than you. And it isn't entirely a lie." I forced a small smile and stepped out of the car, throwing my backpack over my shoulder.

  Miles got out and walked me to my door.

  "Oh, I almost forgot." He reached in his pocket and handed me a skinny box.

  I lifted the top lid. A genuine smile slowly crossed my features as I stared down at the little black beauty in my hand. A new cell phone.

  "Because Lady Everett shouldn't be without said luxuries a moment longer."

  I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

  He lightly brushed my chin, his green eyes smoldering. "Six in the AM — not PM," he clarified, walking off the porch toward his car.

  "Got it," I hollered back, shaking my head.

  I waved goodbye and walked over the threshold with as much bravery as I could manage.

  My mother was sitting in the dark kitchen with used tissues littering the tablecloth and held the phone receiver in her hand.

  "Call off the search, officer. She just walked in the door." She hung up the phone, piercing my eyes with her gaze.

  We stared at one another for a long moment. And then I couldn't take it any longer. I dropped my bag at my feet and fell into her arms — full-force despair came over me.

  "Mom… I'm so, so sorry."

  "Don't you ever, EVER do that to me again, young lady!"

  I nodded in response, not being able to say much else.

  "Where in this green earth have you been?"

  My voice cracked. "Nicholas promised me things that… didn't work out."

  "Well, from this moment on, no more boys at the house. In fact, no more anyone at the house. I'm taking your car away and you're grounded until further notice."

  I sniffed and wiped my tear stricken cheeks. "Miles wants me to come over in the morning," I mentioned, hoping this would get me out of training.

  "Tell Miles to shove it! And anyone else, particularly with the first name of Nicholas, is off limits. Do you understand me?"

  "Yes, ma'am."

  "Seriously Abigail! Do you have any idea what you put me through these past couple days?"

  I clung onto her with my life, burying my face in her shoulder and hair. She was my realm of peace and comfort. Someone that would love me regardless of any decision I made. Even her infuriating anger brought me happiness in this moment. And I wasn't about to let that go.


  After a quick shower and a change of clothes, I felt refreshed enough to relax a bit. I mozied downstairs when I heard someone barge through the door.

  "Mom! I'm home! Hello?" Olivia hollered obnoxiously at the entryway with her backpack from school resting on her shoulder.

  She caught sight of me and dropped everything.

  "Oh. My. Heavens." She sauntered over to me with bright-blue doe eyes and spun me around with her hands.

  "You have got to tell me your secret! Look how hot you got… look at your butt, and your legs — and let me see…" She lifted my shirt up before I could slap her hand away.

  "And you have a six-pack! How do you have a six-pack? I was gone for like a week! I came home and you weren't here — apparently you were off being hot somewhere else."

  I laughed. "I don't know. I started working out?"

  "That's bull crap. I work out and don't look like that. I don't believe you. Mom? Mom! Tell me the diet Abbs got on! Share that wealth, woman!" she yelled as she stomped into the kitchen.

  I sighed, finally content. Being home with my mom and sister pulled the happiness and normalcy back into my life. I plopped on the couch and lifted my feet up, finally content in what seemed like ages. I placed a book on my lap and ran my fingers over the binding in thought.

  Sudden bright colors cast vivid shadows through the windows, distracting me from my reverie. Bright pink and different hues of oranges and purples bounced off the wall. A sunray spotlighted on me through the clouds' crevices, causing me to pay closer attention.

  Focusing, I pulled in a calming breath and narrowed my eyes.

  I crept through the living room and stepped outside, shutting the front door ever so quietly behind me.

  I followed the pull. It was natural now to follow this feeling.

  The calling of my soul.

  I stepped around a tall tree and as expected, there he was.

  I put my hands on my hips. "You're not supposed to be here."

  "I know… I just. I — "

  "They're going to see you," I interrupted.

  He nodded.

  I composed my emotions, looking deep into the beautiful copper eyes that made my heart melt with every aching beat.

  "I never got to say goodbye," Nicholas placed my hand in his and squeezed slightly. The warmth of electricity from his touch shot a zing straight up my arm.

  "And I never had the chance to tell you," he dropped down to his knees, never breaking eye contact. "Abigail, you are the first thought when I wake and the last when I go to sleep. You are the breath I take, the warmth in the sun, and you are the stars during the darkest night. You are the reason for my existence, and
it is for all these reasons, that saying 'I love you' will never come close to my truest feelings for you."

  I sighed and pulled him up off his knees, draped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his shirt. "What are we going to do?"

  He laughed deeply. "I can think of a few things." He cupped my chin and gently pulled me close to him. He placed his lush lips against mine, ever so softly, making my whole world instantly stop.

  Several cars pulled up at once — the sound of tires simultaneously screeching to an immediate halt filled the air. Countless car doors slammed shut an instant later.





  Nicholas peeked carefully around the tree, then back down at me. A new determination lit in his brilliant copper eyes.

  "Want to have some fun?" He smiled, dangerously.

  About the Author

  As a young child, I grew a fond passion for writing. English quickly became my strongest subject, and I continually found myself excited when assigned to write papers. I scored between 97%-99% on my ACT and state high school exams in punctuation, spelling, grammar and writing.

  I am so excited to have finally touched the edges of my dream as an author. Writing this story has given me determination that I can fulfill my childhood dream. And ultimately, that I can write a beautifully executed story.

  Also from Astraea Press

  Chapter One

  Please don’t let him be here today. Please don’t let him be here today.

  He was there.

  Of course he was there; he was always there. Trey didn’t miss class. For a few seconds Scout debated on backing herself right out the door and skipping class, but Kylin shoved past her, nearly knocking Scout into the wall. Scout gritted her teeth but bit back a reply. Getting in a fight with Trey’s girlfriend right before her first class of the day? Not a great way to start her morning.

  It was zoology, and it would have been her favorite period if she didn’t have the privilege of sharing it with Trey and Kylin. Scout pushed her light brown waves over her shoulder, straightened her spine and stalked in, choosing a seat as far away from her ex-boyfriend as she could.


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