Shooting Star

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Shooting Star Page 8

by Rowan Coleman

  “Mr Dufault, Miss Parker – you don’t feel the need for scriptwriters then?” Mr Fearson asked us.

  “We do, sir, we certainly do,” Henry said very politely. “But we knew you’d heard that scene a hundred times over today so we thought we’d freshen it up for you.”

  “Improvisation is not a requirement for the cast in this film, Mr Dufault,” Ralph Fearson said. “Concentration, ability to take direction and learn scripts are.”

  “And what about being able to act?” I heard this girl’s voice say a few seconds before I realised it was mine. My voice coming out of my mouth. “Because we acted every single other kid off the stage just then. And yes, we can take direction and learn lines – I’ll recite the whole scene for you now if you like. But more important than any of that, we can live inside the characters. We don’t need a script to be the characters.”

  The others in our group, including Kirsty O’Brien, took a sharp inward breath. Henry Dufault looked at me full of admiration and I noticed Sean clapping all by himself as he leant against the wall.

  What was wrong with me? It seemed that my overworked brain couldn’t stand any more. It was determined to get me sacked so that I could leave Hollywood, go home and watch Hollyoaks for all eternity. Still I’d gone and said all of the rebellious words now, so there was no point in being miserable about it. I lifted my chin, pulled my shoulders back and waited to be sent home.

  But all Ralph Fearson did was look at me very hard, drawing two very bushy brows together before writing something down on his notepad.

  “OK, let’s move on. Sean’s here to act a scene with a couple of the girls. As you will all know by now, Sean Rivers has agreed to accept the role of Sebastian, which we are delighted about. It’s crucial to find him the right Arial, so he’s going to act the kiss scene with…Kirsty O’Brien and Ruby Parker.”

  Several things happened to me at once. First of all, after feeling nothing but really rather friendly towards Kirsty, I suddenly became extremely jealous of her. Second I realised that I would have to kiss Sean on the lips, and even though I knew it was a stage kiss and didn’t mean anything, it would mean everything and I would immediately explode and die on the spot. And third, I realised that only Kirsty and I had been chosen out of all of the girls in the group to make out…I mean try out with Sean. I was cross, terrified and excited all at once.

  “So you should know the song and the lines,” Christina told us. “Kirsty, you’re up first. Take your positions, please. And action!”

  I sat and watched as sweet, pretty, nice Kirsty O’Brien made eyes at Sean while they sang together. I don’t think that I’d ever heard Sean really singing before. Of course he had a great voice, and when he looked at Kirsty O’Brien, he really did look as if he loved her. I could tell that she felt it too because her cheeks went bright red. It doesn’t mean anything, I told myself as ‘Starlight Girl’ came to an end and they kissed. I remembered when I’d been so worried about kissing Justin de Souza, back when I used to be in Kensington Heights. I used to have a silly crush on Justin too and I’d got really, really worried about my first stage kiss –my first ever kiss of any kind! In the end though, when it came right down to it, it was just like kissing a bit of cardboard. I’d felt nothing at all. So I was hopeful that’s what it would be like with Sean too. After all, just because he was fabulously handsome and had recently told me he wished I was his girlfriend, and, oh, I seemed to be IN LOVE WITH HIM, why should it be any different? It was going to be fine.

  “Ruby, you’re up,” Christina called over the applause of the group as she scribbled in her notebook.

  I took a breath and looked at Sean. But instead of seeing him, I saw Sebastian, and instead of being me, Ruby Parker, the girl who gets herself into serious trouble, I was Arial, and everything was fine. I remembered all the lines, sang the song pretty nicely and was just gazing into Sebastian’s eyes, preparing to kiss him, when suddenly he wasn’t Sebastian any more, he was Sean.

  My heart pounded, my tummy lurched and I forgot what I was supposed to say or do. All I could do was stare at him.

  Sean sensed my hesitation and, smiling, leant towards me for the kiss, but I put my hand on his chest and pushed him back. Then, holding my gaze, Sean put one hand over mine and pulled me closer to him, whispering so quietly that no one but me could hear. “Don’t worry, Ruby, this isn’t me kissing you. It’s Sebastian.”

  Then I felt the brush of his lips on mine for a moment and in a second the kiss was over.

  The group was applauding again and Ralph and Christina were whispering in each other’s ears.

  “You’re still holding my hand,” I told Sean, snatching it back. “And looking at me – you’re still looking at me.”

  “I was thinking,” Sean said very quietly. “How amazing you are.”

  “Right then!” Christina bellowed, breaking the moment into a thousand pieces. “We’ve finished for today. The procedure is the same as before. We’ll be calling your parents tonight to let them know if we want to see you again. Thanks for all of your hard work, and good luck! You can find your friends and parents in the lobby. Please don’t leave until your parent or guardian has signed you out.”

  The lobby was noisy and crowded, full of excited kids and their families. I spotted Mum and Anne-Marie over the far side of the room, and I could see Nydia making her way towards them. But before I could join them I felt a hand on my wrist. I turned around and found Sean.

  “I need to talk to you,” Sean said.

  “OK, at the house,” I said.

  “No, now, before we go back. I need to explain some things,” Sean said. “Mum’s not here with the car yet. It will only take a couple of minutes. Please?”

  I glanced over at where Anne-Marie, Nydia and Mum were now all together on the other side of the large room.

  “OK,” I said, and I let Sean lead me a little way down an empty corridor that ran off the lobby.

  “I don’t want us to fall out,” Sean said when we were more or less alone.

  “Me neither,” I said.

  “I’m sorry I’ve freaked you out, what with my dad and all those things I said last night.”

  “Thanks,” I said. “Because you have freaked me out a LOT, Sean. And it doesn’t have to be like this. All you have to do is tell your mum about your dad, tell your dad you don’t want the lead role in Spotlight! and tell Anne-Marie everything. Apart from that bit when you said you liked me. Don’t tell her that whatever you do.”

  “But I do like you, Ruby,” Sean said.

  “Sean, no, you don’t,” I told him.

  “And I think if it wasn’t for Anne-Marie you’d like me too,” Sean repeated. “Wouldn’t you?”

  I stared at him and thought of a hundred ways to tell him that I didn’t like him at all, but then all at once I felt tired out. Tired of fighting, rebelling, being feisty and, most of all, tired of lying.

  “OK! OK!” I said, taking a step back. “OK yes, Sean, I do like you. I don’t know why now, after we’ve known each other for so long – but yes, I do, I do fancy you!”


  I turned my head slowly to the side and saw Nydia and Anne-Marie staring at me and Sean. “Wait, it’s not what it looks like—” I began.

  “I’m going to—” Anne-Marie launched herself at me, but was caught by Nydia, who was looking at me as if I were the most disgusting thing she had ever seen.

  “No, wait,” I pleaded, holding out my upturned palms. “I was just about to tell Sean that it doesn’t matter how I feel, I would never, ever do anything about it because you are my friend…”

  “You’re dead!” Anne-Marie hissed at me. “All this time I thought you were such a good friend and you were making moves on my boyfriend!”

  “No, I wasn’t…”

  “She wasn’t,” Sean said. He looked at Anne-Marie. “I know you don’t need to know this right now, but this isn’t fair on Ruby. She wasn’t chasing me. I was chasing her. I like her, Anne-M

  “You…?” Anne-Marie stared at Sean for a second. Then, her face bright red, she turned and fled back into the crowd.

  Nydia marched up to me. I had never seen her so angry. “I knew something was going on yesterday,” she said. “Ruby! How could you?”

  “I couldn’t! I haven’t! I don’t!” I tried to reassure her.

  “You never treat a best friend this way,” Nydia said shaking her head. “You never treat another girl this way. I’m through with you, Ruby.”

  As she walked away I stared at Sean. “Look what you’ve done,” I said. “You’ve made things a hundred times worse.”

  “I’m sorry, Ruby, I was trying to help.”

  I shook my head. “Now you and I have to go and find Mum and Nydia and Anne-Marie, and wait for your mum to pick us up. And then we all have to drive home together. And thanks to you, I don’t have my two best friends any more.”

  “You’ve got me,” Sean said with a miserable half-smile.

  I scowled at him. “Yes,” I said. “That’s the problem.”


  Just to make things clear, we are not speaking to you any more. We aren’t friends any more either. We’ll be polite to you in front of your mum and at the studio, but we both think that you are a horrible person. We aren’t speaking to Sean either.

  Nydia and Anne-Marie

  Chapten Ten

  I found the folded note on my pillow when I went up to my room after we got back from the studio. At least I assume it started out life on my pillow. When I found it, David had it firmly clenched between his paws and was chewing enthusiastically on the corner. I don’t know how Nydia got it there so quickly. She and Anne-Marie must have written it in the car while I wasn’t looking, which wouldn’t have been that hard because I spent the whole time staring out of the window wishing I could magic myself back an hour and change everything. However no amount of wishing changed anything (I am starting to learn that hardly ever happens) and there the note was. A few lines on a bit of paper that confirmed my two best friends hated me.

  I couldn’t blame them, I hated me. After all, even if I hadn’t exactly gone after Sean I’d thought about him and had funny feelings about him. Plus I hadn’t told anyone about his secret meetings with his dad, which I was fairly sure were a really bad idea.

  Just at that moment there was a quiet knock on the door. I hoped it was Nydia coming to say that they’d thought it over and they wanted to make up.

  “Come in?” I said nervously.

  It was Sean.

  “Go away,” I hissed furiously.

  “I am, I am going away,” Sean said. “I’m going out to meet Dad for a burger. I’ve told Mom I’m having an early night. If she finds out I’m not in bed and asks, will you say that I’m out with Danny?”

  “Haven’t you got me into enough trouble today?” I asked him, exasperated.

  Sean’s look was pleading. “Please, Ruby, things are going really great with Dad. We’re getting on so much better. I’m nearly ready to tell Mom. I just need to make sure that we’re really OK first.”

  I shook my head. “He’s your dad, Sean – you shouldn’t have to make sure whether or not he’s OK with you. He should just be OK with you whatever – whether you’re a film star or not. Talking of which, when are you going to tell the studio that you don’t want to play Sebastian?”

  “Really soon,” Sean said. “I just need a bit longer with Dad. Honestly it’s different now, Ruby, and he’s so pleased that I’ve taken the part. I don’t want to let him down.”

  “Of course he’s pleased! He thinks you’re going to make him millions of dollars again – it’s not because he loves you or cares about you,” I snapped before I could shut my mouth. “Sean…I’m sorry, I’m just really worried about you.”

  “That’s not true,” he said quietly. “Dad really cares about me.”

  “I hope so,” I said, hugging my pillow hard. “Look, go. I’ll cover for you, OK?”

  And then everything that happened that day hit me like a ton of bricks and I cried and cried. I just couldn’t believe that my best friends really hated me and that everything was going so wrong when it should have been feeling so right. Maybe it was Hollywood. Maybe I would always be miserable here.


  I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I remember was my mum’s voice gently calling me. “Ruby, wake up, love.”

  I rolled over and pushed my hair out of my eyes, squinting at her.

  “You’ve been crying,” Mum said with concern. “Anne-Marie is still very upset too. She and Nydia have been out by the pool in a huddle since we got back. Why are you stuck up here? Is everything OK?”

  I sighed and wished I could tell my mum the real reason I was upset, but when I thought about it there wasn’t a single thing on my list that she would either understand or be able to fix. She wouldn’t get why Sean had to see his dad in secret and lie to his mum about everything, including wanting to be Sebastian in Spotlight! And she wouldn’t understand that Nydia, Anne-Marie and I had fallen out because they thought I was trying to go out with Sean even though I wasn’t, even though I did like him. So although I’d promised that now I’d always tell my mum everything, I decided not to tell her this. After all, there was nothing she could do and she would only worry.

  “I’m just tired,” I said. “It’s been a really, really long day.”

  Mum smiled and hugged me. “I know. Sean’s already asleep, poor lad, and it’s going to be another long day tomorrow! They’ve called you back for the final round of auditions!”

  “Really?” I sat up, feeling almost happy for a second. Then I remembered that everybody hated me and I was all alone and I lay down again.

  “What about Nydia?” I asked.

  “Yes, Nydia too,” Mum told me. “Ruby, you are really close to being in a Hollywood movie again.”

  I nodded thoughtfully and Mum must have been able to see the worry in my face.

  “Listen, Ruby,” she said, putting her hand over mine. “Are you ready for this? Because if it’s all too much pressure I’ll understand. You know that this film is going to be massive. And if you get a part you won’t just be Ruby Parker girl/actress/singer any more. You’ll be Ruby Parker Superstar.”

  I looked up at my ceiling and tried to imagine what that would mean. It still seemed so impossible and far away that I couldn’t really understand it. And despite everything that had happened today, I knew I still wanted the part of Arial. I knew I wanted it even though Nydia really wanted it too. It was the best thing happening to me at the moment and I wasn’t going to give up trying to get it.

  “I’m ready,” I said firmly. “Besides I know that whatever happens, and even if one day I win an Oscar, you’ll always make sure that I’m still just Ruby Parker girl.”

  “That’s true,” Mum said. “Do you want to come down for something to eat?”

  I shook my head. “I’m going to go back to sleep,” I yawned.

  “I’ll bring you up a sandwich.” Mum never believed that I wasn’t hungry and she was usually right. “Listen, Ruby, I’m sure you’ll make up with Anne-Marie and Nydia soon. I’ve never known you three to be apart for too long. And as far as Sean is concerned I know you’ll do the right thing, you always do. And you can talk to me you know I was young once – I can still just about remember being your age if I concentrate really, really hard.”

  I was speechless as Mum kissed me on the forehead and walked out of the door. Even when I didn’t tell her anything, she still knew everything. Freaky.

  I was full up with toasted cheese sandwiches and fast asleep when I was woken by tapping at my window. I lay there for a moment in the dark, trying to work out what was going on. David must have crept on to my bed while I was asleep because he sprang into life at my side and bared his teeth at the window.

  It was a full moon outside and the sky was a light orange colour because of the millions of city lights that blazed in the valley,
but even so I was scared as David and I tiptoed towards the window, him growling and trembling all at once. Cautiously I opened it and peeped out. A stone about the side of a large raisin hit me on the cheek.

  “Ouch!” I said loudly, before remembering I was scared.

  “Ruby, it’s me.” I peered over the sill and saw Sean standing in the shadows. “It’s later than I thought and the door’s locked. I’m guessing that Mom hasn’t missed me, but it looks like everyone is asleep and I can’t get in without tripping the alarm.”

  “Everyone is asleep, except me apparently,” I said testily.

  “Can you sneak down and let me in?” Sean whispered.

  “Can’t you just climb up a drain pipe,” I hissed back.

  “There are no drain pipes,” Sean told me. “Please, Ruby, or I’ll have to stay out here all night and come up with an elaborate sleepwalking story.”

  “That works for me,” I said. I was about to pull my head in and slam the window when I realised that I couldn’t do that to a friend, even if just at the moment he was a particularly irritating one. “Go round to the front,” I told him.

  I had to shut David in my room because I knew that he’d get all excited by a midnight adventure and start barking, which would wake the whole house up. He had a surprisingly loud bark for such a small dog. He whimpered a bit as I closed the door on him, but I knew that after a couple of seconds he’d get back into bed and curl up on the warm spot that I had just left.

  The house was quiet; I looked at Jeremy’s grandfather clock that stood at the top of the stairs. It was past midnight – Sean really had stayed out late. I thought about the last time I had snuck down the stairs when I was “borrowing” my mum’s credit card to pay for my secret flight back to London. It had been much riskier then – Mum and Jeremy had been up and sitting only a few metres way from me as I crawled to delve into her handbag. But even though everyone in the house was fast asleep I felt much more scared this time. Maybe because I knew that Sean was on the other side of the door.


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