Obsidian (The Horsemen Chronicles Book 2)

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Obsidian (The Horsemen Chronicles Book 2) Page 2

by D. C. Gambel

  Ignoring Derek’s comment, Cam focused on me. “Are you hurt?” He asked running his fingers over the bruises on my neck. They felt delectable against my tender skin, but now wasn’t the time to get lost in his touch. I shook my head appreciating his concern but knew it wasn’t necessary. I was just as indestructible as the guys, as long as I didn’t expend crazy amounts of power combined with an injury that could kill a human, which was how Cam had briefly died. “Good.” He stood turning to Tyler with a glare that I could feel radiating off of him even as his back was to me. “What the fuck were you thinking leaving her alone like that while she’s injured?”

  “If I hadn’t, you two might not have made it out of that nest in one piece,” Ty explained not cowering under Cam’s intensity. I knew what it was like to be on the receiving end of War’s glare. It gave me a new respect for the horseman for not wavering.

  “We could have lost her!”

  “Cam,” my voice cracked. He turned his fiery gaze on me before it quickly softened, but I could see the fury simmering just under the surface. “I told him to go. We had no reason to expect vampires.”

  “We didn’t know to expect a blade demon either, that doesn’t mean you should have been left on your own. Do you understand what could have happened?”

  “Yes, but I’m fine.” His blue gaze narrowed staring at the blood caked on me. I could practically read his mind. Rolling my eyes, I held my hand out to him silently asking for help up. With a huff, he extended his arm tugging me to my feet. Ignoring the blood drenching me, his arm instantly wrapped around my hip holding me steady.

  I caught Derek watching us in my peripheral. Things had been strained between the two of them since Cam and I officially started dating. Derek had been keeping his distance from both of us. He’d apologized for his meddling and I’d forgiven him, but Cam jabbed Derek giving him a black eye for the rest of the day. It wasn’t so much for his interference, but for kissing me after telling Cam his involvement would ruin the team.

  I thought afterwards things would return to normal, but they remained tensed. Tyler explained it was because Cam and I were still in our honeymoon phase and even he didn’t want to be around us. It didn’t help matters that Tyler had caught us having sex, not once, but three times. In our defense, two of those times we thought we were alone and the other we didn’t think anyone else was awake, although in hindsight having sex in the kitchen while we waited for coffee probably wasn’t the smartest choice since Ty was our designated master chef and was normally the first one to rise to start cooking breakfast. I couldn’t help it though. It was all I wanted to do. After going all my life without sex, since no one could survive my touch, then to have Cam keep me on the fence for so long, I had some catching up to do. He never complained about my appetite and often joked about how he corrupted the innocent virgin I had been. I think in me he’d finally met his match. He didn’t need to worry about hurting me with his super strength nor did I have to be concerned that I’d kill him with a touch.

  “We probably should have used the sphere,” Cam muttered obviously still upset over how the situation unfolded.

  “There could have been humans still alive,” I explained. “Plus it wouldn’t have worked on the vampires anyways.” I couldn’t see who the orb affected until it touched them. There was no way to know without visibility where to stop. “Did you all find anything?”

  Ty shook his head. “When the fight turned in our favor the sirens took off. There are tunnels they created all over the place. Derek and I tried to track them while Cam finished the stragglers. We had to turn back because we almost got lost in them.”

  I nodded leaning into Cam trying to hide the ache from being tossed around like a rag doll. Ty’s gaze darted over me. I wasn’t able to hide much from him. Next to Charlie, Tyler had become my best friend.

  “We got this.” Ty gestured to the mess of bodies. They didn’t vanish like on TV at least not without some assistance. Leaving this for humans to find wasn’t an option. The supernatural world needed to be kept a secret. “We’ll see you two at the house.”

  Cam nodded, turning to lead me out. I took a step and gasped. If not for his grasp I’d have tumbled. Glancing down at my leg, blood bloomed through the once white bandage while my other throbbed from landing on my ankle wrong. Cam’s gaze followed the same path. Without a word, he lifted me into his arms cradling me against his chest. I stifled a giggle. I knew better than to argue. It was a waste of breath. He saw me as wounded and wasn’t going to let me strain my injury further. Instead, I just wrapped my arms around his neck. It took some getting use to. I had wanted to be treated the same as the guys, but my relationship with Cam was different than that of our fellow horsemen. It meant that no matter how much I wanted things to be the same, they weren’t.

  Loading me into the Mustang I could see his grim expression. Folding his tall frame into the car, he gripped the wheel tight. I could practically hear the leather around it groan. Leaning over, I cupped his face.

  “I’m okay. Promise.” I place a quick peck on his cheek.

  He sighed, grabbing my hand before I withdrew. Kissing the back of my knuckles, he held me firm. “I know, but you could have been hurt. I shouldn’t have left you.”

  My heart swelled for the man beside me. “That wasn’t your fault Cameron. I’m going to get hurt just like you and the guys. It’s the job.”

  “This is harder than I thought it would be, Evie. I can’t…” he exhaled heavily. Leaning over he pressed his forehead to mine. “I just want you to be safe.”

  I smiled. “I know and I was. But you can’t be with me all the time on every mission. You were needed to get the sirens.”

  “And you needed me to help you.” He frowned guiltily.

  “Cam,” I sighed. His indigo eyes met mine and I could see the turmoil brewing in them. I couldn’t contain myself. I cupped his face drawing him to my mouth. After a moment his lips moved with mine. “Don’t take that guilt on to you. You’ve trained me well. Now you just gotta trust that I can handle myself,” I whispered. Cam let out a heavy breath. Placing a chaste kiss on my lips, he turned starting the car.

  The drive home was quiet. Our hands were intertwined resting on the black center console. I learned that I wasn’t the only one that found a calming affect when we touched. As much as we lusted after each other, there was more to us than that. I couldn’t get enough of him whether it was sex or cuddling at night. Together, I felt complete.

  I smirked when Cam parked and exited the old Mustang before crossing to my side immediately opening my door. Lifting me into his arms like a bride, he carried me inside and didn’t stop until we were in the bathroom we shared.

  The lavish house was still taking some getting use to. I’d always lived modestly until I met the horsemen. The guys preferred a bit more luxury. They claimed it was better for them all so they didn’t kill each other. The swanky house wasn’t really my issue. It was more the means to which they were able to afford the house. Being the Horseman of Pestilence gave Ty more than just the power to affect living beings with any variety of ailments. He was also a pretty amazing computer hacker, able to infiltrate even the most secure systems with the help of his gift for viruses. He didn’t always use his power in the most savory of ways. One of which included hacking into bank systems and robbing their patrons. He claimed it was just them paying their demon killing taxes which allowed them to live in ignorance while we handled keeping the world safe for them.

  “A girl could get use to this,” I teased as Cam settled me on the countertop. Opening the cabinet doors, he began searching for the medical supplies he kept up here. I tended to get injured quite a bit. I was still new to the gig and didn’t have the learned skills the others had developed.

  His eyes glinted teasingly. “That’s the plan. Make it so you can’t envision your life without me.”

  Grabbing his shoulders, I halted him from his task pulling him between my thighs before wrapping my arms around his neck.
“I already can’t,” I breathed.

  Cam’s mouth pulled up in a crooked smirk that I loved just before he kissed me. When I tried to deepen it, he chuckled and withdrew. Putting a hint of space between us, he busied himself removing my bandage. His brow knitted muttering his surprise that the injury had not only closed but had turned to the fresh pink stage of new skin.

  Biting my lip, I remained silent. I had a theory. Weeks ago, while training with Ty, I’d been hurt; nothing too bad, but enough to draw blood. Before Ty could even get the first aid kit, the injury was healed. He questioned me about it, but it had been the first time it had occurred. Sure as horsemen we healed quickly, but not instantaneously. A small cut would heal within the hour, but a large wound like the one I possessed from the Blade demon should have taken at least overnight. I began noticing a strength I hadn’t possessed before and I wasn’t the only one. While training with Cam, I saw him surprised when I ducked from his assault and his hand slammed through the wall like it was made of foam. I backtracked the change to Hell. Ty and I had discussed it, but neither him nor Derek were changed from their trip down under. Another event had coincided with the trip. Cam and I had finally stopped fighting the urge to be together. Against Tyler’s persistence, I still hadn’t shared with Cam the fact that we might be soul mates, which Ty believed was the cause for the increase in supernatural abilities. Because of that, I kept my lips sealed about my theory since they went hand in hand.

  Cam shook off his confusion and helped me remove my clothing after he started the shower.

  Something had changed with him when he decided to be with me. Cam said he wasn’t a relationship guy but he seemed to have the part of boyfriend down. We weren’t perfect. Not by a long shot, but he tended to me and cared for me in a way I hadn’t anticipated.

  The moment I was naked my skin flushed when his eyes darted over my exposed flesh. I knew sex wasn’t his intention but watching him admire me got me bothered.

  “Do you need help?” he asked his eyes lingering everywhere but my face. I bit my lip and nodded. I tracked the fabric of his shirt as he exposed the hard planes of his abdomen before it fell to the floor. His fingers immediately went to the button on his jeans tugging them open. My eyes followed every move until he stood just as naked as I was. Scooping me up, I wrapped my legs around his hips as he carried me into the shower.

  Groaning, I felt his erection straining between us. Shower sex wasn’t my favorite, but feeling his desire hard against me, I’d make an exception. Threading my fingers in his hair the stream pelted over us as I leaned to kiss him.

  “Evie,” he hissed when he saw my nipples stiffen. “You’re hurt.”

  I shook my head rolling my hips trying to get some relief, which only caused him to groan. “You saw I’m practically healed and now I need you.”

  “Need me, huh?” he asked trailing his fingers down my slick body. I tried to kiss him, but he tilted just out of reach before peppering my neck with kisses. I gasped when he palmed my tender breasts. With a sigh, he gripped the back of my thighs readjusting his hold before pressing his forehead to my shoulder. “We shouldn’t.”

  Rolling my eyes because I knew that as much as he’d claim he was against it, Cam’s principles made his desire for me feel selfish if fulfilled while I was hurt, even though I was practically begging for it.

  Knowing I’d have to be the initiator, I reached between us stroking his erection.

  “Evie,” he groaned, but made no move to stop me. It made me heady knowing that I could cause this reaction in him and I couldn’t help but savor it.

  “Cam,” I moaned as if his pleasure was arousing me. “Please?”

  With a growl, his lips landed against mine with a bruising intensity. If he hadn’t been holding me already, I was sure my legs would have given out. “Can you stand?” he asked against my mouth before running his tongue along the seam.

  I couldn’t help but smile. His concern over my injury came first before even his evident desire. I nodded. Settled on my feet, Cam spun me until my back was to him. Gripping my hips, I felt the tip of his manhood brush against my opening. We normally took more time to get each other ready, but after his strip show and that steamy kiss, foreplay wasn’t necessary. Groaning, I tilted my hips back like I was in heat.

  “Cam?” Tyler called from outside the door.

  “Shit,” Cam hissed just before he was going to press us together. “Yeah?” he called out not entering me, but not withdrawing either.

  The door opened. I glared wide-eyed at Cam over my shoulder. He held his finger over his lips asking me to remain silent. Letting Tyler know I was in the shower too would only add to his annoyance that we were doing “it” at every available opportunity.

  “Hey,” Tyler spoke. “We have a situation.”

  “What’s going on?” Cam asked continuing to brush against me slickening himself with my arousal, which only made me want him more. I bit my lip struggling to remain quiet.

  “We had a group of visitors at the gate when we pulled up.”

  “Yeah?” Cam asked. I could tell by his breathy tone that he wasn’t really listening. He was still rubbing against me. I was eager for Ty to leave, but he seemed to be drawing out the conversation.

  “The vampires showed up and…”

  I pressed backwards and Cam slipped an inch into me. My gasped filled the room before everything fell silent.

  “Evie?” Tyler questioned curiously.

  “Yeah?” I called out hesitantly trying to keep the humor and embarrassment out of my tone.

  “Christ! Can’t you two keep it in your pants?”

  “We’re in the shower,” Cam stated. “I think pants would defeat the purpose.”

  “Are you two seriously fucking while I’m talk to you?”

  “No, but we were about to,” Cam stated withdrawing himself.

  “Ugh… Never mind. I’ll meet you downstairs. You two have five minutes so you might want to hurry. The vampires were just delivered Asher’s head.”

  Chapter 2

  With the news of the vampires receiving Asher’s head, sex was put on the backburner as Cam and I quickly washed and dressed. When we entered the living room together, I noticed a grim looking Derek taking in our appearance. I’m sure it was obvious that Cam and I had been in the shower together with our matching damp hair and Tyler’s annoyed appearance, which was how he presented every time he caught us. Poor guy just had bad timing. I stuffed down the urge to ease Derek’s discomfort. There wasn’t anything I could really do. I wouldn’t hide my relationship with Cam because of him, but I hated that it bothered him still.

  “How did they get his head?” Cam asked plopping down on the couch. I took the spot next to Ty hoping to ease his aggravation with us. “It’s been three months. Surely it has to be a mistake.”

  Ty shook his head. “Laws in Hell work differently. According to the vampires, they believe he was killed recently, like the last twenty-four hours.”

  My mouth fell agape. “I guess my question is how did his head get out of Hell?” I wondered aloud. Having been unconscious when we left the underworld, I didn’t know the state of things when we departed. I’d been informed that a few demons had escaped. Nyx had dissolved when Cam’s and my combined power struck her. Derek explained it incinerated the moment she hit the wall. She claimed herself a goddess. Perhaps she was and that was why her body hadn’t been left behind.

  “That is the question of the hour.”

  “Who delivered it?” Cam questioned.

  Ty shook his head. “They said it was left on the stoop of The Red Room just before they opened. Whoever it was knew where the cameras were. While you two were…showering, I tapped into the security and traffic cameras around the club. They avoided every one.”

  “You did all that in five minutes?” I asked.

  Ty rolled his eyes. “I’ll try not to be insulted. This is the only image I caught.” He flipped his computer screen around. We all leaned in to examine the ph
antom figure that was draped in a dark cloak. He appeared masculine in build as he approached the building with a box in his hands, which were the only parts of him that were visible.

  “Looks like a man,” Derek whispered.

  “Demon,” Cam hissed.

  “How can you tell?” I asked examining the image closer. I agreed with Derek judging by the hands and build of the form, but I couldn’t tell if he was a demon. Vampires I had begun to recognize, even some shifters, but demons were an extensive group, each with different characteristics.

  “There’s nothing there,” he offered so I’d quit searching. “He’s a Thor demon.”


  “Of course,” Ty exclaimed flipping the computer around tapping on his keyboard. “They’re demons that can sense and control lightening.”

  “In modern times,” Cam began, “that also means electricity. It’s why he knew where the cameras were.”

  “So a demon went to Hell for the sole purpose of getting Asher’s head?” Derek asked skeptically. Even I thought it sounded unbelievable. “How would he even know where to find it? Everyone that knew it was there died.”

  “Or he came up from Hell with it already in his possession,” Cam stated. “I think it’s time I visited Chet.” Chet was a demon and one of Cam’s informants. If there was anything brewing in the demonic world, Chet was the guy to ask.

  “When?” Derek wondered.

  “I think the sooner the better,” Cam replied.

  With Cam off to speak to his informant, I headed up to my room to work. Even though money wasn’t something the horsemen were in need of, what with Tyler’s banking scheme, I hadn’t given up working. Allowing for more freedom, I changed positions. Cam thought I was ridiculous, but I felt odd using the money that Ty had scammed from people. It was a necessary evil, I knew, but for basic necessities I used my own money.


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